713 research outputs found

    Optimal design of turbines taking into consideration the mode of operation

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    The technique of turbines parameters optimization taking into consideration a variable mode of their operation has been developed. Block-hierarchical representation of design process is used. The hierarchy of local optimization problems is organized by a functional sign and realized in a common information space. The structure of optimization technique is shown, and also the analysis of the data streams uniting these problems in unified process of optimal design is resulted. By means of the developed technique optimal design of the 4-stage turbine expander with rated power 4 MW has been performed. Results of the design are presented and analyzed

    Search for double beta decay of 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce with HPGe gamma detector

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    Search for double β\beta decay of 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce was realized with 732 g of deeply purified cerium oxide sample measured over 1900 h with the help of an ultra-low background HPGe γ\gamma detector with a volume of 465 cm3^3 at the STELLA facility of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). New improved half-life limits on double beta processes in the cerium isotopes were set at the level of limT1/210171018\lim T_{1/2}\sim 10^{17}-10^{18}~yr; many of them are even two orders of magnitude larger than the best previous results.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; version accepted for publication on Nucl. Phys.

    New limits on 2ε2\varepsilon, εβ+\varepsilon\beta^+ and 2β+2\beta^+ decay of 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce with deeply purified cerium sample

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    A search for double electron capture (2ε2\varepsilon), electron capture with positron emission (εβ+\varepsilon\beta^+), and double positron emission 2β+2\beta^+) in 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce was realized with a 465 cm3^3 ultra-low background HP Ge γ\gamma spectrometer over 2299 h at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. A 627 g sample of cerium oxide deeply purified by liquid-liquid extraction method was used as a source of γ\gamma quanta expected in double β\beta decay of the cerium isotopes. New improved half-life limits were set on different modes and channels of double β\beta decay of 136^{136}Ce and 138^{138}Ce at the level of T1/2>10171018T_{1/2}>10^{17}-10^{18} yr.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Порівняльна оцінка антигенності аутогенної вакцини проти сальмоне-льозу телят в РА і РНГА

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    The results of the comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, general and special measures for the elimination of the infection center for the outbreak of Salmonella in calves in one of the large dairy farms in the Volyn region are presented. The use of classical diagnostic methods using modern environments and approaches made it possible to isolate and identify two types of Salmonella Typhimurium and S. dublin. Antibiotic therapy of calves for salmonellosis calves was carried out with labeled antibiotics in combination with medicinal products of symptomatic nature. Forced current and final disinfection of cages and whole calf, as well as wicker yards and cows were carried out with a 0.1% solution of the new disinfection preparation “Epydes”, created on the basis of derivatives of polyhexamethylenguanidine (PGMG), at a rate of 0.3 l/m2. For a specific prevention of salmonellosis, we designed our two series of autogenic vaccines from isolated strains of salmonella, the difference between which was the choice of adsorbent. The study of the tension of humoral immunity in cats and calves vaccinated against salmonellosis in agglutination and indirect hemagglutination reactions revealed high levels of antibodies to immunogens that were part of two experimental autopsy series of autogenic vaccines. In this case, the immune response to the antigens of the Tifimurium was higher than that of Dublin antigens. Titres of antibodies from cats and calves vaccinated with a vaccine in which the aerosol was used as an adsorbent were higher than those for a vaccine in which an aluminum hydroxide was used as an adsorbent. The reaction of indirect agglutination showed several times the higher sensitivity to detect salmonella antibodies than the agglutination reaction, which is the basis for recommending it as an immunological method of tension of humoral immunity for animal salmonellosis. The comprehensive approach to diagnosis of disease, modern approaches to the treatment of calves with salmonella, the destruction of the pathogen in the environment and the modern approach to the immunization of the infection, made it possible to improve the economy throughout the year from salmonella caused by two types of salmonella.У роботі наведено результати комплексного підходу до встановлення діагнозу, проведення загальних і спеціальних заходів із ліквідації вогнища інфекції за спалаху сальмонельозу в телят на одній із крупних молочнотоварних ферм Волинської області. Застосування класичних методів діагностики з використанням сучасних середовищ та підходів дало можливість виділити та ідентифікувати два види сальмонел – Salmonella typhimurium і S. dublin. Антибіотикотерапію хворих телят на сальмонельоз телят проводили підтитрованими антибіотиками в комплексі із лікарським засобами симптоматичного характеру. Вимушену поточну і заключну дезінфекцію кліток і всього телятника, а також вигульних двориків і корівників проводили 0,1% розчином нового дезінфекційного препарату “Епідез”, створеного на основі похідних полігексаметиленгуанідину (ПГМГ), з розрахунку 0,3 л/м2. Для специфічної профілактики сальмонельозу нами застосовано сконструйовані нами дві серії аутогенних вакцин із виділених штамів сальмонел, відмінність між якими полягала у виборі адсорбента. Вивченням напруженості гуморального імунітету у щеплених проти сальмонельозу корів і телят в реакціях аглютинації та непрямої гемаглютинації встановлено високі рівні антитіл до імуногенів, що входили до складу двох експериментально-дослідних серій аутогенних вакцин. При цьому імунна відповідь до антигенів Тифімуріум була вищою, ніж як до антигенів Дублін. Титри антитіл у корів і телят, щеплених вакциною, в якій як адсорбент використано аеросил, були вищими, ніж такі до вакцини, в якій як адсорбент використано гідроксид алюмінію. Реакція непрямої аглютинації показала в декілька разів вищу чутливість для виявлення сальмонельозних антитіл, ніж реакція аглютинації, що є підставою для рекомендування її як імунологічного методу напруженості гуморального імунітету за сальмонельозу тварин. Комплексний підхід до діагностики хвороби, сучасні підходи до терапії хворих на сальмонельоз телят, знищення збудника в об’єктах довкілля та сучасний підхід до імунопрофілактики інфекції дали змогу впродовж року оздоровити господарство від сальмонельозу, спричиненого двома видами сальмонел

