7 research outputs found

    Expression Of Defense-related Genes In Response To Mechanical Wounding And Phytophthora Parasitica Infection In Poncirus Trifoliata And Citrus Sunki

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    Phytophthora parasitica have caused severe damage in Citrus nurseries and orchards worldwide. The purpose of these experiments was to determine how plant defense pathways are induced by P. parasitica and if induction differs in susceptible (Citrus sunki) and resistant (Poncirus trifoliata) interactions. Furthermore, to test the effect of simple wounding on the induction of defense-related genes, plants were mechanically wounded and were monitored over the period. We monitored three categories of defense-related genes by reverse transcription real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), at 24, 48, 96, and 168 h after inoculation. The genes included pathogenesis-related, PR1 (function unknown), PR2 (b1-3 endoglucanase), PR3 (chitinase class I) and PR5 (Thaumatin-like protein); phenylpropanoid pathway such as CHS (chalcone synthase) and PAL (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) that are involved in phytoalexin biosynthesis; and genes involved in defense and stress related categories, such as LOX (lipoxygenases) and POX (peroxidase). In accordance with the results of transcriptome changes during pathogen attack, we can suggest that all of genes are involved with resistance of the P. trifoliata to P parasitica, since the expression of these genes were significantly higher in the resistant than in susceptible genotype. Some genes were uniquely induced by pathogen (PR2, PAL and POX); or induced by the overlap involved in the response to pathogen attack and wound (PR1, PR3, PR5 and LOX); and the CHS gene was uniquely induced by wounding. This results will greatly contribute to improvement of plant resistance by genetic breeding and genetic manipulation. These genes serve as good candidates for functional studies. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.762119125Leoni, C., Ghini, R., Sewage sludge effect on management of Phytophthora nicotianae in citrus (2006) Crop Protec, 25, pp. 10-22Alvarez, L.A., Gramaje, D., Abad-Campos, P., García, J.J., Seasonal susceptibility of citrus scions to Phytophthora citrophthora and P. nicotianae and the influence of environmental and host-linked factors on infection development (2009) Eur J Plant Pathol, 124, pp. 621-635Queiroz, B.P.V., Melo, I.S., Antagonism of Serratia marcescens towards Phytophthora parasitica and its effects in promoting the growth of citrus (2006) Braz J Microbiol, 37, pp. 448-450Bonnet, J., Danan, S., Boudet, C., Barchi, L., Sage-Palloix, A., Caromel, B., Are the polygenic architectures of resistance to Phytophthora capsici and P. parasitica independent in pepper? 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    Avaliação de citrandarins e outros híbridos de trifoliata como porta-enxertos para citros em São Paulo Performance of citrandarins and others trifoliate hybrids rootstocks in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Laranjeiras Valência enxertadas em citrandarins e outros híbridos de trifoliata foram plantadas em 1988, em Itirapina (SP), num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo textura arenosa e conduzidas sem irrigação. O citrandarin Sunki x English (1.628), sem diferir estatisticamente de Cleópatra x Rubidoux (1.660), Cleópatra x English (710), Cleópatra x Swingle (715) e do trangpur Cravo x Carrizo (717), induziu a maior produção de frutos nas cinco primeiras colheitas do experimento (1991-1995), sendo que os três primeiros foram os mais produtivos nas três últimas colheitas. Os citranges Troyer e Carrizo foram significativamente inferiores aos citrandarins Sunki x English (1.628), Cleópatra x Rubidoux (1.660) e Cleópatra x English (710) em todos os anos, exceto 1994. Nenhuma das plantas apresentou sintomas de suscetibilidade à tristeza ou ao declínio. Os seedlings dos porta-enxertos diferiram quanto à área lesionada pela inoculação com Phytophthora parasitica. Os citrandarins Cleópatra x Swingle (1.587), Cleópatra x Trifoliata (1.574), Cleópatra x Rubidoux (1.600), Clementina x Trifoliata (1.615) e o limão Cravo x citrange Carrizo (717) foram significativamente mais resistentes que Cleópatra x Christian (712), Sunki x English (1.628), Cleópatra x Swingle (715) e Cleópatra x English (710).<br>Valencia sweet orange trees budded onto citrandarins and others trifoliate hybrids rootstocks from the USDA Horticultural Research Laboratory, Fort Pierce, Florida, were planted in 1988 on a sandy textured Oxisol in São Paulo State, Brazil, and managed without irrigation. Tristeza and blight diseases are endemic in this area. Trees of Sunki x English (1.628), Cleopatra x Rubidoux (1.660), Cleopatra x English (710), Cleopatra x Swingle (715) and Rangpur lime x Carrizo citrange (717), produced the highest cumulative yields in the first five crops (1991-1995). The first three rootstocks induced the highest crops in the last three years. Carrizo and Troyer citranges had the lowest productions in all years except in 1994. None of the trees showed symptoms of tristeza or blight diseases. Seedlings of these rootstocks were compared for resistance to Phytophthora parasitica inoculations. The citrandarins Cleopatra x Swingle (1.587), Cleopatra x Trifoliate (1.574), Cleopatra x Rubidoux (1.600), Clementine x Trifoliate (1.615) and Rangpur lime x Carrizo citrange (717), were significantly more resistant than the Cleopatra x Christian (712), Sunki x English (1.628), Cleopatra x Swingle (715) and Cleopatra x English (710)

    Breeding, genetic and genomic of citrus for disease resistance

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    Although the citriculture is one of the most important economic activities in Brazil, it is based on a small number of varieties. This fact has contributed for the vulnerability of the culture regarding the phytosanitary problems. A higher number of varieties/genotypes with potential for commercial growing, either for the industry or fresh market, has been one of the main objectives of citrus breeding programs. The genetic breeding of citrus has improved, in the last decades, due to the possibility of an association between biotechnological tools and classical methods of breeding. The use of molecular markers for early selection of zygotic seedlings from controlled crosses resulted in the possibility of selection of a high number of new combination and, as a consequence, the establishment of a great number of hybrids in field experiments. The faster new tools are incorporated in the program, the faster is possibility to reach new genotypes that can be tested as a new variety. Good traits should be kept or incorporate, whereas bad traits have to be excluded or minimized in the new genotype. Scion and rootstock can not be considered separately, and graft compatibility, fruit quality and productivity are essential traits to be evaluated in the last stages of the program. The mapping of QTLs has favored breeding programs of several perennial species and in citrus it was possible to map several characteristics with qualitative and quantitative inheritance. The existence of linkage maps and QTLs already mapped, the development of EST and BAC library and the sequencing of the Citrus complete genome altogether make very demanding and urgent the exploration of such data to launch a wider genetic study of citrus. The rising of information on genome of several organisms has opened new approaches looking for integration between breeding, genetic and genome. Genome assisted selection (GAS) involves more than gene or complete genome sequencing and is becoming an import support in breeding programs of annual and perennial species. An huge information amount can be derivate from genome analysis. The use and benefit of such informations will depend on the genetic basis of the breeding program