55 research outputs found

    Aortic valve and aortic arch pathology after coarctation repair

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the incidence of clinical problems related to a bicuspid valve (aortic stenosis and regurgitation) and the incidence of ascending aorta and aortic arch pathology in combination with coarctation repair. PATIENTS: 124 adult patients after surgical correction of aortic coarctation were studied. The incidence of aortic valve, ascending aorta, and aortic arch pathology was determined using echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging. The median age at coarctation repair was 9 years and at last follow up 28 years. RESULTS: Three patients died from aorta pathology. Aortic valve disease was found in 63% of the patients, requiring an intervention in 22%, at a median of 13 years after coarctation repair. Ascending aorta dilatation was observed in 28% and aortic arch abnormalities in 23%, among whom kinking of the aortic arch was found in 12%. Antihypertensive medication was used in 24%. In the patients with hypertension the age at operation and age at follow up were significantly higher (p = 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSION: In addition to the well known problems of hypertension and recoarctation, aortic valve and aortic arch pathology are commonly encountered in patients with previous coarctation repair. Aortic abnormalities may predispose to dilatation and dissection, thus necessitating careful lifelong attention in all patients with coarctation

    In Vitro Recovery of Sufentanil, Midazolam, Propofol, and Methylprednisolone in Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Bypass Systems

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    Objectives: To evaluate in vitro drug recovery in cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) systems used for pediatric cardiac surgery. Design: Observational in vitro study. Setting: Single-center university hospital. Participants: In vitro CPB systems used for pediatric cardiac surgery. Interventions: Three full neonatal, infant, and pediatric CPB systems were primed according to hospital protocol and kept running for 6 hours. Midazolam, propofol, sufentanil, and methylprednisolone were added to the venous side of the systems in doses commonly used for induction of general anesthesia. Blood samples were taken from the postoxygenator side of the circuit immediately after injection of the drugs and after 2, 5, 7, 10, 30, 60, 180, and 300 minutes. Measurements and Main Results: Linear mixed model analyses were performed to assess the relationship between log-transformed drug concentration (dependent variable) and type of CPB system and sample time point (independent variables). The mean percentage of drug recovery after 60 and 180 minutes compared with T1 was 41.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] 35.9-47.4) and 23.0% (95% CI 9.2-36.8) for sufentanil, 87.3% (95% CI 64.9-109.7) and 82.0% (95% CI 64.6-99.4) for midazolam, 41.3% (95% CI 15.5-67.2) and 25.0% (95% CI 4.7-45.3) for propofol, and 119.3% (95% CI 101.89-136.78) and 162.0% (95% CI 114.09-209.91) for methylprednisolone, respectively. Conclusions: The present in vitro experiment with neonatal, infant, and pediatric CPB systems shows a variable recovery of routinely used drugs with significant differences between drugs, but not between system categories (with the exception of propofol). The decreased recovery of mainly sufentanil and propofol could lead to suboptimal dosing of patients during cardiac surgery with CPB

    Recovery of cefazolin and clindamycin in in vitro pediatric CPB systems

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    Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is often necessary for congenital cardiac surgery, but CPB can alter drug pharmacokinetic parameters resulting in underdosing. Inadequate plasma levels of antibiotics could lead to postoperative infections with increased morbidity. The influence of pediatric CPB systems on cefazolin and clindamycin plasma levels is not kn

    Impact of Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy on Chronic Kidney Disease: A Longitudinal Multicenter Study

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    Background: Many patients undergoing durable left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD). Therefore, we investigated the effect of LVAD support on CKD. Methods: A retrospective multicenter cohort study, including all patients undergoing LVAD (HeartMate II (n = 330), HeartMate 3 (n = 22) and HeartWare (n = 48) implantation. In total, 227 (56.8%) patients were implanted as bridge-to-transplantation; 154 (38.5%) as destination therapy; and 19 (4.7%) as bridge-to-decision. Serum creatinine measurements were collected over a 2-year follow-up period. Patients were stratified based on CKD stage. Results: Overall, 400 patients (mean age 53 ± 14 years, 75% male) were included: 186 (46.5%) patients had CKD stage 1 or 2; 93 (23.3%) had CKD stage 3a; 82 (20.5%) had CKD stage 3b; and 39 (9.8%) had CKD stage 4 or 5 prior to LVAD implantation. During a median follow-up of 179 days (IQR 28–627), 32,629 creatinine measurements were available. Improvement of kidney function was noticed in every preoperative CKD-stage group. Following this improvement, estimated glomerular filtration rates regressed to baseline values for all CKD stages. Patients showing early renal function improvement were younger and in worse preoperative condition. Moreover, survival rates were higher in patients showing early improvement (69% vs 56%, log-rank P = 0.013). Conclusions: Renal function following LVAD implantation is characterized by improvement, steady state and subsequent deterioration. Patients who showed early renal function improvement were in worse preoperative condition, however, and had higher survival rates at 2 years of follow-up

    Trade, traffic and management of botanical resources in agriculture: review lecture presented at the international symposium on sustainable use of plant biodiversity to promote new opportunities for horticultural production development

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    The maintenance of biological diversity is of importance for various reasons (genetic resources, ecosystem resilience, source of income, cultural heritage). The international trade in plants from wild source may have negative consequences for biodiversity (habitat alteration, introduction of invasive alien species, demise of wild populations). National and international legislation, among which the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora are of worldwide validity, was developed to protect wild species and their environment and to regulate access and trade. A number of cases show that it must be possible to use botanical resources in horticultural trade in a sustainable wa

    De rol van de internationale handel in wilde planten bij het beheer van botanische diversiteit ten behoeve van de tuinbouw

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    Het behoud van biologische diversiteit is om verschillende redenen van groot belang: aanwezigheid van genetische bronnen, veerkracht van ecosystemen, bron van inkomsten, cultureel erfgoed enz. De internationale handel in uit het wild afkomstige planten kan negatieve gevolgen hebben voor het behoud van biodiversiteit (verandering van habitats, introductie van "vreemde" soorten ["exoten"] die de oorspronkelijk aanwezige soorten verdringen, verdwijnen van wilde populaties). Nationale en internationale wetgeving is ontwikkeld teneinde wilde soorten en hun omgeving te beschermen en toegang en handel te reguleren; daarbij zijn vooral de Conventie aangaande Biologische Diversiteit (CBD) en de Conventie betreffende de internationale handel in bedreigde dier- en plantensoorten (CITES) van wereldwijde betekenis. Een aantal voorbeelden maakt duidelijk dat het veelal heel goed mogelijk is botanische bronnen op een duurzame wijze te gebruiken voor de tuinbou
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