22 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the current state of aquatic ecosystems and the problems of the protection of biological resources during development of kruzenshternskoye gcf

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    The results of studies of the current state of freshwater ecosystems and their biotic components in the western part of the Yamal Peninsula are presented in the article. Based on the evaluation of the structure of communities of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, and whitefishes, the range of problems related to the protection of biological resources during the development of the Kruzenshternskoye gas field is defined. The data on species composition and quantitative indicators of hydrobionts of different types of waterbodies and watercourses in the lower reaches of the Mordyyakha and Naduyyakha Rivers basins is the basis for environmental monitoring of water objects during development and exploitation of the Kruzenshternskoye gas field. Estimation of the fish fauna state and their food base in the territory of the Kruzenshternskoye GCF according to the monitoring program is present. The river delta zones are the most important feeding areas of the salmonid and whitefishes valuable fish species in the territory of Kruzenshternskoye GCF. In cases where water bodies and watercourses are not completely demolished for the construction of GCF facilities, changes of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of communities of hydrobionts after the end of operations are reversible. River ecosystems are restored within a shorter period of time in comparison to lacustrine ones. Proposals for the protection of fisheries resources and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems on the basis of comprehensive studies are reported. Recommendations on reducing the anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems in the development period are present. The results of the investigation were used in the development of the environmental protection part of the Kruzenshternskoye deposit project. Anthropogenic disturbances present now on the gas deposit territory of Kruzenshternskoye does not influence the aquatic ecosystems.The article have been prepared within the Project of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 12-P-47-2013 and "The Arctic" Project of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 12-4-3-012

    Gene rearrangement and Chernobyl related thyroid cancers

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    The increase in thyroid carcinoma post-Chernobyl has been largely confined to a specific subtype of papillary carcinoma (solid/follicular). This subtype is observed predominantly in children under 10 in unirradiated populations, but maintains a high frequency in those aged 10–15 from those areas exposed to fallout from the Chernobyl accident. The aim of this study was to link morphology with molecular biology. We examined 106 papillary carcinomas from children under the age of 15 at operation. All were examined for rearrangements of the RET oncogene by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR); a subset of these cases were also examined for mutations of the three ras oncogenes, exon 10 of the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor, associated more usually with a follicular rather than papillary morphology, and exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the p53 gene, commonly involved in undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma. Rearrangements of the RET oncogene were found in 44% of papillary carcinomas in which we studied fresh material; none of the tumours examined showed mutation in any of the other genes. The two rearrangements resulting from inversion of part of chromosome 10 (PTC1 and PTC3) accounted for the majority of RET rearrangements identified, with PTC1 being associated with papillary carcinomas of the classic and diffuse sclerosing variants and PTC3 with the solid/follicular variant. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Genome-wide gene expression profiling suggests distinct radiation susceptibilities in sporadic and post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid cancers

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    Papillary thyroid cancers (PTCs) incidence dramatically increased in the vicinity of Chernobyl. The cancer-initiating role of radiation elsewhere is debated. Therefore, we searched for a signature distinguishing radio-induced from sporadic cancers. Using microarrays, we compared the expression profiles of PTCs from the Chernobyl Tissue Bank (CTB, n=12) and from French patients with no history of exposure to ionising radiations (n=14). We also compared the transcriptional responses of human lymphocytes to the presumed aetiological agents initiating these tumours, γ-radiation and H2O2. On a global scale, the transcriptomes of CTB and French tumours are indistinguishable, and the transcriptional responses to γ-radiation and H2O2 are similar. On a finer scale, a 118 genes signature discriminated the γ-radiation and H2O2 responses. This signature could be used to classify the tumours as CTB or French with an error of 15–27%. Similar results were obtained with an independent signature of 13 genes involved in homologous recombination. Although sporadic and radio-induced PTCs represent the same disease, they are distinguishable with molecular signatures reflecting specific responses to γ-radiation and H2O2. These signatures in PTCs could reflect the susceptibility profiles of the patients, suggesting the feasibility of a radiation susceptibility test

