33 research outputs found

    Anopheles gambiae PGRPLC-Mediated Defense against Bacteria Modulates Infections with Malaria Parasites

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    Recognition of peptidoglycan (PGN) is paramount for insect antibacterial defenses. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the transmembrane PGN Recognition Protein LC (PGRP-LC) is a receptor of the Imd signaling pathway that is activated after infection with bacteria, mainly Gram-negative (Gram−). Here we demonstrate that bacterial infections of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae are sensed by the orthologous PGRPLC protein which then activates a signaling pathway that involves the Rel/NF-κB transcription factor REL2. PGRPLC signaling leads to transcriptional induction of antimicrobial peptides at early stages of hemolymph infections with the Gram-positive (Gram+) bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, but a different signaling pathway might be used in infections with the Gram− bacterium Escherichia coli. The size of mosquito symbiotic bacteria populations and their dramatic proliferation after a bloodmeal, as well as intestinal bacterial infections, are also controlled by PGRPLC signaling. We show that this defense response modulates mosquito infection intensities with malaria parasites, both the rodent model parasite, Plasmodium berghei, and field isolates of the human parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. We propose that the tripartite interaction between mosquito microbial communities, PGRPLC-mediated antibacterial defense and infections with Plasmodium can be exploited in future interventions aiming to control malaria transmission. Molecular analysis and structural modeling provided mechanistic insights for the function of PGRPLC. Alternative splicing of PGRPLC transcripts produces three main isoforms, of which PGRPLC3 appears to have a key role in the resistance to bacteria and modulation of Plasmodium infections. Structural modeling indicates that PGRPLC3 is capable of binding monomeric PGN muropeptides but unable to initiate dimerization with other isoforms. A dual role of this isoform is hypothesized: it sequesters monomeric PGN dampening weak signals and locks other PGRPLC isoforms in binary immunostimulatory complexes further enhancing strong signals

    AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

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    : High throughput screening (HTS) is routinely used to identify bioactive small molecules. This requires physical compounds, which limits coverage of accessible chemical space. Computational approaches combined with vast on-demand chemical libraries can access far greater chemical space, provided that the predictive accuracy is sufficient to identify useful molecules. Through the largest and most diverse virtual HTS campaign reported to date, comprising 318 individual projects, we demonstrate that our AtomNet® convolutional neural network successfully finds novel hits across every major therapeutic area and protein class. We address historical limitations of computational screening by demonstrating success for target proteins without known binders, high-quality X-ray crystal structures, or manual cherry-picking of compounds. We show that the molecules selected by the AtomNet® model are novel drug-like scaffolds rather than minor modifications to known bioactive compounds. Our empirical results suggest that computational methods can substantially replace HTS as the first step of small-molecule drug discovery

    Structure of apo-phosphatidylinositol transfer protein α provides insight into membrane association

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    Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein α (PITPα) is a ubiquitous and highly conserved protein in multicellular eukaryotes that catalyzes the exchange of phospholipids between membranes in vitro and participates in cellular phospholipid metabolism, signal transduction and vesicular trafficking in vivo. Here we report the three-dimensional crystal structure of a phospholipid-free mouse PITPα at 2.0 Å resolution. The structure reveals an open conformation characterized by a channel running through the protein. The channel is created by opening the phospholipid-binding cavity on one side by displacement of the C-terminal region and a hydrophobic lipid exchange loop, and on the other side by flattening of the central β-sheet. The relaxed conformation is stabilized at the proposed membrane association site by hydrophobic interactions with a crystallographically related molecule, creating an intimate dimer. The observed open conformer is consistent with a membrane-bound state of PITP and suggests a mechanism for membrane anchoring and the presentation of phosphatidylinositol to kinases and phospholipases after its extraction from the membrane. Coordinates have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (accession No. 1KCM)

    A troponin switch that regulates muscle contraction by stretch instead of calcium

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    The flight muscles of many insects have a form of regulation enabling them to contract at high frequencies. The muscles are activated by periodic stretches at low Ca(2+) levels. The same muscles also give isometric contractions in response to higher Ca(2+). We show that the two activities are controlled by different isoforms of TnC (F1 and F2) within single myofibrils. F1 binds one Ca(2+) with high affinity in the C-terminal domain and F2 binds one Ca(2+) in the C-terminal domain and one exchangeable Ca(2+) in the N-terminal domain. We have characterised the isoforms and determined their effect on the development of stretch-activated and Ca(2+)-activated tension by replacing endogenous TnC in Lethocerus flight muscle fibres with recombinant isoforms. Fibres with F1 gave stretch-activated tension and minimal isometric tension; those with F2 gave Ca(2+)-dependent isometric tension and minimal stretch-activated tension. Regulation by a TnC responding to stretch rather than Ca(2+) is unprecedented and has resulted in the ability of insect flight muscle to perform oscillatory work at low Ca(2+) concentrations, a property to which a large number of flying insects owe their evolutionary success

    Troponin C in different insect muscle types: identification of two isoforms in Lethocerus, Drosophila and Anopheles that are specific to asynchronous flight muscle in the adult insect.

