120 research outputs found

    Działania organizacji pozarządowych na lokalnych rynkach pracy na podstawie wybranych powiatów województw małopolskiego i opolskiego

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    This paper is concerned with action of nongovernmental organizations on the local labor markets. The author presents theoretical framework and empirical research results about third sector activity in two local labor markets in Poland (in two different provinces), as well inadequacy and lack of complementarities to the public sector in its undertaking

    Niezamierzone konsekwencje działań organizacji pozarządowych

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    Unintended and unanticipated consequences of intentional action of non-governmental organizationsThe aim of this paper study is to recognize the unintended and unanticipated consequences of intentional actions of non-governmental organizations. This concept used by theorists and researchers, was developed mainly by R. Merton and R. Boudon. This subsequently led to a detailed contemporary analysis of paternalism, particularism, “dirty” networks and cooptation and hybridization in the third sector, as results of organizational action. In the article, readers can find examples of unintended consequences of actions of Polish non-governmental organizations

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    Problemy organizacji pozarządowych przekształcających się w podmioty ekonomii społecznej

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    W opracowaniu zaprezentowano kluczowe problemy organizacyjne i zarządcze pojawiające się w organizacjach pozarządowych, które podejmują się produkcji dóbr i usług oraz zatrudniania płatnego personelu. Prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej (czy to wprost czy za pomocą wydzielonego zakładu) oraz odpłatna działalność statutowa oznacza „przejście na stronę gospodarki społecznej” i powoduje konieczność zwrócenia uwagi na nowe funkcje i procesy w organizacji pozarządowej. Artykuł koncentruje się na wybranych problemach dotyczących realizacji funkcji zarządzania w organizacji – planowaniu działań i pozyskiwaniu klientów, funkcji zarządów organizacji, tworzeniu struktur organizacyjnych, kształtowania zasobów ludzkich, kontroli oraz podejmowania działań marketingowych przez organizacje. W artykule zasygnali- zowano również zagadnienia związane z hybrydyzacją organizacji, która w dużej mierze dotyczy procesów przekształca- nia się w podmioty ekonomii społecznej

    The unintended consequences of intentional actions of non-governmental organizations

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    The aim of this paper study is to recognize the unintended and unanticipated consequences of intentional actions of non-governmental organizations. This concept used by theorists and researchers, was developed mainly by R. Merton and R. Boudon. This subsequently led to a detailed contemporary analysis of paternalism, particularism, “dirty” networks and cooptation and hybridization in the third sector, as results of organizational action. In the article, readers can find examples of unintended consequences of actions of Polish non-governmental organizations

    'Catholic Coachella', 'Papal Rock Concer'? : case study of the World Youth Day in Cracow as an example of a successful religious project

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    Objective: The World Youth Day (the WYD) with about 3 million Catholics from all over the world participating directly in a single place and time is one of the biggest and most spectacular projects organized on regular basis by the Catholic Church since more than 30 years ago. From the perspective of management sciences, we presented the WYD as an example of a very large organisational event which requires the people who execute it to display managerial skills ade-quate for managing megaevents. The research problem that we pondered concerns what made the WYD, as a particular type of project - a large-scale religious event - successful. Methodology: We conducted an in-depth analysis of the literature and the study of the organ-isation and execution of the World Youth Day held in Cracow in between 25 and 31 July 2016. The combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was selected: desk research analysis, in-depth individual interviews and partly categorised quantitative interviews. Findings: The results of the research indicate that particularly inspiring for the management practice is, among others, an exceptional ability to involve and motivate project's stakeholders and special purpose entities which the organisers of the Cracow WYD displayed. Value Added:In our considerations, we point out the specific type of a project - a global event of a religious nature - that according to our knowledge was not a subject of research in the field of management studies and thus we fill out the existing research gap. Recommendations: The exploratory character of the study may inspire further research into the success factors of soft megaprojects and in particular those of religious nature

    How women drove 'spirits' out of their local communities : the 'exorcism' of non-governmental organizations : a comparative case study

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    The process of system transformation in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe brought forth numerous economic benefits and social acceptance. However, it also presented challenging social problems, particularly at the local level. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), often led by female leaders, took on the responsibility of gradually addressing these issues. By identifying the needs and expectations of the communities they served, NGOs became significant agents in resolving local social problems. Unfortunately, the actions and perspectives of women in these NGOs, who played a crucial role in their establishment and development over the decades of the system transformation period, remain inadequately recognized in the existing literature. The research presented in this text aimed to explore and understand how women-led NGOs defined and addressed the social problems of local communities during the system transformation in Poland. To achieve this, the metaphor of spirits and exorcisms was employed. The research utilized a comparative case study approach, focusing on four NGOs founded and managed by women across different phases of the system transformation in Poland. In-depth interviews, observations, and document and website analyses were conducted within each case study. This research contributes to the micro-level understanding of the contributions made by women-led NGOs to the process of system transformation in Poland

    The role of trust in sustainable heritage management networks : case study of selected cultural routes in Poland

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    Currently, the most common way of managing cultural heritage in a sustainable manner takes the form of cultural routes. The phenomenon of cultural routes mainly results from their innovative organisation, different from the previously adopted institutionalised and formalised heritage management structure that did not align with the contemporary discourse around cultural heritage, which currently constitutes one of the bases of sustainable development. The novel idea focuses on the active involvement of many diverse entities in heritage management: not only public sector organisations with their statutory appointment for this purpose, but, first and foremost, entrepreneurs who create heritage products, tourists visiting sites on the route, or people who create this heritage. Thus, the cultural route acquires the characteristics of a network-points (nodes) that are shaped depending on the needs of the region and its inhabitants, their knowledge, experience, current ideas about a given place, and the way in which specific communities would like to be perceived. The undertaken research problem explores what features cultural route networks have and how they are managed, as well as what values, including trust, are manifested in the mutual relations of route-related entities. An original concept of shaping trust within the network of cultural routes has also been proposed based on the research results

    Humanistic dimension of project management practice : a case study of the World Youth Day (Cracow 2016)

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    The text attempts to reflect on the project management practices from the humanistic perspective. The subject of consideration involved the World Youth Day (WYD) project, which took place in Cracow in July 2016. In the paper, the World Youth Day is shown as an example of a mass-scale organizational event, which required the people involved to have advanced management skills and the knowledge of methodologies and various tools necessary to manage large projects. Attention, however, was focused on the role that these people and their related values such as faith, emotions, pride, hopes, and dreams played in the management of this project. Thus, the research problem formulated in the paper investigated how the values of the people co-creating the WYD events impacted the effective and timely implementation of the project and its goals

    Directions of changes in the management of Polish NGOs in processes of governmentalisation and marketisation

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    The recent years brought worldwide development of managerial thinking and practices in the third sector, but these processes are barely identified within the Polish non-governmental sector. Polish organisations are considerably more influenced by the public sector, which often results in too close relationships, dependence from public financial resources, and advancing institutionalisation. Perhaps the state’s retreat from a broad partnership with NGOs, widely regarded as disadvantageous and dangerous to the Polish democracy, that could be observed for the past two years at the central level, will turn out to be the saving grace and will stop the processes of governmentalisation. In search of the sources of funding other than public, increasing the quality of services and learning new rules, relations and principles; perhaps we will witness the emergence of a new formula of the third sector in Poland. Keeping in mind, of course, the leading principle of heterogenicity and diversity of NGOs' objectives, stemming from unlimited human need