    Absence of a specific radiation signature in post-Chernobyl thyroid cancers

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    Thyroid cancers have been the main medical consequence of the Chernobyl accident. On the basis of their pathological features and of the fact that a large proportion of them demonstrate RET-PTC translocations, these cancers are considered as similar to classical sporadic papillary carcinomas, although molecular alterations differ between both tumours. We analysed gene expression in post-Chernobyl cancers, sporadic papillary carcinomas and compared to autonomous adenomas used as controls. Unsupervised clustering of these data did not distinguish between the cancers, but separates both cancers from adenomas. No gene signature separating sporadic from post-Chernobyl PTC (chPTC) could be found using supervised and unsupervised classification methods although such a signature is demonstrated for cancers and adenomas. Furthermore, we demonstrate that pooled RNA from sporadic and chPTC are as strongly correlated as two independent sporadic PTC pools, one from Europe, one from the US involving patients not exposed to Chernobyl radiations. This result relies on cDNA and Affymetrix microarrays. Thus, platform-specific artifacts are controlled for. Our findings suggest the absence of a radiation fingerprint in the chPTC and support the concept that post-Chernobyl cancer data, for which the cancer-causing event and its date are known, are a unique source of information to study naturally occurring papillary carcinomas

    Chloroplast genomes: diversity, evolution, and applications in genetic engineering

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    Histopathological features of papillary thyroid carcinomas detected during four screening examinations of a Ukrainian-American cohort

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    BACKGROUND: There are limited data on the histopathology of papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) diagnosed in irradiated populations. We evaluated the associations between iodine-131 dose and the histopathological characteristics of post-Chernobyl PTCs, the changes in these characteristics over time, and their associations with selected somatic mutations. METHODS: This study included 115 PTCs diagnosed in a Ukrainian-American cohort (n=13 243) during prescreening and four successive thyroid screenings. Of these PTCs, 65 were subjected to somatic mutation profiling. All individuals were <18 years at the time of the Chernobyl accident and had direct thyroid radioactivity measurements. Statistical analyses included multivariate linear and logistic regression. RESULTS: We identified a borderline significant linear-quadratic association (P=0.063) between iodine-131 dose and overall tumour invasiveness (presence of extrathyroidal extension, lymphatic/vascular invasion, and regional or distant metastases). Irrespective of dose, tumours with chromosomal rearrangements were more likely to have lymphatic/vascular invasion than tumours without chromosomal rearrangements (P=0.020) or tumours with BRAF or RAS point mutations (P=0.008). Controlling for age, there were significant time trends in decreasing tumour size (P<0.001), the extent of lymphatic/vascular invasion (P=0.005), and overall invasiveness (P=0.026). CONCLUSIONS: We determined that the invasive properties of PTCs that develop in iodine-131-exposed children may be associated with radiation dose. In addition, based on a subset of cases, tumours with chromosomal rearrangements appear to have a more invasive phenotype. The increase in small, less invasive PTCs over time is a consequence of repeated screening examinations


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    Live-fibroblast IR imaging of a cytoprotective PhotoCORM Activated with Visible Light

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    Carbon monoxide releasing molecules (CORMs) are an emerging class of pharmaceutical compounds currently evaluated in several preclinical disease models. There is general consensus that the therapeutic effects elicited by the molecules may be directly ascribed to the biological function of the released CO. It remains unclear, however, if cellular internalization of CORMs is a critical event in their therapeutic action. To address the problem of cellular delivery, we have devised a general strategy which entails conjugation of a CO-releasing molecule (here a photoactivated CORM) to the 5'-OH ribose group of vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin (B12) functions as the biocompatible water-soluble scaffold which actively transports the CORM against a concentration gradient into the cells. The uptake and cellular distribution of this B12-photoCORM conjugate is demonstrated via synchrotron FTIR spectromicroscopy measurements on living cells. Intracellular photoinduced CO release prevents fibroblasts from dying under conditions of hypoxia and metabolic depletion, conditions that may occur in vivo during insufficient blood supply to oxygen-sensitive tissues such as the heart or brain