301 research outputs found

    Олешківській Січі – 300 років

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    15–16 червня 2011 р. Національна спілка краєзнавців України здійснила науково-краєзнавчу експедицію, присвячену 300-річчю Олешківської Січі (1711–1728 рр.). В її роботі взяли участь провідні українські вчені-історики, представники органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування, викладачі вишів, учителі, музеєзнавці, краєзнавці, громадські діячі з Києва, Дніпропетровська, Запоріжжя, Херсона, Цюрупинська

    Comparative genome analysis of a large Dutch Legionella pneumophila strain collection identifies five markers highly correlated with clinical strains

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Discrimination between clinical and environmental strains within many bacterial species is currently underexplored. Genomic analyses have clearly shown the enormous variability in genome composition between different strains of a bacterial species. In this study we have used <it>Legionella pneumophila</it>, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease, to search for genomic markers related to pathogenicity. During a large surveillance study in The Netherlands well-characterized patient-derived strains and environmental strains were collected. We have used a mixed-genome microarray to perform comparative-genome analysis of 257 strains from this collection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microarray analysis indicated that 480 DNA markers (out of in total 3360 markers) showed clear variation in presence between individual strains and these were therefore selected for further analysis. Unsupervised statistical analysis of these markers showed the enormous genomic variation within the species but did not show any correlation with a pathogenic phenotype. We therefore used supervised statistical analysis to identify discriminating markers. Genetic programming was used both to identify predictive markers and to define their interrelationships. A model consisting of five markers was developed that together correctly predicted 100% of the clinical strains and 69% of the environmental strains.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A novel approach for identifying predictive markers enabling discrimination between clinical and environmental isolates of <it>L. pneumophila </it>is presented. Out of over 3000 possible markers, five were selected that together enabled correct prediction of all the clinical strains included in this study. This novel approach for identifying predictive markers can be applied to all bacterial species, allowing for better discrimination between strains well equipped to cause human disease and relatively harmless strains.</p

    A probabilistic approach to Zhang's sandpile model

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    The current literature on sandpile models mainly deals with the abelian sandpile model (ASM) and its variants. We treat a less known - but equally interesting - model, namely Zhang's sandpile. This model differs in two aspects from the ASM. First, additions are not discrete, but random amounts with a uniform distribution on an interval [a,b][a,b]. Second, if a site topples - which happens if the amount at that site is larger than a threshold value EcE_c (which is a model parameter), then it divides its entire content in equal amounts among its neighbors. Zhang conjectured that in the infinite volume limit, this model tends to behave like the ASM in the sense that the stationary measure for the system in large volumes tends to be peaked narrowly around a finite set. This belief is supported by simulations, but so far not by analytical investigations. We study the stationary distribution of this model in one dimension, for several values of aa and bb. When there is only one site, exact computations are possible. Our main result concerns the limit as the number of sites tends to infinity, in the one-dimensional case. We find that the stationary distribution, in the case aEc/2a \geq E_c/2, indeed tends to that of the ASM (up to a scaling factor), in agreement with Zhang's conjecture. For the case a=0a=0, b=1b=1 we provide strong evidence that the stationary expectation tends to 1/2\sqrt{1/2}.Comment: 47 pages, 3 figure

    Limiting shapes for deterministic centrally seeded growth models

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    We study the rotor router model and two deterministic sandpile models. For the rotor router model in Zd\mathbb{Z}^d, Levine and Peres proved that the limiting shape of the growth cluster is a sphere. For the other two models, only bounds in dimension 2 are known. A unified approach for these models with a new parameter hh (the initial number of particles at each site), allows to prove a number of new limiting shape results in any dimension d1d \geq 1. For the rotor router model, the limiting shape is a sphere for all values of hh. For one of the sandpile models, and h=2d2h=2d-2 (the maximal value), the limiting shape is a cube. For both sandpile models, the limiting shape is a sphere in the limit hh \to -\infty. Finally, we prove that the rotor router shape contains a diamond.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, some errors corrected and more explanation added, to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Price-based control of ancillary services for power balancing

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    A reliable and an efficient power system is a necessity for any industrialized society. Governments have to enforce regulations to guarantee that such a power system, in spite of many competing stakeholders, participants, companies, and regulating agencies can be operational. This paper analyzes the present arrangements and the future requirements to be posed on incentives and regulation for ancillary services (AS) for power balancing. The paper proposes companies to assess their own needs for AS. A two-sided market for AS is being described to replace the existing arrangements for secondary control. The proposed solution guarantees a reliable and efficient operation of power systems in a market environment with responsive, reliable, and accountable but also competing prosumers, a large penetration of less-predictable renewables and continent-spanning transmission networks

