19 research outputs found

    Koncepti sreće i blagostanja u socijalnim i bihejvioralnim naukama

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    The aim of the paper is scientific analysis of terms and concepts of subjective wellbeing, happiness and quality of life and their significance for social and behavioral sciences, through the application of analysis and synthesis of empirical and theoretical findings as general methods used in work. In addition, the paper analyzes empirically validated correlates and outcomes of subjective well-being, as well as two theoretical postulates that define the preconditions of well-being - the theory of satisfying needs and the theory of hedonism. The importance of concepts of wellbeing for behavioral sciences can be seen in the benefits of happiness at the individual and wider social level. Gains at the individual level are reflected in the results of numerous studies that show happiness (satisfaction with life, positive feelings and low levels of negative feelings) and success in different living domains in a positive correlation, including health, partnership and social relationships, income, work performance, and prosocial behavior. Through the concluding observations of individual studies that high levels of one's people's subjective wellbeing can lead to a more stable and productive society as a whole, the wider profit of the system from work on improving the subjective well-being of one nation is reflected.Cilj rada jeste naučna analiza pojmova i koncepcija subjektivnog blagostanja, sreće i kvaliteta života i njihov značaj za socijalne i bihejvioralne nauke, kroz primenu analize i sinteze empirijskih i teorijskih nalaza kao opÅ”tih metoda koriŔćenih u radu. Pored toga, u radu su analizirani empirijski nalazi o subjektivnom blagostanju, kao i dva teorijska postulata koji definiÅ”u preduslove blagostanja - teorija zadovoljenja potreba i teorija hedonizma. Važnost pojmova blagostanja za bihejvioralne nauke se može ogledati u dobitima sreće na individualnom i Å”ire druÅ”tvenom nivou. Dobiti na individualnom nivou se ogledaju kroz rezultate brojnih studija koje pokazuju da su sreća (zadovoljstvo životom, pozitivna osećanja i nizak nivo negativnih osećanja) i uspeh u različitim životnim domenima u pozitivnoj korelaciji, uključujući zdravlje, partnerske i socijalne odnose, prihode, radni učinak i prosocijalno ponaÅ”anje. Kroz zaključna razmatranja pojedinih studija da visoki nivoi subjektivnog blagostanja jednog naroda mogu voditi ka stabilnijem i produktivnijem druÅ”tvu u celosti, ogleda se Å”ira dobit sistema od rada na unapređenju subjektivnog blagostanja jednog naroda

    Lean production and efficiency of modular architecture in sustainable enterprise development

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    The significance of Lean production and modular architecture in sustainable enterprise development is presented in this paper. The implementation of Lean production in realization of modular design enables a development of an appropriate production programme in which design costs are lower and reduction of waste during processing is becoming an imperative. On the example of intelligent transmitters production it was shown that modular architecture enables the production of independent entities, realizes modules according to precisely defined technical documentation and makes possible easy servicing, improvements and fixing. The implementation of Lean concept algorithm in a repeated use of materials in a sustainable enterprise development is presented as well

    Significance of quality of life assessment in children from vulnerable social groups

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    Osnovni ciljevi ovog rada su analiza pojma i koncepta kvaliteta života, analiza instrumenta za procenu kvaliteta života dece ā€“ KIDSCREEN, koji predstavlja jedan od Å”iroko koriŔćenih instrumenata u oblasti procene kva- liteta života dece i ukazivanje na značaj procene kvaliteta života kod dece iz osetljivih druÅ”tvenih grupa. Multidimezionalni koncept kvaliteta života sadrži brojne dimenzije, dok su tri komponente glavne: subjektivna, egzistencijalna i objektivna. Instrument KIDSCREEN može predstavljati dobar način za procenu stanja dečije percepcije značajnih životnih domena, u okviru kojih se može zaključivati na kojim oblastima je potrebno prioritet- no raditi radi unapređenja opÅ”teg kvaliteta života deteta. U skladu sa identifikacijom potreba dece u okviru procene kvaliteta života dece, mogu se koncipirati praktične smernice politika druÅ”tvenog reagovanja.The main goals of this paper are the analysis of the concept and conception of quality of life, the analysis of the instrument for assessing the quality of life of children - KIDSCREEN, which is one of the widely used instruments in the field of assessment of the quality of life of children and pointing to the importance of assessing the quality of life in children from vulnerable social groups. The multidimensional concept of quality of life contains numerous dimensions, while the three components are the main: subjective, existential and objective. The KIDSCREEN instrument can represent a good way to evaluate the state of child perception of important life domains, within which one can determine which areas should be prioritized in order to improve the overall quality of life of the child. In accordance with the identification of the children needs within the assessment of childrenā€™s life quality, practical guidelines for social reactive policies can be conceptualized

