14,313 research outputs found

    Thermal effects on cephalopod energy metabolism - A case study for Sepia officinalis

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    Cephalopods are the largest, most active invertebrates and there is considerable evidence for their convergent evolution with fishes. However, most active cephalopods display standard and active metabolic rates that are several-fold higher than comparably sized fishes. Shifting habitat temperatures due to climate change will therefore affect a cephalopods energy metabolism much more than that of a fish. Prediction of the probable outcome of cephalopod-fish competition thus requires quantitative information concerning whole animal energetics and corresponding efficiencies. Migrating cephalopods such as squid and cuttlefish grow rapidly to maturity, carry few food reserves and have little overlap of generations. This "live fast, die young" life history strategy means that they require niches capable of sustaining high power requirements and rapid growth. This presentation aims to draw a bottom-up picture of the cellular basis of energy metabolism of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, from its molecular basis to whole animal energetics based on laboratory experiments and field data. We assessed the proportionality of standard vs active metabolic rate and the daily energetic requirements using field tracking data in combination with lab based respirometry and video analysis. Effects of environmental temperature on mitochondrial energy coupling were investigated in whole animals using in vivo 31P-NMR spectroscopy. As efficient energy turnover needs sufficient oxygen supply, also thermal effects on the blood oxygen-binding capacities of the respiratory pigment haemocyanin and the differential expression of its isoforms were investigated.Supported by NERC grant NERC/A/S/2002/00812

    The Phase Diagram and Spectrum of Gauge-Fixed Abelian Lattice Gauge Theory

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    We consider a lattice discretization of a covariantly gauge-fixed abelian gauge theory. The gauge fixing is part of the action defining the theory, and we study the phase diagram in detail. As there is no BRST symmetry on the lattice, counterterms are needed, and we construct those explicitly. We show that the proper adjustment of these counterterms drives the theory to a new type of phase transition, at which we recover a continuum theory of (free) photons. We present both numerical and (one-loop) perturbative results, and show that they are in good agreement near this phase transition. Since perturbation theory plays an important role, it is important to choose a discretization of the gauge-fixing action such that lattice perturbation theory is valid. Indeed, we find numerical evidence that lattice actions not satisfying this requirement do not lead to the desired continuum limit. While we do not consider fermions here, we argue that our results, in combination with previous work, provide very strong evidence that this new phase transition can be used to define abelian lattice chiral gauge theories.Comment: 42 pages, 30 figure

    Faster k-Medoids Clustering: Improving the PAM, CLARA, and CLARANS Algorithms

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    Clustering non-Euclidean data is difficult, and one of the most used algorithms besides hierarchical clustering is the popular algorithm Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM), also simply referred to as k-medoids. In Euclidean geometry the mean-as used in k-means-is a good estimator for the cluster center, but this does not hold for arbitrary dissimilarities. PAM uses the medoid instead, the object with the smallest dissimilarity to all others in the cluster. This notion of centrality can be used with any (dis-)similarity, and thus is of high relevance to many domains such as biology that require the use of Jaccard, Gower, or more complex distances. A key issue with PAM is its high run time cost. We propose modifications to the PAM algorithm to achieve an O(k)-fold speedup in the second SWAP phase of the algorithm, but will still find the same results as the original PAM algorithm. If we slightly relax the choice of swaps performed (at comparable quality), we can further accelerate the algorithm by performing up to k swaps in each iteration. With the substantially faster SWAP, we can now also explore alternative strategies for choosing the initial medoids. We also show how the CLARA and CLARANS algorithms benefit from these modifications. It can easily be combined with earlier approaches to use PAM and CLARA on big data (some of which use PAM as a subroutine, hence can immediately benefit from these improvements), where the performance with high k becomes increasingly important. In experiments on real data with k=100, we observed a 200-fold speedup compared to the original PAM SWAP algorithm, making PAM applicable to larger data sets as long as we can afford to compute a distance matrix, and in particular to higher k (at k=2, the new SWAP was only 1.5 times faster, as the speedup is expected to increase with k)

    Thermal Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Millimeter-Wave Astrophysics

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    Thermal Kinetic Inductance Detectors (TKIDs) combine the excellent noise performance of traditional bolometers with a radio frequency (RF) multiplexing architecture that enables the large detector counts needed for the next generation of millimeter-wave instruments. Here we present dark prototype TKID pixels that demonstrate a noise equivalent power NEP = 2×10⁻Âč⁷√W/Hz with a 1/f knee at 0.1 Hz, suitable for background-limited noise performance at 150 GHz from a ground-based site. We discuss the optimizations in the device design and fabrication techniques to realize optimal electrical performance and high quality factors at a bath temperature of 250 mK

    Impact of anthropogenic ocean acidification on thermal tolerance of the spider crab <i>Hyas araneus</i>

