256 research outputs found

    Une approche de la criminalitĂ© fĂ©minine Ă  travers l’exemple du hooliganisme

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    La question du genre est un fait reconnu depuis trĂšs longtemps dans la construction des actes dĂ©lictueux. Pourtant, dans le cas trĂšs prĂ©cis du hooliganisme, aucune Ă©tude ne s’est jamais intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  l’existence ou non de femmes hooligans. Est-ce Ă  dire qu’il n’en existe pas ? La rĂ©alitĂ© sociale du hooliganisme en Europe est bien diffĂ©rente. Il existe des femmes hooligans. Leur nĂ©gation tient Ă  de multiples raisons : l’absence de traitement de la singularitĂ©, les a priori positifs dont jouissent les femmes quant aux comportements violents, l’utilisation d’une dĂ©finition trop restrictive du hooliganisme qui empĂȘche de comprendre la genĂšse de certains Ă©vĂ©nements et la place des femmes dans ceux-ci, la difficultĂ© de penser une violence fĂ©minine alors que certaines femmes subissent chaque jour de nombreuses formes de violence. À travers l’étude des noyaux durs des groupes de supporters du soccer en France, on observe cependant qu’un certain nombre d’entre elles reconnaissent participer et avoir participĂ© Ă  des actes hooligans. Elles possĂšdent parfois des rĂŽles et des statuts importants au sein des groupes qui les ont obligatoirement confrontĂ©es Ă  la violence. Si, physiquement, elles ne sont pas au coeur des affrontements les plus durs, elles sont parfois les instigatrices ou les Ă©gĂ©ries de certains groupes pour qui la violence est une partie intĂ©grante et intĂ©grative du supportĂ©risme.For a long time, gender has been recognised as a significant matter in constructing criminal acts. Yet, in hooliganism in particular, no study has ever been focused on whether there are female hooligans or not. Does it mean there aren’t any? Socially, European hooliganism is much different in reality: there are female hooligans. They are denied for many reasons: peculiarity has not been studied, positive prejudices are attributed to women when touching on violent behaviours, the definition of hooliganism is too restrictive and hides the origins of events and women’s roles in such events, or it is difficult to imagine there are violent women when some of them are the everyday victims of many sorts of violence. By studying the hard cores of French supporters, we observed that a certain number of females admitted they were taking part or had taken part in hooligan acts. Sometimes they played significant roles and status within the groups and it inevitably brought them to violence. Physically, they were not at the heart of the hardest clashes, but they may have been the inciters or the driving forces of the groups for which violence is an integral and integrating part of supporterism

    Biostratigraphy, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the latest Hauterivian - Early Barremian drowning episode of the Northern Tethyan margin (Altmann Member, Helvetic nappes, Switzerland)

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    Abstract.: During the Early Cretaceous, major palaeoceanographic changes are mirrored on the northern Tethyan carbonate platform by changes in the carbonate factory and by platform drowning. The Altmann Member of the central European, northern Alpine Helvetic thrust and fold belt, contains the sedimentary record of one of these drowning events which occurred during the Late Hauterivian - Early Barremian. It consists mainly of highly condensed beds, which are rich in glaucony and phosphates. The Altmann Member was hitherto only poorly dated. New ammonite findings and a re-evaluation of existing ammonite fauna allow to precisely date this drowning episode, starting in the Pseudothurmannia seitzi biozone (latest Hauterivian) and lasting until the Coronites darsi biozone (latest Early Barremian). These new age dates, coupled with sequence stratigraphic interpretations allow to better understand the unfolding of the drowning episode, which proceeded in two stages: The first stage consisted in an important phase of marine transgression during the latest Hauterivian, during which carbonate production was highly reduced; the second stage is recorded during the latest Early Barremian by an important sequence boundary, which is associated with a phosphatized hardground, followed by rapid sea-level rise and the deposition of outer ramp sediment associated with the backstepping of the platform. Almost the whole early Barremian is likely to be condensed in this phosphatized hardground, which is associated to a second order sea-level lowstand. The onset of the drowning event is linked to the Faraoni oceanic anoxic event, whereas during the Early Barremian, phosphatization might be the result of important winnowing during a period of highly eutrophic condition

