1,401 research outputs found

    Airframe/propulsion integration characteristics at transonic speeds

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    The aerodynamic characteristics for both single and twin-engine high-performance aircraft are significantly affected by shock induced flow interactions as well as other local flow interference effects which usually occur at transonic speeds. These adverse interactions can not only cause high drag, but also cause unusual aerodynamic loadings and/or severe stability and control problems. Many programs are under way to not only develop method for reducing the adverse effects, but also to develop an understanding of the basic flow conditions which are the primary contributors. It is anticipated that these programs will result in technologies which can reduce the aircraft cruise drag through improved integration as well as increase aircraft maneuverability through the application of thrust vectoring. Some of the primary integration problems for twin-engine aircraft at transonic speeds are identified, and several methods are demonstrated for reducing or eliminating the undersirable characteristics, while enhancing configuration effectiveness

    Astrophysical Condition on the attolensing as a possible probe for a modified gravity theory

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    We investigate the wave effect in the gravitational lensing by a black hole with very tiny mass less than 10^-19 solar mass, which is called attolensing, motivated by a recent report that the lensing signature might be a possible probe of a modified gravity theory in the braneworld scenario. We focus on the finite source size effect and the effect of the relative motion of the source to the lens, which are influential to the wave effect in the attolensing. Astrophysical condition that the lensed interference signature can be a probe of the modified gravity theory is demonstrated. The interference signature in the microlensing system is also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in IJMP

    Photon Statistics of a Single Atom Laser

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    We consider a laser model consisting of a single four-level or three-level atom, an optical cavity, and an incoherent pump. Results for photon statistics for varying pump levels are obtained using a quantum trajectory algorithm. In particular, we calculate the mean photon number, Fano factor (which is the variance over the mean). We examine that the behavior of the single-atom device as β, the fraction of spontaneous emission into the lasing mode, is varied. Typical values considered for β are 0.01\u3cβ\u3c1.0. We find that for large enough β, lasing action, with properties similar to those predicted by semiclassical theories that factorize atom-field correlations and use a small-noise approximation, can occur. Squeezing can occur as β is increased. There is no evidence of a sharp phase transition from weakly excited thermal light to coherent light at a particular pump power. This is consistent with work on many-atom lasers with β values in the range considered here. As β is increased, the output goes from quasithermal light to coherent and finally to squeezed light, progressing into a fully quantum-mechanical regime. We also consider the effects of cavity damping and spontaneous emission rates on these results