104 research outputs found

    On cosmological-type solutions in multi-dimensional model with Gauss-Bonnet term

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    A (n + 1)-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) model is considered. For diagonal cosmological-type metrics, the equations of motion are reduced to a set of Lagrange equations. The effective Lagrangian contains two "minisuperspace" metrics on R^n. The first one is the well-known 2-metric of pseudo-Euclidean signature and the second one is the Finslerian 4-metric that is proportional to n-dimensional Berwald-Moor 4-metric. When a "synchronous-like" time gauge is considered the equations of motion are reduced to an autonomous system of first-order differential equations. For the case of the "pure" Gauss-Bonnet model, two exact solutions with power-law and exponential dependence of scale factors (with respect to "synchronous-like" variable) are obtained. (In the cosmological case the power-law solution was considered earlier in papers of N. Deruelle, A. Toporensky, P. Tretyakov and S. Pavluchenko.) A generalization of the effective Lagrangian to the Lowelock case is conjectured. This hypothesis implies existence of exact solutions with power-law and exponential dependence of scale factors for the "pure" Lowelock model of m-th order.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, typos are eliminate

    OPERA superluminal neutrinos and Kinematics in Finsler spacetime

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    The OPERA collaboration recently reported that muon neutrinos could be superluminal. More recently, Cohen and Glashow pointed that such superluminal neutrinos would be suppressed since they lose their energies rapidly via bremsstrahlung. In this Letter, we propose that Finslerian nature of spacetime could account for the superluminal phenomena of particles. The Finsler spacetime permits the existence of superluminal behavior of particles while the casuality still holds. A new dispersion relation is obtained in a class of Finsler spacetime. It is shown that the superluminal speed is linearly dependent on the energy per unit mass of the particle. We find that such a superluminal speed formula is consistent with data of OPERA, MINOS and Fermilab-1979 neutrino experiments as well as observations on neutrinos from SN1987a.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Viewpoints of Finslerian special relativity on OPERA superluminal neutrino

    Relativity principles in 1+1 dimensions and differential aging reversal

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    We study the behavior of clocks in 1+1 spacetime assuming the relativity principle, the principle of constancy of the speed of light and the clock hypothesis. These requirements are satisfied by a class of Finslerian theories parametrized by a real coefficient β\beta, special relativity being recovered for β=0\beta=0. The effect of differential aging is studied for the different values of β\beta. Below the critical values ∣β∣=1/c|\beta| =1/c the differential aging has the usual direction - after a round trip the accelerated observer returns younger than the twin at rest in the inertial frame - while above the critical values the differential aging changes sign. The non-relativistic case is treated by introducing a formal analogy with thermodynamics.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Previous title "Parity violating terms in clocks' behavior and differential aging reversal". v2: shortened introduction, some sections removed, pointed out the relation with Finsler metrics. Submitted to Found. Phys. Let

    Classical Lagrangians for Momentum Dependent Lorentz Violation

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    Certain momentum-dependent terms in the fermion sector of the Lorentz-violating Standard Model Extension (SME) yield solvable classical lagrangians of a type not mentioned in the literature. These cases yield new relatively simple examples of Finsler and pseudo-Finsler structures. One of the cases involves antisymmetric dd-type terms and yields a new example of a relatively simple covariant lagrangian.Comment: 14 page

    Cooper pair cotunneling in single charge transistors with dissipative electromagnetic environment

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    We observed current-voltage characteristics of superconducting single charge transistors with on-chip resistors of R about R_Q = h/4e^2 = 6.45 kOhm, which are explained in terms of Cooper-pair cotunneling. Both the effective strength of Josephson coupling and the cotunneling current are modulated by the gate-induced charge on the transistor island. For increasing values of the resistance R we found the Cooper pair current at small transport voltages to be dramatically suppressed.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figure

    Ground-state characterization of Nb charge-phase Josephson qubits

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    We present investigations of Josephson charge-phase qubits inductively coupled to a radio-frequency driven tank-circuit enabling the readout of the states by measuring the Josephson inductance of the qubit. The circuits including junctions with linear dimensions of 60 nm and 80 nm are fabricated from Nb trilayer and allowing the determination of relevant sample parameters at liquid helium temperature. The observed partial suppression of the circulating supercurrent at 4.2 K is explained in the framework of a quantum statistical model. We have probed the ground-state properties of qubit structures with different ratios of the Josephson coupling to Coulomb charging energy at 20 mK, demonstrating both the magnetic control of phase and the electrostatic control of charge on the qubit island.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Geometrical Models of the Locally Anisotropic Space-Time

