13 research outputs found

    Grounds for Suicide as Estalished in Encounters with Physicians and Possibilities for prevention

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    The survey is documented with suic\u27uie pounds as raftered in conversations with patients subsequent to attempted suicide. In non-psychotic persons the most frequent causes are aggressivity (of the husband or wife), humiliation, violence, loneliness, alcoholism or divorce. This can all be ascribed, according to the author, to a lacking of spiritual values and is one of the characteristics of spiritual poverty of life under exclusion of love. Psychotic persons chiefly state as grounds for attempted suicide: »It just came over me!«, or depression owing to their ailment. The author points out that such states can be prevented by healthy education through the mass media and suitable social conditions

    Theatres and Franjo Marković – Special Reference to Theatrical Reviews in German Language Newspapers

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    Autori u članku na temelju izvorne građe i literature opisuju djelatnost Franje Markovića vezanu uz kazalište. Na početku rada autori su prikazali kratki životopis Franje Markovića. Istaknuli su teoretske osnove Markovićeva rada koji se odnosi na kazališnu umjetnost. Autori su prikazali Markovića kao pisca dramskih djela, posebno se osvrnuvši na njegove drame u kazalištu. Markovićeve drame prikazivane su u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu, a kritike objavljivane u novinama. Osim kritika u novinama na hrvatskom jeziku, autori su posebnu pozornost posvetili kritikama objavljenim u novinama na njemačkom jeziku koje su izlazile u Zagrebu.Literary work of Franjo Marković left a deep trace in the history of Croatian drama, despite the fact that his pieces according to present aesthetic standards are not actual and suitable for the boards of Croatian theatres. Nevertheless, Marković\u27s dramas reflect historical circumstances that Croatia was facing at the time and they depict Slavic spirit and resistance to deprivation of national identity. Reviews from Marković\u27s time or immediately after his death are more than positive. Reviews in the press written in the German language confirm that theatre audience favoured the work of this great playwright

    Current Migration Characteristics of Statistical Units of the Republic of Croatia

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    U članku se analiziraju osnovni demografski procesi u Republici Hrvatskoj (NUTS 1), u njenim statističkim makroregijama (NUTS 2) i županijama (NUTS 3) u međupopisnom razdoblju 2001. – 2011. U teorijskom dijelu raspravlja se o optimalnom ustroju i uspostavi statističkih makroregija te o utjecaju demografskih čimbenika na njihovo formiranje. Autori se kritički postavljaju prema kvaliteti i sadržaju pojedinih demografskih kategorija u posljednjem popisu stanovništva te njegovoj neusporedivosti s prethodnim popisima. I nadalje je prisutna depopulacija srednjeg intenziteta, međutim teritorijalno veliki dio hrvatskog prostora zahvaćen je tim nepovoljnim obilježjem općega kretanja. Naime samo su Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačka županija u Kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj u posljednjemu desetljetnome međupopisnom razdoblju zabilježili porast broja stanovnika, dok je u Jadranskoj Hrvatskoj takav slučaj samo u Zadarskoj i Istarskoj županiji. Obje sastavnice općega kretanja stanovništva Hrvatske, prirodno kretanje i migracijski saldo, imaju negativni predznak. Od 21 NUTS 3 jedinice samo su dvije imale prirodni prirast (Splitsko-dalmatinska i Dubrovačko-neretvanska), dok su ostale županije, pa čak i imigracijske, registrirale prirodni pad stanovništva. Iz migracijskih podataka očito je da se Hrvatska demografski polarizirala na Zagreb i okolicu kao gospodarsko i demografsko središte države te na priobalne županije, koje gospodarski razvoj i donekle migracijsku atraktivnost uglavnom temelje na još uvijek ekonomski atraktivnom turizmu. Većina županija Kontinentalne Hrvatske čini slabo razvijena, periferna područja depopulacije i općenito demografskog nazadovanja.The paper analyzes the basic demographic processes in the Republic of Croatia (NUTS 1), in its statistical macro-regions (NUTS 2) and counties (NUTS 3) in the inter-census period from 2001 to 2011. The theoretical part discusses the optimal structure and the establishment of statistical macro-regions, as well as the impact of demographic factors on their formation. The authors are critical of the quality and content of certain demographic categories set in the last census and their incomparability with previous censuses. Medium-intensity depopulation is still continuing; however, a large part of the Croatian territory is affected by this unfavourable characteristic of the overall population trend. Namely, in the last decade of the inter-census period, only the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County in Continental Croatia recorded an increase in population, while in Adriatic Croatia such a case was found only in the Zadar and Istria Counties. Both components of the overall population trends in Croatia – natural change and net migration – bear a negative denominator. Only two of twenty-one NUTS 3 units showed natural increase (the Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva Counties), while the other counties, even the immigration ones, registered natural population decrease. It is obvious from migration data that Croatia has polarized to Zagreb and its surroundings as the economic and demographic centre of the country, and to the coastal counties that, for the most part, still have an economically attractive tourism-based economic development and migration attractiveness to some extent. Most Continental Croatian counties consist of poorly developed, peripheral areas of depopulation and demographic decline in general