    Вплив глобалізації на модифікацію стратегії соціально-економічного розвитку Бразилії

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    У статті розкрито характер та напрями модифікації національної стратегії розвитку Бразилії, яка зазнала значних змін унаслідок посилення глобалізації світового господарства. Значну увагу приділено дослідженню особливостей і результатів економічних реформ, які були впроваджені Бразилією з метою побудови ефективної соціально-економічної системи.В статье раскрываются характер и направления модификации национальной стратегии развития Бразилии, которая претерпела значительные изменения вследствие усиления глобализации мирового хозяйства. Значительное внимание уделяется исследованию особенностей и результатов экономических реформ, которые были осуществлены Бразилией с целью построения эффективной социально-экономической системы.This article focuses on the nature and direction of modification of the national strategy of Brazil, which has undergone significant changes due to increasing globalization of world economy. Special attention is paid to analysis of peculiarities and results of economic reforms that were implemented in order to build effective social and economic systems of Brazil

    Association between prehospital end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and mortality in patients with suspected severe traumatic brain injury

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    Purpose: Severe traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, and these patients are frequently intubated in the prehospital setting. Cerebral perfusion and intracranial pressure are influenced by the arterial partial pressure of CO2 and derangements might induce further brain damage. We investigated which lower and upper limits of prehospital end-tidal CO2 levels are associated with increased mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Methods: The BRAIN-PROTECT study is an observational multicenter study. Patients with severe traumatic brain injury, treated by Dutch Helicopter Emergency Medical Services between February 2012 and December 2017, were included. Follow-up continued for 1 year after inclusion. End-tidal CO2 levels were measured during prehospital care and their association with 30-day mortality was analyzed with multivariable logistic regression. Results: A total of 1776 patients were eligible for analysis. An L-shaped association between end-tidal CO2 levels and 30-day mortality was observed (p = 0.01), with a sharp increase in mortality with values below 35 mmHg. End-tidal CO2 values between 35 and 45 mmHg were associated with better survival rates compared to &lt; 35 mmHg. No association between hypercapnia and mortality was observed. The odds ratio for the association between hypocapnia (&lt; 35 mmHg) and mortality was 1.89 (95% CI 1.53–2.34, p &lt; 0.001) and for hypercapnia (≥ 45 mmHg) 0.83 (0.62–1.11, p = 0.212). Conclusion: A safe zone of 35–45 mmHg for end-tidal CO2 guidance seems reasonable during prehospital care. Particularly, end-tidal partial pressures of less than 35 mmHg were associated with a significantly increased mortality.</p

    Citrate anticoagulation versus systemic heparinisation in continuous venovenous hemofiltration in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: A multi-center randomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: Because of ongoing controversy, renal and vital outcomes are compared between systemically administered unfractionated heparin and regional anticoagulation with citrate-buffered replacement solution in predilution mode, during continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury (AKI).Methods: In this multi-center randomized controlled trial, patients admitted to the intensive care unit requiring CVVH and meeting inclusion criteria, were randomly assigned to citrate or heparin. Primary endpoints were mortality and renal outcome in intention-to-treat analysis. Secondary endpoints were safety and efficacy. Safety was defined as absence of any adverse event necessitating discontinuation of the assigned anticoagulant. For efficacy, among other parameters, survival times of the first hemofilter were studied.Results: Of the 139 patients enrolled, 66 were randomized to citrate and 73 to heparin. Mortality rates at 28 and 90 days did not differ between groups: 22/66 (33%) of citrate-treated patients died versus 25/72 (35%) of heparin-treated patients at 28 days, and 27/65 (42%) of citrate-treated patients died versus 29/69 (42%) of heparin-treated patients at 90 days (P = 1.00 for both). Renal outcome, i.e. independency of renal replacement therapy 28 days after initiation of CVVH in surviving patients, did not differ between groups: 29/43 (67%) in the citrate-treated patients versus 33/47 (70%) in heparin-treated patients (P = 0.82). Heparin was discontinued in 24/73 (33%) of patients whereas citrate was discontinued in 5/66 (8%) of patients (P &#60; 0.001). Filter survival times were superior for citrate (median 46 versus 32 hour