13 research outputs found

    High intake of sugars and starch, low number of meals and low roughage intake are associated with equine gastric ulcer syndrome in a Belgian cohort

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    Equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) is a pathological condition affecting the glandular and squamous regions of the stomach. It is characterized by non-specific clinical signs, behavioural changes or can also be found without any overt clinical manifestations. Nutritional factors such as intermittent feeding, high sugars and starch intake, large amounts of straw as forage and prolonged time without access to forage have all been associated with an increased risk of equine squamous gastric disease (ESGD). The aim of this study was to investigate which nutritional practices are commonly seen in clinical ESGD cases in Belgium. Medical records of 27 horses referred to the equine nutritional service at Ghent University (2013-2018) due to equine gastric ulcer lesions were reviewed. Twenty-one healthy horses referred for dietary evaluation during the same period were selected as control cases (CC). Dietary evaluation was performed on an individual basis. Forage/concentrate ratio on dry matter basis, forage content in the diet, total dietary sugars and starch intake per day and per meal were analysed. Retrospective descriptive and statistical analyses were performed. Significantly, higher amounts of forage intake (%DM per BW) in the CC vs. ESGD group were noted (p <= .05) with average values of 1.39 (SD +/- 0.27) and 1.27 (SD +/- 0.70) respectively. There were no significant differences for sugars and starch intake in g/kg BW/day (p = .18). However, the sugars and starch intake per meal (g/kg BW/meal) in the CC group (average value 1.06, SD +/- 0.56) was significantly (p < .001) lower than in the EGUS group (average value 1.85 SD +/- 0.78). Forage intake below the recommended absolute minimum value as well as high sugars and starch intake were most commonly associated with EGUS in the present case series. An adequate diet formulation taking into account these main nutritional factors is therefore essential to avoid gastric problems in horses

    An Analysis Of Tensile Test Results to Assess the Innovation Risk for an Additive Manufacturing Technology

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    The aim of this study was to assess the innovation risk for an additive manufacturing process. The analysis was based on the results of static tensile tests obtained for specimens made of photocured resin. The assessment involved analyzing the measurement uncertainty by applying the FMEA method. The structure of the causes and effects of the discrepancies was illustrated using the Ishikawa diagram. The risk priority numbers were calculated. The uncertainty of the tensile test measurement was determined for three printing orientations. The results suggest that the material used to fabricate the tensile specimens shows clear anisotropy of the properties in relation to the printing direction

    Estimating the uncertainty of tensile strength measurement for a photocured material produced by additive manufacturing

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the measurement uncertainty for a material produced by additive manufacturing. The material investigated was FullCure 720 photocured resin, which was applied to fabricate tensile specimens with a Connex 350 3D printer based on PolyJet technology. The tensile strength of the specimens established through static tensile testing was used to determine the measurement uncertainty. There is a need for extensive research into the performance of model materials obtained via 3D printing as they have not been studied sufficiently like metal alloys or plastics, the most common structural materials. In this analysis, the measurement uncertainty was estimated using a larger number of samples than usual, i.e., thirty instead of typical ten. The results can be very useful to engineers who design models and finished products using this material. The investigations also show how wide the scatter of results is

    Modelling of microprocessor system controlling the air temperature and relative humidity in a cattle barn

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    Analizowano czynniki kształtujące mikroklimat w budynkach dla bydła. Wybrano dwa najważniejsze parametry: temperaturę i wilgotność. Przedstawiono model systemu sterowania temperaturą i wilgotnością w oborze. Model bazuje na elektronicznych urządzeniach pomiarowych i sterujących. Na skonstruowanym stanowisku badawczym, stanowiącym zamknięte po-mieszczenie, wykonano pomiary temperatury i wilgotności powietrza. Sterowanie i regulacja odbywa się za pomocą sterownika mikroprocesorowego.Factors creating the microclimatic conditions in the cattle barns were analyzed. Two most important parameters were considered: the temperature and relative humidity of air. The model of system controlling air temperature and relative humidity inside a cattle barn was presented. Model is based on electronic, measuring and steering devices. The air temperature and relative humidity were determined on measuring stand designed in form of a closed space. Microprocessor system was applied to control and steering of both selected parameters

    Estimating the Uncertainty of Tensile Strength Measurement for A Photocured Material Produced by Additive Manufacturing

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the measurement uncertainty for a material produced by additive manufacturing. The material investigated was FullCure 720 photocured resin, which was applied to fabricate tensile specimens with a Connex 350 3D printer based on PolyJet technology. The tensile strength of the specimens established through static tensile testing was used to determine the measurement uncertainty. There is a need for extensive research into the performance of model materials obtained via 3D printing as they have not been studied sufficiently like metal alloys or plastics, the most common structural materials. In this analysis, the measurement uncertainty was estimated using a larger number of samples than usual, i.e., thirty instead of typical ten. The results can be very useful to engineers who design models and finished products using this material. The investigations also show how wide the scatter of results is

    Modification of the equine gastrointestinal microbiota by Jerusalem artichoke meal supplementation

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of natural prebiotic active compounds on the microbial composition in different regions of the equine gastrointestinal tract. Twelve adult horses (body weight [bwt] 534 ± 64.5 kg; age 14 ± 7.5 years) were randomly divided into two feeding groups. Six horses received a basal diet consisting of 1.5 kg hay/ 100 kg bwt x d-1 and oat grains equal to 1.19 g starch/kg bwt x d-1, supplemented with Jerusalem artichoke meal providing prebiotic fructooligosaccharides + inulin in a quantity of 0.15 g/kg bwt x d-1. The remaining horses received a placebo added to the basal diet. The horses were fed for 21 d and euthanized at the end of the feeding period. Digesta samples from different parts of the gastrointestinal tract were taken, DNA extracted and the V1-V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene amplified. Supplementation with the prebiotic increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus (P < 0.05), with a concurrent reduction of the relative abundance of Streptococcus mainly in the stomach (P < 0.05). In the hindgut, the supplemental prebiotic also increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus but further reduced the relative abundance of fibrolytic bacteria, specifically the unclassified members of the families Lachnospiraceae (P < 0.05) and Ruminococcaceae. The relative abundance of the genus Ruminococcus increased solely in the caecum and colon transversum. Overall, the addition of the prebiotic significantly increased the diversity in nearly all parts of the gastrointestinal tract (P < 0.05). The feeding of this natural prebiotic compound to horses had an impact on the microbial community in the entire gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, the effect on the bacterial community in the foregut (especially the stomach) was more pronounced in comparison to the effect in the hindgut. Therefore, the impact on stomach health should be carefully considered.</p