1,017 research outputs found

    Lambda-proton correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to extract source sizes in relativistic heavy ion collisions is investigated. It is found that the strong interaction induces a large peak in the correlation function that provides more sensitive source size measurements than two-proton correlations under some circumstances. The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to measure the time lag between lambda and proton emissions is also studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure, revtex style. Two short paragraphs are added at referees' recommendations. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Phenomenological Lambda-Nuclear Interactions

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    Variational Monte Carlo calculations for Λ4H{_{\Lambda}^4}H (ground and excited states) and Λ5He{_{\Lambda}^5}He are performed to decipher information on Λ{\Lambda}-nuclear interactions. Appropriate operatorial nuclear and Λ{\Lambda}-nuclear correlations have been incorporated to minimize the expectation values of the energies. We use the Argonne υ18\upsilon_{18} two-body NN along with the Urbana IX three-body NNN interactions. The study demonstrates that a large part of the splitting energy in Λ4H{_{\Lambda}^4}H (0+−1+0^+-1^+) is due to the three-body Λ{\Lambda} NN forces. Λ17O_{\Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus is analyzed using the {\it s}-shell results. Λ\Lambda binding to nuclear matter is calculated within the variational framework using the Fermi-Hypernetted-Chain technique. There is a need to correctly incorporate the three-body Λ{\Lambda} NN correlations for Λ\Lambda binding to nuclear matter.Comment: 18 pages (TeX), 2 figure

    Variational calculations of the Λ\Lambda-seperation energy of the Λ17_{\Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus

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    Variational Monte Carlo calculations have been made for the Λ17_{ \Lambda}^{17}O hypernucleus using realistic two- and three-baryon interactions. A two pion exchange potential with spin- and space-exchange components is used for the Λ\LambdaN potential. Three-body two-pion exchange and strongly repulsive dispersive Λ\LambdaNN interactions are also included. The trial wave function is constructed from pair- and triplet-correlation operators acting on a single particle determinant. These operators consist of central, spin, isospin, tensor and three- baryon potential components. A cluster Monte Carlo method is developed for noncentral correlations and is used with up to four-baryon clusters in our calculations. The three-baryon Λ\LambdaNN force is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figs available by fax., for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Masses of Multiquark Droplets

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    The mass formulae for finite lumps of strange quark matter with uu, dd and ss quarks, and non-strange quark matter consisting of uu and dd quarks are derived in a non-relativistic potential model. The finite-size effects comprising the surface, curvature and even, the Gauss curvature were consistently obtained, which shows a converging trend. It is found that there is a possibility for the formation of metastable strangelets of large mass. The model predicts low charge to mass ratio as the characteristic signature of strange matter in agreement with the relativistic studies. This study also yields an independent estimate for the bag energy density BB, which is in agreement with the M.I.T bag model value.Comment: 24pages + 5 figures available upon request,Latex,IP/BBSR/93-3

    Interacting effects of temperature, habitat and phenotype on predator avoidance behaviour in <i>Diadema antillarum</i>: implications for restorative conservation

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    Caribbean long-spined sea urchin Diadema antillarum populations crashed following a mass mortality event in 1983-1984 with cascading effects on reef health. Population restoration efforts may be hampered by unknown effects of short- and long-term elevated sea surface temperature (SST). We investigated how a key behavioural trait, predator avoidance behaviour (PAB; percentage of long defensive spines that moved in response to shadow stimuli), was affected by elevated SST in 180 individuals from 2 contrasting Honduran reefs: Utila (flattened reef structure, dearth of predation refugia) and Banco Capiro (complex reef structure, abundant refugia). Initiation of PAB is mediated by melanin, which breaks down at elevated water temperatures; thus, as SST rises, D. antillarum may become vulnerable to predation. We compared local current SST (CSST; 29.7°C) with 2 IPCC predicted long-term climate change scenarios under laboratory conditions. PAB decreased by 13.98-15.37% at CSST +1.4°C and 31.67-42.44% at CSST +3.1°C. Trial temperatures were similar to maxima recorded in the Caribbean during the 2016 El Niño, so our results also represent likely responses to worst-case short-term acute temperature anomalies. Juveniles maintained higher PAB than adults, indicating increased reliance on anti-predation behaviours. White-spined phenotypes from Utila’s flattened reef maintained higher PAB than black-spined counterparts, likely due to increased conspicuousness to visual predators. Habitat complexity may mitigate temperature-driven losses in natural behavioural defences. D. antillarum may be resilient to near-term (D. antillarum populations must be coupled to augmented reef complexity to improve future resilience

