13 research outputs found

    Swords & Plowshares: American Protestants and the Vietnam War

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    Theological commitments and contemporary pressures shaped the response of American Protestants to the Vietnam War. Mainline denominations experienced extreme dissension. Opponents of the war, centered on clergy and leadership, challenged the war based upon its consequences. Supporters of the war, overwhelmingly laity, supported it as a just cause. The extreme levels of discord and disconnect between leadership and laity found expression in the debates over the attendant issues of the war. Frustrated, conservatives within mainline denominations provided an alternative vision for the church that rejected a focus on social issues. The world view and eschatology of conservative evangelicals made war and the Vietnam War less troublesome. Conservative evangelical denominations saw in Vietnam an evangelistic opportunity and generally portrayed soldiers as frontline missionaries. African-American denominations had connections to both mainline and conservative evangelical approaches. Martin Luther King, Jr., the foremost African-American of the time, religious or otherwise, strongly opposed the war and sought to lead fellow blacks on the issue. However, church members were very resistant to joining King in this particular struggle. African-American denominations did not so much support the Vietnam War as were unwilling to criticize Lyndon Johnson publically out of recognition of his great efforts on their behalf. With the election of Richard Nixon, a Republican with a very different political agenda, African-American denominations became more outspoken against the war as it began to draw attention and resources away from the economic and civic concerns of blacks

    Análise da exportação brasileira de calçados no período de 2003 a 2013

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o desempenho das exportações brasileiras de calçados no período de 2003 a 2103, com base na taxa de câmbio e preço médio praticado. Para isso, abordam-se inicialmente as principais teorias do comércio internacional compostas pelos fatores que determinam a exportação e pelas fontes que levam uma empresa a obter vantagem competitiva. Além disso, para uma melhor compreensão do setor calçadista, foi apresentado um panorama da atividade industrial, composto pela descrição do produto, processo produtivo, cadeia produtiva, padrão de concorrência e características do mercado mundial e mercado brasileiro. Em seguida foram caracterizadas as exportações do Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Ceará, Paraíba, Bahia e Santa Catarina, verificando quais os principais produtos exportados, países de destino, preço médio e estratégias empregadas. Assim, estimou-se uma função de regressão para cada estado selecionado, onde a quantidade exportada foi explicada pela taxa de câmbio e preço médio praticado. Verificou-se que os estados do Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo e Santa Catarina, que possuem o maior preço médio praticado, e os quais empregam estratégias de diferenciação, são os que têm suas quantidades exportadas mais afetadas pela oscilação da taxa de câmbio e preço médio. E ainda, os estados do Ceará, Bahia e Paraíba que praticam preços médios mais baixos e estratégias de liderança de custo, apresentaram relação estatística significativa com o preço médio e taxa de câmbio, porém com o a taxa de câmbio a relação não apresentou o sinal esperado indicando que nesses estados a taxa de câmbio não explica a variação nas exportações

    Sexuality exercise in adolescent: new ways for risk reduction

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    Estudo descritivo e analitico, realizado entre adolescentes, alunos do 1ano do 2ºgrau de uma escola publica e uma escola privada, localizadas na cidade de Joinviile- SC. Teve como objetivos caracterizar a amostra, conhecer os agentes envolvidos na orientacao sexual, identificar o conhecimento de adolescentes sobre metodos anticonceptivos- conhecer o indice de adolescentes com experiencia sexual e a utilizacao dos meios de prevencao da gravidez, DST e AIDS, conhecer os motivos de uso e nao uso de protecao na relacao sexual e saber o que pensam os adolescentes sobre a AIDS. A amostra populacional foi constituida por 852 adolescentes, 70,7 por cento da escola publica e 29,3 por cento da escola privada. A idade variou de 14 a 19 anos, sendo 36,0 por cento do sexo masculino e 64,0 por cento do feminino. A grande maioria dos adolescentes residiam com os pais, eram solteiros e referiram pratica religiosa, sendo a religiao catolica mais citada. A minoria referiu trabalhar com remuneracao menor de um a mais de tres salarios minimos. A quase totalidade dos entrevistados referiram receber orientacao sexual dos pais ou de pessoas da familia, porem o dialogo sobre sexo ocorreu com mais frequencia entre amigos. A primeira relacao sexual ocorreu, para a maioria, entre os 13 e 17 anos de idade, sendo mais frequente entre alunos da escola publica e entre os rapazes. Segundo informacao dos adolescentes pesquisados, a maioria possui conhecimento sobre os meios de prevencao da gravidez, das DST e da contaminacao pelo HIV, porem, muitos nao o praticam, sendo maior este indice entre adolescentes do sexo masculino da escola publica (62,0 por cento ), onde somente 23,4 por cento dos rapazes e 26,7 por cento das mocas referiram fazer uso de preservativo em todas as relacoes sexuais nos ultimos seis meses, enquanto na escola privada este indice foi de 58,1 por cento para os rapazes e 58,8 por cento para as mocas. A confianca no parceiro, foi o principal motivo alegado para nao realizar prevencao, seguido pelo uso de outro metodo anticonceptivo e nao correr risco de engravidar'. A reflexao do/as adolescentes sobre a AI DS mostra muito medo, relacionando a doenca a morte, devido a ausencia de cura ate o momento alem da discriminacao social existenteBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Strategies for Sustainable Surface Water Management in Master Planned Communities in Semi-Arid Environments