    PrĂ©caritĂ©s en France : ÉlĂ©ments d’analyse auprĂšs de deux populations masculines d’outsiders

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    La prĂ©caritĂ© se conjugue au pluriel. Deux populations masculines (jeune Ă  la rue et ĂągĂ©e en rĂ©sidence) sont analysĂ©es sous l’angle de leurs processus identitaires, leurs consommations addictives et leurs rapports au travail. Cette sociologie des Outsiders combine les acquis d’Elias et de Becker pour tenter de mieux comprendre les situations prĂ©caires et leurs dynamiques individuelles et collectives.Precariousness is plural. Of no fixed abode young and older men are analyzed about identity process, addictions and sense of work. Outsiders’ sociology articulate Elias and Becker theories to analyze precariousness situations, individual or collective trends

    PrĂ©caritĂ©s en France : ÉlĂ©ments d’analyse auprĂšs de deux populations masculines d’outsiders

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    La prĂ©caritĂ© se conjugue au pluriel. Deux populations masculines (jeune Ă  la rue et ĂągĂ©e en rĂ©sidence) sont analysĂ©es sous l’angle de leurs processus identitaires, leurs consommations addictives et leurs rapports au travail. Cette sociologie des Outsiders combine les acquis d’Elias et de Becker pour tenter de mieux comprendre les situations prĂ©caires et leurs dynamiques individuelles et collectives.Precariousness is plural. Of no fixed abode young and older men are analyzed about identity process, addictions and sense of work. Outsiders’ sociology articulate Elias and Becker theories to analyze precariousness situations, individual or collective trends

    Reconciling strontium-isotope and K-Ar ages with biostratigraphy: the case of the Urgonian platform, Early Cretaceous of the Jura Mountains, Western Switzerland

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    During the late Early Cretaceous, the shallow-water domains of the western Tethys are characterized by the widespread deposition of Urgonian-type carbonates rich in rudists, corals and other oligotrophic, shallow-marine organisms. In the Helvetic Alps, the Urgonian occurrences have been dated by ammonite biostratigraphy as Late Barremian and Early Aptian. For the more proximal occurrences in the western Swiss Jura, a recent age model based on bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy has been proposed, which allows for an improved correlation with the Helvetic counterparts. In order to corroborate the recently proposed age model for the Jura, a set of well-preserved rhynchonellids collected from five different lithostratigraphical formations and members ("Marnes bleues d'Hauterive”, "Marnes d'Uttins”, basal marly layers within the "Urgonien Jaune”, "Marnes de la Russille”, "Urgonien Blanc”) has been analysed for its strontium-isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr). In addition, K-Ar dating was performed on well-preserved glauconite grains from two different levels ("Marnes d'Uttins” and a basal layer within the "Urgonien Jaune”). The correlation of the Sr-isotope data set with a belemnite-based, ammonite-calibrated reference curve provides an age model which is coherent with recently published ages based on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and the correlation of trends in chemo- and sequence stratigraphy. K-Ar dating on well-preserved glauconite grains from the "Marnes d'Uttins” and lowermost part of the "Urgonien Jaune” delivered ages of 127.5±2.3 and 130.7±2.6Ma, respectively. Whereas the age of the glauconitic level near the base of the "Urgonien Jaune” is chronostratigraphically meaningful, the K-Ar age of the "Marnes d'Uttins” appears too young relative to the presently used time scale. This may be related to rejuvenation of the K-Ar chronometer due to post-depositional Ar loss, most likely during hardground formation. The ages obtained here confirm the Late Barremian age for the onset of the Urgonian platform, an age which is conform with ages obtained in the Helvetic Alps and elsewhere along the northern Tethyan margi

    Unlocking paleo-environmental information from Early Cretaceous shelf sediments in the Helvetic Alps: stratigraphy is the key!