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    The indirect flight muscles (IFMs) of Lethocerus (giant water bug) and Drosophila (fruitfly) are asynchronous: oscillatory contractions are produced by periodic stretches in the presence of a Ca(2+) concentration that does not fully activate the muscle. The troponin complex on thin filaments regulates contraction in striated muscle. The complex in IFM has subunits that are specific to this muscle type, and stretch activation may act through troponin. Lethocerus and Drosophila have an unusual isoform of the Ca(2+)-binding subunit of troponin, troponin C (TnC), with a single Ca(2+)-binding site near the C-terminus (domain IV); this isoform is only in IFMs, together with a minor isoform with an additional Ca(2+)-binding site in the N-terminal region (domain II). Lethocerus has another TnC isoform in leg muscle which also has two Ca(2+)-binding sites. Ca(2+) binds more strongly to domain IV than to domain II in two-site isoforms. There are four isoforms in Drosophila and Anopheles (malarial mosquito), three of which are also in adult Lethocerus. A larval isoform has not been identified in Lethocerus. Different TnC isoforms are expressed in the embryonic, larval, pupal and adult stages of Drosophila; the expression of the two IFM isoforms is increased in the pupal stage. Immunoelectron microscopy shows the distribution of the major IFM isoform with one Ca(2+)-binding site is uniform along Lethocerus thin filaments. We suggest that initial activation of IFM is by Ca(2+) binding to troponin with the two-site TnC, and full activation is through the action of stretch on the complex with the one-site isoform

    The Structure of Lethocerus Troponin C: Insights into the Mechanism of Stretch Activation in Muscles

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    SummaryTo gain a molecular description of how muscles can be activated by mechanical stretch, we have solved the structure of the calcium-loaded F1 isoform of troponin C (TnC) from Lethocerus and characterized its interactions with troponin I (TnI). We show that the presence of only one calcium cation in the fourth EF hand motif is sufficient to induce an open conformation in the C-terminal lobe of F1 TnC, in contrast with what is observed in vertebrate muscle. This lobe interacts in a calcium-independent way both with the N terminus of TnI and, with lower affinity, with a region of TnI equivalent to the switch and inhibitory peptides of vertebrate muscles. Using both synthetic peptides and recombinant proteins, we show that the N lobe of F1 TnC is not engaged in interactions with TnI, excluding a regulatory role of this domain. These findings provide insights into mechanically stimulated muscle contraction

    Functional mode analysis of the Cα RMSD of active site residues.

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    <p>(A/B) Scatter plots of the data versus the model using the cross-validation sets only. (C/D) The functional mode representing the kinase C- and N-lobe twisting motion for the WT and mutant proteins, respectively. Red: activation loop; yellow: catalytic loop; orange: P-loop; brown: hinge; magenta: adenine pocket; blue: affinity pocket (hydrophobic region I); black: specificity pocket.</p

    ATP increases the affinity between MutS ATPase domains: Implications for ATP hydrolysis and conformational changes

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    MutS is the key protein of the Escherichia coli DNA mismatch repair system. It recognizes mispaired and unpaired bases and has intrinsic ATPase activity. ATP binding after mismatch recognition by MutS serves as a switch that enables MutL binding and the subsequent initiation of mismatch repair. However, the mechanism of this switch is poorly understood. We have investigated the effects of ATP binding on the MutS structure. Crystallographic studies of ATP-soaked crystals of MutS show a trapped intermediate, with ATP in the nucleotide-binding site. Local rearrangements of several residues around the nucleotide-binding site suggest a movement of the two ATPase domains of the MutS dimer toward each other. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments confirm such a rearrangement, showing increased affinity between the ATPase domains upon ATP binding and decreased affinity in the presence of ADP. Mutations of specific residues in the nucleotide-binding domain reduce the dimer affinity of the ATPase domains. In addition, ATP-induced release of DNA is strongly reduced in these mutants, suggesting that the two activities are coupled. Hence, it seems plausible that modulation of the affinity between ATPase domains is the driving force for conformational changes in the MutS dimer. These changes are driven by distinct amino acids in the nucleotide-binding site and form the basis for long-range interactions between the ATPase domains and DNA-binding domains and subsequent binding of MutL and initiation of mismatch repair

    Tripolin A, a Novel Small-Molecule Inhibitor of Aurora A Kinase, Reveals New Regulation of HURP’s Distribution on Microtubules

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    Mitotic regulators exhibiting gain of function in tumor cells are considered useful cancer therapeutic targets for the development of small-molecule inhibitors. The human Aurora kinases are a family of such targets. In this study, from a panel of 105 potential small-molecule inhibitors, two compounds Tripolin A and Tripolin B, inhibited Aurora A kinase activity in vitro. In human cells however, only Tripolin A acted as an Aurora A inhibitor. We combined in vitro, in vivo single cell and in silico studies to demonstrate the biological action of Tripolin A, a non-ATP competitive inhibitor. Tripolin A reduced the localization of pAurora A on spindle microtubules (MTs), affected centrosome integrity, spindle formation and length, as well as MT dynamics in interphase, consistent with Aurora A inhibition by RNAi or other specific inhibitors, such as MLN8054 or MLN8237. Interestingly, Tripolin A affected the gradient distribution towards the chromosomes, but not the MT binding of HURP (Hepatoma Up-Regulated Protein), a MT-associated protein (MAP) and substrate of the Aurora A kinase. Therefore Tripolin A reveals a new way of regulating mitotic MT stabilizers through Aurora A phosphorylation. Tripolin A is predicted to bind Aurora A similarly but not identical to MLN8054, therefore it could be used to dissect pathways orchestrated by Aurora kinases as well as a scaffold for further inhibitor development. © 2013 Kesisova et al