95 research outputs found

    Resonance fluorescence of noisy systems

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    Light scattering from resonantly or nearly resonantly excited systems, known as resonance fluorescence, has been gaining importance as a versatile tool for investigating quantum states of matter and readout of quantum information, recently including also the inherently noisy solid state systems. In this work we develop a general theory of resonance fluorescence in the low excitation limit on systems in which the transition energy is subject to noise for two important classes of noise processes: white noise fluctuations that lead to phase diffusion and an arbitrary stationary Markovian noise process on a finite set of states. We apply the latter to the case of random telegraph noise and a sum of an arbitrary number of identical random telegraph noise contributions. We show that different classes of noise influence the RF spectrum in a characteristic way. Hence, the RF spectrum carries information on the characteristics of noise present in the physical system.Comment: Some extension, including new fig.

    The Pancreatitis, Panniculitis, and Polyarthritis (PPP) Syndrome: Subcutaneous Nodular Fat Necrosis, a Cutaneous Marker of Pancreatic Neoplasia

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    The pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis (PPP) syndrome is a rare skin, joint, and pancreatic disorder, also known as subcutaneous nodular fat necrosis. It results from obstruction of pancreatic ducts with direct secretion of pancreatic enzymes into the bloodstream, causing extra pancreatic fat necrosis with subcutaneous tissue and joint inflammation. It is usually a cutaneous sign of pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis. To our knowledge, this is the first case associated with a pancreatic pseudotumor. We describe a 59-year-old man initially presenting with numerous painful erythematous subcutaneous nodules due to a fibrous pancreatic pseudotumor and its extreme dermatologic disease, resulting in necrosis of the shin and foot so severe that an amputation of the lower leg above the knee was required, a complication not previously described, to our knowledge. We emphasize that PPP syndrome is a cutaneous marker of internal malignancy, most often of pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis, but in this case of a rare pancreatic pseudotumor

    Serum Concentration of Interleukin-6 Is Increased Both in Active and Remission Stages of Pemphigus Vulgaris

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    As most studies on pemphigus vulgaris (PV) pathogenesis concern its active stage, we aimed to evaluate the serum concentration of TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6 in PV patients in clinical remission. The study group consisted of sera from 19 PV patients in active stage and from 24 patients in clinical remission. 19 sera taken from healthy subjects served as the controls. Serum IL-6 concentrations in PV active and PV remission group were significantly higher when compared to the controls (P < .05). In patients in active stage of PV, a significant correlation between serum IL-1 and IL-6 concentrations was found (rP = 0.46; P < .05). We also found a negative correlation between TNF-α level and pemphigus antibodies titer in the patients from the remission group (rS = −0.47303; P < .02). Our data suggest that IL-6 and TNF-α may be involved in maintaining immunological disturbances in remission stage of PV

    The Imbalance in Serum Concentration of Th-1- and Th-2-Derived Chemokines as One of the Factors Involved in Pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inflammatory skin disease in which pathogenesis chemokines are partially involved. The aim of the paper was to assess the serum level of CXCL-9, CXCL-10, CXCL-11, CXCL-12, CCL-17, CCL-20, CCL-21, CCL-22, CCL-27, and IL-18 chosen in AD patients by ELISA assay. Forty patients (mean age 11.4 years old) with AD and 50 healthy controls were enrolled into the study. The patients and controls were divided into two age categories: under 10 years old (Group 1 and Control 1) and over 10 years old (Group 2 and Control 2). Significantly lower serum concentration of CXCL-9, CXCL-10, CCL-17, and IL-18 and higher concentration of CXCL-12 and CCL-27 were found in Group 1 when compared to Control 1. In Group 2 serum concentration of CXCL-12, CCL-17, CCL-22 was higher than in Control 2. The obtained results indicate the imbalance in chemokine serum levels in AD what suggests their role in the disease pathogenesis

    Psychiatric disorders in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: association of anxiety disorder with shorter disease duration

