25 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy On Aluminum Monochloride (alcl) For Laser Cooling And Trapping

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    Cooling atoms to the ultracold regime has allowed for studies of physics, ranging from many-body physics of quantum degenerate gases, quantum computing, precision measurements and tests of fundamental symmetries. Extending these experiments to polar molecules has the prospect of enhancing the sensitivity of such tests and of enabling novel studies, such as cold controlled chemistry. However, applying traditional laser cooling techniques to molecules is rendered difficult due their additional degrees of freedom which result in a limited photon scattering budget. Here we study aluminum monochloride (AlCl) as a promising candidate for laser cooling and trapping. The cooling transition at 261 nm (A1ΠX1Σ+A^{1} \Pi - X^{1} \Sigma^{+}) has a theoretical Franck-Condon factor of 99.88\% which allows for scattering ~800 photons with a single laser before the molecule enters an excited vibrational state. We use a frequency-tripled (SHG + SFG) Titanium-Sapphire laser and generate AlCl via laser ablation in a cryogenic helium buffer gas beam source. We will present our spectroscopy results on AlCl and the measured molecular constants of the A1ΠA^{1}\Pi state and compare them with ab-initio calculations. We will also discuss our estimates on the Franck-Condon factors

    Algebraic synthesis of time-optimal unitaries in SU(2) with alternating controls

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    We present an algebraic framework to study the time-optimal synthesis of arbitrary unitaries in SU(2), when the control set is restricted to rotations around two non-parallel axes in the Bloch sphere. Our method bypasses commonly used control-theoretical techniques, and easily imposes necessary conditions on time-optimal sequences. In a straightforward fashion, we prove that time-optimal sequences are solely parametrized by three rotation angles and derive general bounds on those angles as a function of the relative rotation speed of each control and the angle between the axes. Results are substantially different whether both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations about the given axes are allowed, or only clockwise rotations. In the first case, we prove that any finite time-optimal sequence is composed at most of five control concatenations, while for the more restrictive case, we present scaling laws on the maximum length of any finite time-optimal sequence. The bounds we find for both cases are stricter than previously published ones and severely constrain the structure of time-optimal sequences, allowing for an efficient numerical search of the time-optimal solution. Our results can be used to find the time-optimal evolution of qubit systems under the action of the considered control set, and thus potentially increase the number of realizable unitaries before decoherence

    Engineering vibrationally-assisted energy transfer in a trapped-ion quantum simulator

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    Many important chemical and biochemical processes in the condensed phase are notoriously difficult to simulate numerically. Often this difficulty arises from the complexity of simulating dynamics resulting from coupling to structured, mesoscopic baths, for which no separation of time scales exists and statistical treatments fail. A prime example of such a process is vibrationally assisted charge or energy transfer. A quantum simulator, capable of implementing a realistic model of the system of interest, could provide insight into these processes in regimes where numerical treatments fail. We take a first step towards modeling such transfer processes using an ion trap quantum simulator. By implementing a minimal model, we observe vibrationally assisted energy transport between the electronic states of a donor and an acceptor ion augmented by coupling the donor ion to its vibration. We tune our simulator into several parameter regimes and, in particular, investigate the transfer dynamics in the nonperturbative regime often found in biochemical situations

    Radio Frequency Magneto-Optical Trapping of CaF with High Density

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    We demonstrate significantly improved magneto-optical trapping of molecules using a very slow cryogenic beam source and RF modulated and DC magnetic fields. The RF MOT confines 1.1(3)×1051.1(3) \times 10^5 CaF molecules at a density of 4(1)×1064(1) \times 10^6 cm3^{-3}, which is an order of magnitude greater than previous molecular MOTs. Near Doppler-limited temperatures of 340(20)340(20) μ\muK are attained. The achieved density enables future work to directly load optical tweezers and create optical arrays for quantum simulation.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figure

    One dimensional magneto-optical compression of a cold CaF molecular beam

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    We demonstrate with a RF-MOT the one dimensional, transverse magneto-optical compression of a cold beam of calcium monofluoride (CaF). By continually alternating the magnetic field direction and laser polarizations of the magneto-optical trap, a photon scattering rate of 2π×2\pi \times0.4 MHz is achieved. A 3D model for this RF-MOT, validated by agreement with data, predicts a 3D RF-MOT capture velocity for CaF of 5 m/s

    Achieving translational symmetry in trapped cold ion rings

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a universal concept throughout science. For instance, the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm of translational symmetry breaking underlies the classification of nearly all quantum phases of matter and explains the emergence of crystals, insulators, and superconductors. Usually, the consequences of translational invariance are studied in large systems to suppress edge effects which cause undesired symmetry breaking. While this approach works for investigating global properties, studies of local observables and their correlations require access and control of the individual constituents. Periodic boundary conditions, on the other hand, could allow for translational symmetry in small systems where single particle control is achievable. Here, we crystallize up to fifteen 40Ca+ ions in a microscopic ring with inherent periodic boundary conditions. We show the ring's translational symmetry is preserved at millikelvin temperatures by delocalizing the Doppler laser cooled ions. This establishes an upper bound for undesired symmetry breaking at a level where quantum control becomes feasible. These findings pave the way towards studying quantum many-body physics with translational symmetry at the single particle level in a variety of disciplines from simulation of Hawking radiation to exploration of quantum phase transitions.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Laser slowing of CaF molecules to near the capture velocity of a molecular MOT

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    Laser slowing of CaF molecules down to the capture velocity of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) for molecules is achieved. Starting from a two-stage buffer gas beam source, we apply frequency-broadened "white-light" slowing and observe approximately 6x10^4 CaF molecules with velocities near 10\,m/s. CaF is a candidate for collisional studies in the mK regime. This work represents a significant step towards magneto-optical trapping of CaF