427 research outputs found

    Molecular Profiling of Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Activation In Vitro

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    The lymphatic vascular system plays a key role in cancer progression. Indeed, the activation of lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) through the lymphangiogenic process allows for the formation of new lymphatic vessels (LVs) that represent the major route for the dissemination of solid tumors. This process is governed by a plethora of cancer-derived and microevironmental mediators that strictly activate and control specific molecular pathways in LECs. In this work we used an in vitro model of LEC activation to trigger lymphangiogenesis using a mix of recombinant pro-lymphangiogenic factors (VFS) and a co-culture system with human melanoma cells. Both systems efficiently activated LECs, and under these experimental conditions, RNA sequencing was exploited to unveil the transcriptional profile of activated LECs. Our data demonstrate that both recombinant and tumor cell-mediated activation trigger significant molecular pathways associated with endothelial activation, morphogenesis, and cytokine-mediated signaling. In addition, this system provides information on new genes to be further investigated in the lymphangiogenesis process and open the possibility for further exploitation in other tumor contexts where lymphatic dissemination plays a relevant role

    Effects of benzydamine and mouthwashes containing benzydamine on Candida albicans adhesion, biofilm formation, regrowth, and persistence

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    Objectives To assess the effects of benzydamine and mouthwashes (MoWs) containing benzydamine on different stages of Candida albicans biofilm: adhesion, formation, persistence, and regrowth (if perturbed). Materialsandmethods C.albicansCA1398,carryingthebioluminescenceACT1p-gLUC59fusionproduct,wasemployed. Fungal cells were exposed for 1\u2032, 5\u2032, or 15\u2032 to 4 different benzydamine concentrations (0.075 to 0.6%) to 2 mouthwashes (MoWs) containing benzydamine and to a placebo MoW (without benzydamine). Treated cells were tested for adhesion (90 min) and biofilm formation (24-h assay). Next, 24- and 48-h-old biofilms were exposed to benzydamine and MoWs to assess regrowth and persistence, respectively. The effects of benzydamine, MoWs containing benzydamine, and placebo on different biofilm stages were quantified by bioluminescence assay and by the production of quorum sensing (QS) molecules. Results Benzydamine and MoWs containing benzydamine impaired C. albicans ability to adhere and form biofilm, counter- acted C. albicans persistence and regrowth, and impaired a 48-h-old biofilm. Some of these effects paralleled with alterations in QS molecule secretion. Conclusions Our results show for the first time that benzydamine and MoWs containing benzydamine impair C. albicans capacity to form biofilm and counteract biofilm persistence and regrowth. Clinical relevance Benzydamine and MoWs containing benzydamine capacity to affect C. albicans biofilm provides an interesting tool to prevent and treat oral candidiasis. Likely, restraining C. albicans colonization through daily oral hygiene may counteract colonization and persistence by other critical oral pathogens, such as Streptococcus mutans, whose increased virulence has been linked to the presence of C. albicans biofilm

    Simulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento do trigo irrigado utilizando o modelo CERES-Wheat na região de Campinas - SP.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivos apresentar de forma sucinta o funcionamento do modelo CERES-Wheat inserido na plataforma DSSAT 3.5, assim como apresentar os resultados obtidos das simulações realizadas com o modelo e os observados em experimento de campo, em especial a sua capacidade de detectar os efeitos da aplicação de N sob a fenologia e produtividade de grãos do trigo sob irrigação.bitstream/CNPTIA/9961/1/circtec2.pdfAcesso em: 28 maio 2008

    Future needs and requirements for AMS C-14 standards and reference materials

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    C-14 measurement uses a number of standards and reference materials with different properties. Historically the absolute calibration of C-14 measurement was tied to 1890 wood, through the 'primary' standard of NBS-OxI (produced by the National Bureau of Standards, now NIST - National Institute of Standards and technology) subsequently replaced by NBS-OxII. These are both internationally calibrated and certified materials, whose C-14 activities are known absolutely. A second tier of materials, often called secondary standards or reference materials, and including internationally recognised materials such as ANU-sucrose (now also IAEA-C6), Chinese - sucrose and the IAEA C1-C6 series, augmented by additional oxalic acid samples are also used routinely. The activity of these materials has been estimated from large numbers of measurements made by many laboratories. Recently, further natural materials from the Third and Fourth International Radiocarbon Inter- comparisons (TIRI and FIRI) have been added to this list. The activities of these standards and reference materials span both the applied C-14 age range and the chemical composition range of typical samples, but this is not achieved uniformly and there is a continuing need for reference materials for laboratory quality control and measurement-traceability purposes. In this paper, we review the development of C-14 Standards and reference materials and consider the future requirements for such materials within the C-14 AMS community

    Bioma Pantanal: da complexidade do ecossistema à conservação, restauração e bioeconomia.

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    O Pantanal é um bioma amplamente conhecido por ser a maior planície inundável do mundo, mais do que isso é um mosaico contendo áreas inundáveis e não inundáveis, floresta decidual, savana (cerrado), florestas ripárias, pastagens, áreas temporárias, áreas permanentemente aquáticas e com formações monodominantes características. É um reservatório de biodiversidade com organismos adaptados aos ciclos de seca, cheia e fogo, requerendo atenção especial para sua conservação e restauração, ainda mais com os desmatamentos e incêndios catastróficos que recentemente ocorreram. Essa região também possui populações indígenas e tradicionais, que detêm inclusive conhecimentos ancestrais sobre a biodiversidade da região e precisam ser incluídas nos planejamentos para a conservação e restauração desse bioma

    Simulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento do trigo utilizando o modelo Ceres-Wheat na região de Campinas, SP.

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    Avaliou-se a eficácia do modelo Ceres-Wheat na estimativa da produtividade e datas de florescimento e de maturidade fisiológica de trigo, cultivar IAC 24. Para comparar os valores estimados pelo modelo Ceres, utilizou-se de dados observados em ensaio de campo com trigo irrigado e adubado com diversas doses de N-fertilizante: 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 de N no primeiro ano e 0, 45, 90, 135 e 180 kg ha-1 de N no 2o ano. O modelo simulou satisfatoriamente a fenologia, os componentes do rendimento e o rendimento do trigo, inclusive o efeito da adubação nitrogenada. As estimativas das datas de florescimento e maturidade fisiológica apresentaram pequenos desvios em relação às datas observadas a campo, que deveu-se à ocorrência de temperaturas médias diárias maiores do que a media histórica e conseqüentemente um encurtamento do ciclo da cultivar. Embora haja necessidade de refinamento na estimativa de alguns processos, os resultados indicam que o modelo CERES-Wheat é adequado para estimativas da fenologia e rendimento da cultivar de trigo IAC-24 para previsão de resposta à adubação N
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