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    Physicians’ awareness about neuropsychiatric syndromes in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is not rarely limited to seizures and psychoses included in the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification. Involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) with its rich symptomatology still belongs to the faintly recognised and understood aspects of lupus. The objective was to investigate prevalence and clinical correlations of psychiatric disorders in SLE patients. Fifty-two SLE patients were included. Disease duration and current and cumulative corticosteroid doses were calculated. Disease activity was assessed with the Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM). All subjects were examined by a psychiatrist. Psychiatric disorders were classified according to ACR criteria for neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clock Drawing Test (CDT) were used to screen for cognitive impairments. Mental disorders were diagnosed in 16 (30.77%), depressive disorder in 6 (11.54%), cognitive dysfunction in 5 (9.62%), anxiety disorder in 4 (7.69%) and psychosis in one patient (1.92%). SLE duration was shorter in patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder (P < 0.05), and cumulative dose of corticosteroids was lower in patients with anxiety disorder (P < 0.01). There was high positive correlation between SLE duration and cumulative dose of corticosteroids (r = 0.684, P < 0.001). Shorter SLE duration in patients with anxiety disorder seems to reflect its adaptative nature

    Contact Hypersensitivity to European Baseline Series and Corticosteroid Series Haptens in a Population of Adult Patients with Contact Eczema

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    Contact eczema/dermatitis (CE) is one of the most frequent skin diseases. The disease is regarded as a reaction pattern. Usually many different stimuli can make the skin react in the same way, some of them may be in action at the same time. A golden standard in the allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) diagnosis are patch tests. Clinical observations show that the frequency of contact allergy to topical corticosteroids constantly increases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of contact allergy to European Standard Series and Corticosteroid Series haptens in the population of patients with CE.</p

    The role of torture in history, attitude of polish society towards the use of torture

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    StreszczenieRenata BogaczewiczRola tortur w historii. Stosunek społeczeństwa polskiego do stosowania tortur Celem niniejszej pracy jest przybliżenie wybranych wydarzeń historycznych mocno związanych z okrutnym i nieludzkim traktowaniem człowieka oraz analiza opinii Polaków o torturach i karze śmierci. Pierwszy rozdział opisuje przyczyny, metody i narzędzia tortur stosowanych w Starożytności oraz Średniowieczu. Te dwie epoki najbardziej kojarzone są z barbarzyństwem i pogardą dla ludzkiego życia: prześladowania chrześcijan, okrutne traktowanie niewolników, Inkwizycja i polowanie na czarownice, tortury w średniowiecznej Anglii i Polsce oraz skomplikowane machiny służące do zadawania bólu, to niektóre z zagadnień poruszonych w tej części. W drugim rozdziale zawarte są problemy związane z ludobójstwem, do którego na masową skalę dochodziło w XX wieku. Skupiłam się głównie na zbrodniach nazistowskich Niemiec oraz Związku Sowieckiego. Krótko przedstawiłam również sytuację w Polce Ludowej i metody przesłuchań stosowane przez aparat Ministerstwa Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego. Trzeci rozdział to aktualna sytuacja na świecie, dotycząca przestrzegania praw człowieka i wolności od tortur oraz innego nieludzkiego traktowania. Przedstawiam w nim bulwersujące przypadki łamania tychże praw przez rządy poszczególnych państw, a także przez funkcjonariuszy publicznych. Staram się również nakreślić największy problem XXI wieku – terroryzm. Dwa pozostałe rozdziały przedstawiają wyniki i analizę badań własnych, przeprowadzonych na podstawie ankiety audytoryjnej.SummaryRenata BogaczewiczThe role of torture in history, attitude of polish society towards the use of torture The purpose of this work is to take a closer look at selected historic events strongly tied with terrible and inhumane treating of people as well analysis the opinions of Polish people about the tortures and death sentences. First chapter talks about causes, methods, and torture tools used in antiquity and medieval. These two eras are linked with barbarism and disdain for human life the most: persecution of Christians, terrible treatment of slaves, inquisition and witch hunts, tortures in medieval England and Poland, as well as complicated machines used to inflict pain, are some of the issues raised in this chapter. In the second chapter, contained topics are related with genocide on a massive scale that was ongoing during the 20th century. I have focused mostly on crimes committed by Nazis and the Soviet Union. I've also shortly presented the situation in Polish Commonwealth, and methods of interrogation used by MBP (Ministry of Public Safety) Third chapter is the current situation in the world concerning human rights and freedom from torture and other inhumane treatment. I present the outrageous cases of breaking these laws, by governments of the selected countries, as well as public officers. I am trying to showcase the biggest problem of the 21st century – terrorism. The last two chapters present results and analyzes of own research conducted on the basis of an audit questionnaire

