9 research outputs found


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    In the article is marked, that educational activity is most valuably carried out in developing studies during realization of the problem going near studies. Basic knowledges and abilities of future teacher of the mother tongue are selected at application of problem method of studies


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    The effects of resonance and no-resonance of the low-intensify EMW frequency regimes were examined in Vistar rats,males. The microscopic structures and histochemical changes in thyroid, thymus,adrenals,ovaries,and other organs were studied. Our researchers evidenced, that the resonance EMW frequency regime slightly stimulates cell mitotic activity and exchange of substances in organ’s parenchyma and micro-circulation in connective tissue stroma. Treatment the course of no-resonance frequency EMW regime deteriorates the ratio between parenchyma and mesenchyme components correlation is detected in organ

    Фертигация томата в открытом грунте

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    Obtaining high and stable yields of tomato with good consumer qualities in the open field has now become problematic due to the fact that hybrids and varieties of tomato of an intensive type place high demands on the presence of moisture and nutrients in the root-soil layer. The required level of soil moisture in combination with the introduction of calculated doses of mineral fertilizers during the growing season provides for obtaining the planned yields of vegetables, including tomato. The most important resource for the further development of agriculture in the Russian Federation is irrigated land. Volgograd region is one of the largest irrigated agricultural regions in Russia. Growing of almost all vegetables in the region is conducted on irrigated lands. The use of only one irrigation without the use of fertilizers will not have a positive impact on the growth, development and productivity of plants. Fertigation is the most effective and economical way of delivering nutrients to the plant root system and allows to get a higher yields than other methods of fertilizer application. In fertigation systems, the control of optimal concentrations of fertilizers is easily achieved, their ratio and these parameters can be controlled automatically. The purpose of this work was to study the comparative efficiency of ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate and a combination of calcium nitrate and ammonium chloride for tomato fertigation in combination with non-root dressings of complex water-soluble fertilizers containing macroand microelements in open feild on irrigated lighchestnut soil of dry steppe zone of chestnut soils in the Volgograd region. As a result, analysis of the use of mineral fertilizers for tomato fertigation in light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region was carried out. The positive effect of foliar dressing with microelements in the proposed dosages has been proven.Современные сорта и гибриды возделываемые в открытом грунте очень требовательны к наличию влаги и питательных веществ в почве. Исследовано применение фергетации для повышения устойчивости томатов на орошаемых землях. Изучена сравнительная эффективность использования аммиачной селитры, кальциевой селитры (нитрата кальция) и комбинации кальциевой селитры и хлорида аммония для фертигации томата в сочетании с некорневыми подкормками комплексными водорастворимыми удобрениями, содержащими макрои микроэлементы, в открытом грунте на орошаемой светло-каштановой почве сухостепной зоны каштановых почв Волгоградской области. Проведен анализ использования минеральных удобрений для фертигации томата в условиях светло-каштановых почв Волгоградской области. Доказано положительное влияние листовых подкормок микроэлементами в предложенных дозировках

    Диагностические критерии мезенхимальных нарушений при крипторхизме у детей (RUS)

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    n this report was observed theory mesenchymal deficiency, as one of cause beginning of cryptorchidism. 70 children ranging in age from 2 to 13 were examined. The results of clinico-biochemical and morphological investigation gave an opportunity to consider the anomality of development of testicule as the result of the plastically processes pathology in structure of mesenchimal disorders in cryptorchidism

    Differentiated approach to surgical treatment of patients with rigid posttraumatic deformities of thoracic and lumbar spine

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    The aim: to investigate the outcomes of surgical treatment of patients with rigid posttraumatic deformities in thoracic and lumbar spine on the basis of the comparative analysis of different approaches to the planning of operative intervention management. Material and Methods. A comparative analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 138 patients (main group) with old injuries of thoracic and lumbar spine was carried out with the help of the proposed surgery managing algorithm and 86 patients (comparison group) — without taking the given algorithm into account. The choice of surgery managing in the main group of patients was based on the study of the spinal deformity degree, pain syndrome intensity and life quality indices of patients before and after surgery. Results. In the main group in 122 (88,4%) patients after the surgery spinal deformity correction exceeding 80% was achieved, pain syndrome regressed in accordance with the visual analog scale up to 3 points and less, life quality indices improved up to the level of 0-25%. Conclusion. The application of the proposed algorithm approach enables surgeons to get persistent positive outcomes in the majority of cases.</p