11 research outputs found

    Experimental and artificial neural network approach for forecasting of traffic air pollution in urban areas: The case of subotica

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    In the recent years, artificial neural networks have been used to predict the concentrations of various gaseous pollutants in ambient air, mainly to forecast mean daily particle concentrations. The data on traffic air pollution, irrespective of whether they are obtained by measuring or modeling, represent an important starting point for planning effective measures to improve air quality in urban areas. The aim of this study was to develop a mathematical model for predicting daily concentrations of air pollution caused by the traffic in urban areas. For the model development, experimental data have been collected for 10 months, covering all four seasons. The data about hourly concentration levels of suspended particles with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 Ī¼m (PM10) and meteorological data (temperature, air humidity, speed and direction of wind), measured at the measuring station in the town of Subotica from June 2008 to March 2009, served as the basis for developing an artificial neural networks based model for forecasting mean daily concentrations of PM10

    Preliminary identification on key indicators for air quality risk assessment from landfill

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    Landfilling is still the most widely used form of waste disposal although it is associated with a number of environmental issues primarily related to unregulated and partially controlled landfills that are numerous in Serbia. Landfill gas, mostly composed of methane, represents a high risk for human health and environment. This paper gives preliminary identification of criteria for quantification of methane risk impact on air in the immediate vicinity of landfills in Serbia. Four types of criteria were defined. Those criteria consist of sub-criteria that must be considered when considering the potential risks to the environment and human health

    Environmental awareness among the children in Novi Sad city

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    Education on environmental protection must be realized throughout the entire education period, from pre-school age, in order to create a model of responsible behavior towards the environment. In order to assess the environmental awareness among children, a survey was conducted among children aged 6 to 12, who attend preschool and elementary schools at the territory of Novi Sad. The purpose of the work is to show wheather the children are aware of the problems of environmental and nature disorders and pollution, with which they most often associate the term "environment"

    Hazardous waste managmet : pesticide container management problem and solutions

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    Use of pesticide increased every year, which in turn increase the quantity of pesticide containers. Pesticide containers, if are not managed properly, pose a risk for environment and health. In developed countries, system for pesticide container management are developed, and environmental impact of pesticide containers is reduced. However, developing and less developed countries are still struggling to develop system for pesticide container management. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current container system management in Serbia and identify the barriers and obstacles for development of sustainable pesticide container management


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    In this paper, the distribution of nitrogen dioxide originating from vehicles from a busy street in Novi Sad, located near residential buildings and kindergartens, was performed. Based on the calculated level of nitrogen dioxide emissions from the vehicle, as well as the most frequent meteorological conditions, simulation of nitrogen dioxide propagation was carried out using ADMS urban software. Considering that the street is a part of the bridge whose elevation is gradually increasing, this research reveals permanently and intense exposure of certain parts of the residential buildings. The results presented in this paper can serve as a useful basis for taking measures to reduce the impact of traffic on air quality and human health through urban planning particulary of vulnerable facilities.U radu je izvrÅ”ena simulacija rasprostiranja azot-dioksida poreklom iz vozila sa prometne saobraćajnice u Novom Sadu koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini stambenih zgrada i vrtića. Na osnovu proračunatog stepena emisije azot-dioksida iz vozila, kao i najučestalijih meteoroloÅ”kih uslova izvrÅ”ena je simulacija rasprostiranja azot-dioksida upotrebom softverskog paketa ADMS urban. S obzirom na to da je predmetni segment saobraćajnice deo mosta čija se elevacija postepeno povećava uutvrđeno je da je izloženost pojedinih delova stambenih zgrada konstatntna i intezivna. Rezultati prikazani u ovom radu mogu poslužiti kao polzna osnova za preduzimanje konkretnim mera u cilju smanjanja uticaja saobraćaja na kvalitet vazduha i zdravlje ljudi, kroz urbano planiranje naročito vulnerabilnih objekata. Abstract in Serbian (9pt, 0,5Ā cm, special first line 0,5 cm, justified)


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    Since 2002, Provincial Secretariat for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development is conducting environmental monitoring within the scope of its authority. Monitoring, among the rest, include ambient air quality control in industrial centers and smaller towns, where the possibility of air pollution exists. In the period of 2002-2008., monitoring of ambient air was conducted in 38 cites distributed in 24 settlements. This monitoring comprised 45% of total population of Vojvodina.Besides sistematic control, indicative measurments were conducted. The goal of indicative measurments was to identify pollution in some areas. During 2008, sistem of automatic stations for ambient air quality was established. Sistem has 7 stations located in Subotica, Sombor, Zrenjanin (traffic stations), Kikinda and Novi Sad (industrial stations), Obedska bara and Deliblatska pescara (natural stations)

    Modelling landfill methane distribution into the ambient air: Case study of Novi Sad