    Koncepti sreće i blagostanja u socijalnim i bihejvioralnim naukama

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    The aim of the paper is scientific analysis of terms and concepts of subjective wellbeing, happiness and quality of life and their significance for social and behavioral sciences, through the application of analysis and synthesis of empirical and theoretical findings as general methods used in work. In addition, the paper analyzes empirically validated correlates and outcomes of subjective well-being, as well as two theoretical postulates that define the preconditions of well-being - the theory of satisfying needs and the theory of hedonism. The importance of concepts of wellbeing for behavioral sciences can be seen in the benefits of happiness at the individual and wider social level. Gains at the individual level are reflected in the results of numerous studies that show happiness (satisfaction with life, positive feelings and low levels of negative feelings) and success in different living domains in a positive correlation, including health, partnership and social relationships, income, work performance, and prosocial behavior. Through the concluding observations of individual studies that high levels of one's people's subjective wellbeing can lead to a more stable and productive society as a whole, the wider profit of the system from work on improving the subjective well-being of one nation is reflected.Cilj rada jeste naučna analiza pojmova i koncepcija subjektivnog blagostanja, sreće i kvaliteta života i njihov značaj za socijalne i bihejvioralne nauke, kroz primenu analize i sinteze empirijskih i teorijskih nalaza kao opÅ”tih metoda koriŔćenih u radu. Pored toga, u radu su analizirani empirijski nalazi o subjektivnom blagostanju, kao i dva teorijska postulata koji definiÅ”u preduslove blagostanja - teorija zadovoljenja potreba i teorija hedonizma. Važnost pojmova blagostanja za bihejvioralne nauke se može ogledati u dobitima sreće na individualnom i Å”ire druÅ”tvenom nivou. Dobiti na individualnom nivou se ogledaju kroz rezultate brojnih studija koje pokazuju da su sreća (zadovoljstvo životom, pozitivna osećanja i nizak nivo negativnih osećanja) i uspeh u različitim životnim domenima u pozitivnoj korelaciji, uključujući zdravlje, partnerske i socijalne odnose, prihode, radni učinak i prosocijalno ponaÅ”anje. Kroz zaključna razmatranja pojedinih studija da visoki nivoi subjektivnog blagostanja jednog naroda mogu voditi ka stabilnijem i produktivnijem druÅ”tvu u celosti, ogleda se Å”ira dobit sistema od rada na unapređenju subjektivnog blagostanja jednog naroda

