90 research outputs found

    Research, development and application of the innovational technology of high quality pump-compressor pipes production from sections

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    The innovational technology of high-strength, cold- and corrosion-resistant pump-compressor pipes from sections was developed. It includes the reduction process inside three-high stand of screw rolling before piercing in the «80» pipe-rolling mill line in OAO SinTZ. The special attention is paid to the questions of fine-grained steel production and final tubes quality. It is shown that new technology is efficient from the point of tube production of high level mechanical properties

    Modeling of "groove" rolling defect on internal surface of pipes at lengthwise rolling

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    The research has been conducted in pipe forming at rolling off by lengthwise rolling mill with stub mandrel; the patterns of change in dimensionless parameters were determined, which characterize deformation in side angle depending on http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?t=424995_2_1elongation ratio. The model of formation of lengthwise groove on internal surface of pipes has been proposed

    Improvement of manufacturing technology for thin-walled pipes made of copper alloys

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    Thin-walled pipes made of copper alloys - the brass grades L96, L68, L63, LANKMc; the bronze grade BrOF (the GOST state standard) are of great demand in aircraft, shipbuilding, automotive, defense, diesel and instrument-making industries. Pipe diameter ranges between 4.0 and 20 mm, and wall thickness is in the range from 0.1 to 0.6 mm. The manufacture of these pipes using traditional technological schemes is characterized by high labor input and low stability in providing quality characteristics, such as dimensional accuracy, the presence of surface defects and the level of mechanical properties. This study presents scientific evidence, new technological schemes developed for manufacturing pipes made of copper alloys with the use of the equipment and technology of multiple drawing on a long movable mandrel and results of their adoption at Revda Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Works JSC. © 2018 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.The study was made within the basic part of the state job in the field of scientific activity No. 11.9538.2017/BP; it was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (agreement No. 02.A03.21.0006)

    Distortion of the depression on the rear of the blank in broaching

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    When using continuous-cast billet in pipe rolling, it is expedient to roll the billet prior to broaching, so as to improve the structure and properties of the steel. To that end, a three-high screw-rolling mill for billet reduction has been installed at the TPA-80 pipe-rolling unit at OAO Sinarskii Trubnyi Zavod. Introduction of the new process was associated with increase in the rejection rate on account of indentations in the pipe. These indentations may be attributed to the depression formed at the rear of the billet in reduction and the subsequent formation of metallic semicircles on broaching; the semicircles break away and enter the deformation zone. The sources of the indentations on the rolled pipe are investigated. The broaching of the billet on a screw rolling mill is mathematically simulated. Recommendations are made with a view to reducing the surface defects on pipe produced by the TPA-80 unit with a reduction mill. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Ontological foundations of technology in the concept of Friedrich Dessauer

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    Introduction. In connection with the growing development of technology in the XX–XXI centuries the role and significance of theoretical reflection on how human dependence on technology transforms our everyday life are increasing. At the same time, two main strategies can be distinguished in relation to the rising influence of technology: critical (pessimistic) and “progressive” (optimistic). If the critical approach is constantly in the field of view of the humanities (starting with Ernst Jünger, Oswald Spengler, Martin Heidegger), then the “progressive” one actually falls out of sight of modern researchers. The article is intended to appeal to the argument of one of the optimists, the concept of Friedrich Dessauer. Theoretical analysis. Friedrich Dessauer proceeds from an ontological model of understanding technology as the constant disclosure of the potential inherent in nature itself. Technology does not oppose nature, but continues and improves it in every possible way. Adhering to religious views, Dessauer says that technology continues the creation by God, and inventors and engineers act as co-creators of the divine plan. At the same time, the author sets out a rather abstract and mainly Kant-oriented idea of the structure of being and the place of a man in this being. Conclusion. Despite the fact that over the past 70 years, since the publication of Dessauer’s work, the face of the planet has changed significantly due to technical inventions, the argumentation of thinkers advocating both for and against the spread of technology has not actually changed: already in the 21st century we again and again encounter arguments proposed by Dessauer in 1958


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    В работе проведено моделирование в пакете DEFORM-3D начальной стадии заполнения форкамеры при прессовании медной шины на линии непрерывной экструзии «CONFORM-400». Исследован характер течения металла в очаге деформации при нестационарном режиме прессования. Сделан анализ скорости заполнения мертвых зон форкамеры.FEM simulation of the initial stage of the prechamber filling while copper busbares pressing the on the continuous extrusion line "CONFORM-400" was carried on the DEFORM-3D. The formation of the metal flow in the deformation zone under the nonstationary pressing regime is studied. An analysis is made of the filling rate of the dead zones of the prechamber

    Дисципліни безпеки життєдіяльності людини в навчальних планах технікумів

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    The analysis of the regulatory requirements for the formation of junior specialists training program. The conclusion about the need to create single course "Occupational Safety" with his typical separate program. The purpose of the article - matching the levels of preparation of the national framework requirementsqualifications.Проведен анализ нормативных требований по формированию программы обучения младших специалистов. Сделан вывод о необходимости создания единого курса «Охрана труда» со своей типовой отдельной программой. Цель статьи - соответствие уровней подготовки требованиям национальной рамки квалификации.Проведено аналіз нормативних вимог з формування програми навчання молодших спеціалістів. Зроблено висновок про необхідність створення єдиного курсу «Охорона праці» зі своєю типовою окремою програмою. Мета статті - відповідність рівнів підготовки вимогам національної рамки кваліфікації

    The Choice of Initial Conditions and of Solution in the Problem of Efficiency Increase of Pipes Calibration on a Mandrel

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    This research work is devoted to the theoretical study of the pipe calibration on a mandrel. The aim of the study is to improve the precision of the calibrated pipes. As the paper shows, it is advisable to apply different methods of research depending on the purpose of the study of metal forming processes: mathematical, computer or physical simulation. Analytical review of existing mathematical models of the pipes calibration on a mandrel showed that the set of assumptions adopted in the mathematical modeling does not allow assessing the precision of the pipes during calibration. Therefore, finite-element method simulation package was used for this research. Research method and pipes precision index were developed on the basis of the computer simulation using Deform-3D package. The investigations have allowed us to get the dependence of the pipe precision on technological factors and to identify the root cause of reduced efficiency calibration – extrafocal deformation

    Investigation of Plug Rolling with Stub Mandrel Using the Finite Element Method

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    The study proposed the model of "guide mark" defects formation on the internal surface of pipes, produced on PRM mills of PRP–140. The research of pipe forming at plug rolling mill with stub mandrel has been carried out; regularities of the dimens ionless parameters characterizing the deformation of the gap release, depending on the reduction ratio, were determined. The model of "guide mark" defect formation on the internal surface of the pipe has been proposed. This allows for lesser wall thickness variation o f rough tubes. It has been shown that, when using dioctahedral pass designs in comparison with hexagonal pass designs the proportion of displaced volume along the pipe axis is greater but the value is lower; thereby, the risk of "guide mark" defect forming is red uced