162 research outputs found

    Evaluation of CCK2 receptor binding ligands: the inheritance of Thomas Behr.

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    Improved labelling of DTPA- and DOTA-conjugated peptides and antibodies with 111In in HEPES and MES buffer

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    Contains fulltext : 108269.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: In single photon emission computed tomography [SPECT], high specific activity of 111In-labelled tracers will allow administration of low amounts of tracer to prevent receptor saturation and/or side effects. To increase the specific activity, we studied the effect of the buffer used during the labelling procedure: NaAc, NH4Ac, HEPES and MES buffer. The effect of the ageing of the 111InCl3 stock and cadmium contamination, the decay product of 111In, was also examined in these buffers. METHODS: Escalating amounts of 111InCl3 were added to 1 mug of the diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid [DTPA]- and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid [DOTA]-conjugated compounds (exendin-3, octreotide and anti-carbonic anhydrase IX [CAIX] antibody). Five volumes of 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid [MES], 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid [HEPES], NH4Ac or NaAc (0.1 M, pH 5.5) were added. After 20 min at 20 degrees C (DTPA-conjugated compounds), at 95 degrees C (DOTA-exendin-3 and DOTA-octreotide) or at 45 degrees C (DOTA-anti-CAIX antibody), the labelling efficiency was determined by instant thin layer chromatography. The effect of the ageing of the 111InCl3 stock on the labelling efficiency of DTPA-exendin-3 as well as the effect of increasing concentrations of Cd2+ (the decay product of 111In) were also examined. RESULTS: Specific activities obtained for DTPA-octreotide and DOTA-anti-CAIX antibody were five times higher in MES and HEPES buffer. Radiolabelling of DTPA-exendin-3, DOTA-exendin-3 and DTPA-anti-CAIX antibody in MES and HEPES buffer resulted in twofold higher specific activities than that in NaAc and NH4Ac. Labelling of DTPA-exendin-3 decreased with 66% and 73% for NaAc and NH4Ac, respectively, at day 11 after the production date of 111InCl3, while for MES and HEPES, the maximal decrease in the specific activity was 10% and 4% at day 11, respectively. The presence of 1 pM Cd2+ in the labelling mixture of DTPA-exendin-3 in NaAc and NH4Ac markedly reduced the labelling efficiency, whereas Cd2+ concentrations up to 0.1 nM did not affect the labelling efficiency in MES and HEPES buffer. CONCLUSIONS: We showed improved labelling of DTPA- and DOTA-conjugated compounds with 111In in HEPES and MES buffer. The enhanced labelling efficiency appears to be due to the reduced competitive chelation of cadmium. The enhanced labelling efficiency will allow more sensitive imaging of the biomarkers with SPECT

    68Ga-labelled exendin-3, a new agent for the detection of insulinomas with PET

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    Contains fulltext : 89596.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: Insulinomas are neuroendocrine tumours derived from pancreatic beta-cells. The glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R) is expressed with a high incidence (>90%) and high density in insulinomas. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), the natural ligand of GLP-1R, is rapidly degraded in vivo. A more stable agonist of GLP-1R is exendin-3. We investigated imaging of insulinomas with DOTA-conjugated exendin-3 labelled with (68)Ga. METHODS: Targeting of insulinomas with [Lys(40)(DOTA)]exendin-3 labelled with either (111)In or (68)Ga was investigated in vitro using insulinoma tumour cells (INS-1). [Lys(40)((111)In-DTPA)]Exendin-3 was used as a reference in this study. In vivo targeting was investigated in BALB/c nude mice with subcutaneous INS-1 tumours. PET imaging was performed using a preclinical PET/CT scanner. RESULTS: In vitro exendin-3 specifically bound and was internalized by GLP-1R-positive cells. In BALB/c nude mice with subcutaneous INS-1 tumours a high uptake of [Lys(40)((111)In-DTPA)]exendin-3 in the tumour was observed (33.5 +/- 11.6%ID/g at 4 h after injection). Uptake was specific, as determined by coinjection of an excess of unlabelled [Lys(40)]exendin-3 (1.8 +/- 0.1%ID/g). The pancreas also exhibited high and specific uptake (11.3 +/- 1.0%ID/g). High uptake was also found in the kidneys (144 +/- 24%ID/g) and this uptake was not receptor-mediated. In this murine tumour model optimal targeting of the GLP-1R expressing tumour was obtained at exendin doses < or =0.1 microg. Remarkably, tumour uptake of (68)Ga-labelled [Lys(40)(DOTA)]exendin-3 was lower (8.9 +/- 3.1%ID/g) than tumour uptake of (111)In-labelled [Lys(40)(DTPA)]exendin-3 (25.4 +/- 7.2%ID/g). The subcutaneous tumours were clearly visualized by small-animal PET imaging after injection of 3 MBq of [Lys(40)((68)Ga-DOTA)]exendin-3. CONCLUSION: [Lys(40)((68)Ga-DOTA)]Exendin-3 specifically accumulates in insulinomas, although the uptake is lower than that of [Lys(40)((111)In-DTPA)]exendin-3. Therefore, [Lys(40)((68)Ga-DOTA)]exendin-3 is a promising tracer to visualize insulinomas with PET.01 juli 201