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    The northern alpine Helvetic thrust-and-fold belt includes an Early Cretaceous shallow-water carbonate succession, which was part of an extensive carbonate platform rimming the northern Tethyan margin. The structural architecture of the Helvetic zone allows for the palinspastic reconstruction of proximal-distal transects across the former platform into the outer-shelf realm for distances surpassing 80km. The Early Cretaceous platform sediments preserved therein provide, therefore, excellent insight into the spatial and temporal evolution of this platform. Furthermore, the presence of ammonites in marker horizons within the Helvetic succession is key to unprecedented time control. During the life span of the Helvetic platform, carbonate build up and build out occurred along two distinct pathways: we discern between a mode including oligotrophic photozoan communities (latest Tithonian - Late Berriasian; Late Barremian; Early Aptian) and a mode dominated by mesotrophic heterozoan communities (Valanginian - Early Barremian; earliest Aptian; late Early Aptian - Late Aptian). The heterozoan mode was frequently interrupted by incipient platform drowning episodes, which materialized either in an important erosive hiatus, or in the deposition of highly condensed, glauconiteand phosphate-rich intervals (Early Valanginian - Early Hauterivian; late Early - early Late Hauterivian; latest Hauterivian - latest Early Barremian; middle Late Barremian; late Early Aptian - early Late Aptian; and latest Aptian - Early Albian). The photozoan mode is interpreted as essentially oligotrophic, whereas the heterozoan and drowning phases were associated with the input of coarser-grained detrital sediments and a correspondingly increased nutrient load, which were both the consequence of intensified chemical weathering on the continent due to warmer and more humid climate conditions. Their onset is signaled by increases in oceanic phosphorus burial rates and major positive excursions in the stable carbon isotope record. Oceanic anoxic episodes occurred during these latter phases. The northern Tethyan platform was not only controlled by climatic, environmental and paleoceanographic change, but changes in platform morphology and the composition of carbonate-producing benthic communities also influenced the quality and quantity of dissolved and particulate material exported into adjacent basin