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    Waste disposal is a common practice in Serbia. Landfills are largely unregulated and most commonly, waste is disposed without pre-selection so it represents an uncontrolled methane source of emission. Methane is a greenhouse gas which is estimated to have 20 times higher potential for global warming than carbon dioxide. In this paper, based on the available data on the level of emissions from the landfill, the modeling of methane dispersion after emission was performed for the periods of the dominant meteorological conditions whereby the quantification and characterization of the methane behaviour and its dispersion into the ambient air was carried out. Analysis of the modelled methane concentrations showed that maximum concentration of 7478.9 Ī¼g/m3 was reached at the distance of 466.6 m from the landfill itself, with no significant influence on the nearest settlements

    Analysis of concentration levels of particulate matter (PM10, total suspended particulates and black smoke) in the city of Zrenjanin

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    Air quality monitoring on the territory of AP Vojvodina was initiated in mid 90s. During the last decade of the 20th century the development of the air quality monitoring in Serbia didnā€™t keep up with the pace of the other countries in the region due to political isolation and severe economic crisis. Monitoring of the particular pollutants was conducted unsystematically and sporadically. Data presented in this paper were obtained on the territory of the city of Zrenjanin, which represents typical agglomeration in the region in regard to its geographical location, population, level of industry development and the presence of natural gas as energy product in the remote and domestic heating system of residential objects. Available data on the concentration levels of PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 Ī¼m), TSP (total suspended particulates) and BS (black smoke) during the period of 2005-2007 (three cold and three warm seasons) have been used in this work in order to carry out analysis and comparison of the daily concentration levels of PM10, TSP and BS and their seasonal variation

    Health risk assessment of toxic elements in sedimentable dust from landfills

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    Four monitoring campaigns of sedimentable dust were provided from two large non-sanitary landfills (Zrenjanin and Novi Sad) in Serbia during 2021. Particle size analysis by laser diffraction and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry were carried out in order to obtain the particle size distribution (PSD) and the toxic elements (TEs) concentrations. The health risk assessment of the landfill employees was performed according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency methods based on TEs concentrations. The PSD results demonstrated that the majority of sedimentable dust samples mass were not concentrated neither within PM2.5 neither within PM10 fraction. Analysis revealed high concentration of TEs at both landfills: an extremely high concentrations of Cr and Zn in samples from Zrenjanin landfill was detected. Health risk potential of elements was as follows for both landfills: Cr > Co > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cu. According to the results, maximal hazard index for landfill employees in Zrenjanin (0.197) and Novi Sad (0.113) showed that non-cancer risk was very low. For both landfill sites, cancer risk was highest for Cr (2.75Ɨ10-5 for Zrenjanin and 2.02Ɨ10-7 for Novi Sad), though still within the defined threshold for tolerable cancer risk


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    The beginning of the new millennium provokes governments and researchers to recognize the importance and the effect that Particulate Matter (PM) has on the whole environment. PM has been marked as one of the key ambient air pollutants, due to its high sorption ability. World Health Organization indicated PM present in ambient air as pollutant with adverse, acute and hazard effect on human health and built environment. The city of Novi Sad, Serbia is rapidly expanding, redefining architectural, urban and environmental matrices. Architectural spatial transformations - construction sites need to be considered as temporal unique pollution hot spots. Trend of active construction sites increasing number in Novi Sad affects the ambient air quality. Goal of the research is to emphasize PM pollution problem on the construction sites in Novi Sad and to illustrate and display the trends in mitigation measures application during 4-year period (2019-2022).Početak novog milenijuma naveo je vlade i istraživače da prepoznaju važnost i efekat koji suspendovane čestice (eng. Particulate Matter -PM) imaju na celokupono okruženje. Suspendovane čestice su označene kao jedan od ključnih zagađujućih supstanci ambijentalnog vazduha usled sopcionih sposobnosti. Svetska zdravstvena organizacija je indikovala da PM čestice prisutne u ambijentalnom vazduhu mogu imati Å”tetan, akutan i hazardan efekat na ljudsko zdravlje i izgrađeno okruženje. Grad Novi Sad se ubrzano razvija, redefiniÅ”ući arhitektonske, urbane i matrice životne sredine. Arhitektonske prostorne transformacije ā€“ gradiliÅ”ta moraju se posmatrati kao specifične vremenski ograničene tačke zagađenja vazduha. Trend povećanja broja gradiliÅ”ta u Novom Sadu utiče na kvalitet ambijentalnog ambijentalnog vazduha. Cilj istraživanje je da naglasi problem emisije suspendovanih čestica sa gradiliÅ”ta u Novom Sadu i da prikaže trend primene mitigacionih mera tokom četvorogodiÅ”njeg perioda (2019-2022)