519 research outputs found

    94/Międzybłoniak opłucnej – diagnostyka i leczenie w materiale Centrum

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    Celem pracyjest prezentacja wyników leczenia chorych na międzybłoniaka opłucnej [MO] leczonych w latach 1965–2001 oraz ocena roli radioterapii w zapobieganiu niepowodzeniom miejscowym.Materiał i metodyW latach 1965–2001 w Centrum Onkologii w Krakowie leczono 75 chorych z powodu [MO]. Analizą objęto grupę 34 chorych leczonych od 1991 roku, u których postępowanie diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne było jednolite. U wszystkich chorych zastosowano leczenie operacyjne, które u 7 chorych miało charakter radykalny (pleuro-pericardio-diaphra-gmo-pneumonectomia). Pooperacyjna radioterapia zastosowana była u 23 chorych, z czego 14 chorych (61%) napromienianych było wiązką mieszaną fotonowo-elektronową. Zakres dawki podanej na teren jamy opłucnej wynosił od 45 do 55 Gy. W oszacowaniu odsetków przeżyć 1, 2 i 3-letnich zastosowano metodę Kaplana-Meiera. Wyniki uzyskane w grupie leczonej od 1991 roku porównano z wynikami leczenia grupy chorych leczonych w latach 1965–1990.Wyniki i wnioskiW analizowej grupie uzyskano nastęujące odsetki przeżyć: 1-rocznych 52.9%, 2-letnich 26.5%, 3-letnich 6.6%. Tolerancja leczenia była dobra. Stwierdzono, że wyniki te są lepsze w stosunku do grupy chorych leczonych do 1991 r. Różnice te dotyczą okresu 2 lat po zakończeniu leczenia. Zastosowanie u chorych na [MO] mieszanej wiązki fotonowoelektronowej pozwala na uzyskanie stosunkowo dobrych wyników leczenia przy dobrej tolerancji leczenia przez tych chorych

    Study on homogenization of synthetic GNSS-Retrieved IWV time series and its impact on trend estimates with autoregressive noise

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    Póster presentado en: EGU General Assembly celebrada del 23 al 28 de abril de 2017 en Viena, Austria.A synthetic benchmark dataset of Integrated Water Vapour (IWV) was created within the activity of “Data homogenisation” of sub-working group WG3 of COST ES1206 Action. The benchmark dataset was created basing on the analysis of IWV differences retrieved by Global Positioning System (GPS) International GNSS Service (IGS) stations using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecats (ECMWF) reanalysis data (ERA-Interim). Having analysed a set of 120 series of IWV differences (ERAI-GPS) derived for IGS stations, we delivered parameters of a number of gaps and breaks for every certain station. Moreover, we estimated values of trends, significant seasonalities and character of residuals when deterministic model was removed. We tested five different noise models and found that a combination of white and autoregressive processes of first order describes the stochastic part with a good accuracy. Basing on this analysis, we performed Monte Carlo simulations of 25 years long data with two different types of noise: white as well as combination of white and autoregressive processes. We also added few strictly defined offsets, creating three variants of synthetic dataset: easy, less complicated and fully complicated. The synthetic dataset we present was used as a benchmark to test various statistical tools in terms of homogenisation task. In this research, we assess the impact of the noise model, trend and gaps on the performance of statistical methods to detect simulated change points

    Performance of various homogenization tools on a synthetic benchmark dataset of GPS and ERA-interim IWV differences

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    Presentación realizada en: IAG-IASPEI 39th Joint Scientific Assembly celebrada en Kobe, Japón, del 30 de julio al 4 de agosto de 2017

    Efeito do tempo e temperatura na maciez e teores de colágeno de carne bovina processada pelo método Sous Vide.

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    Sous vide é um sistema de processamento em que o alimento embalado a vácuo é cozido por longos períodos de tempo em temperaturas mais baixas. O binômio tempo/temperatura pode influenciar na maciez da carne bovina, atributo considerado mais importante na aceitação do produto pelo consumidor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tempo e temperatura no processamento sous vide na maciez do corte bovino fraldinha (Obliquus abdominis internus). Neste experimento, foram testadas as combinações de três tempos (60 min, 90 min e 120 min) e três temperaturas (65ºC, 75ºC e 85ºC) para cocção da carne bovina pelo método sous vide. As amostras foram analisadas quanto a perda por cocção, força de cisalhamento, colágeno total, solúvel e insolúvel. Observou-se o aumento da perda por cocção enquanto que não foi observada diferença estatística (p>0,05) para força de cisalhamento da carne do corte fraldinha. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre as combinações de temperatura x tempo para as frações de colágeno. As combinações de tempo e temperatura estudadas não afetaram a maciez da carne do corte fraldinha, apesar de apresentar teores de colágeno total e solúvel diferentes entre os tratamentos

    Optimization of extraction conditions of volatile compounds of roasted beef by solid-phase microextraction.

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    Aroma is one of the most important sensory attributes for acceptance by beef consumers. The first step in analysing the volatile compounds associated with this attribute is their extraction from the food matrix, solid-phase microextraction has been widely used for volatile compound determination in meat. This study aimed to test six different solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fibre coating materials for their volatile compounds extraction efficiency for roasted beef and to optimize the extraction conditions using response surface methodology. Gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used. The choice of SPME fibre coating was based in the total area obtained by GC-FID analysis for the six fibre coatings. The optimum time and temperature for SPME extraction was 60 °C/65 minutes. The mixed-phase fibre coatings showed the best results for extracting volatile compounds in roasted beef as higher number of compounds were identified. The carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS) fibre extracted the largest number of compounds under the optimum extraction condition. Aldehydes were the predominant class of compounds found in roasted beef, followed by alcohols and hydrocarbons

    Homogenization of tropospheric data: evaluating the algorithms under the presence of autoregressive process

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    Presentación realizada en: IX Hotine-Marussi Symposium celebrado en Roma del 18 al 22 de junio de 2018.This research was supported by the Polish National Science Centre, grant No. UMO-2016/21/B/ST10/02353