4 research outputs found

    Appraising Rufaidah Al-Aslamia, First Muslim Nurse and Pioneer of Islamic Nursing: Contributions and Legacy

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    Global advancement in nursing is attributed mainly to western pioneers with negligible recognition of Rufaidah Al-Aslamia, who was the first Muslim nurse, and pioneer in Islamic nursing more than 1,400 years ago in Madinah (Medina, Saudi Arabia). She responded to the need for the provision of organized nursing care to injured soldiers in the Islamic battles during the time of Prophet Mohammed (Peace & Blessings Upon Him). The paucity of focus on Rufaidah Al-Aslamia triggered this scientific study to appraise her contributions and legacy as the pioneer of Islamic nursing. A qualitative, historical research inquiry was conducted using a research design that was exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, interpretive, and contextual within the constructivist paradigm. Data collection of literature was conducted by purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted in two parts, which is document analysis, and thematic and content analysis with the use of deductive, inductive and abductive logical reasoning. The results of topic themes related to nurse-, patient-, and system-focused activities are provided with the emerging themes including efficient organizer, effective communication, clinical practice teacher, community care, and spiritual care. The historical narrative is reconstructed using empirical data sources as part of the discussion that includes the biography of Rufaidah Al-Aslamia and a vivid comprehensive portrayal of the contributions and legacy of Rufaidah Al-Aslamia as the first Muslim nurse and the pioneer of Islamic nursing.   Abstrak Rufaidah Al-Aslamia, Perawat Muslim Pertama dan Pelopor Keperawatan Islam: Kontribusi dan Legasi. Kemajuan global di bidang keperawatan seringkali dikaitkan terutama dengan perintis barat dengan sedikit pengakuan terhadap Rufaidah Al-Aslamia, yang merupakan perawat Muslim pertama, dan pelopor dalam keperawatan Islam lebih dari 1.400 tahun yang lalu di Madinah (Arab Saudi). Rufaidah Al-Aslamia menanggapi kebutuhan penyediaan asuhan keperawatan yang terorganisir untuk tentara yang terluka dalam pertempuran Islam pada masa Nabi Muhammad (SAW). Kurangnya fokus pada Rufaidah Al-Aslamia memicu studi ilmiah ini untuk menilai kontribusi dan warisannya sebagai pelopor keperawatan Islam. Penelusuran sejarah dengan pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian yang bersifat eksploratif, deskriptif, eksplanatif, interpretif, dan kontekstual dalam paradigma konstruktivis. Pengumpul-an data literatur dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dalam dua bagian, yaitu analisis dokumen, dan analisis tematik dan isi dengan menggunakan penalaran logis deduktif, induktif dan abduktif. Hasil dari topik yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan yang berfokus pada perawat, pasien, dan sistem disajikan dengan tema-tema yang muncul termasuk penyelenggara yang efisien, komunikasi yang efektif, guru praktik klinis, perawatan komunitas, dan perawatan spiritual. Narasi sejarah direkonstruksi menggunakan sumber data empiris sebagai bagian dari diskusi yang mencakup biografi Rufaidah Al-Aslamia dan penggambaran komprehensif yang jelas tentang kontribusi dan warisan Rufaidah Al-Aslamia sebagai perawat Muslim pertama dan pelopor keperawatan Islam. Kata kunci: Nabi Muhammad, pelopor keperawatan islam, perawat muslim pertama, Rufaidah Al-Aslami

    Social media and drug resistance in nursing training : using a Twitterchat to develop an international community of practice for antimicrobial resistance

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    Aims and objectives: To assess the impact of a Twitterchat focusing on antimicrobial resistance and it is feasibility for integration within a nursing prelicensure research methods class. Background: Antimicrobial resistance is one of the greatest threats to global health and food security. Consequently, developing a global approach with large outreach is critical. Twitter, as a popular social media platform, is useful for creating communities of practice and communities of interest. Design: A case study design using a Twitterchat is a hosted, convened and focussed discussion on a particular topic using a discrete hashtag. Method: Using a standardised protocol, a Twitterchat was undertaken over a 24-hr period and digital metrics assessed at 72 hr. A summary of impact was undertaken using an online tool provided by Union Metrics (https://unionmetrics.com/). Conclusions: At 72 hr, 2,632,762 accounts were reached and over 10 million impressions achieved. Twitterchats can be useful in creating awareness and fostering a community of interest and demonstrating the role of nurses in thought leadership. A formalised research study will draw on this case study to evaluate the impact on the Twitter participants and nursing students. Relevance to clinical practice: Social media are an accessible and useful tool to harness focus and attention on clinical issues with global relevance. Demonstrating the utility and leverage to nursing students is important in increasing their understanding of the importance of communication and diffusion of information

    Bariatric surgery in the Middle East and North Africa: narrative review with focus on culture-specific considerations

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    There is an increasing volume of bariatric surgeries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), but the context of bariatric surgery in the region is not fully understood. Incorporating culture-specific considerations in the provision of care to patients who undergo bariatric surgery may help to optimize outcomes after surgery. We conducted a narrative review of published research studies on bariatric surgery in the MENA region, highlighting cultural and contextual aspects relevant to the care of bariatric surgery patients who undergo surgery in this geographic area. The authors searched the following online databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, and Academic Search Elite from 2010-2020 for studies conducted in 18 countries in the MENA region. This narrative review identifies cultural-specific considerations that may affect bariatric care and outcomes in 6 domains: knowledge of bariatric surgery; mental health, body image, and quality of life; influence of family; religion and lifestyle; preoperative practices; and healthcare access. Provision of culturally congruent care may help patients to achieve the best possible outcomes after bariatric surgery. Results may inform efforts to provide safe and culture-specific care in the MENA region, as well as those who migrate or seek care in other countries. More research is warranted on this heterogeneous population to optimize postsurgery weight trajectory and psychosocial adjustment