7 research outputs found

    Absolut stability of linear multistep methods for second kind Volterra integral equations

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    Not availableThe main purpose of this mork is to shym that linear multistep methods for Ordinary Differential Equations way be transfornmd into qmadrature rules and hum the stability properties of such nethods is oarried over to the context of ~Primai solution of Volterra Integral Equations. It is algo shomm that difficulties arise when %e try to extended the class of test problems

    Absolut stability of linear multistep methods for second kind Volterra integral equations

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    Not availableThe main purpose of this mork is to shym that linear multistep methods for Ordinary Differential Equations way be transfornmd into qmadrature rules and hum the stability properties of such nethods is oarried over to the context of ~Primai solution of Volterra Integral Equations. It is algo shomm that difficulties arise when %e try to extended the class of test problems

    Simulação de escoamentos com superficies livres em um ambiente de memoria distribuida

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    Orientadores: Jose Alberto Cuminato, Maria Cristina de Castro CunhaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação CientificaResumo: Apresentamos, neste trabalho, uma técnica paralela baseada em uma decomposição de domínio para resolver as equações de Navier-Stokes com superfícies livres em coordenadas cartesianas e cilíndricas em duas dimensões. Essa técnica é baseada no código apresentado por Tomé [1993] e Tomé e co-autores [1996], a qual por sua vez é baseada no método SMAC apresentado por Amsden e Harlow [1971], que resolve as equações de Navier-Stokes em três passos: a equação de momento, a equação de Poisson e o movimento das partículas. A primeira equação é discretizada por diferenças finitas explícitas. A paralelização é realizada dividindo-se o domínio original de cálculo em vários subdomínios verticais e atribuindo cada um deles a um processador. Todos os cálculos podem ser realizados usando comunicação somente com o processador vizinho mais próximo. No final, apresentamos testes comparando a performance do código paralelo com o seqüencial e discutimos a questão do balanceamento de carga.Abstract: A parallel technique "Qased on domain decomposition for solving free surface Navier-Stokes equations in cartesian and cylindrical coordinates in two dimensions is described. It is based on the code by Tomé [1993] and Tomé et.al. [1996], which in turn is based on the SMAC method by Amsden & Harlow [1971], which solves the Navier-Stokes equations in three steps: the momentum equation and Poisson solvers and particle movement. The first equation is discretized by explicit finite differences. The paralIelization is performed by splitting the computation domain into vertical strips and assigning each of these to a processor. All the computation can then be performed using nearest neighbour communication. We present run tests comparing the performance of the parallel with the serial code, and discuss the load balancing question.DoutoradoDoutor em Matemática Aplicad

    Automatic segmentation of latent fingerprints

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    Abstract—Latent fingerprints are routinely found at crime scenes due to the inadvertent contact of the criminals ’ finger tips with various objects. As such, they have been used as crucial evidence for identifying and convicting criminals by law enforcement agencies. However, compared to plain and rolled prints, latent fingerprints usually have poor quality of ridge impressions with small fingerprint area, and contain large overlap between the foreground area (friction ridge pattern) and structured or random noise in the background. Accordingly, latent fingerprint segmentation is a difficult problem. In this paper, we propose a latent fingerprint segmentation algorithm whose goal is to separate the fingerprint region (region of interest) from background. Our algorithm utilizes both ridge orientation and frequency features. The orientation tensor is used to obtain the symmetric patterns of fingerprint ridge orientation, and local Fourier analysis method is used to estimate the local ridge frequency of the latent fingerprint. Candidate fingerprint (foreground) regions are obtained for each feature type; an intersection of regions from orientation and frequency features localizes the true latent fingerprint regions. To verify the viability of the proposed segmentation algorithm, we evaluated the segmentation results in two aspects: a comparison with the ground truth foreground and matching performance based on segmented region. I

    Risk prediction for weed infestation using classification rules

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    This paper proposes a fuzzy classification system for the risk of infestation by weeds in agricultural zones considering the variability of weeds. The inputs of the system are features of the infestation extracted from estimated maps by kriging for the weed seed production and weed coverage, and from the competitiveness, inferred from narrow and broad-leaved weeds. Furthermore, a Bayesian network classifier is used to extract rules from data which are compared to the fuzzy rule set obtained on the base of specialist knowledge. Results for the risk inference in a maize crop field are presented and evaluated by the estimated yield loss. © 2009 IEEE