    Korporativna druŔtvena odgovornost kao faktor globalne konkurentnosti

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    In contemporary business, issues such as environmental protection, taking care of employees and their job satisfaction, ethical principles, supporting endangered groups, caring about young people, caring about the society and the like, are serious challenges that a company has to deal with, no matter which industry it belongs to. One of the most important principles of contemporary business is an organisation based on responsibility. An organisation has to take full responsibility for its actions in the environment in which it operates. Contemporary business puts responsibility on the level of each individual as well. Global market leaders have accepted the application of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with a view to satisfying customers' and other stakeholders' demands. What is seen as a prerequisite for a successful realisation of CSR concepts in a company is a genuine wish for its application by the management, management's readiness to understand the basic postulates of this concept, good communication (both internal and external), promotion of examples of good practice in the company and outside of it, motivating employees for a more active role in realising good business practices. In this paper, the authors have presented the results of a survey about young people's attitudes towards corporate social responsibility.U savremenom poslovanju, pitanja poput zaÅ”tita životne sredine, briga o zaposlenima i njihovom zadovoljstvu radom u preduzeću, etičkim principima, podrÅ”ka ugroženim grupama, briga o mladima, briga o druÅ”tvu i sl., predstavljaju ozbiljne izazove sa kojim se susreću preduzeća, bez obzira na privrednu granu kojoj pripadaju. Organizacija zasnovana na odgovornosti predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih principa savremenog poslovanja. Organizacija mora da preuzme punu odgovornost za svoje delovanje u okruženju. Savremeno poslovanje odgovornost stavlja i na nivo svakog pojedinca. Globalni tržiÅ”ni lideri su prihvatili primenu koncepta korporativne druÅ”tvene odgovornosti (CSR) u cilju zadovoljenja zahteva potroÅ”ača i drugih stejkholdera. Kao preduslovi za uspeÅ”nu realizaciju koncepta CSR u preduzeću mogu se uočiti istinska želja rukovodstva za njegovu primenu, spremnost rukovodstva da shvati i razume osnovne postulate ovog koncepta, dobra komunikacija (interna i eksterna), promovisanje primera dobre prakse u samom preduzeću i van njega, motivisanje zaposlenih za aktivniju ulogu u realizaciji dobre poslovne prakse. U radu je dat prikaz rezultate istraživanja o stavovima mladih prema korporativnoj druÅ”tvenoj odgovornosti

    Corporate social responsibility as a factor of global competitiveness

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    In contemporary business, issues such as environmental protection, taking care of employees and their job satisfaction, ethical principles, supporting endangered groups, caring about young people, caring about the society and the like, are serious challenges that a company has to deal with, no matter which industry it belongs to. One of the most important principles of contemporary business is an organisation based on responsibility. An organisation has to take full responsibility for its actions in the environment in which it operates. Contemporary business puts responsibility on the level of each individual as well. Global market leaders have accepted the application of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with a view to satisfying customers' and other stakeholders' demands. What is seen as a prerequisite for a successful realisation of CSR concepts in a company is a genuine wish for its application by the management, management's readiness to understand the basic postulates of this concept, good communication (both internal and external), promotion of examples of good practice in the company and outside of it, motivating employees for a more active role in realising good business practices. In this paper, the authors have presented the results of a survey about young people's attitudes towards corporate social responsibility

    Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0: synergies for business excellence and competitiveness

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    This paper explores the synergistic relationship between Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0, and their combined impact on enhancing business excellence and competitiveness in the modern era. Society 5.0, a concept originating in Japan, represents a vision for a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems through a system integrated with digital technology. Quality 5.0, a contemporary evolution in quality management, extends beyond operational excellence to include customer-centricity, sustainability, and the innovative use of emerging technologies. Through a comprehensive literature review this paper examines how integration of Quality 5.0 practices within the framework of Society 5.0 can lead to transformative business models that not only prioritize efficiency and profitability but also emphasize ethical standards, sustainability, and social well-being. It discusses the role of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics in facilitating this integration. The paper aims to develop a theoretical model for improving competitiveness of domestic enterprises, and it provides a basis for future research.Ovaj rad istražuje sinergijski odnos između DruÅ”tva 5.0 i Kvaliteta 5.0 i njihov kombinovani uticaj na unapređenje poslovne izvrsnosti i konkurentnosti. DruÅ”tvo 5.0, koncept koji potiče iz Japana, predstavlja viziju druÅ”tva usredsređenog na čoveka koje balansira ekonomski napredak sa reÅ”avanjem druÅ”tvenih problema kroz sistem integrisan sa digitalnom tehnologijom. Kvalitet 5.0, savremena evolucija u upravljanju kvalitetom, proteže se dalje od operativne izvrsnosti i uključuje usredsređenost na kupca, održivost i inovativnu upotrebu tehnologija u nastajanju. Kroz sveobuhvatan pregled literature ovaj rad ispituje kako integracija prakse Kvaliteta 5.0 u okviru DruÅ”tva 5.0 može dovesti do transformativnih poslovnih modela koji ne samo da prioritet stavljaju efikasnost i profitabilnost, već i naglaÅ”avaju etičke standarde, održivost i druÅ”tveno blagostanje. U njemu se govori o ulozi naprednih tehnologija kao Å”to su veÅ”tačka inteligencija (AI), Internet stvari (IoT) i analitika velikih podataka u olakÅ”avanju ove integracije. Rad ima za cilj da razvije teorijski model za unapređenje konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća i daje osnovu za buduća istraživanja