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    Along with the construction of non-Lorentz-invariant effective field theories, recent studies which are based on geometric models of Finsler space-time become more and more popular. In this respect, the Finslerian approach to the problem of Lorentz symmetry violation is characterized by the fact that the violation of Lorentz symmetry is not accompanied by a violation of relativistic symmetry. That means, in particular, that preservation of relativistic symmetry can be considered as a rigorous criterion of the viability for any non-Lorentz-invariant effective field theory. Although this paper has a review character, it contains (with few exceptions) only those results on Finsler extensions of relativity theory, that were obtained by the authors.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Russian journal Hypercompl. Numb. Geom. Phys; submit/0362894 (George Bogoslovsky

    Rf-induced transport of Cooper pairs in superconducting single electron transistors in a dissipative environment

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    We investigate low-temperature and low-voltage-bias charge transport in a superconducting Al single electron transistor in a dissipating environment, realized as on-chip high-ohmic Cr microstrips. In our samples with relatively large charging energy values Ec > EJ, where EJ is the energy of the Josephson coupling, two transport mechanisms were found to be dominating, both based on discrete tunneling of individual Cooper pairs: Depending on the gate voltage Vg, either sequential tunneling of pairs via the transistor island (in the open state of the transistor around the points Qg = CgVg = e mod(2e), where Cg is the gate capacitance) or their cotunneling through the transistor (for Qg away of these points) was found to prevail in the net current. As the open states of our transistors had been found to be unstable with respect to quasiparticle poisoning, high-frequency gate cycling (at f ~ 1 MHz) was applied to study the sequential tunneling mechanism. A simple model based on the master equation was found to be in a good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Deforming the Maxwell-Sim Algebra

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    The Maxwell alegbra is a non-central extension of the Poincar\'e algebra, in which the momentum generators no longer commute, but satisfy [Pμ,Pν]=Zμν[P_\mu,P_\nu]=Z_{\mu\nu}. The charges ZμνZ_{\mu\nu} commute with the momenta, and transform tensorially under the action of the angular momentum generators. If one constructs an action for a massive particle, invariant under these symmetries, one finds that it satisfies the equations of motion of a charged particle interacting with a constant electromagnetic field via the Lorentz force. In this paper, we explore the analogous constructions where one starts instead with the ISim subalgebra of Poincar\'e, this being the symmetry algebra of Very Special Relativity. It admits an analogous non-central extension, and we find that a particle action invariant under this Maxwell-Sim algebra again describes a particle subject to the ordinary Lorentz force. One can also deform the ISim algebra to DISimb_b, where bb is a non-trivial dimensionless parameter. We find that the motion described by an action invariant under the corresponding Maxwell-DISim algebra is that of a particle interacting via a Finslerian modification of the Lorentz force.Comment: Appendix on Lifshitz and Schrodinger algebras adde

    Design and Status of the Dipole Spectrometer Magnet for the ALICE Experiment

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    Proposal of abstract for MT16, Tallahesse, Florida, 26th September to 2nd October 1999.A large Dipole Magnet is required for the Muon Arm Spectrometer of the ALICE experiment at the LHC.The absence of strong requirements on the symmetry and homogeneity of the magnetic field has lead to a design dominated by economic and feasibility considerations.In March 1997 the decision was taken to build a resistive dipole magnet for the muon spectrometer of the ALICE experiment. Since then, design work has been pursued in JINR/Russia and at CERN. While a common concept has been adopted for the construction of the steel core, two different proposals have been made for the manufacturing technology of the excitation coils. In both cases, however, the conductor material will be Aluminium.The general concept of the dipole magnet is based on a window frame return yoke, fabricated from low carbon steel sheets. The flat vertical poles follow the defined acceptance angle of 9 degrees. The excitation coils are of saddle type. The coils are wound from large hollow Aluminium profiles. They are cooled by pressurized demineralised water. The coil ends are located to both sides of the magnet yoke and determine the overall length of the magnet. The main flux direction in the gap is horizontal and perpendicular to the LHC beam axis.Both coil concepts and the underlying manufacturing technology are compared and the present status of the development of the magnet is described
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