    Migration Component in the Contemporary Demographic Development of Rijeka and the Coastal Area of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

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    U radu se razmatra značenje migracije u suvremenome demografskom razvoju Rijeke i njezina priobalja. Analiza je pokazala da je Grad Rijeka demografski regresivno područje iz kojeg se odvija dekoncentracija stanovništva uglavnom prema prigradskim naseljima. Istovremeno je priobalje prostor demografskog rasta koji je posljedica visokih imigracijskih stopa, dok je prirodno kretanje negativno, međutim nije takva intenziteta kao kod gradske riječke populacije. Usporedba vitalnog indeksa i podataka o migraciji upućuje na visoki stupanj povezanosti doseljavanja i prirodnoga kretanja, pa tako naselja bližega gravitacijskog područja, koja su prostor snažnog doseljavanja 90-ih godina 20. i prvoga desetljeća 21. stoljeća, imaju izraziti demografski rast i pozitivnu biodinamiku stanovništva. U usporedbi s njima naselja širega gravitacijskog područja imaju slabiji intenzitet trajnog preseljavanja stanovništva te znatno nepovoljnije ukupno i prirodno kretanje. Na temelju utvrđenoga demografskog stanja napravljene su prognoze stanovništva za 2021. i 2031. godinu, koje upućuju na nastavak depopulacijskih procesa u makroregionalnom centru Rijeci i daljnju demografsku progresiju u priobalju.The significance of migration in the contemporary demographic development of Rijeka and its coastal area is discussed in the paper. The analysis has shown that the City of Rijeka presents a demographically regressive area from which the deconcentration of population, mainly to suburban areas, is taking place. At the same time, the Littoral is the area of demographic growth as a result of high immigration rates, while natural demographic trends are negative; however, this does not have such intensity as in the case of the urban population of Rijeka. The comparison of vital index and migration data indicates a high degree of correlation between immigration and natural change in population so that settlements in the nearer gravitation area, being the space of strong in-migration between the 1990s and 2000s, shows distinct demographic growth and positive population bio-dynamics. Compared with them, settlements in the broader gravitational area have weaker intensity of permanent population resettlement as well as considerably unfavourable total and natural population trends. Based on the established demographic situation, population forecasts have been made for the years 2021 and 2031 indicating continued depopulation processes in the macro-regional centre of Rijeka and further demographic progression in the coastal area

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Istraživanje uspješnosti parodontalne terapije koju provode studenti

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    U sklopu kliničkih vježbi kolegija Parodontologija II, koje je dio nastave pete godine Studija dentalne medicine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, provedeno je istraživanje uspješnosti parodontalne terapije koju provode studenti u odnosu na doktore dentalne medicine specijaliste parodontologije. Ispitanici su bili pacijenti s dijagnozom generaliziranog kroničnog parodontitisa, podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Ispitnu skupinu ispitanika tretirali su studenti, a kontrolnu specijalist parodontolog. Mjerilo se krvarenje pri sondiranju (BoP), sondirana dubina džepa (PPD), gingivalna recesija (GR), zahvaćenost furkacija i pokretljivost zuba. Ukupno su provedena dva klinička mjerenja, prvo neposredno prije terapije i drugo nakon otprilike 3 mjeseca. U obje skupine proveden je identičan terapijski protokol. Kako bi se procijenila uspješnost parodontalne terapije koju provode studenti u odnosu na specijaliste parodontologije kako kriteriji uspješnosti u obzir su uzeti smanjenje plaka izraženo kao FMPS (%), smanjenje BoP izraženo kao FMBS (%) te smanjena ili zadržana ista vrijednost PPD. U istraživanje o uspješnosti terapije koju provode studenti uključeno je je sveukupno 56 ispitanika, odnosno 28 pacijenata po skupini. Prosječna dob pacijenata (± SD) prve skupine bila je 48,93 ± 9,74, a kod druge skupine 38,43 ± 6,89. Kao glavni kriterij za uspješnost ukupno smanjenje dubine sondiranja kod druge skupine bilo je za 0,17 mm veće nego kod prve. Rezultati su pokazali kako u svim parametrima (FMPS, FMBS i PPD) koji su uzeti kao kriteriji za procjenu uspješnosti terapije specijalisti postižu veću uspješnost. Čini se kako je parodontalna terapija uspješnija ako je provode profesionalci s većim iskustvom, spretnošću, znanjem i motivacijskim sposobnostima.Fifth-year students of Dental medicine were included in a research on efficacy of periodontal therapy performed during Periodontology II course. The results were compared with the results of therapy performed by a periodontologist. The subjects were patients diagnosed with generalized chronic periodontitis, divided in two groups. Test group was treated by students, and control group by a periodontologist. Following parameters were measured: bleeding on probing (BoP), probing pocket depth (PPD), gingival recession (GR), furcation involvement and tooth mobility. There were two measurements, first before therapy, and second 3 months after completion of therapy. Both groups were treated equally. As success criteria, following parameters were used: plaque reduction as Full Mouth Plaque Score (FMPS, %), bleeding reduction as Full Mouth Bleeding Score (FMBS, %) and reduced or same PPD. There were 56 subjects, 28 per group. Mean age of the test group was 48,39 ± 9,74 years, and in the control group it was 38,43 ± 6,89 years. Main criterion of success was reduction of PPD that was 0,17 mm greater in the control group when compared to the test group. All parameters showed better results in the control group. It seems that periodontal therapy is more successful when performed by periodontologists with more experience, dexterity, knowledge and motivational capabilities