    Image Thresholding Technique Based On Fuzzy Partition And Entropy Maximization

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    Thresholding is a commonly used technique in image segmentation because of its fast and easy application. For this reason threshold selection is an important issue. There are two general approaches to threshold selection. One approach is based on the histogram of the image while the other is based on the gray scale information located in the local small areas. The histogram of an image contains some statistical data of the grayscale or color ingredients. In this thesis, an adaptive logical thresholding method is proposed for the binarization of blueprint images first. The new method exploits the geometric features of blueprint images. This is implemented by utilizing a robust windows operation, which is based on the assumption that the objects have "e;C"e; shape in a small area. We make use of multiple window sizes in the windows operation. This not only reduces computation time but also separates effectively thin lines from wide lines. Our method can automatically determine the threshold of images. Experiments show that our method is effective for blueprint images and achieves good results over a wide range of images. Second, the fuzzy set theory, along with probability partition and maximum entropy theory, is explored to compute the threshold based on the histogram of the image. Fuzzy set theory has been widely used in many fields where the ambiguous phenomena exist since it was proposed by Zadeh in 1965. And many thresholding methods have also been developed by using this theory. The concept we are using here is called fuzzy partition. Fuzzy partition means that a histogram is parted into several groups by some fuzzy sets which represent the fuzzy membership of each group because our method is based on histogram of the image . Probability partition is associated with fuzzy partition. The probability distribution of each group is derived from the fuzzy partition. Entropy which originates from thermodynamic theory is introduced into communications theory as a commonly used criteria to measure the information transmitted through a channel. It is adopted by image processing as a measurement of the information contained in the processed images. Thus it is applied in our method as a criterion for selecting the optimal fuzzy sets which partition the histogram. To find the threshold, the histogram of the image is partitioned by fuzzy sets which satisfy a certain entropy restriction. The search for the best possible fuzzy sets becomes an important issue. There is no efficient method for the searching procedure. Therefore, expansion to multiple level thresholding with fuzzy partition becomes extremely time consuming or even impossible. In this thesis, the relationship between a probability partition (PP) and a fuzzy C-partition (FP) is studied. This relationship and the entropy approach are used to derive a thresholding technique to select the optimal fuzzy C-partition. The measure of the selection quality is the entropy function defined by the PP and FP. A necessary condition of the entropy function arriving at a maximum is derived. Based on this condition, an efficient search procedure for two-level thresholding is derived, which makes the search so efficient that extension to multilevel thresholding becomes possible. A novel fuzzy membership function is proposed in three-level thresholding which produces a better result because a new relationship among the fuzzy membership functions is presented. This new relationship gives more flexibility in the search for the optimal fuzzy sets, although it also increases the complication in the search for the fuzzy sets in multi-level thresholding. This complication is solved by a new method called the "e;Onion-Peeling"e; method. Because the relationship between the fuzzy membership functions is so complicated it is impossible to obtain the membership functions all at once. The search procedure is decomposed into several layers of three-level partitions except for the last layer which may be a two-level one. So the big problem is simplified to three-level partitions such that we can obtain the two outmost membership functions without worrying too much about the complicated intersections among the membership functions. The method is further revised for images with a dominant area of background or an object which affects the appearance of the histogram of the image. The histogram is the basis of our method as well as of many other methods. A "e;bad"e; shape of the histogram will result in a bad thresholded image. A quadtree scheme is adopted to decompose the image into homogeneous areas and heterogeneous areas. And a multi-resolution thresholding method based on quadtree and fuzzy partition is then devised to deal with these images. Extension of fuzzy partition methods to color images is also examined. An adaptive thresholding method for color images based on fuzzy partition is proposed which can determine the number of thresholding levels automatically. This thesis concludes that the "e;C"e; shape assumption and varying sizes of windows for windows operation contribute to a better segmentation of the blueprint images. The efficient search procedure for the optimal fuzzy sets in the fuzzy-2 partition of the histogram of the image accelerates the process so much that it enables the extension of it to multilevel thresholding. In three-level fuzzy partition the new relationship presentation among the three fuzzy membership functions makes more sense than the conventional assumption and, as a result, performs better. A novel method, the "e;Onion-Peeling"e; method, is devised for dealing with the complexity at the intersection among the multiple membership functions in the multilevel fuzzy partition. It decomposes the multilevel partition into the fuzzy-3 partitions and the fuzzy-2 partitions by transposing the partition space in the histogram. Thus it is efficient in multilevel thresholding. A multi-resolution method which applies the quadtree scheme to distinguish the heterogeneous areas from the homogeneous areas is designed for the images with large homogeneous areas which usually distorts the histogram of the image. The new histogram based on only the heterogeneous area is adopted for partition and outperforms the old one. While validity checks filter out the fragmented points which are only a small portion of the whole image. Thus it gives good thresholded images for human face images