    Molecular dynamics simulation for baryon-quark phase transition at finite temperature and density

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    We study the baryon-quark phase transition in a molecular dynamics (MD) of quark degrees of freedom at finite temperature and density. The baryon state at low density and temperature, and the deconfined quark state at high density and temperature are reproduced. We investigate the equations of state of matters with different uu-dd-ss compositions. Then we draw phase diagrams in the temperature-density plane by this simulation. It is found that the baryon-quark transition is sensitive to the quark width.Comment: submitted to EPJ

    Humanised IgG1 antibody variants targeting membrane-bound carcinoembryonic antigen by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis

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    BACKGROUND: The effect of glycoengineering a membrane specific anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (this paper uses the original term CEA for the formally designated CEACAM5) antibody (PR1A3) on its ability to enhance killing of colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines by human immune effector cells was assessed. In vivo efficacy of the antibody was also tested. METHODS: The antibody was modified using EBNA cells cotransfected with beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III and the humanised hPR1A3 antibody genes. RESULTS: The resulting alteration of the Fc segment glycosylation pattern enhances the antibody's binding affinity to the FcgammaRIIIa receptor on human immune effector cells but does not alter the antibody's binding capacity. Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) is inhibited in the presence of anti-FcgammaRIII blocking antibodies. This glycovariant of hPR1A3 enhances ADCC 10-fold relative to the parent unmodified antibody using either unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear or natural killer (NK) cells and CEA-positive CRC cells as targets. NK cells are far more potent in eliciting ADCC than either freshly isolated monocytes or granulocytes. Flow cytometry and automated fluorescent microscopy have been used to show that both versions of hPR1A3 can induce antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) by monocyte-derived macrophages. However, the glycovariant antibody did not mediate enhanced ADCP. This may be explained by the relatively low expression of FcgammaRIIIa on cultured macrophages. In vivo studies show the efficacy of glycoengineered humanised IgG1 PR1A3 in significantly improving survival in a CRC metastatic murine model. CONCLUSION: The greatly enhanced in vitro ADCC activity of the glycoengineered version of hPR1A3 is likely to be clinically beneficial

    Soft Dipole Modes in Neutron-rich Ni-isotopes in QRRPA

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    The soft dipole modes in neutron rich even-even Ni-isotopes are investigated in the quasiparticle relativistic random phase approximation. We study the evolution of strengths distribution, centroid energies of dipole excitation in low-lying and normal GDR regions with the increase of the neutron excess. It is found in the present study that the centroid energies of the soft dipole strengths strongly depend on the thickness of neutron skin along with the neutron rich even-even Ni-isotopes.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Targeted killing of colorectal cancer cell lines by a humanised IgG1 monoclonal antibody that binds to membrane-bound carcinoembryonic antigen

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    The distribution of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in colorectal cancer (CRC) differs from that in normal colorectal tissue, being found on all borders of the cell membrane and hence enabling access to intravenous antibody, making CEA a good target for antibody-based therapy. The distinctive anti-CEA antibody, PR1A3, binds only membrane-bound CEA. Humanised PR1A3 (hPR1A3) was assessed both in vitro cytotoxicity and binding assays with colorectal cancer cell lines expressing varying levels of CEA. Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and purified natural killer (NK) cells were used as effectors. The in vitro assays demonstrated hPR1A3 CEA-specific binding and antibody-dependent and CEA-specific killing of human colorectal cancer cell lines by human PBMCs. The effect increased with increasing concentration of antibody and surface CEA, and was lost by using the parent murine IgG1 PR1A3. Killing was also blocked by antibody to the Fc-γIIIA receptor. Purified human NK cells were effective at much lower effector:target ratios than unfractionated PBMCs, indicating that NK cells were the main mediators of hPR1A3-based CEA-specific killing. The results support the development of hPR1A3 for therapy of colorectal cancer
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