    Current Migration Characteristics of Statistical Units of the Republic of Croatia

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    The paper analyzes the basic demographic processes in the Republic of Croatia (NUTS 1), in its statistical macro-regions (NUTS 2) and counties (NUTS 3) in the inter-census period from 2001 to 2011. The theoretical part discusses the optimal structure and the establishment of statistical macro-regions, as well as the impact of demographic factors on their formation. The authors are critical of the quality and content of certain demographic categories set in the last census and their incomparability with previous censuses. Medium-intensity depopulation is still continuing; however, a large part of the Croatian territory is affected by this unfavourable characteristic of the overall population trend. Namely, in the last decade of the inter-census period, only the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County in Continental Croatia recorded an increase in population, while in Adriatic Croatia such a case was found only in the Zadar and Istria Counties. Both components of the overall population trends in Croatia – natural change and net migration – bear a negative denominator. Only two of twenty-one NUTS 3 units showed natural increase (the Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva Counties), while the other counties, even the immigration ones, registered natural population decrease. It is obvious from migration data that Croatia has polarized to Zagreb and its surroundings as the economic and demographic centre of the country, and to the coastal counties that, for the most part, still have an economically attractive tourism-based economic development and migration attractiveness to some extent. Most Continental Croatian counties consist of poorly developed, peripheral areas of depopulation and demographic decline in general

    L’avenir démographique de la région du Gorski Kotar

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    Demografski razvoj Gorskoga kotara velikim je dijelom odraz nepovoljnih prirodno-geografskih i društveno-gospodarskih okolnosti, koje su već krajem 19. stoljeća potaknule iseljavanje stanovništva iz te regije, a taj proces ni do danas nije zaustavljen. Desetljećima je smanjenje ukupnog broja stanovnika bilo pod snažnim utjecajem iseljavanja, a od šezdesetih godina 20. stoljeća ukupnoj depopulaciji značajno pridonosi i negativno prirodno kretanje. Na temelju analize suvremenih demografskih procesa u goranskoj regiji izrađeno je nekoliko vrsta demografskih projekcija za razdoblje do 2021. Prema navedenim projekcijama, očekuje se nastavak negativnih demografskih tendencija i daljnje smanjenje stanovništva Gorskoga kotara, denatalitet te erozija svih demografskih i gospodarskih struktura. Starenje stanovništva biti će temeljna odrednica budućega demografskog razvoja promatranog prostora jer će svaki treći stanovnik biti stariji od 60 godina, što upućuje na potencijalne probleme u socijalnom i gospodarskom razvoju regije.Demographic development of Gorski Kotar has largely been a reflection of unfavourable natural-geographic and socio-economic circumstances, which had impelled emigration of the population from this region already by the end of the 19th century, and this process has not stopped till nowadays. The decrease in the total number of inhabitants has been strongly influenced by decades of emigration. Since the 1960s, negative natural movements have significantly contributed to total depopulation. Based on the analysis of negative demographic processes in the Gorski Kotar region, several kinds of demographic projections have been made for the period until 2021. According to these projections, further negative demographic tendencies and additional diminution of the Gorski Kotar population, as well as a negative birth-rate and the erosion of all demographic and economic structures are expected. Population ageing will be a fundamental determinant of future demographic development of the observed area, because every third inhabitant will be more than 60 years old and this points to potential problems in the social and economic development of the region.Le développement démographique de la région du Gorski Kotar est en grande partie le reflet de défavorables conditions naturelles et géographiques d’une part, et de circonstances socio-économiques, d’autre part, lesquelles avaient, dès la fin du 19e siècle, incité l’émigration, un processus, d’ailleurs, encore d’actualité. Des décennies durant, la baisse du total nombre d’habitants était principalement causée par l’émigration ; à partir des années soixante du 20e siècle, le dépeuplement s’est vu fortement influencé par un mouvement naturel négatif. Différents types de projections démographiques à l’horizon 2021 ont été élaborés sur la base de l’analyse de processus démographiques contemporains. Les projections démographiques tablent sur une poursuite des tendances démographiques à la baisse et par là même sur une baisse constante de la population du Gorski Kotar, la dénatalité et une érosion de l’ensemble des structures démographiques et économiques. Le vieillissement de la population apparait comme un facteur du développement démographique de l’espace étudié puisqu’un habitant sur trois aura franchi la tranche d’âge des 60 ans, ce qui augure de problèmes potentiels dans l’essor socio-économique de la région

