10 research outputs found

    Field quality of 1.5 m long conduction cooled superconducting undulator coils with 20 mm period length

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    The Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the industrial partner Babcock Noell GmbH (BNG) are collaborating since 2007 on the development of superconducting undulators both for ANKA and low emittance light sources. The first full length device with 15 mm period length has been successfully tested in the ANKA storage ring for one year. The next superconducting undulator has 20 mm period length (SCU20) and is also planned to be installed in the accelerator test facility and synchrotron light source ANKA. The SCU20 1.5 m long coils have been characterized in a conduction cooled horizontal test facility developed at KIT IBPT. Here we present the local magnetic field and field integral measurements, as well as their analysis including the expected photon spectrum

    The Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE): A new online instrument for laboratory studies and automated long-term field observations of ice-nucleating particles

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    Atmospheric ice-nucleating particles (INPs) play an important role in determining the phase of clouds, which affects their albedo and lifetime. A lack of data on the spatial and temporal variation of INPs around the globe limits our predictive capacity and understanding of clouds containing ice. Automated instrumentation that can robustly measure INP concentrations across the full range of tropospheric temperatures is needed in order to address this knowledge gap. In this study, we demonstrate the functionality and capacity of the new Portable Ice Nucleation Experiment (PINE) to study ice nucleation processes and to measure INP concentrations under conditions pertinent for mixed-phase clouds, with temperatures from about −10 to about −40 C. PINE is a cloud expansion chamber which avoids frost formation on the cold walls and thereby omits frost fragmentation and related background ice signals during the operation. The development, working principle and treatment of data for the PINE instrument is discussed in detail. We present laboratory-based tests where PINE measurements were compared with those from the established AIDA (Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) cloud chamber. Within experimental uncertainties, PINE agreed with AIDA for homogeneous freezing of pure water droplets and the immersion freezing activity of mineral aerosols. Results from a first field campaign conducted at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) observatory in Oklahoma, USA, from 1 October to 14 November 2019 with the latest PINE design (a commercially available PINE chamber) are also shown, demonstrating PINE\u27s ability to make automated field measurements of INP concentrations at a time resolution of about 8 min with continuous temperature scans for INP measurements between −10 and −30 ∘C. During this field campaign, PINE was continuously operated for 45 d in a fully automated and semi-autonomous way, demonstrating the capability of this new instrument to also be used for longer-term field measurements and INP monitoring activities in observatories

    Intelliquench: An Adaptive Machine Learning System for Detection of Superconducting Magnet Quenches

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    In superconducting magnets, the irreversible transition of a portion of the conductor to resistive state is called a “quench.” Having large stored energy, magnets can be damaged by quenches due to localized heating, high voltage, or large force transients. Unfortunately, current quench protection systems can only detect a quench after it happens, and mitigating risks in Low Temperature Superconducting (LTS) accelerator magnets often requires fast response (down to ms). Additionally, protection of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) magnets is still suffering from prohibitively slow quench detection. In this study, we lay the groundwork for a quench prediction system using an auto-encoder fully-connected deep neural network. After dynamically trained with data features extracted from acoustic sensors around the magnet, the system detects anomalous events seconds before the quench in most of our data. While the exact nature of the events is under investigation, we show that the system can “forecast” a quench before it happens under magnet training conditions through a randomized experiment. This opens up the way of integrated data processing, potentially leading to faster and better diagnostics and detection of magnet quenchesIn superconducting magnets, the irreversible transition of a portion of the conductor to resistive state is called a “quench.” Having large stored energy, magnets can be damaged by quenches due to localized heating, high voltage, or large force transients. Unfortunately, current quench protection systems can only detect a quench after it happens, and mitigating risks in Low Temperature Superconducting (LTS) accelerator magnets often requires fast response (down to ms). Additionally, protection of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) magnets is still suffering from prohibitively slow quench detection. In this study, we lay the groundwork for a quench prediction system using an auto-encoder fully-connected deep neural network. After dynamically trained with data features extracted from acoustic sensors around the magnet, the system detects anomalous events seconds before the quench in most of our data. While the exact nature of the events is under investigation, we show that the system can “forecast” a quench before it happens under magnet training conditions through a randomized experiment. This opens up the way of integrated data processing, potentially leading to faster and better diagnostics and detection of magnet quenches

    FEL Performance of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC LAB AQUA Beamline

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    The AQUA beamline of the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB infrastructure consists of a Free-Electron Laser facility driven by an electron beam with 1 GeV energy, produced by an X-band normal conducting LINAC followed by a plasma wakefield acceleration stage, with the goal to deliver variable polarization photons in the 3-4 nm wavelength range. Two undulator options were considered for the AQUA FEL amplifier, a 16 mm period length superconducting undulator and an APPLE-X variable polarization permanent magnet undulator with 18 mm period length. The amplifier is composed by an array of ten undulator sections 2m each. Performance associated to the electron beam parameters and to the undulator technology is investigated and discussed

    COLDDIAG: A Cold Vacuum Chamber for Diagnostics

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    One of the still open issues for the development of superconducting insertion devices is the understanding of the beam heat load. With the aim of measuring the beam heat load to a cold bore and the hope to gain a deeper understanding in the beam heat load mechanisms, a cold vacuum chamber for diagnostics is under construction. The following diagnostics will be implemented: i) retarding field analyzers to measure the electron energy and flux, ii) temperature sensors to measure the total heat load, iii) pressure gauges, iv) and mass spectrometers to measure the gas content. The inner vacuum chamber will be removable in order to test different geometries and materials. This will allow the installation of the cryostat in different synchrotron light sources. COLDDIAG will be built to fit in a short straight section at ANKA. A first installation at the synchrotron light source Diamond is foreseen in June 2011. Here we describe the technical design report of this device and the planned measurements with beam