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    RĂ©sumĂ©: La pratique physique occupe aujourd'hui un espace tout Ă  fait particulier dans la construction d'une vision renouvelĂ©e de la santĂ©. Etre en forme, « performant », se sentir bien dans son corps et dans sa tĂȘte, se soucier de son apparence physique ou vivre en harmonie au sein du corps social, constituent des repĂšres clĂ©s en matiĂšre de santĂ© et d'hygiĂšne sociale. SimultanĂ©ment cette lecture moderne et ses composantes incarnent une forme d'injonction nouvelle dans laquelle le droit Ă  la santĂ©, extension quasisociĂ©tale des droits de l'homme, croise les nouvelles obligations liĂ©es au « devoir » de santĂ©. Dans cette perspective l'Ă©cole joue un rĂŽle central en configurant « scolairement » le message sanitaire dĂ©livrĂ© Ă  l'enfance et Ă  la jeunesse. L'Ă©ducation physique est plus particuliĂšrement concernĂ©e par cette mission. Pour autant, les liens entre santĂ© et Ă©ducation corporelle ne sont pas nouveaux. Ils ne sont pas non plus restĂ©s sans changer de nature. Cet article interroge prĂ©cisĂ©ment les continuitĂ©s et inflexions qui caractĂ©risent ces relations suivies entre l'Ă©ducation physique et la santĂ©, en France, au 20Ăšme siĂšcle jusqu'Ă  la pĂ©riode actuelle. Il questionne les transformations de ces relations dans une double perspective. Celle, d'une part, de la problĂ©matique du contrĂŽle des corps (capital humain) et de l'Ă©mancipation des individus par l'accĂšs au bien ĂȘtre corporel, mental et social ; celle, d'autre part, de la construction identitaire d'une discipline scolaire, l'Ă©ducation physique, pour laquelle la finalitĂ© santĂ© a pu constituer un atout majeur dans son incorporation au systĂšme Ă©ducatif français.Mots clĂ©: Ă©ducation physique, sante EDUCAÇÃO, SAÚDE E EDUCAÇÃO FÍSICA NA FRANÇA NA SEGUNDA METADE DO SÉCULO VINTE: DO CORPO QUADRLLAGE AO DESENVOLVIMENTO DO CONHECIMENTO DE SIResumo: A prĂĄtica fĂ­sica hoje ocupa um espaço em particular na construção de uma renovada visĂŁo da saĂșde. Estar em forma, "eficiente", se sentir bem com seu corpo e sua mente, se importar com sua aparĂȘncia fĂ­sica ou viver em harmonia com o ambiente do "corpo social", constituem-se em marcos chave na substĂąncia da saĂșde e higiene social. Simultaneamente, essa leitura moderna e seus componentes incorporam uma nova forma de injunção na qual o direito Ă  saĂșde, extensĂŁo social dos direitos do homem, se cruza com novas obrigaçÔes anexadas ao "dever" da saĂșde. Nessa perspectiva, a escola tem o papel central de configurar "de uma maneira escolar" esse discurso direcionado Ă  infĂąncia e Ă  adolescĂȘncia. Essa missĂŁo se enquadra mais particularmente Ă  educação fĂ­sica. Dessa maneira, os laços entre saĂșde e educação corporal nĂŁo sĂŁo novidade. Eles nĂŁo continuariam mais sem modificar sua natureza. Este artigo questiona exatamente as continuidades e inflexĂ”es que caracterizam as resultantes relaçÔes entre educação fĂ­sica e saĂșde na França, do sĂ©culo XX atĂ© os tempos atuais. Ele questiona as transformaçÔes dessa relação em uma perspectiva dupla: em primeiro lugar, a problemĂĄtica do controle dos corpos (capital humano) e da emancipação dos indivĂ­duos pelo acesso ao bem-estar corporal, mental e social; em segundo, da construção de identidade de uma disciplina escolar, a educação fĂ­sica, para qual a "saĂșde" poderia se constituir no principal trunfo para sua incorporação no sistema educacional francĂȘs.Palavras-Chave: saĂșde, corpo, educação fĂ­sica EDUCATION, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: FROM THE QUADRILLAGE BODY TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONCERN OF ITSELFAbstract: The physical practice today occupies a particular space in the construction of a renewed vision of the health. To be in shape, "efficient", to feel yourself well with your body and mind, to matter with your physical appearance or to live in harmony in the environment of the "social body", constitutes the key-marks in substance of health and social hygiene. Simultaneously, this modern reading and its components give body to a new form of injunction in which the right to health, social extension of the rights of the man, crosses the new obligations attached to the "duty" of health. In this perspective, the school has a central paper to configure "in a scholar way" this speech directed to childhood and youth. This mission fits to physical education more particularly. Therefore, the links between health and corporal education are not new. They would not remain anymore without moving of nature. This article precisely interrogates the continuities and inflections that characterize the resultant relations between physical education and health, in France, from the 20th century until the current period. It questions the transformations of these relations in a double perspective: first, the problematic of the control of the bodies (human capital) and of the emancipation of the individuals by the access to corporal, mental and social welfare; second, of the identity construction of one scholar subject, the physical education, for which the purpose "health" could constitute one major asset in its incorporation to French's education system.Keywords: health, body, physical educatio

    Central Tethyan platform-top hypoxia during Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a