    Fusion without exclusion. Predictors and correlates of fusion phenomenon in non-heterosexual female relationships

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    Fuzja to, znajdujący się na pograniczu psychologii LGBTQ i paradygmatu systemowego, różnie konceptualizowany i ewaluowany konstrukt, określający semisymbiotyczną więź pomiędzy dwoma osobami dowolnej płci. W niniejszej pracy traktowana jest ona jako dwuwymiarowe zjawisko posiadające komponentę pozytywną i negatywną. Założono, że istnieją, występujące w rozmaitych układach, korelacje pomiędzy fuzją, inteligencją emocjonalną, orientacją feministyczną, stażem związku, wiekiem partnerek, czy otwartością i unikaniem konfliktów oraz że dysproporcje w obrębie diady pomiędzy niektórymi z tych zmiennych moderują występujące zależności. Celem, pierwszych w Polsce tego typu badań, przeprowadzonych na 176 nieheteroseksualnych kobietach pozostających w relacjach intymnych, jest wzbogacenie wiedzy na temat ich funkcjonowania, depatologizacja zjawiska fuzji oraz dostarczenie terapeutom par materiału ułatwiającego współpracę z klientkami LBTQ. Wykorzystano ankietę własnego autorstwa, Kalifornijski kwestionariusz do badania rodziny (CIFA) oraz Test inteligencji emocjonalnej (TIE). Wykazano występowanie dodatniej korelacji pomiędzy fuzją pozytywną a IE oraz orientacją feministyczną i ujemnej między fuzją negatywną a wiekiem partnerek. Orientacja feministyczna koreluje także dodatnio z IE oraz ujemnie z fuzją negatywną. Ponadto, otwartość i unikanie konfliktów współoddziałuje z poziomem fuzji pozytywnej i negatywnej.Fusion describes semi-symbiotic bond between two people of any gender. This construct, belonging to LGBTQ psychology and systems paradigm has been differently conceptualized and evaluated. In this paper, it is specified as two-dimensional phenomenon with positive and negative component. It is assumed that there are correlations in variety compilations between fusion, emotional intelligence, feministic orientation, duration of relationship, partners age or Openness and Conflict Avoidance. Moreover, the disparities between some of above variables within the diad, moderate existing relationships.The aim of this study, which is the first such examination in Poland, conducted on 176 non-heterosexual women in single-sex couples, is to increase knowledge about its functioning, to depathologize fusion and to give couple therapists necessary information to facilitate their work with LBTQ clients. To test the assumptions were used demographic-research survey, California Inventory for Family Assessment (CIFA) and Test Inteligencji Emocjonalnej (TIE). It was found that there is positive correlation between positive fusion and EI and feministic orientation, and negative between negative fusion and partners age. Feministic orientation also correlates positively with EI and negatively with negative fusion. Moreover, Openness and Conflict Avoidance interact with negative and positive fusion level

    Cognitive functions and autoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Introduction: Autoantibodies may occur in the course of various diseases. In the case of systemic lupus erythematosus the presence of specific autoantibodies is included in the classification criteria of the disease. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the presence of the serologic markers of systemic lupus erythematosus, i.e. anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm and anticardiolipin antibodies of the class IgM and IgG are linked with the results of neuropsychological tests evaluating selected cognitive functions in patients without overt neuropsychiatric lupus and without antiphospholipid syndrome. Material and methods: The study included 22 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. For the assessment of anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm and anticardiolipin antibodies the immunoenzymatic method was used. For neuropsychological estimation of the selected cognitive functions the attention switching test and the choice reaction time were applied, in which the results are expressed as the average delay i.e. mean correct latency, using the computer-based Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Results: The results of attention switching test in patients with anti-Sm antibodies were lower, but not significantly different from those obtained by the patients without such antibodies: 75.0 (73.12–88.12) vs. 92.5 (85–95). Choice reaction time was significantly longer in patients with anti-Sm antibodies in comparison to the patients without antiSm antibodies: 614.9 (520.6–740.8) vs. 476.7 (396.6–540) (p = 0.01). No significant difference was demonstrated in the results of attention switching test and choice reaction time with regard to the presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies. The results of attention switching test and choice reaction time were not different between the groups of patients with and without anticardiolipin antibodies in the IgM and IgG class. Conclusions: Anti-Sm antibodies seem to contribute to the pathogenetic pathway involved in the deterioration of the results of the selected cognitive functions in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. The use of neuropsychological assessment as a screening procedure in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with anti-Sm antibodies appears to be reasonable

