33 research outputs found

    Understanding the First Year Experience: An Avenue to Explore Trends in Higher Education (Keynote)

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    Regular examination of the issues and research related to the First Year Experience (FYE) is a priority for most administrators in higher education. A great deal of time, energy, funding and research are funneled into programs for first year students as a means to recruit and retain students in an increasingly tight market. As a consequence, there is much librarians can learn from the examination of these efforts made nationwide. Whether a librarian works exclusively with first year students, upper division students, graduate students or behind the scenes in technical services, paying attention to FYE developments is critical to speaking the same language as the rest of those who work in higher education. Peering through the FYE window has the potential to illuminate new paths to connect with and reach all students on campuses more effectively

    Creating the IL Course in a University Setting

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    This book chapter offers suggestions for how to develop a stand alone information literacy course. It takes into account all of the levels of curriculum review at the campus level as well as practical matters such as staffing, course delivery options and budgeting

    Creating a Culture of Readers through Collection Development and Outreach

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    Children’s literature collections in academic libraries present a unique opportunity for librarians to develop engaging out- reach programs for students, faculty, and community mem- bers. The Curriculum Resource Center at Bowling Green State University’s Wm. T. Jerome Library has developed several popular events that both promote the collection and the cen- tral mission of creating a culture of reading. In this case study, three of the most successful endeavors – Mock Caldecott, April Madness, and Sneak Peek - are highlighted to provide insight into how we integrate our carefully developed collec- tion into programs that inspire excitement and build commu- nity around reading

    Survey Research on Little or no Budget: Practical Tips and Advice for Using the Internet to Conduct Surveys

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    The Internet is a medium that can be used to streamline the process of conducting survey research and offers advantages over traditional survey mediums like the face-to-face interview, telephone interview, and paper-based survey. Among the advantages are the potential for quick response rates via Web forms or e-mail, as well as monetary savings related to postage, stationary, or long-distance charges. In this article, we will provide practical tips for using the Internet for survey research as well as advice and lessons learned from our experience using the Internet to conduct a large survey project on little or no budget

    Information Literacy for Teaching and Learning: A Course for Teacher Practitioners.

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    Teachers are faced not only with standards-based instructional design daily, but with the shortage of certified school library media specialists within their districts. Information Literacy for Teaching and Learning, a graduate level course, was created, in part, to empower teachers with the knowledge, skills and abilities to embed information literacy within classroom learning experiences. In addition, the skills mastered and activities explored in this course logically transfer to research projects assigned in future graduate courses. Reprinted by permission of the publisher

    Creating A Meaningful Learning Framework for Volunteers, Internships, Practicums, and Co-ops

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    Presentation at Academic Library Association of Ohio Conference, Columbus, OH

    Lean on Librarians for Canvas Commons

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    Learn how librarians became the business owners of Canvas Commons on their campus. This session includes implementation details from getting buy-in to the communication plan leading up to the launch. Faculty training and support as well as ideas on how to garner contributions to the Commons will also be shared

    ScholarWorks@BGSU Brochure

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    This brochure gives a brief overview of ScholarWorks@BGSU, explains how to submit articles for inclusion, and details the types of projects that the repository is capable of hosting