177 research outputs found

    Green Economy: Regional Priorities

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    The article is dedicated to transforming the economy of Russian regions to a green economy, which is an essential factor for the sustainable development. This is important not only for Russia but the whole world because our country has the great natural capital and provides important environmental services that support the planet biosphere. Based on the analysis of economic, social and ecological statistical data and Human Development Index (HDI) we have shown that the development of Russian Federal Districts is very unbalanced and each Russian region has its own way to new economic model. For instance, it is necessary to increase the well-being in the North Caucasus Federal District, it is important to reach higher life expectancy at birth in the Siberian and the Far Eastern Districts. It is necessary to move from the «brown» economy to a green one by using the human capital (building a knowledge economy), by applying Best Available Technologies (Techniques), by investing in efficiency of use of natural resources and by increasing energy efficiency. The transition to a green economy will help to achieve social equity and the development of human potential; it helps to move from the exploitation of non-renewable natural capital to renewable human capital. All these socio-economic measures should give decoupling effect, make risks lower, reduce the exploitation of natural capital, stop the environmental degradation and prevent the ecological crisis. Transition to the green economic model has to be accompanied by new economic development indicators, which take into account social and environmental factors.The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 14-06-00075

    Flexoelectricity and pattern formation in nematic liquid crystals

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    We present in this paper a detailed analysis of the flexoelectric instability of a planar nematic layer in the presence of an alternating electric field (frequency ω\omega), which leads to stripe patterns (flexodomains) in the plane of the layer. This equilibrium transition is governed by the free energy of the nematic which describes the elasticity with respects to the orientational degrees of freedom supplemented by an electric part. Surprisingly the limit ω0\omega \to 0 is highly singular. In distinct contrast to the dc-case, where the patterns are stationary and time-independent, they appear at finite, small ω\omega periodically in time as sudden bursts. Flexodomains are in competition with the intensively studied electro-hydrodynamic instability in nematics, which presents a non-equilibrium dissipative transition. It will be demonstrated that ω\omega is a very convenient control parameter to tune between flexodomains and convection patterns, which are clearly distinguished by the orientation of their stripes

    On the speed of approach to equilibrium for a collisionless gas

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    We investigate the speed of approach to Maxwellian equilibrium for a collisionless gas enclosed in a vessel whose wall are kept at a uniform, constant temperature, assuming diffuse reflection of gas molecules on the vessel wall. We establish lower bounds for potential decay rates assuming uniform LpL^p bounds on the initial distribution function. We also obtain a decay estimate in the spherically symmetric case. We discuss with particular care the influence of low-speed particles on thermalization by the wall.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; submitted to Kinetic and Related Model

    Galactic Rotation Parameters from Data on Open Star Clusters

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    Currently available data on the field of velocities Vr, Vl, Vb for open star clusters are used to perform a kinematic analysis of various samples that differ by heliocentric distance, age, and membership in individual structures (the Orion, Carina--Sagittarius, and Perseus arms). Based on 375 clusters located within 5 kpc of the Sun with ages up to 1 Gyr, we have determined the Galactic rotation parameters Wo =-26.0+-0.3 km/s/kpc, W'o = 4.18+-0.17 km/s/kpc^2, W''o=-0.45+-0.06 km/s/kpc^3, the system contraction parameter K = -2.4+-0.1 km/s/kpc, and the parameters of the kinematic center Ro =7.4+-0.3 kpc and lo = 0+-1 degrees. The Galactocentric distance Ro in the model used has been found to depend significantly on the sample age. Thus, for example, it is 9.5+-0.7 kpc and 5.6+-0.3 kpc for the samples of young (50 Myr) clusters, respectively. Our study of the kinematics of young open star clusters in various spiral arms has shown that the kinematic parameters are similar to the parameters obtained from the entire sample for the Carina-Sagittarius and Perseus arms and differ significantly from them for the Orion arm. The contraction effect is shown to be typical of star clusters with various ages. It is most pronounced for clusters with a mean age of 100 Myr, with the contraction velocity being Kr = -4.3+-1.0 km/s.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Kinematic Control of the Inertiality of the System of Tycho-2 and UCAC2 Stellar Proper Motions

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    Based on the Ogorodnikov-Milne model, we analyze the proper motions of Tycho-2 and UCAC2 stars. We have established that the model component that describes the rotation of all stars under consideration around the Galactic y axis differs significantly from zero at various magnitudes. We interpret this rotation found using the most distant stars as a residual rotation of the ICRS/Tycho-2 system relative to the inertial reference frame. For the most distant (d900d\approx900 pc) Tycho-2 and UCAC2 stars, the mean rotation around the Galactic y axis has been found to be M13=0.37±0.04M_{13}=-0.37\pm0.04 mas yr1^{-1}. The proper motions of UCAC2 stars with magnitudes in the range 1215m12-15^m are shown to be distorted appreciably by the magnitude equation in μαcosδ\mu_\alpha\cos\delta, which has the strongest effect for northern-sky stars with a coefficient of 0.60±0.05-0.60\pm0.05 mas yr1^{-1} mag1^{-1}. We have detected no significant effect of the magnitude equation in the proper motions of UCAC2 stars brighter than 11m\approx11^m.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalous Negative Magnetoresistance Caused by Non-Markovian Effects

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    A theory of recently discovered anomalous low-field magnetoresistance is developed for the system of two-dimensional electrons scattered by hard disks of radius a,a, randomly distributed with concentration n.n. For small magnetic fields the magentoresistance is found to be parabolic and inversely proportional to the gas parameter, δρxx/ρ(ωcτ)2/na2. \delta \rho_{xx}/\rho \sim - (\omega_c \tau)^2 / n a^2. With increasing field the magnetoresistance becomes linear δρxx/ρωcτ\delta \rho_{xx}/\rho \sim - \omega_c \tau in a good agreement with the experiment and numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 5 figure

    Evolution of the Velocity Ellipsoids in the Thin Disk of the Galaxy and the Radial Migration of Stars

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    Data from the revised Geneva--Copenhagen catalog are used to study the influence of radial migration of stars on the age dependences of parameters of the velocity ellipsoids for nearby stars in the thin disk of the Galaxy, assuming that the mean radii of the stellar orbits remain constant. It is demonstrated that precisely the radial migration of stars, together with the negative metallicity gradient in the thin disk,are responsible for the observed negative correlation between the metallicities and angular momenta of nearby stars, while the angular momenta of stars that were born at the same Galactocentric distances do not depend on either age or metallicity. (abridged)Comment: Astronomy Reports, Vol. 86 No. 9, P.1117-1126 (2009

    Nanograins with 90 • grain boundaries in high transition temperature superconducting films

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    Abstract A theoretical model is suggested which describes a non-conventional relaxation mechanism in strained high transition temperature superconducting films, namely the formation of nanograins with 90 • grain boundaries. It is theoretically revealed here that misfit stresses in superconducting thin films at early stages of their growth are effectively relaxed through the formation of nanograins with their crystal lattice misoriented by 90 • relative to the crystal lattice of the film matrix. With increasing film thickness, the formation of a continuous layer resulting from the convergence of nanograins becomes energetically favourable. The results of the model account for experimental data on the observation of nanograins with 90 • grain boundaries in YBaCuO films, reported in the literature

    Green Economy: Regional Priorities

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    The article is dedicated to transforming the economy of Russian regions to a green economy, which is an essential factor for the sustainable development. This is important not only for Russia but the whole world because our country has the great natural capital and provides important environmental services that support the planet biosphere. Based on the analysis of economic, social and ecological statistical data and Human Development Index (HDI) we have shown that the development of Russian Federal Districts is very unbalanced and each Russian region has its own way to new economic model. For instance, it is necessary to increase the well-being in the North Caucasus Federal District, it is important to reach higher life expectancy at birth in the Siberian and the Far Eastern Districts. It is necessary to move from the «brown» economy to a green one by using the human capital (building a knowledge economy), by applying Best Available Technologies (Techniques), by investing in efficiency of use of natural resources and by increasing energy efficiency. The transition to a green economy will help to achieve social equity and the development of human potential; it helps to move from the exploitation of non-renewable natural capital to renewable human capital. All these socio-economic measures should give decoupling effect, make risks lower, reduce the exploitation of natural capital, stop the environmental degradation and prevent the ecological crisis. Transition to the green economic model has to be accompanied by new economic development indicators, which take into account social and environmental factors

    Regional priorities of green economy

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    The article is dedicated to transforming the economy of Russian regions to a green economy, which is an essential factor for the sustainable development. This is important not only for Russia but the whole world because our country has the great natural capital and provides important environmental services that support the planet biosphere. Based on the analysis of economic, social and ecological statistical data and Human Development Index (HDI) we have shown that the development of Russian Federal Districts is very unbalanced and each Russian region has its own way to new economic model. For instance, it is necessary to increase the well-being in the North Caucasus Federal District, it is important to reach higher life expectancy at birth in the Siberian and the Far Eastern Districts. It is necessary to move from the «brown» economy to a green one by using the human capital (building a knowledge economy), by applying Best Available Technologies (Techniques), by investing in efficiency of use of natural resources and by increasing energy efficiency. The transition to a green economy will help to achieve social equity and the development of human potential; it helps to move from the exploitation of non-renewable natural capital to renewable human capital. All these socio-economic measures should give decoupling effect, make risks lower, reduce the exploitation of natural capital, stop the environmental degradation and prevent the ecological crisis. Transition to the green economic model has to be accompanied by new economic development indicators, which take into account social and environmental factors