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    Short-term hypoxia in epeiric water masses is a common phenomenon of modern marine environments and causes mass mortality in coastal marine ecosystems. Here, we test the hypothesis that during the early Aptian, platform-top hypoxia temporarily established in some of the vast epeiric seas of the central Tethys and caused, combined with other stressors, significant changes in reefal ecosystems. Potentially interesting target examples include time intervals characterized by the demise of lower Aptian rudist-coral communities and the establishment of microencruster facies, as previously described from the central and southern Tethys and from the proto-North Atlantic domain. These considerations are relevant as previous work has predominantly focused on early Aptian basinal anoxia in the context of Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1a, whereas the potential expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in coeval shallow-water environments is underexplored. Wellknown patterns in the ÎŽ13C record during OAE 1a allow for a sufficiently time-resolved correlation with previously studied locations and assignment to chemostratigraphic segments. This paper presents and critically discusses the outcome of a multi-proxy study (e.g., rare earth elements (REEs), U isotopes, and redox-sensitive trace elements) applied to lower Aptian shallow-water carbonates today exposed in the Kanfanar quarry in Istria, Croatia. These rocks were deposited on an extensive, isolated high in the central Tethys surrounded by hemipelagic basins. Remarkably, during chemostratigraphic segment C2, the depletion of redox-sensitive trace elements As, V, Mo, and U in platform carbonates, deposited in normal marine oxic waters, record the first occurrence of basinal, organic-rich sediment deposition in which these elements are enriched. During the C3 segment, seawater oxygen depletion established on the platform top as indicated by the patterns in Ce=Ce∗ and U isotopes. Shifts in redox-sensitive proxies coincide with the expansion of microencruster facies. Segment C4 witnesses the return to normal marine reefal faunas on the platform top and is characterized by patterns in redox-sensitive proxies typical of normal marine dissolved oxygen levels. It remains unclear, however, if platform-top hypoxia resulted from the expansion and upwelling of basinal, oxygen-depleted water masses or if spatially isolated, shallow hypoxic water bodies formed on the platform. Data shown here are relevant as they shed light on the driving mechanisms that control poorly understood faunal patterns during OAE 1a in the neritic realm and provide evidence on the intricate relation between basinal and platform-top water masses. © Author(s) 2019

    Le sport en prison : entre insertion et paix sociale. Jeux, enjeux et relations de pouvoirs à travers les pratiques corporelles de la jeunesse masculine incarcérée

