21 research outputs found

    Unmet need for assistance with activities of daily life among older adults in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the proportion of unmet need for personal assistance for basic and instrumental activities of daily life and to evaluate socioeconomic inequalities related to the unmet need among community-dwelling Brazilian older adults. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study with data from the last National Health Survey in Brazil. Unmet need was considered as the presence of at least one unmet need for basic or instrumental activities of daily life among individuals reporting the need for assistance. Logistic regression models were used to assess the correlates and probabilities of unmet need. RESULTS: The proportion of unmet need was 18% and 7.1% for basic and instrumental activities of daily life, respectively. Unmet need was significantly related to living arrangements and socioeconomic status. Individuals in the first quintile of wealth status had about 50% higher probability of having an unmet need. A family member was the most prevalent type of caregiver. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term care policy is needed to reduce the proportion of unmet need, especially among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Future studies should address the availability, training, and remuneration of caregivers, as those are an indispensable labor force in an aging societ

    Social participation and tooth loss, vision, and hearing impairments among older Brazilian adults

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    BACKGROUND: Vision and hearing impairments can reduce participation in social activities. Given the prominent role of the mouth in face-to-face interactions, this study evaluated the associations of tooth loss, vision, and hearing impairments with social participation among older adults. METHODS: This analysis included 1947 participants, aged 60+ years, who participated in three waves (2006, 2010, and 2015) of the Health, Wellbeing and Aging Study (SABE) in Brazil. Social participation was measured by the number of formal and informal social activities (requiring face-to-face interaction) participants were regularly involved in. Teeth were counted during clinical examinations and categorized as 0, 1–19, and 20+ teeth. Reports on vision and hearing impairments were classified into three categories (good, regular, and poor). The associations of each impairment with the 9-year change in the social participation score were tested in negative binomial mixed-effects models adjusting for time-variant and time-invariant covariates. RESULTS: Each impairment was associated with the baseline social participation score and the annual rate of change in the social participation score. Participants with 1–19 (incidence rate ratio: 0.96, 95% CI: 0.91–1.01) and no teeth (0.92, 95% CI: 0.87–0.97), those with regular (0.98, 95% CI: 0.95–1.01) and poor vision (0.86, 95% CI: 0.81–0.90), and those with regular (0.94, 95% CI: 0.91–0.98) and poor hearing (0.91, 95% CI: 0.87–0.95) had lower baseline social participation scores than those with 20+ teeth, good vision, and good hearing, respectively. Furthermore, participants with 1–19 (0.996, 95% CI: 0.990–1.002) and no teeth (0.994, 95% CI: 0.987–0.999), those with regular (0.996, 95% CI: 0.992–0.999) and poor vision (0.997, 95% CI: 0.991–1.003), and those with regular (0.997, 95% CI: 0.992–1.001) and poor hearing (0.995, 95% CI: 0.990–0.999) had greater annual declines in the social participation score than those with 20+ teeth, good vision and good hearing, respectively. CONCLUSION: This 9-year longitudinal study shows that tooth loss, vision, and hearing impairments are associated with reduced social participation among older adults