    Coulomb Drag at the Onset of Anderson Insulators

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    It is shown that the Coulomb drag between two identical layers in the Anderson insulting state indicates a striking difference between the Mott and Efros-Shklovskii (ES) insulators. In the former, the trans-resistance ρt\rho_t is monotonically increasing with the localization length ξ\xi; in the latter, the presence of a Coulomb gap leads to an opposite result: ρt\rho_t is enhanced with a decreasing ξ\xi, with the same exponential factor as the single layer resistivity. This distinction reflects the relatively pronounced role of excited density fluctuations in the ES state, implied by the enhancement in the rate of hopping processes at low frequencies. The magnitude of drag is estimated for typical experimental parameters in the different cases. It is concluded that a measurement of drag can be used to distinguish between interacting and non-interacting insulating state.Comment: 15 pages, revte

    The half-life of 212^{212}Po

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    The half-life of 212^{212}Po was measured with the highest up-to-date accuracy as T1/2=295.1(4)T_{1/2}=295.1(4) ns by using thorium-loaded liquid scintillator.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 4 table

    Presence of inductivity in (CoFeZr)x(PZT)1-x nanocomposite produced by ion beam sputtering

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    This paper presents the investigations of the electrical properties of the (CoFeZr)x(PZT)1x nanocomposite with the metallic phase content x = 43:8 at.%, which was produced by ion beam sputtering. Such preparation took place under an argon atmosphere with low oxygen content with its partial pressure PO2 = 2 mPa. The measurements were performed using alternating current within the frequency range of 50 Hz – 0.1 MHz for measuring temperatures ranging from 238 K to 328 K. The (CoFeZr)43:8(PZT)56:2 nanocomposite sample subjected to a 15 min annealing process in air at the temperature Ta = 423 K demonstrates a phase angle of 90 in the frequency range 50 Hz – 0.1 MHz. It corresponds to the capacitive type of conduction. In the frequency range 10 – 100 kHz sharp minima in selected conductivity vs. frequency characteristics occur, which corresponds to a current resonance phenomenon in RLC circuits. In case of a sample annealed at Ta = 498 K the inductive type of conduction with +90 occurs in a high frequency area. At the frequency fr characterized by the phase angle = 0 , the capacity value reaches its local minimum. It indicates a voltage resonance phenomenon in conventional RLC circuits. The +90 crossing in the frequency dependence of phase angle corresponds to the current resonance phenomenon, which is represented by a strong local minimum in the conductivity vs. frequency characteristics