1,056 research outputs found

    Calculation of the renormalized charmed-quark mass in Lattice QCD

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    The correlator of heavy-quark currents is calculated in quenched Lattice QCD on a 163×3216^3 \times 32-lattice for β=6,6.3\beta= { 6, 6.3 }. The renormalized charmed quark mass is extracted from the short-distance part of that correlator: mcMS(mc)=1.22(5)GeVm_c^{\overline{MS}}(m_c) = 1.22(5) GeV. We study the sensitivity of our data to the strong coupling constant.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX plus Postscript files of figures and the style-files. Contribution to the Proceedings of LAT9

    Sphaleron transitions in a realistic heat bath

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    We measure the diffusion rate of Chern-Simons number in the (1+1)-dimensional Abelian Higgs model interacting with a realistic heat bath for temperatures between 1/13 and 1/3 times the sphaleron energy. It is found that the measured rate is close to that predicted by one-loop calculation at the lower end of the temperature range considered but falls at least an orderof magnitude short of one-loop estimate at the upper end of that range. We show numerically that the sphaleron approximation breaks down as soon as the gauge-invariant two-point function yields correlation length close to the sphaleron size.Comment: 13 pages, LATeX + 3 figures included as postscript files, to be encapsulated using epsf. Also available as a compressed postscript file by anonymous ftp from maggia.ethz.ch (login ftp, pw ftp; then: cd pub, binary, get sphb.ps.Z). IPS Research Report No. 93-1

    One-loop corrections to the instanton transition in the two-dimensional Abelian Higgs model

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    We present an evaluation of the fluctuation determinant which appears as a prefactor in the instanton transition rate for the two-dimensional Abelian Higgs model. The corrections are found to change the rate at most by a factor of 2 for 0.4 < M_W/M_H < 2.0.Comment: DO-TH-94/17, 20 pages, 4 figures appended as uucompressed .eps files, LaTeX, needs epsfig.st

    Chern-Simons number diffusion in (1+1)-dimensional Higgs theory

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    We study the Chern-Simons number diffusion rate in the (1+1)-dimensional latticeAbelian Higgs model at temperatures much higher than, as well as comparable to, the sphaleron energy. It is found that in the high-temperature limit the rate is likely to grow as power 2/3 of the temperature. In the intermediate-temperature regime, our numerical simulations show that very weak temperature dependence of the rate, found in previous work, persists at smaller lattice spacings. We discuss possibilities of relating the observed behavior of the rate to static finite-temperature properties of the model.Comment: 9 pages, LATeX + 4 figures included as postscript files, to be encapsulated using epsf. Text + figures uuencoded. Also available as a compressed postscript file by anonymous ftp from maggia.ethz.ch (login ftp, pw ftp; then: cd pub, binary, get ahm.ps.Z). IPS Research Report No. 94-0

    Sphaleron-Like Processes in a Realistic Heat Bath

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    We measure the diffusion rate of Chern-Simons number in the (1+1)-dimensional Abelian Higgs model interacting with a realistic heat bath for temperatures between 1/13 and 2/3 times the sphaleron energy. It is found that the measured rate is close to that predicted by the sphaleron approximation at the lower end of the temperature range considered but falls at least an order of magnitude short of the sphaleron estimate at the upper end of that range. We show numerically that the sphaleron approximation breaks down as soon as the gauge-invariant two-point function yields correlation length close to the sphaleron size.Comment: talk given at Lattice-93 conference (Dallas, October 1993), 3 pages, uuencoded postscript file, IPS Research Report 93-1

    Coupled-channels effects in elastic scattering and near-barrier fusion induced by weakly bound nuclei and exotic halo nuclei

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    The influence on fusion of coupling to the breakup process is investigated for reactions where at least one of the colliding nuclei has a sufficiently low binding energy for breakup to become an important process. Elastic scattering, excitation functions for sub-and near-barrier fusion cross sections, and breakup yields are analyzed for 6,7^{6,7}Li+59^{59}Co. Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels (CDCC) calculations describe well the data at and above the barrier. Elastic scattering with 6^{6}Li (as compared to 7^{7}Li) indicates the significant role of breakup for weakly bound projectiles. A study of 4,6^{4,6}He induced fusion reactions with a three-body CDCC method for the 6^6He halo nucleus is presented. The relative importance of breakup and bound-state structure effects on total fusion is discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure