139 research outputs found

    Implementation of European Educational Programs in Context of Kazakhstan’s Policy in Field of Higher Education (1995-2018)

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    The issues of academic mobility and internationalization of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered through participation in educational programs of the European Union TEMPUS and ERASMUS+. The main stages of the implementation of European programs are identified, which correspond to the main principles and directions of the policy of Kazakhstan in the field of higher education. Particular attention is paid to Kazakhstan joining “the Bologna Club”. It is emphasized that the TEMPUS program contributed to the integration of the Higher Education system of Kazakhstan into the European Higher Education Area and the country's accession to the Bologna process. The fact that European programs contributed to the implementation of the basic parameters of the Bologna process aimed at internationalization is positively assessed. The data on the involvement of Kazakhstani universities in the educational programs of the European Union, aimed at increasing the international mobility of students and deepening research in the field of European integration, are analyzed. The problems that hinder the development of internationalization and the active participation in European programs are also touched upon. It is shown that Kazakhstan is the only country in Central Asia that is part of the European Higher Education Area and has a national strategy for the internationalization of all universities

    Features of statistical methods application in rating construction

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    The article is devoted to solving the problem of rating construction methodology, including issues of comparability in dynamics and inconsistency. The study analyzes approaches to the procedures for aggregating private components of the rating. Attention is focused on the shortcomings of ratings used in international and domestic practice as integral meters, among which are the incompleteness of information on the private components of ratings, an unacceptably high level of error in the development of ratings as integral meters and the lack of evaluation of their quality. The approach to rating construction on the basis of average weighted sum of ranks is offered. The ratio of the sum of the squares of the rank paired coefficients of the private rating to the total sum of the squares of the rank coefficients for all private ratings (the matrix of squares of rank correlations) is used as weights. The approach proposed by the authors, in contrast to the existing methodological approaches, makes it possible to build a rating in the absence of information about private components. The novelty of the study results lies in the method of estimating weights of private ratings as basic components of the rating. The article presents the results of construction a rating of the regions of the Central Federal District in Russia for achieving national goals in 2021 based on private ratings, which confirmed the adequacy of the proposed approach. The article may be of interest to a wide range of researchers in the field of statistics and regional economics

    The Pan-European Reform of the Asylum System: Towards a new Dublin Regulation

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    The analysis of the problems that have arisen during the development of the new version of the Dublin Regulation, which should create a more equitable distribution of refugees within the EU, is carried out.Проводится анализ проблем, возникших при разработке новой версии Дублинского регламента, который должен создать более справедливую систему размещения беженцев в границах ЕС

    Условия труда и значения среднегодовых эффективных доз дефектоскопистов в Российской Федерации и за рубежом

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    The review presents description of the work and the main provisions on the working conditions for nondestructive testing operators from the standpoint of the system for ensuring radiation safety and radiation control. The values of the average annual effective doses of flaw detectorists in the Russian Federation and abroad are indicated. Official sources of information on doses in the Russian Federation and in the world, obtained from the results of individual dosimetric monitoring, were selected for presentation. The data of our own measurements were not included in this review. The difference in the name of the specialty of the studied group of personnel in Russian and English and the difference in the processing of primary measuring information in domestic and foreign sources of information are taken into account. The relevance of the need to resolve the issues of radiation safety and radiation monitoring of personnel involved in nondestructive testing is demonstrated, due to the fact that in the Russian Federation there are regulatory and methodological documents affecting the organization and conduct of individual dosimetric monitoring of personnel in the medical field and the nuclear industry, but they do not include personnel conducting nondestructive testing. Therefore, individual dosimetric control for nondestructive testing operators is carried out by accredited laboratories in accordance with the provisions of Methodical guidelines“Organization and management of individual dosimetry of medical staff”, i.e. without taking into account the exposure scenarios for personnel involved in nondestructive testing and the specifics of it work. The doses estimated in this way are included in the regional and federal databanks of personnel exposure doses. When entering dose values into data banks, there is no division of personnel into the personnel performing nondestructive testing in stationary and nonstationary conditions, therefore, the doses of personnel performing various types of nondestructive testing are averaged.Представлен обзор, включающий описание работы и основные положения об условиях труда дефектоскопистов с позиций системы обеспечения радиационной безопасности и радиационного контроля. Указаны значения среднегодовых эффективных доз дефектоскопистов в Российской Федерации и за рубежом. Для представления были выбраны официальные источники информации о дозах в Российской Федерации и в мире, полученные по результатам индивидуального дозиметрического контроля. Данные собственных измерений в данный обзор включены не были. Учтено различие в наименовании специальности исследуемой группы персонала на русском и английском языках и различие в обработке первичной измерительной информации в отечественных и зарубежных источниках информации. Демонстрируется актуальность необходимости разрешения вопросов радиационной безопасности и радиационного контроля персонала, занимающегося дефектоскопией, в связи с тем, что в Российской Федерации существуют нормативно-методические документы, затрагивающие организацию и проведение индивидуального дозиметрического контроля персонала медицинской сферы и атомной промышленности, но они не включают персонал, проводящий дефектоскопию. Поэтому индивидуальный дозиметрический контроль дефектоскопистов осуществляется аккредитованными лабораториями в соответствии с положениями МУ «Организация и проведение индивидуального дозиметрического контроля. Персонал медицинских организаций», т.е. без учёта сценариев облучения персонала, занятого проведением дефектоскопических работ, и специфики его работы. Полученные таким образом дозы внесены в региональные и федеральные банки данных доз облучения персонала. При внесении значений доз в банки данных отсутствует подразделение персонала на персонал, выполняющий дефектоскопию в стационарных и в нестационарных условиях, поэтому осуществляется усреднение доз персонала, проводящего различные виды дефектоскопии