    Factors associated with the use of dental services by elderly Brazilians

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre a utilização recente de serviços odontológicos, fatores socioeconômicos e condições de saúde bucal entre idosos no Brasil. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta pelos indivíduos de 65-74 anos (n = 6.702) que participaram da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal em 2010 (SBBrasil 2010). A variável dependente foi a utilização recente de serviços odontológicos (última consulta há dois anos ou menos). As variáveis independentes foram: fatores sociodemográficos, medidas clínicas de saúde bucal e medida subjetiva de saúde bucal. A análise estatística foi feita por meio da descrição das medidas de frequência, análise bivariada e múltipla utilizando-se regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 46,5% dos idosos foram ao dentista há dois anos ou menos. A partir da análise múltipla observou-se que a escolaridade, a renda e a macrorregião foram independentemente associadas ao desfecho. Indivíduos com zero a 20 dentes e necessidade de prótese apresentaram menor prevalência de consulta odontológica recente. Maiores prevalências de consulta recente foram observadas entre os indivíduos com necessidade de tratamento odontológico e usuários de prótese. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização recente de serviços odontológicos foi associada a fatores socioeconômicos (escolaridade, renda e macrorregião do País) e a medidas clínicas de saúde bucal (número de dentes, uso e necessidade de prótese e necessidade de tratamento).OBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación entre la utilización reciente de servicios odontológicos, factores socioeconómicos y condiciones de salud bucal entre ancianos en Brasil. MÉTODOS: La muestra estuvo compuesta por individuos de 65-74 años (n= 6.702) que participaron de la Investigación Nacional de Salud Bucal en 2010 (SBBrasil 2010). La variable dependiente fue la utilización reciente de servicios odontológicos (última consulta hace dos años o menos). Las variables independientes fueron: factores sociodemográficos, medidas clínicas de salud bucal y medida subjetiva de salud bucal. El análisis estadístico fue realizado a través de la descripción de las medidas de frecuencia, análisis bivariado y múltiple utilizando la regresión de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Se observó que 46,5% de los ancianos fueron al dentista hace dos años o menos. A partir del análisis múltiple se observó que la escolaridad, la renta y la macro región fueron independientemente asociadas al resultado. Individuos con cero a 20 dientes y necesidad de prótesis presentaron menor prevalencia de consulta odontológica reciente. Mayores prevalencias de consulta reciente fueron observadas entre los individuos con necesidad de tratamiento odontológico y usuarios de prótesis. CONCLUSIONES: La utilización reciente de servicios odontológicos fue asociada a factores socioeconómicos (escolaridad, renta y macro región del País) y a medidas clínicas de salud bucal (número de dientes, uso y necesidad de prótesis y necesidad de tratamiento).OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between recent use of dental services, socioeconomic factors and oral health measures among elderly Brazilians. METHODS: The sample consisted of elderly individuals aged 65 to 74, who participated in the Brazilian Oral Health Survey in 2010 (Brazil SB-2010). The dependent variable was “recent use of dental services” (last dental visit ≤ 2 years). The independent variables were: 1) sociodemographic factors, clinical oral health measures, and subjective measure of oral health. Statistical analysis included descriptive analyses of frequency, bivariate and multiple analyses using Poisson regression. RESULTS: About 46.5% of the elderly individuals had had a dental appointment in the last two years. In the multiple Poisson regression model, education, income and region were independently associated with the outcome. Individuals with 0-20 teeth and need for prosthesis had a lower prevalence of recent dental visit. A higher prevalence of recent dental visit was observed among individuals in need of dental treatment and among those with dental prosthesis. CONCLUSIONS: Recent use of dental services was associated with socioeconomic factors (education, income, and region) and clinical oral health measures (number of teeth, use and need for dental prosthesis and need for dental treatment)

    Fatores associados à autopercepção de saúde bucal ruim entre idosos não institucionalizados do Município de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The present study investigated the prevalence of poor self-perceived oral health and its association with oral health, general health and socioeconomic factors among elderly individuals from São Paulo, Brazil. The sample consisted of 871 elderly individuals enrolled in the Health, Wellbeing and Aging cohort study. Self-perceived oral health was measured by the question: "How would you rate your oral health?". Most subjects self-rated their oral health as good. Among dentate individuals, poor oral health was related to depression, poor self-rated health, dental treatment, dental checkups and the psychosocial subscale scores of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index. Edentulous individuals were more likely to report poor oral health, whereas those with higher psychosocial scores were less likely to report poor self-rated oral health. Poor self-rated oral health is associated with general health factors and the psychosocial impact of oral health on quality of life, regardless of socioeconomic and clinical health measures

    Relationship Between Oral Health-Related Quality of Life, Oral Health, Socioeconomic, and General Health Factors in Elderly Brazilians

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    Objectives To assess the impact of oral health on quality of life in elderly Brazilians and to evaluate its association with clinical oral health measures and socioeconomic and general health factors. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Population-based cohort study on health, well-being, and aging. Participants Eight hundred fifty-seven participants representing 588,384 community-dwelling elderly adults from the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. MeasurementS Self-perceived impact of oral health on quality of life was measured using the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI), with scores categorized as good, moderate, or poor, indicating low, moderate, and high degrees of negative impact on quality of life, respectively. Results Nearly half of the individuals had good GOHAI scores (44.7% of overall sample, 45.9% of dentate participants, and 43.4% of edentulous participants). In the overall sample, those with poor self-rated general health and a need for dental prostheses were more likely to have poor and moderate GOHAI scores. Individuals with depression were significantly more likely to have poor GOHAI scores. No socioeconomic variables were related to the outcome, except self-perception of sufficient income, which was a protective factor against a poor GOHAI score in dentate participants. Conclusion Moderate and high degrees of negative impact of oral health on quality of life were associated with general health and clinical oral health measures, independent of socioeconomic factors.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [1999/05125-7, 2005/54947-2, 2010/00883-1

