2 research outputs found

    Szeg\H{o}-type asymptotics for ray sequences of Frobenius-Pad\'e approximants

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    Let σ^\widehat\sigma be a Cauchy transform of a possibly complex-valued Borel measure σ\sigma and {pn}\{p_n\} be a system of orthonormal polynomials with respect to a measure μ\mu, supp(μ)supp(σ)=\mathrm{supp}(\mu)\cap\mathrm{supp}(\sigma)=\varnothing. An (m,n)(m,n)-th Frobenius-Pad\'e approximant to σ^\widehat\sigma is a rational function P/QP/Q, deg(P)m\mathrm{deg}(P)\leq m, deg(Q)n\mathrm{deg}(Q)\leq n, such that the first m+n+1m+n+1 Fourier coefficients of the linear form Qσ^PQ\widehat\sigma-P vanish when the form is developed into a series with respect to the polynomials pnp_n. We investigate the convergence of the Frobenius-Pad\'e approximants to σ^\widehat\sigma along ray sequences nn+m+1c>0\frac n{n+m+1}\to c>0, n1mn-1\leq m, when μ\mu and σ\sigma are supported on intervals on the real line and their Radon-Nikodym derivatives with respect to the arcsine distribution of the respective interval are holomorphic functions

    Convergence of ray sequences of Frobenius-Padé approximants

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    Let σ^\widehat\sigma be a Cauchy transform of a possibly complex-valued Borel measure σ\sigma and {pn}\{p_n\} a system of orthonormal polynomials with respect to a measure μ\mu, where supp(μ)supp(σ)=\operatorname{supp}(\mu)\cap\operatorname{supp}(\sigma)=\varnothing. An (m,n)(m,n)th Frobenius-Padé approximant to σ^\widehat\sigma is a rational function P/QP/Q, deg(P)m{\deg(P)\leq m}, deg(Q)n\deg(Q)\leq n, such that the first m+n+1m+n+1 Fourier coefficients of the remainder function Qσ^PQ\widehat\sigma-P vanish when the form is developed into a series with respect to the polynomials pnp_n. We investigate the convergence of the Frobenius-Padé approximants to σ^\widehat\sigma along ray sequences n/(n+m+1)c>0{n/(n+m+1)\to c>0}, n1mn-1\leq m, when μ\mu and σ\sigma are supported on intervals of the real line and their Radon-Nikodym derivatives with respect to the arcsine distribution of the corresponding interval are holomorphic functions