    Funkcje poznawcze a autoprzeciwciała u chorych na toczeń rumieniowaty układowy

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    Introduction: Autoantibodies may occur in the course of various diseases. In the case of systemic lupus erythematosus the presence of specific autoantibodies is included in the classification criteria of the disease. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the presence of the serologic markers of systemic lupus erythematosus, i.e. anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm and anticardiolipin antibodies of the class IgM and IgG are linked with the results of neuropsychological tests evaluating selected cognitive functions in patients without overt neuropsychiatric lupus and without antiphospholipid syndrome. Material and methods: The study included 22 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. For the assessment of anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm and anticardiolipin antibodies the immunoenzymatic method was used. For neuropsychological estimation of the selected cognitive functions the attention switching test and the choice reaction time were applied, in which the results are expressed as the average delay i.e. mean correct latency, using the computer-based Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Results: The results of attention switching test in patients with anti-Sm antibodies were lower, but not significantly different from those obtained by the patients without such antibodies: 75.0 (73.12–88.12) vs. 92.5 (85–95). Choice reaction time was significantly longer in patients with anti-Sm antibodies in comparison to the patients without anti- Sm antibodies: 614.9 (520.6–740.8) vs. 476.7 (396.6–540) (p = 0.01). No significant difference was demonstrated in the results of attention switching test and choice reaction time with regard to the presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies. The results of attention switching test and choice reaction time were not different between the groups of patients with and without anticardiolipin antibodies in the IgM and IgG class. Conclusions: Anti-Sm antibodies seem to contribute to the pathogenetic pathway involved in the deterioration of the results of the selected cognitive functions in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. The use of neuropsychological assessment as a screening procedure in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with anti-Sm antibodies appears to be reasonable.Wprowadzenie: Autoprzeciwciała mogą występować w przebiegu różnych chorób. W przypadku tocznia rumieniowatego układowego obecność określonych autoprzeciwciał stanowi jedno z kryteriów klasyfikacyjnych choroby. Celem pracy było wykazanie, czy obecność serologicznych markerów tocznia rumieniowatego układowego, tj. autoprzeciwciał anty-dsDNA, anty-Sm oraz przeciwciał antykardiolipinowych klasy IgM i IgG, jest związana z wynikami testów neuropsychologicznych, oceniających wybrane funkcje poznawcze u pacjentów bez objawów tocznia neuropsychiatrycznego i bez zespołu antyfosfolipidowego. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 22 chorych na toczeń rumieniowaty układowy. W badaniu przeciwciał anty-dsDNA, anty-Sm i przeciwkardiolipinowych wykorzystano metodę immunoenzymatyczną. Do oceny neuropsychologicznej wybranych funkcji poznawczych użyto testu przełączania uwagi i czasu reakcji wyboru, w którym wyniki są wyrażone jako średnie opóźnienie; wykorzystano komputerowy zestaw Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Wyniki: Wyniki testu przełączania uwagi u pacjentów z przeciwciałami anty-Sm były niższe, ale nie różniły się znacząco od tych uzyskanych przez pacjentów bez tych przeciwciał: 75,0 (73,12–88,12) vs 92,5 (85–95). Czas reakcji wyboru był istotnie dłuższy u chorych na toczeń rumieniowaty układowy z przeciwciałami anty-Sm w porównaniu z pacjentami bez tych przeciwciał: 614,9 (520,6–740,8) vs 476,7 (396,6–540) (p = 0,01). Nie wykazano istotnej różnicy w wynikach testu przełączania uwagi i czasu reakcji wyboru w zależności od występowania przeciwciał anty-dsDNA i przeciwciał przeciwkardiolipinowych klasy M i G. Wnioski: Przeciwciała anty-Sm wydają się przyczyniać do łańcucha patogenetycznego związanego z pogorszeniem wyników wybranych funkcji poznawczych u chorych na toczeń rumieniowaty układowy. Uzasadnione wydaje się przesiewowe zastosowanie badania neuropsychologicznego u chorych na toczeń rumieniowaty układowy z występującymi przeciwciałami anty-Sm