14 research outputs found

    A portfolio-based approach for supporting strategic and organisational design decisions in purchasing

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    We develop a purchasing portfolio method by integrating a company view, a market-based view and a process view, aggregated in a 3-dimensional portfolio cube. Top management typically takes another view on purchasing issues than purchasing itself. Furthermore, it seems crucial to include the process view, since strategies have to be executed and organisational design features to support these strategies have to be compatible with purchasing processes. This integrated approach seems more complete compared to single, 2-dimensional portfolio methods

    Supply Chain Management Reviews

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    Diese Arbeit untersucht Literatur Reviews (LRs) im Forschungsfeld des Supply Chain Managements (SCM). Hierfür werden zunächst die methodischen und terminologischen Grundlagen der Analyse erarbeitet sowie taxonomische und thematische Klassifikati-onsschemata vergleichend gegenübergestellt. Anschließend werden der LR-Prozess dieser Untersuchung und ausgewählte Evaluationsdimensionen definiert. Auf diesen grundlegenden Vorarbeiten aufbauend werden LRs des SCM identifiziert, klassifiziert und umfassend bewertet. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass es narrativen LRs teil-weise an methodischer Genauigkeit mangelt und infolgedessen die Technik des syste-matischen LR zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Darüber hinaus dient diese Arbeit als Bewertungsraster zur Evaluation der methodischen Güte von LRs, als Leitlinie zur Er-stellung von systematischen LRs und als State-of-the-Art der Sekundärforschung im SCM

    The Performance Impact of Strategy Alignment in Purchasing and Supply Management: Systematic Review, Construct Analysis and Development of a New Overall Alignment Index

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    Das vorliegende Working Paper untersucht die Performancewirkung eines multi-dimensionalen Strategie-Alignments in der Beschaffung. Hierfür wird zunächst ein Systematischer Literatur Review durchgeführt und der Wissenstand im Forschungsfeld erhoben. Die systematische Klassifikation, Analyse, Bewertung und Synthese der identifizierten 29 empirischen Studien erfolgt dabei auf der Grundlage eines konzeptionellen Frameworks und zugehöriger Inhaltskategorien sowie weiterer methodischer Vergleichsgrößen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigen nachdrücklich auf, dass eine Abstimmung, Harmonisierung und Verbindung von Beschaffungsstrategien (1) mit den übergeordneten Unternehmenszielen und -strategien, (2) anderen funktionalen Teilbereichen, sowie (3) der Lieferantenbasis (unter Berücksichtigung der kontextbezogenen Anforderungen und Gegebenheiten) zu signifikant positiven Performance-Effekten beiträgt. Insofern sollten die Empfehlungen dieser Untersuchung für ein holistisches Strategie-Alignment im Einkauf herangezogen werden. Neben der Ableitung von Implikationen für die Unternehmenspraxis wird eine Forschungsagenda für interessierte Wissenschaftler erarbeitet, indem inhaltliche Wissenslücken und methodische Verbesserungspotenziale auf Basis des Bezugsrahmens und einschlägiger Referenztexte definiert sowie zukünftige Forschungsbedarfe aufgezeigt werden. Darauf aufbauend wird die zentrale (bis dato unbeantwortete) Forschungsfrage eines integrativen Strategie-Alignment-Index durch die Operationalisierung der zugehörigen Konstrukte sowie der Formulierung entsprechender Hypothesen als Grundlage für die Durchführung einer empirischen Studie adressiert

    The impact of sustainable supply chain management practices on performance metrics – A meta-analysis

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht mittels einer Meta-Analyse den Zusammenhang zwischen nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Supply Chain-Aktivitäten und der Unternehmensperformance. Es sollen auf Grundlage einer breiten Datenbasis aus den Jahren 2000 bis 2013 fundierte und aussagekräftige Zusammenhänge zwischen ökologisch nachhaltigen Supply Chain Aktivitäten und deren Wirkung auf unterschiedliche Bereiche der Unternehmensperformance hergestellt werdenBased on a broad data basis considering the years 2000 - 2013, we conduct a meta-analysis to research the influence of sustainable supply chain practices on different aspects of measurable company performance

    Sustainable city logistics: rebound effects from self-driving vehicles

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    Purpose: This paper investigates direct and indirect rebound effects caused by the implementation of different types of car driving technologies – electric cars, high autonomous, and fully-autonomous vehicles in the sustainable city environment. Methodology: Lifecycle Assessment analysis extended by the social and economic dimensions has been completed for the aforementioned vehicle types in order to identify, categorize, and systemize the possible negative impacts of the investigated car driving technologies within the local (city logistics) and global (world ecosphere) environment. Findings: Differences between local and global induced negative impacts of the new driving technologies have been identified. The paper compares the most expected/ unexpected rebound effects for the three types of vehicles in the local city logistics environment and under the consideration of global impacts. Originality: The rebound effect is mostly based on energy consumption. In this research, we have identified and analyzed indirect rebound effects from the imminent adoption of self-driving vehicles that are relevant to either city logistics development or the global environmental system

    Optimizing multi-stage production with constant lot size and varying number of unequal sized batches

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    This paper describes a model for a multi-stage production/inventory system in which a uniform lot size is produced through all stages with a single setup and without interruption at each stage. Partial lots, called batches, may be transported to the next stage upon completion. The number of the unequal sized batches may differ across stages. Considering setup costs, inventory holding costs, and transportation costs, an optimization method is developed to determine the economic lot size and the optimal batch sizes for each stage. The method is illustrated by a computational example and further numerical simulations.Production/inventory model Multi-stage lot sizing Inventory batching policies

    Wissensorientiertes Management: eine kritische Literaturanalyse

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 962 (15) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Towards a framework for strategy in purchasing: German and English language literature

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    This article studies different levels of strategy in purchasing literature. Based on an extensive literature review of publications in German and English language, different levels in a strategy hierarchy have been discussed: (1) Firm strategy, (2) purchasing strategy as part of functional strategies, (3) commodity group strategies and (4) sourcing levers. Analysing and relating findings of the identified publications to the different levels of strategy indicates that research on strategy in purchasing is still in an early phase. As most of the few integrated frameworks of strategy in purchasing stem from consulting practice or have rather a practical focus, academic work seems to lack behind practical requirements. Although several levels of strategy are discussed in literature, only few publications were found to contribute to a clear and systematic linking between the different levels. The largest share of identified literature discusses only individual strategic aspects of purchasing and despite many interrelations of strategic concepts neither relates them to each other nor considers potential trade‐offs. Especially the concepts of commodity group, category management and sourcing levers are not well conceptualized and seem to be more in practical than in academic reflection. However, on the way towards theory-building, individual concepts should be integrated into a framework and empirically tested. The findings of this work can be interpreted as an invitation for academic research to accord more attention to strategy in purchasing

    Negative effects of opportunism across buyer‐supplier relationships

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    Opportunism is ubiquitous in B2B relationships. Consequently, scholars have repeatedly called for both more nuanced research on different forms of opportunism and empirical investigations that go beyond dyadic relationships. Surprisingly, however, only few studies follow these two calls in conjunction. By investigating information leakages as a specific form of opportunism as well as their effects in the wider B2B network, the present work aims at filling this research gap. Additionally, it outlines different approaches that researchers can follow to strengthen their methodologies when studying sensitive topics such as opportunistic behaviors, aiming at the mitigation of potential social desirability bias in empirical studies