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    Future scenarios for the oceans project combined developments of CO<sub>2</sub> accumulation and global warming and their impact on marine ecosystems. The synergistic impact of both factors was addressed by studying the effect of elevated CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations on thermal tolerance of the cold-eurythermal spider crab <i>Hyas araneus</i> from the population around Helgoland. Here ambient temperatures characterize the southernmost distribution limit of this species. Animals were exposed to present day normocapnia (380 ppm CO<sub>2</sub>), CO<sub>2</sub> levels expected towards 2100 (710 ppm) and beyond (3000 ppm). Heart rate and haemolymph PO<sub>2</sub> (P<sub>e</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) were measured during progressive short term cooling from 10 to 0&deg;C and during warming from 10 to 25&deg;C. An increase of P<sub>e</sub>O<sub>2</sub> occurred during cooling, the highest values being reached at 0&deg;C under all three CO<sub>2</sub> levels. Heart rate increased during warming until a critical temperature (<i>T<sub>c</sub></i>) was reached. The putative <i>T<sub>c</sub></i> under normocapnia was presumably &gt;25&deg;C, from where it fell to 23.5&deg;C under 710 ppm and then 21.1&deg;C under 3000 ppm. At the same time, thermal sensitivity, as seen in the <i>Q<sub>10</sub></i> values of heart rate, rose with increasing CO<sub>2</sub> concentration in the warmth. Our results suggest a narrowing of the thermal window of <i>Hyas araneus</i> under moderate increases in CO<sub>2</sub> levels by exacerbation of the heat or cold induced oxygen and capacity limitation of thermal tolerance

    Z-Spec: A MM-Wave Spectrometer For Measuring Redshifts Of Submillimeter Galaxies

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    We are building a background-limited, broadband millimeter-wave spectrometer (Z-Spec) for observations of CO rotational transitions from high-redshift dusty galaxies. The large instantaneous bandwidth (195 to 310 GHz) will enable redshifts of dust obscured galaxies to be unambiguously measured. Z-Spec uses a waveguide-coupled grating architecture in which the light propagation is confined within a parallel-plate waveguide. The grating is extremely compact compared to a classical free-space system. An array of silicon nitride bolometers cooled to 100 mK will provide background-limited performance. Z-Spec serves as a technology demonstration for a future space-borne far-infrared grating spectrometer

    Observations of [C II] 158 micron Line and Far-infrared Continuum Emission toward the High-latitude Molecular Clouds in Ursa Major

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    We report the results of a rocket-borne observation of [C II] 158\micron line and far-infrared continuum emission at 152.5\micron toward the high latitude molecular clouds in Ursa Major. We also present the results of a follow-up observation of the millimeter ^{12}CO J=1-0 line over a selected region observed by the rocket-borne experiment. We have discovered three small CO cloudlets from the follow-up ^{12}CO observations. We show that these molecular cloudlets, as well as the MBM clouds(MBM 27/28/29/30), are not gravitationally bound. Magnetic pressure and turbulent pressure dominate the dynamic balance of the clouds. After removing the HI-correlated and background contributions, we find that the [C II] emission peak is displaced from the 152.5\micron and CO peaks, while the 152.5\micron continuum emission is spatially correlated with the CO emission. We interpret this behavior by attributing the origin of [C II] emission to the photodissociation regions around the molecular clouds illuminated by the local UV radiation field. We also find that the ratio of the molecular hydrogen column density to velocity-integrated CO intensity is 1.19+-0.29x10^{20} cm^{-2} (K kms^{-1})^{-1} from the FIR continuum and the CO data. The average [C II] /FIR intensity ratio over the MBM clouds is 0.0071, which is close to the all sky average of 0.0082 reported by the FIRAS on the COBE satellite. The average [C II]/CO ratio over the same regions is 420, which is significantly lower than that of molecular clouds in the Galactic plane.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX (aaspp4.sty) + 2 tables(apjpt4.sty) + 6 postscript figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; Astrophys. J. in press (Vol. 490, December 1, 1997 issue

    HerMES: The submillimeter spectral energy distributions of Herschel/SPIRE-detected galaxies

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    We present colours of sources detected with the Herschel/SPIRE instrument in deep extragalactic surveys of the Lockman Hole, Spitzer-FLS, and GOODS-N fields in three photometric bands at 250, 350 and 500 ÎŒm. We compare these with expectations from the literature and discuss associated uncertainties and biases in the SPIRE data. We identify a 500 ÎŒm flux limited selection of sources from the HerMES point source catalogue that appears free from neighbouring/blended sources in all three SPIRE bands. We compare the colours with redshift tracks of various contemporary models. Based on these spectral templates we show that regions corresponding to specific population types and redshifts can be identified better in colour-flux space. The redshift tracks as well as the colour-flux plots imply a majority of detected objects with redshifts at 1 < z < 3.5, somewhat depending on the group of model SEDs used. We also find that a population of sources with S_(250)/S_(350) < 0.8 at fluxes above 50 mJy as observed by SPIRE are not well represented by contemporary models and could consist of a mix of cold and lensed galaxies