    Fatores associados à qualidade de vida percebida em adultos mais velhos: ELSI-Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados à qualidade de vida percebida em amostra nacional representativa da população com 50 anos ou mais. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados de 7.651 participantes da linha de base do ELSI-Brasil, conduzida entre 2015 e 2016. A qualidade de vida percebida foi aferida pela escala CASP-19, considerando-se como boa qualidade de vida percebida o tercil mais alto. As variáveis independentes incluíram características sociodemográficas, mobilidade, solidão, redes sociais, apoio social e participação social. As associações foram testadas por meio de regressão de Poisson multivariada. RESULTADOS: A melhor qualidade de vida percebida apresentou associação positiva e independente com a frequência de encontros com amigos (RP = 1,25 para pelo menos uma vez a cada 2–3 meses e RP = 1,36 para pelo menos uma vez por semana), suporte instrumental dentro de casa, de cônjuge ou companheiro (RP = 1,69) e suporte emocional de outros parentes (RP = 1,45), de filho, nora ou genro (RP = 1,41) e do cônjuge ou companheiro(a) (RP = 1,33). Associações negativas foram observadas para idade igual ou superior a 80 anos (RP = 0,77), escolaridade igual a 4–7 e 8 anos ou mais (RP = 0,78 e 0,75, respectivamente) e dificuldade na mobilidade (RP = 0,83). CONCLUSÕES: Além da idade e da escolaridade, a mobilidade, a sociabilidade e o suporte instrumental e emocional estão associados à qualidade de vida percebida entre adultos mais velhos brasileiros. Essas características devem ser consideradas nas ações visando à promoção da qualidade de vida dessa população.OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with perceived quality of life in a representative national sample of the population aged 50 or over. METHODS: Data from 7,651 participants of the baseline ELSI-Brazil (Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging), conducted between 2015 and 2016, were used. The perceived quality of life was measured by the CASP-19 scale - (CASP - control, autonomy, self-fulfillment and pleasure), considering the highest tertile as good quality of life. The independent variables included socio-demographic characteristics, mobility, loneliness, and indicators of sociability (social network, social support and social participation). The associations were tested using multivariate Poisson regression. RESULTS: The best perceived quality of life showed a positive and independent association with the frequency of contacts with friends (PR = 1.25 for at least once every 2–3 months and PR = 1.36 for at least once a week), instrumental support from spouse or partner in the household (PR = 1.69), and emotional support from other relatives (PR = 1.45), children or children in law (PR = 1.41) and spouse or partner (PR = 1.33). Negative associations were observed for participants aged 80 and over (RP = 0.77), with 4 to 7 or 8 or more years of schooling (PR = 0.78 and 0.75, respectively) and with difficulty in mobility (PR = 0.83). CONCLUSIONS: In addition to age and schooling, mobility, sociability and instrumental and emotional support are associated with perceived quality of life among older Brazilian adults. These characteristics must be considered when actions are taken, aiming to promote quality of life in this population

    Unmet need for assistance with activities of daily life among older adults in Brazil

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the proportion of unmet need for personal assistance for basic and instrumental activities of daily life and to evaluate socioeconomic inequalities related to the unmet need among community-dwelling Brazilian older adults. METHODS This was a cross-sectional study with data from the last National Health Survey in Brazil. Unmet need was considered as the presence of at least one unmet need for basic or instrumental activities of daily life among individuals reporting the need for assistance. Logistic regression models were used to assess the correlates and probabilities of unmet need. RESULTS The proportion of unmet need was 18% and 7.1% for basic and instrumental activities of daily life, respectively. Unmet need was significantly related to living arrangements and socioeconomic status. Individuals in the first quintile of wealth status had about 50% higher probability of having an unmet need. A family member was the most prevalent type of caregiver. CONCLUSIONS Long-term care policy is needed to reduce the proportion of unmet need, especially among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Future studies should address the availability, training, and remuneration of caregivers, as those are an indispensable labor force in an aging society

    Unmet need for assistance with activities of daily life among older adults in Brazil

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