    Jugoslovenski nastup na konferenciji o evropskoj bezbednosti i saradnji u Helsinkiju 1973-1975.

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    During the Conference in Helsinki from July 1973 to August 1975, Yugoslavia, together with a group of European non-aligned and neutral countries, to a large extent contributed to freeing this conference from the antagonistic frame of block confrontations and to approaching the solution of key international problems through democratic dialogue of the participants. Yugoslav government gave great importance to the outcome of the Conference on European Security and Cooperation, because they believed that this meeting could potentially play a very important role, both within the reaffirmation of the basic premise of the policy of non-alignment, as well as the efforts to strengthen the European component of the Yugoslav foreign policy. During the meeting in Helsinki, Yugoslavia showed a special interest regarding the solution of one of the key issues on the agenda of the Conference ā€“ the questions of inviolability of borders. Namely, at this time there was a new Yugoslav-Italian dispute over the demarcation line between the two countries in the area of Trieste, established by the London Memorandum in 1954. On the other hand, in Helsinki Yugoslavia provided a favorable outcome of the debate on the necessity of linking the questions of European security with the security of the Mediterranean. This issue was due to Yugoslav initiative, included in the agenda of the Conference as a separate topic review. Given the important role of Yugoslavia at the Conference on European Security and Cooperation, the participants of this meeting agreed with the proposal that the next conference should be held in Belgrade by the middle of 1977

    Jugoslovensko-američke nesuglasice oko koncepta novog međunarodnog ekonomskog poretka

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    The article analyses the dispute between the Yugoslavia and the United States concerning the differences in answer to the growing economical problems in the first half of the 1970-ties. This political dispute was enhanced since the different strategies to overcome the gap between the industrial and non-developed countries were promoted. Being the part of the Non-aligned movement, Yugoslavia made its standpoint as promoter of the radical transformation in the actual international economical relations. This Yugoslav attitude led to the direct collision with the political views of the United States. The Washington officials accused the Yugoslav political leadership for not having the senses for its vital interests. After the period of dispute, a rapprochement came, between the Belgrade and Washington

    Doprinos konferencije u Lusaki 1970. institucionalizaciji saradnje nesvrstanih zemalja i njihovom reaktiviranju u međunarodnim odnosima

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    During the 70-ies of the last century, non-aligned countries were undertaking initiatives for the formation of a wide movement. This movement was needed to provide conditions for their continuous and coordinated joint actions in international relations. The turning point in this context was the summit in Lusaka (capital of Zambia). There, for the first time, an agreement was finally reached on the measures that would result in the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement and that would contribute to strengthening the role of non-aligned countries in the United Nations and in the wider sphere of international relations. The countries that participated in the conference in Lusaka agreed that the Non-Aligned Movement must not assume the characteristics of a ā€žthird blockā€œ. It was supposed to represent a broad and open organization, devoid of any new centers of power and hierarchical organization. Hence, they rejected the suggestions of a group of non-aligned countries to form and solidify the Permanent Secretariat body, in which a decisive role would be played by the host country and a narrower group of the politically most exposed countries. After the conference in Lusaka came a period which was often referred to as the ā€žgolden ageā€œ of non-alignment. This name seems appropriate, because this was a time of a sudden branching of institutional mechanisms of cooperation of Non-Aligned Countries and their increasingly widespread and powerful joint participation in international relations