2,428 research outputs found

    A martingale-transform goodness-of-fit test for the form of the conditional variance

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    In the common nonparametric regression model the problem of testing for a specific parametric form of the variance function is considered. Recently Dette and Hetzler (2008) proposed a test statistic, which is based on an empirical process of pseudo residuals. The process converges weakly to a Gaussian process with a complicated covariance kernel depending on the data generating process. In the present paper we consider a standardized version of this process and propose a martingale transform to obtain asymptotically distribution free tests for the corresponding Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cram\'{e}r-von-Mises functionals. The finite sample properties of the proposed tests are investigated by means of a simulation study.Comment: 24 pages

    Some asymptotic properties of the spectrum of the Jacobi ensemble

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    For the random eigenvalues with density corresponding to the Jacobi ensemble ci<jλiλjβi=1n(2λi)a(2+λi)bI(2,2)(λi)c \cdot \prod_{i < j} | \lambda_i - \lambda_j |^\beta \prod^n_{i=1} (2 - \lambda_i)^a (2 + \lambda_i)^b I_{(-2,2)} (\lambda_i) (a,b>1,β>0)(a, b > -1, \beta > 0) a strong uniform approximation by the roots of the Jacobi polynomials is derived if the parameters a,b,a, b, β\beta depend on nn and nn \to \infty. Roughly speaking, the eigenvalues can be uniformly approximated by roots of Jacobi polynomials with parameters ((2a+2)/β1,(2b+2)/β1)((2a+2)/\beta -1, (2b+2)/\beta-1), where the error is of order {logn/(a+b)}1/4\{\log n/(a+b) \}^{1/4}. These results are used to investigate the asymptotic properties of the corresponding spectral distribution if nn \to \infty and the parameters a,ba, b and β\beta vary with nn. We also discuss further applications in the context of multivariate random FF-matrices.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Moderate deviations for the eigenvalue counting function of Wigner matrices

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    We establish a moderate deviation principle (MDP) for the number of eigenvalues of a Wigner matrix in an interval. The proof relies on fine asymptotics of the variance of the eigenvalue counting function of GUE matrices due to Gustavsson. The extension to large families of Wigner matrices is based on the Tao and Vu Four Moment Theorem and applies localization results by Erd\"os, Yau and Yin. Moreover we investigate families of covariance matrices as well.Comment: 20 page

    Optimal experimental designs for inverse quadratic regression models

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    In this paper optimal experimental designs for inverse quadratic regression models are determined. We consider two different parameterizations of the model and investigate local optimal designs with respect to the cc-, DD- and EE-criteria, which reflect various aspects of the precision of the maximum likelihood estimator for the parameters in inverse quadratic regression models. In particular it is demonstrated that for a sufficiently large design space geometric allocation rules are optimal with respect to many optimality criteria. Moreover, in numerous cases the designs with respect to the different criteria are supported at the same points. Finally, the efficiencies of different optimal designs with respect to various optimality criteria are studied, and the efficiency of some commonly used designs are investigated.Comment: 24 page

    Optimal discrimination designs

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    We consider the problem of constructing optimal designs for model discrimination between competing regression models. Various new properties of optimal designs with respect to the popular TT-optimality criterion are derived, which in many circumstances allow an explicit determination of TT-optimal designs. It is also demonstrated, that in nested linear models the number of support points of TT-optimal designs is usually too small to estimate all parameters in the extended model. In many cases TT-optimal designs are usually not unique, and in this situation we give a characterization of all TT-optimal designs. Finally, TT-optimal designs are compared with optimal discriminating designs with respect to alternative criteria by means of a small simulation study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS635 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Matrix measures on the unit circle, moment spaces, orthogonal polynomials and the Geronimus relations

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    We study the moment space corresponding to matrix measures on the unit circle. Moment points are characterized by non-negative definiteness of block Toeplitz matrices. This characterization is used to derive an explicit representation of orthogonal polynomials with respect to matrix measures on the unit circle and to present a geometric definition of canonical moments. It is demonstrated that these geometrically defined quantities coincide with the Verblunsky coefficients, which appear in the Szeg\"{o} recursions for the matrix orthogonal polynomials. Finally, we provide an alternative proof of the Geronimus relations which is based on a simple relation between canonical moments of matrix measures on the interval [-1,1] and the Verblunsky coefficients corresponding to matrix measures on the unit circle.Comment: 25 page