21 research outputs found

    Il Socrate di Valerio Massimo come possibile modello sottostante al “Tiers Livre” del “Gargantua et Pantagruel”

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    Il Tiers Livre del Gargantua et Pantagruel si allontana decisamente, per natura e struttura, dai due libri precedenti; un significativo indizio di questo cambio di direzione lo si può trovare già nel titolo: manca infatti ogni riferimento alla «vie très horrificque» di Gargantua o ai «faictz et prouesses espoventables»di Pantagruel, mentre l’attenzione viene focalizzata sui «faicts et dicts héroïques» di quest’ultimo. Il concentrarsi del paratesto citato sull’aspetto discorsivo, più che su qu..

    A survey on lifestyle and level of biomarkers of environmental exposure in residents in Civitavecchia (Italy)

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    Background. The assessment of individual exposure to toxicants in industrially contaminated areas is difficult when multiple productions are active close to residential areas. Two thermoelectric power plants and a large harbor have been operating since the ’60s in the area of Civitavecchia (North of Rome). Methods. The ABC (Ambiente e Biomonitoraggio nell’area di Civitavecchia, Environment and Biomonitoring in Civitavecchia) program involved, in the period 2013-2014, residents in Civitavecchia and in the nearby municipalities (Santa Marinella, Allumiere, Tolfa and Tarquinia). They were randomly selected from the Municipal Register’s data and their residence addresses were geocoded using GIS techniques. Biomonitoring of the following urinary metals, Sb, Be, Mo, Cd, Sn, W, Ir, Pt, Hg, Tl, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rh, Pd, As were performed. Glucose and lipid metabolism, liver, renal, and endocrine function were evaluated through blood laboratory tests. Tests of lung function were also carried out as well as saturometry (oxygen rate in the blood with an illuminated sensor placed on the fingertip), anthropometric and blood pressure measurements. Information on individual characteristics, histories of exposure, such as the consumption of local food, occupational history, lifestyle and medical history were collected through a validated questionnaire. Samples of nails and hair were also collected. The biological material (blood, urine, nails and hair) was stored in a biobank for future analysis related to the possible mechanisms of biological damage. The study protocol received the approval of the local ethics committee. Results. A total of 1177 residents were enrolled (58% female, 60% with a secondary or graduate school degree). No particular differences in metal concentrations based on the municipality of residence were observed. For arsenic, mercury, lead, and tungsten some differences between the two geographical areas were observed, probably due to different diet, lifestyle (e.g., alcohol consumption, smoking, use of jewelry and piercings, tattoos, physical activity, hormonal and mineral supplements, and drugs), and occupational exposure. Conclusions. The undergoing study on the association between biomarkers concentration and pollutants concentrations − estimated using a dispersion modeling approach, and adjusting for personal characteristics and concomitant other environmental exposure − could clarify the individual exposure of the residents in this industrial area

    La biblioteca di Baldassar Castiglione

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    Estimating photovoltaic energy potential from a minimal set of randomly sampled data

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    The remarkable rise of photovoltaics in the world over the past years testifies of the great improvement in the use of solar energy. Opportunities for further new PV installations are being sought, especially power plants in areas with as yet little exploited solar energy potential. In this paper, we describe a methodology for generating estimation models of PV electricity for installations in large regions where only a few scattered data or measurement stations are available. For validation only, application of this methodology was performed considering Italy, where estimations can be benchmarked using the Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The results show that the mean absolute errors were usually lower than 4%, compared to the PVGIS data, for about 90% of the estimates of PV electricity, and about 6% for the greatest mean error

    Multiple-Regression Method for Fast Estimation of Solar Irradiation and Photovoltaic Energy Potentials over Europe and Africa

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    In recent years, various online tools and databases have been developed to assess the potential energy output of photovoltaic (PV) installations in different geographical areas. However, these tools generally provide a spatial resolution of a few kilometers and, for a systematic analysis at large scale, they require continuous querying of their online databases. In this article, we present a methodology for fast estimation of the yearly sum of global solar irradiation and PV energy yield over large-scale territories. The proposed method relies on a multiple-regression model including only well-known geodata, such as latitude, altitude above sea level and average ambient temperature. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for a fast, preliminary, offline estimation of solar PV output and to analyze possible investments in new installations. Application of the method to a random set of 80 geographical locations throughout Europe and Africa yields a mean absolute percent error of 4.4% for the estimate of solar irradiation (13.6% maximum percent error) and of 4.3% for the prediction of photovoltaic electricity production (14.8% maximum percent error for free-standing installations; 15.4% for building-integrated ones), which are consistent with the general accuracy provided by the reference tools for this application. Besides photovoltaic potentials, the proposed method could also find application in a wider range of installation assessments, such as in solar thermal energy or desalination plants

    Battery-Aware Operation Range Estimation for Terrestrial and Aerial Electric Vehicles

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    The range of operations of electric vehicles (EVs) is a critical aspect that may affect the user’s attitude towards them. For manned EVs, range anxiety is still perceived as a major issue and recent surveys have shown that one third of potential European users are deterred by this problem when considering the move to an EV. Similar consideration applies to aerial EVs for commercial use, where a careful planning of the flying range is essential to guarantee the service but also to avoid the loss of the EVs due to charge depletion during the flight. Therefore, route planning for EVs for different purposes (range estimation, route optimization) and/or application scenarios (terrestrial, aerial EVs) is an essential element to foster the acceptance of EVs as a replacement of traditional vehicles. One essential element to enable such accurate planning is an accurate model of the actual power consumption. While very elaborate models for the electrical motors of EVs do exist, the motor power does not perfectly match the power drawn from the battery because of battery non-idealities. In this work we propose a general methodology that allows to predict and/or optimize the operation range of EVs, by allowing different accuracy/complexity tradeoffs for the models describing the route, the vehicle and the battery, and taking into account the decoupling between motor and battery power. We demonstrate our method on two use cases. The first one is a traditional driving range prediction for a terrestrial EV; the second one concerns an unmanned aerial vehicle, for which the methodology will be used to determine the energy-optimal flying speed for a set of parcel delivery tasks