16 research outputs found

    TENCEL with a Microbial Barrier for Medical Bras

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    The goal of the research was to determine the properties of the microbial barrier TENCELr knitted fabrics intended for medical bras. The samples were tested according to a new method developed in the earlier research by the same authors. The most resistant forms of microorganisms of a pathogenic bacterial endospore of the Bacilllus genus were used to investigate microbial barrier permeability. Based on the samples tested and their characteristics, medical bra construction was developed with the aim of reducing irritation for the body part that underwent surgery. The data on the forms and measures were obtained using a 3D body scanner

    Computational Design of Functional Clothing for Disabled People

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    The purpose of clothing is to express an individualā€™s style, and to meet the wearerā€™s protection, functionality and comfort needs. Each of these requirements must be met in order to satisfy human needs and achieve a garmentā€™s functionality. Another function of clothing is to hide physical disabilities, if possible. The sitting position is very common in daily life. All clothing should therefore be comfortable in this position, as well. This is particularly important for disabled people who are restricted to the sitting position for their entire life due to their disabilities. These are people who suffer from paraplegia, multiple sclerosis or some injuries, and who have limited mobility using wheelchairs. This paper presents research on improving clothing design, adjusted to the special needs and demands of an individual, through the application of new technologies. In that respect, taking measurements is very important, as is the virtual simulation of garment fitting as the result of cuts adapted to the sitting position

    Različiti modeli edukacije udomitelja i njihova uloga u osiguravanju kvalitetne skrbi za djecu u udomiteljskoj skrbi

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    Edukacija udomitelja djece čini temelj prevencije teÅ”koća u prilagodbi i funkcioniranju udomljenog djeteta i udomiteljske obitelji te čini osnovu za osiguranje uvjeta za kvalitetni razvoj djeteta u udomiteljskoj obitelji. Edukacija udomitelja je kompleksan proces pripreme i razvoja kompetencija potencijalnih te podrÅ”ke i osnaživanja kompetencija postojećih udomitelja za uspjeÅ”nije noÅ”enje s izazovima udomiteljstva i pružanje kvalitetne skrbi udomljenom djetetu. Cilj rada je ponuditi prikaz rezultata istraživanja o sadržaju, organizacijskim aspektima i ishodima različitih modela edukacije udomitelja te dati njihov sistematičan pregled. Temeljem analize različitih kriterija, u radu su predstavljene i klasifikacije postojećih modela edukacije udomitelja koje mogu poslužiti praktičarima i istraživačima za analizu prakse u ovom području. Zaključno, istaknute su smjernice za unapređenje sustava edukacije udomitelja djece u Hrvatskoj

    Različiti modeli edukacije udomitelja i njihova uloga u osiguravanju kvalitetne skrbi za djecu u udomiteljskoj skrbi

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    Edukacija udomitelja djece čini temelj prevencije teÅ”koća u prilagodbi i funkcioniranju udomljenog djeteta i udomiteljske obitelji te čini osnovu za osiguranje uvjeta za kvalitetni razvoj djeteta u udomiteljskoj obitelji. Edukacija udomitelja je kompleksan proces pripreme i razvoja kompetencija potencijalnih te podrÅ”ke i osnaživanja kompetencija postojećih udomitelja za uspjeÅ”nije noÅ”enje s izazovima udomiteljstva i pružanje kvalitetne skrbi udomljenom djetetu. Cilj rada je ponuditi prikaz rezultata istraživanja o sadržaju, organizacijskim aspektima i ishodima različitih modela edukacije udomitelja te dati njihov sistematičan pregled. Temeljem analize različitih kriterija, u radu su predstavljene i klasifikacije postojećih modela edukacije udomitelja koje mogu poslužiti praktičarima i istraživačima za analizu prakse u ovom području. Zaključno, istaknute su smjernice za unapređenje sustava edukacije udomitelja djece u Hrvatskoj

    Textile Formsā€™ Computer Simulation Techniques

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    Computer simulation techniques of textile forms already represent an important tool for textile and garment designers, since they offer numerous advantages, such as quick and simple introduction of changes while developing a model in comparison with conventional techniques. Therefore, the modeling and simulation of textile forms will always be an important issue and challenge for the researchers, since closeā€toā€reality models are essential for understanding the performance and behavior of textile materials. This chapter deals with computer simulation of different textile forms. In the introductory part, it reviews the development of complex modeling and simulation techniques related to different textile forms. The main part of the chapter focuses on study of the fabric and fused panel drape by using the finite element method and on development of some representative textile forms, above all, on functional and protective clothing for persons who are sitting during performing different activities. Computer simulation techniques and scanned 3D body models in a sitting posture are used for this purpose. Engineering approaches to textile formsā€™ design for particular purposes, presented in this chapter, show benefits and limitations of specific 3D body scanning and computer simulation techniques and outline the future research challenges