    L’avenir démographique de la région du Gorski Kotar

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    Demografski razvoj Gorskoga kotara velikim je dijelom odraz nepovoljnih prirodno-geografskih i društveno-gospodarskih okolnosti, koje su već krajem 19. stoljeća potaknule iseljavanje stanovništva iz te regije, a taj proces ni do danas nije zaustavljen. Desetljećima je smanjenje ukupnog broja stanovnika bilo pod snažnim utjecajem iseljavanja, a od šezdesetih godina 20. stoljeća ukupnoj depopulaciji značajno pridonosi i negativno prirodno kretanje. Na temelju analize suvremenih demografskih procesa u goranskoj regiji izrađeno je nekoliko vrsta demografskih projekcija za razdoblje do 2021. Prema navedenim projekcijama, očekuje se nastavak negativnih demografskih tendencija i daljnje smanjenje stanovništva Gorskoga kotara, denatalitet te erozija svih demografskih i gospodarskih struktura. Starenje stanovništva biti će temeljna odrednica budućega demografskog razvoja promatranog prostora jer će svaki treći stanovnik biti stariji od 60 godina, što upućuje na potencijalne probleme u socijalnom i gospodarskom razvoju regije.Demographic development of Gorski Kotar has largely been a reflection of unfavourable natural-geographic and socio-economic circumstances, which had impelled emigration of the population from this region already by the end of the 19th century, and this process has not stopped till nowadays. The decrease in the total number of inhabitants has been strongly influenced by decades of emigration. Since the 1960s, negative natural movements have significantly contributed to total depopulation. Based on the analysis of negative demographic processes in the Gorski Kotar region, several kinds of demographic projections have been made for the period until 2021. According to these projections, further negative demographic tendencies and additional diminution of the Gorski Kotar population, as well as a negative birth-rate and the erosion of all demographic and economic structures are expected. Population ageing will be a fundamental determinant of future demographic development of the observed area, because every third inhabitant will be more than 60 years old and this points to potential problems in the social and economic development of the region.Le développement démographique de la région du Gorski Kotar est en grande partie le reflet de défavorables conditions naturelles et géographiques d’une part, et de circonstances socio-économiques, d’autre part, lesquelles avaient, dès la fin du 19e siècle, incité l’émigration, un processus, d’ailleurs, encore d’actualité. Des décennies durant, la baisse du total nombre d’habitants était principalement causée par l’émigration ; à partir des années soixante du 20e siècle, le dépeuplement s’est vu fortement influencé par un mouvement naturel négatif. Différents types de projections démographiques à l’horizon 2021 ont été élaborés sur la base de l’analyse de processus démographiques contemporains. Les projections démographiques tablent sur une poursuite des tendances démographiques à la baisse et par là même sur une baisse constante de la population du Gorski Kotar, la dénatalité et une érosion de l’ensemble des structures démographiques et économiques. Le vieillissement de la population apparait comme un facteur du développement démographique de l’espace étudié puisqu’un habitant sur trois aura franchi la tranche d’âge des 60 ans, ce qui augure de problèmes potentiels dans l’essor socio-économique de la région

    Demographic Future of Gorski Kotar

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    Demographic development of Gorski Kotar has largely been a reflection of unfavourable natural-geographic and socio-economic circumstances, which had impelled emigration of the population from this region already by the end of the 19th century, and this process has not stopped till nowadays. The decrease in the total number of inhabitants has been strongly influenced by decades of emigration. Since the 1960s, negative natural movements have significantly contributed to total depopulation. Based on the analysis of negative demographic processes in the Gorski Kotar region, several kinds of demographic projections have been made for the period until 2021. According to these projections, further negative demographic tendencies and additional diminution of the Gorski Kotar population, as well as a negative birth-rate and the erosion of all demographic and economic structures are expected. Population ageing will be a fundamental determinant of future demographic development of the observed area, because every third inhabitant will be more than 60 years old and this points to potential problems in the social and economic development of the region