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    En 1949, apparaĂźt pour la premiĂšre fois en France, au sein des Ă©tablissements pĂ©nitentiaires, la pratique de la « culture physique » (selon les termes utilisĂ©s dans la note du 10 aoĂ»t 1949 Ă©manant du bureau de l’application des peines). Cette mesure innovante rompt avec les principes traditionnellement utilitaristes des peines qui, depuis la fin du XVIIIĂšme siĂšcle, se voulaient exemplaires, correctrices, rĂ©demptrices. Elle met en Ă©vidence dĂšs 1954 la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la pratique de « l’éducation physique » dans un double objectif : d’hygiĂšne physique et morale mais Ă©galement de rĂ©insertion. N’y a t-il pas lĂ  cependant confusion de termes (et d’objectifs) puisque, au grĂ© des diffĂ©rentes directives, « l’éducation physique » se verra fixer pour objectif l’insertion, la rĂ©insertion, l’intĂ©gration et la socialisation ? RĂ©pondre Ă  cette question suppose d’élargir l’apprĂ©hension de la pratique Ă  bien plus qu’un simple ensemble de dĂ©cisions ministĂ©rielles. Sur le terrain, en effet, les acteurs (dĂ©tenus, surveillants, intervenants extĂ©rieurs, personnels d’encadrement, etc.) paraissent vivre des rĂ©alitĂ©s beaucoup plus nuancĂ©es. L’expĂ©rience sportive, du point de vue individuel, ne fonctionne pas sur le mĂȘme registre d’ambitions, de dĂ©sirs, de besoins
 Les objectifs politiques de l’Administration pĂ©nitentiaire doivent donc en permanence composer avec des Ă©lĂ©ments matĂ©riels et humains qui dĂ©finissent au quotidien, site par site, le cadre d’action des usagers du sport en prison. Ce pragmatisme pĂ©nitentiaire est Ă©galement tributaire des grandes orientations qui ont marquĂ© historiquement l’avĂšnement d’un « droit » au sport dans une perspective culturelle et humaniste replaçant le corps au centre d’une attention portĂ©e Ă  soi. Cet article, plus particuliĂšrement centrĂ© sur la jeunesse incarcĂ©rĂ©e, interroge prĂ©cisĂ©ment cette interaction, ce rapport ambigu des pratiques physiques Ă  la prison et de l’acteur au systĂšme, dans une double perspective. Une approche historique permet de comprendre comment s’est construit dans la longue durĂ©e le rapport des jeunes dĂ©tenus Ă  la pratique physique, voire Ă  la peine physique, comment se sont succĂ©dĂ© des phases dans la structuration des usages de la pratique physique en prison et dans quelles perspectives sociales se trouve aujourd’hui insĂ©rĂ©e une activitĂ© sportive dont le caractĂšre d’offre de pratique culturelle se heurte aux contraintes particuliĂšres (matĂ©rielles, morales, symboliques) de la punition et de l’enfermement. Une approche plus sociologique, basĂ©e sur une enquĂȘte de terrain, permet alors d’investiguer le caractĂšre Ă©minemment pluriel du sens donnĂ© aux pratiques par les jeunes en prison.Sport in Prison between Integration and Social Peace. Games, Stakes and Power Relationships Embedded in Body Practices among Incarcerated Male Youth. In 1949, appears for the first time in France, within the penal establishments, the practice of the “physical culture” (according to the terms used in the note dated 10/8/1949 – from the Punishment Application Office). This innovating measure breaks with the traditionally utilitarian principles of the punishment which, since the end of the 18th century, wanted to be exemplary, corrective, and redemptive. Its highlights since 1954 the need for the practice of “physical education” in a double objective of physical and moral hygiene but also of reintegration. But perhaps is there a confusion of terms and of objectives since, according to the various guidelines, the objective for “physical education” will alternatively be insertion, reintegration, integration and socialization ? To answer this question supposes to widen the apprehension of the practice with much more than a simple set of ministerial decisions. Indeed, field actors (prisoners, supervisors, outside contributors, staff supervisory, etc.) appear to live much more varied realities. From the individual point of view, sport practice does not refer to the same register of ambitions, desires or needs
 The political objectives of the prison authorities must thus permanently compose with material and human elements which define every day, site by site, the framework of action of sport users in prison. This penitentiary pragmatism depends on the main trends which historically led to the advent of a “right” to the sport, within a cultural and humanistic perspective when the body becomes a target for self concern. This article, more particularly centred on imprisoned youth, questions precisely this interaction, this ambiguous link between physical practices and the prison, and between the actor and the system, from a double point of view. A historical approach makes possible to understand how the link between young people in jail and physical practice, and even physical sorrow, has been built, how the phases in organising physical practice in prison followed one another. It also shows in which social perspective is inserted sport today, when its character of cultural practice runs up against the particular material, moral, symbolic constraints of punishment and imprisonment. A more sociological approach, based on a field investigation, allows then to investigate the eminently plural character of the interpretation given to the practices by the young people in prison

    Sports et publicités

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    Les sports semblent ĂȘtre omniprĂ©sents dans les publicitĂ©s affichĂ©es et tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©es en France. Cette lĂ©gitimation sociale et communicationnelle se double d’un intĂ©rĂȘt particulier lorsqu’il s’agit d’analyser les rapports sociaux aux corps. Ici, l’exemple de la saletĂ© est prĂ©cisĂ© Ă  partir d’un corpus large (N = 500 publicitĂ©s affichĂ©es, 70 tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©es). La mise Ă  distance de cette saletĂ© caractĂ©rise les communications publicitaires Ă  partir des sports. Cette distanciation est analysĂ©e Ă  partir des thĂ©ories de Norbert Elias, d’Erving Goffman et de David Le Breton. La publicitĂ© sportive apparaĂźt sans tache et sans odeur.It seems that sports are everywhere today in advertisements on billboards and television in France. This communicational and social acceptance is particularly interesting when social relations with bodies are analysed. Here, the example of dirtiness receives particular attention using a broad corpus (N= 500 billboard ads, 70 TV ads). Careful distancing of any dirtiness characterises advertising messages when sports are involved. This distancing is analysed using the theories of Norbert Elias, Erving Goffman and David Le Breton. Sports advertising appears spotless and odourless