    The Effects of Parental Smoking on Anthropometric Parameters, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate and Physical Condition in School Children

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    Passive smoking in children is a considerable health problem, mainly arising from parental smoking. The objectives of the present cross-sectional study were to assess the impact of passive smoking on 1) anthropometric parameters; 2) peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR); and 3) physical condition in school children. The target population included 177 children attending elementary school 5th to 8th grade. Study subjects were divided into two groups according to parental smoking habits. Body weight and height were determined using a digital weighing scale and digital stadiometer; PEFR was measured between 8 AM and 10 AM using a Peak Flow Meter; and physical condition was assessed by the 6-minute run test. Sixty-six percent of study children were exposed to passive smoking. The children of smoking parents had higher BMI [18.79 (17.50-21.13) kg/m2] than children of nonsmoking parents [17.90 (16.00-20.00) kg/m2; P=0.036]. There was no statistically significant difference in body height and weight. The children of smoking parents had statistically lower values of PEFR [M(IQR)=84 (78-88)%, M(IQR)=94 (89-101)%, respectively; P<0.0001] and 6-minute run test than children of nonsmoking parents [M(IQR)=2(1-3), M(IQR)=4(3-5); respectively; P<0.0001]. The results of the present study showed that exposure of school children to passive smoking by their parents resulted in an increase of BMI, impairment of lung function, and impairment of physical condition, especially in children of both smoking parents

    The analysis of making a replica of the blouse of the Moslavina women\u27s folk costume

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    Moslavina ima bogatu i dugu tradiciju izrade tekstilnih rukotvorina od prerade sirovina do gotovih tekstilnih proizvoda. U radu je prikazana ženska narodna noÅ”nja jugozapadne Moslavine kao i proces izrade moslavačke noÅ”nje. Analiziran je uzorak veza, kako bi se dobili podaci potrebni za izradu vjerne replike uzornice replike bluze ženske moslavačke noÅ”nje s područja Ilove. Opisan je model bluze ženske moslavačke noÅ”nje te je načinjena konstrukcija kroja i modelirana prema originalnoj moslavačkoj noÅ”nji. Na temelju karakterističnih tehnoloÅ”kih operacija Å”ivanja dijelova bluze ženske moslavačke narodne noÅ”nje provedena je analiza karakterističnih tehnoloÅ”kih operacija Å”ivanja noÅ”nje.Moslavina has a rich and long tradition of making textile handicrafts from raw material processing to finished textile products. The paper presents women\u27s folk costumes of Southwest Moslavina as well as the process of making Moslavina costumes. The weave pattern was analyzed in order to obtain the data necessary for creating an authentic replica of the weave pattern of the replica of the blouse of the women\u27s folk costume from the Ilova area. A model of the blouse of the Moslavina womenā€™s folk costume is described. A pattern construction was made and modelled according to the original Moslavina folk costume. On the basis of characteristic technological operations of sewing parts of the blouse of the Moslavina womenā€™s folk costume an analysis of characteristic technological operations of sewing the folk costume was carried out

    The Effects of Parental Smoking on Anthropometric Parameters, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate and Physical Condition in School Children

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    Passive smoking in children is a considerable health problem, mainly arising from parental smoking. The objectives of the present cross-sectional study were to assess the impact of passive smoking on 1) anthropometric parameters; 2) peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR); and 3) physical condition in school children. The target population included 177 children attending elementary school 5th to 8th grade. Study subjects were divided into two groups according to parental smoking habits. Body weight and height were determined using a digital weighing scale and digital stadiometer; PEFR was measured between 8 AM and 10 AM using a Peak Flow Meter; and physical condition was assessed by the 6-minute run test. Sixty-six percent of study children were exposed to passive smoking. The children of smoking parents had higher BMI [18.79 (17.50-21.13) kg/m2] than children of nonsmoking parents [17.90 (16.00-20.00) kg/m2; P=0.036]. There was no statistically significant difference in body height and weight. The children of smoking parents had statistically lower values of PEFR [M(IQR)=84 (78-88)%, M(IQR)=94 (89-101)%, respectively; P<0.0001] and 6-minute run test than children of nonsmoking parents [M(IQR)=2(1-3), M(IQR)=4(3-5); respectively; P<0.0001]. The results of the present study showed that exposure of school children to passive smoking by their parents resulted in an increase of BMI, impairment of lung function, and impairment of physical condition, especially in children of both smoking parents