9 research outputs found

    Impact of delivery mode-associated gut microbiota dynamics on health in the first year of life

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    The early-life microbiome appears to be affected by mode of delivery, but this effect may depend on intrapartum antibiotic exposure. Here, we assess the effect of delivery mode on gut microbiota, independent of intrapartum antibiotics, by postponing routine antibiotic administration to mothers until after cord clamping in 74 vaginally delivered and 46 caesarean section born infants. The microbiota differs between caesarean section born and vaginally delivered infants over the first year of life, showing enrichment of Bifidobacterium spp., and reduction of Enterococcus and Klebsiella spp. in vaginally delivered infants. The microbiota composition at one week of life is associated with the number of respiratory infections over the first year. The taxa driving this association are more abundant in caesarean section born children, providing a possible link between mode of delivery and susceptibility to infectious outcomes

    Pneumococcal colonization impairs mucosal immune responses to live attenuated influenza vaccine.

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    Influenza virus infections affect millions of people annually, and current available vaccines provide varying rates of protection. However, the way in which the nasal microbiota, particularly established pneumococcal colonization, shape the response to influenza vaccination is not yet fully understood. In this study, we inoculated healthy adults with live Streptococcus pneumoniae and vaccinated them 3 days later with either tetravalent-inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV). Vaccine-induced immune responses were assessed in nose, blood, and lung. Nasal pneumococcal colonization had no impact upon TIV-induced antibody responses to influenza, which manifested in all compartments. However, experimentally induced pneumococcal colonization dampened LAIV-mediated mucosal antibody responses, primarily IgA in the nose and IgG in the lung. Pulmonary influenza-specific cellular responses were more apparent in the LAIV group compared with either the TIV or an unvaccinated group. These results indicate that TIV and LAIV elicit differential immunity to adults and that LAIV immunogenicity is diminished by the nasal presence of S. pneumoniae. Therefore, nasopharyngeal pneumococcal colonization may affect LAIV efficacy

    Salivary antibody levels in adolescents in response to a meningococcal serogroup C conjugate booster vaccination nine years after priming : systemically induced local immunity and saliva as potential surveillance tool

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    BACKGROUND: In several countries large-scale immunization of children and young adults with Meningococcal serogroup C (MenC) conjugate vaccines has induced long-standing herd protection. Salivary antibodies may play an important role in mucosal protection against meningococcal acquisition and carriage. AIM: To investigate antibody levels in (pre)adolescents primed 9 years earlier with a single dose of MenC-polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugated (MenC-TT) vaccine and the response to a booster vaccination, with special focus on age-related differences and the relation between salivary and serum antibody levels. METHODS: Nine years after priming, healthy 10- (n=91), 12- (n=91) and 15-year-olds (n=86) received a MenC-TT booster vaccination. Saliva and serum samples were collected prior to and 1 month and 1 year after vaccination. MenC-polysaccharide(MenC-PS)-specific antibody levels were measured using a fluorescent-bead-based multiplex immunoassay. RESULTS: Before the booster, MenC-PS-specific IgG and IgA levels in saliva and serum were low and correlated with age at priming. The booster induced a marked increase in salivary MenC-PS-specific IgG (>200-fold), but also in IgA (∼10-fold). One year after the booster, salivary IgG and IgA had remained above pre-booster levels in all age groups (∼20-fold and ∼3-fold, respectively), with persistence of highest levels in the 15-year-olds. MenC-PS-specific IgG and IgA levels in saliva strongly correlated with the levels in serum. CONCLUSION: Parenteral MenC-TT booster vaccination induces a clear increase in salivary MenC-PS-specific IgG and IgA levels and persistence of highest levels correlates with age. The strong correlation between serum and salivary antibody levels indicate that saliva may offer an easy and reliable tool for future antibody surveillance

    Mode of delivery modulates the intestinal microbiota and impacts the response to vaccination

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    The gut microbiota in early life, when critical immune maturation takes place, may influence the immunogenicity of childhood vaccinations. Here we assess the association between mode of delivery, gut microbiota development in the first year of life, and mucosal antigen-specific antibody responses against pneumococcal vaccination in 101 infants at age 12 months and against meningococcal vaccination in 66 infants at age 18 months. Birth by vaginal delivery is associated with higher antibody responses against both vaccines. Relative abundances of vaginal birth-associated Bifidobacterium and Escherichia coli in the first weeks of life are positively associated with anti-pneumococcal antibody responses, and relative abundance of E. coli in the same period is also positively associated with anti-meningococcal antibody responses. In this study, we show that mode of delivery-induced microbiota profiles of the gut are associated with subsequent antibody responses to routine childhood vaccines

    Author Correction : Impact of delivery mode-associated gut microbiota dynamics on health in the first year of life (Nature Communications, (2019), 10, 1, (4997), 10.1038/s41467-019-13014-7)

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    The original version of this Article contained an error in the number of unique bacterial taxa identified by whole genome shotgun sequencing, which was incorrectly given as 137 instead of 119. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article

    Mode of delivery modulates the intestinal microbiota and impacts the response to vaccination.

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    The gut microbiota in early life, when critical immune maturation takes place, may influence the immunogenicity of childhood vaccinations. Here we assess the association between mode of delivery, gut microbiota development in the first year of life, and mucosal antigen-specific antibody responses against pneumococcal vaccination in 101 infants at age 12 months and against meningococcal vaccination in 66 infants at age 18 months. Birth by vaginal delivery is associated with higher antibody responses against both vaccines. Relative abundances of vaginal birth-associated Bifidobacterium and Escherichia coli in the first weeks of life are positively associated with anti-pneumococcal antibody responses, and relative abundance of E. coli in the same period is also positively associated with anti-meningococcal antibody responses. In this study, we show that mode of delivery-induced microbiota profiles of the gut are associated with subsequent antibody responses to routine childhood vaccines