    Optimized labeling of NOTA-conjugated octreotide with F-18

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    We recently reported a facile method based on the chelation of [18F]aluminum fluoride (Al18F) by NOTA (1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid). Here, we present a further optimization of the 18F labeling of NOTA-octreotide (IMP466). Octreotide was conjugated with the NOTA chelate and was labeled with 18F in a two-step, one-pot method. The labeling procedure was optimized with regard to the labeling buffer, ionic strength, peptide concentration, and temperature. Radiochemical yield, specific activity, in vitro stability, and receptor affinity were determined. Biodistribution of 18F-IMP466 was studied in AR42J tumor-bearing mice. In addition, microPET/CT images were acquired. IMP466 was labeled with Al18F in a single step with 97% yield in the presence of 80% (v/v) acetonitrile or ethanol. The labeled product was purified by HPLC to remove unlabeled peptide and unbound Al18F. The radiolabeling, including purification, was performed for 45 min. Specific activities of 48,000 GBq/mmol could be obtained. 18F-IMP466 showed a high tumor uptake and excellent tumor-to-blood ratios at 2 h post-injection. In addition, the low bone uptake indicated that the Al18F–NOTA complex was stable in vivo. PET/CT scans revealed excellent tumor delineation and specific accumulation in the tumor. Uptake in receptor-negative organs was low. NOTA-octreotide could be labeled with 18F in quantitative yields using a rapid two-step, one-pot, method. The compound was stable in vivo and showed rapid accretion in SSTR2-receptor-expressing AR42J tumors in nude mice. This method can be used to label other NOTA-conjugated compounds such as RGD peptides, GRPR-binding peptides, and Affibody molecules with 18F

    Diannexin Protects against Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury and Targets Phosphatidylserines in Ischemic Tissue

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    Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) frequently complicates shock, renal transplantation and cardiac and aortic surgery, and has prognostic significance. The translocation of phosphatidylserines to cell surfaces is an important pro-inflammatory signal for cell-stress after IRI. We hypothesized that shielding of exposed phosphatidylserines by the annexin A5 (ANXA5) homodimer Diannexin protects against renal IRI. Protective effects of Diannexin on the kidney were studied in a mouse model of mild renal IRI. Diannexin treatment before renal IRI decreased proximal tubule damage and leukocyte influx, decreased transcription and expression of renal injury markers Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 and improved renal function. A mouse model of ischemic hind limb exercise was used to assess Diannexin biodistribution and targeting. When comparing its biodistribution and elimination to ANXA5, Diannexin was found to have a distinct distribution pattern and longer blood half-life. Diannexin targeted specifically to the ischemic muscle and its affinity exceeded that of ANXA5. Targeting of both proteins was inhibited by pre-treatment with unlabeled ANXA5, suggesting that Diannexin targets specifically to ischemic tissues via phosphatidylserine-binding. This study emphasizes the importance of phosphatidylserine translocation in the pathophysiology of IRI. We show for the first time that Diannexin protects against renal IRI, making it a promising therapeutic tool to prevent IRI in a clinical setting. Our results indicate that Diannexin is a potential new imaging agent for the study of phosphatidylserine-exposing organs in vivo