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    Continuing concern over environmental issues and the public’s embrace of sustainability has led to a greater expectation for private landowner and developers to participate in the stewardship of the environment, bio-diversity protection, increase of wildlife habitat and use of the new environmental tools for green design. This study investigates creative techniques for water conservation and surface water reuse through an evaluation of the master-planned community of Rancho Viejo de Santa Fe, located in Santa Fe New Mexico over a 10-year period, (2002 to 2012). The project analysis focuses on the level of success of surface water management at Rancho Viejo and on the effectiveness of policies and strategies to conserve water and to improve water quality and supply issues. The case study also explores the challenges of fitting a new community into a sensitive landscape in a manner that preserves the intrinsic values of the landscape, protects wildlife habitat, provides for affordability, conserves water and does so in a political environment where people are extremely protective of their community heritage, dislike change and do not trust corporate outsiders. The first stage of this study was documented by the author in the 2003 Rancho Viejo Surface Water Management Manual, addressing the status of the sustainable components and providing recommended strategies for future development. The 2012 case study re-evaluates these strategies 10 years later, using interviews, literature review, and project site visits. The evaluation suggests that Rancho Viejo achieved the goals of reducing potable water usage (40% below County requirements), established an on-site waste water treatment plant for supplying reuse water for irrigation and preserved 50% of open space for aquifer recharge and habitat preservation. This case study confirms that a collaborative planning process, innovative and tested technical strategies for sustainable site design and construction, and a strong homeowner educational program can result in the following benefits: 1) an expedited approval process, 2) significant reduction in potable water use, 3) reduced infrastructure costs, 4) protection of water recharge areas, 5) protection of open space vegetation and habitats, 6) achievement of marketing and economic goals and 7) desirable, aesthetically-pleasing, healthier, cooler, and livable neighborhood and community.Master of Landscape ArchitectureNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94540/1/K Bogaski Practicum Document- December 10 2012.pd

    Letter From the Editor

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    Following Stigma and Segregation of Individuals Afflicted with Lepromatous Leprosy

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    Modern Western society tells a tale of fear and exclusion of individuals with leprosy on a global scale, yet case studies from across the globe tell a tale of compassion, not of stigmatization. The effects of leprosy can be crippling and cause disfigurement, and many cultures had their own beliefs associated with the disease. In the 19th century a rise in the prevalence of leprosy incited fear in the population and historical methods of treatment were sought, namely Leprosaria. In this case fear of contracting this disfiguring disease cultivated a repulsion from those affected. Originally, Leprosaria were founded because it was believed that those who had contracted the disease had sinned, and through living a life of piety would be redeemed. Modern Western society believed that this had inadvertently helped to isolate the contagious disease. The model was mimicked but isolation and segregation were forced, propagated by the idea that this was the method to which all afflicted populations had eventually turned, finding no effective alternative. Archaeological and ethnographic accounts from Japan, India, and Europe, demonstrate that in most cases, segregation was not a method practiced, and when it occurred it was through individual choice; many infected individuals chose to remain with their families and communities until death