12 research outputs found

    The conceptual hydrogeological model of the Plitvice Lakes

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    National Park Plitvice Lakes is located in the central part of the Dinaric karst region of Croatia. Plitvice Lakes are one of the most important and morphologically most attractive parts of the Croatia with the status of National Park since 1949 and with respected place in the list of World Natural Heritage by UNESCO since 1979. With its large karst springs, many lakes separated by tufa barriers and waterfalls, along with exceptional biodiversity represent a unique environment attractive for the arrival of many visitors and tourist development activities. This paper is aimed at defining a conceptual dynamic model of water resources in the Plitvice Lakes National Park. Lake is fed by groundwater from the mountain area of Mala Kapela and runoff from the lake system is directed towards the Black Sea basin. The whole area of the park is built of carbonate rocks of different degrees of natural permeability and very complex tectonic relations, which allowed springing of water, maintaining of the lakes and finally the loss of water in the karst underground downstream of Lower Lakes. Important hydrogeological function have poor permeable dolomites of Triassic age as a natural barrier to water from the mountainous area of Mala Kapela, through which the water flow, creating beautiful lakes and waterfalls. The largest lakes Pro&scaron;ćansko and Kozjak are generators of maintaining of high water quality of the whole system. Plitvice Lakes water after crossing the fault along the northeastern shore of Lake Kozjak starting to sink in the karst underground, which Kozjak Lake and Lower Lakes leads to a situation of high risk due to possible large-scale loss of water, if the natural functioning of the water system in relation to high water quality is disturbed.</p

    Water supply spring zone Novljanska Žrnovnica (Croatia) – new quantities of drinking water in the conditions of salt water intrusion

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    This paper presents an approach for solving the problem of exploitation of freshwater in the coastal karst aquifer during summer dry periods in the conditions of potential salt water intrusion. The approach is presented on the example of spring zone Novljanska Žrnovnica, situated in the northern part of Croatian Adriatic coastal region. The spring zone is used for water supply (about 250 l/s) of an important tourist area of Crikvenica and Novi Vinodolski. After unsuccessful attempts of physical separation of freshwater system from the sea influence, by construction of grout curtain, hydrogeological studies have focused on the possibility of groundwater capturing in the hinterland of discharge zone, outside of the zone of periodical salinity. The final research results with the exploitation well in the spring hinterland can serve as a model for research and exploitation of drinking water in natural conditions of unstable freshwater-saltwater interface in similar natural conditions

    Hydrogeology of the sinking zone of the Korana River downstream of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

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    Downstream of the Plitvice Lakes National Park, water that pass through the water system of the lakes begins its flow as the Korana River. A few hundred meters downstream of the source zone, during the summer dry periods, there are losses of water in the riverbed resulting in its total drying. The sinking zone in that area is built of high permeable carbonate rocks and with the appearance of less permeable dolomite rocks, about 17 km downstream, the Korana River becomes a permanent river. This paper focuses on the explanation of hydrogeological relations in the zone where losses of water occur in the riverbed, relationship to the neighbouring Una River catchment, as well as possibilities of relocating the source of water supply from the Kozjak Lake (Plitvice Lakes) to the new site in the sinking zone of the Korana River. For this purpose hydrogeological researches were performed, with drilling of several piezometric boreholes and two tracing tests to determine the direction of groundwater flow during the dry season. The results show that during the dry periods in the sinking zone of the Korana River the groundwater level with active aquifer is about 25 m below the riverbed. This opens up the possibility of additional research to solve the problem of water-supply and relocation of water-supply capture in this area. Two tracing tests showed a connection with the Klokot spring (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the neighbouring Una River catchment, which points to the transboundary character of this aquifer. At the source of the Klokot minimum discharge is around 3 m3/s and the maximum more than 75 m3/s. The capturing of about 60 l/s for water-supply in the Korana River sinking zone will not have impact on the amount of discharge at the Klokot spring.Key words: Dinaric karst, Korana River sinking zone, Plitvice Lakes, tracing test, transboundary aquifer, groundwater capturing.Hidrogeologija ponornega območja reke Korane dolvodno od Plitviških jezer, HrvaškaDolvodno od Nacionalnega parka Plitviška jezera vode, ki tečejo skozi sistem jezer, oblikujejo reko Korano. Nekaj sto metrov pod to izvirno cono v času poletnih sušnih obdobij voda v strugi ponika in s časom povsem presahne. Ponorno cono gradijo zelo dobro prepustne karbonatne kamnine in šele po prehodu na manj prepustne dolomite približno 17 km nižje po strugi Korana postane stalna reka. V članku so obravnavane hidrogeološke razmere v coni ponikanja vode v strugi in odnosi s sosednjim porečjem reke Une, pa tudi možnosti prestavitve vira oskrbe s pitno vodo iz jezera Kozjak (Plitviška jezera) na novo lokacijo v ponorni coni reke Korane. V ta namen so bile izvedene hidrogeološke raziskave, izvrtanih je bilo več piezometrskih vrtin in izvedena sta bila dva sledilna poskusa za določitev smeri podzemnega toka v času nizkih vod. Rezultati so pokazali, da je v sušnih obdobjih v ponorni coni reke Korane nivo podzemne vode z aktivnim vodonosnikom približno 25 m pod strugo. To odpira možnost dodatnih raziskav za rešitev problema oskrbe z vodo in prestavitve zajetja vode na tem območju. Oba sledilna poskusa sta dokazala povezavo z izvirom Klokot (Bosna in Hercegovina) v sosednjem porečju reke Une, kar kaže na čezmejni značaj vodonosnika. Minimalni pretok izvira Klokot je približno 3 m3/s, maksimalni pa več kot 75 m3/s. Zajetje za oskrbo z vodo v ponorni coni reke Korane z izdatnostjo približno 60 l/s ne bo imelo vpliva na pretok izvira Klokot.Ključne besede: Dinarski kras, ponorna cona reke Korane, Plitviška jezera, sledilni poskus, čezmejni vodonosnik, zajetje podzemne vode.

    Karst Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment (KAVA) Method—A Novel GIS-Based Method for Deep Karst Aquifers

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    Karst aquifers in the Dinaric karst are very rich with groundwater and are a very important resource for public water supply. The characteristics of the Dinaric karst are the lack, or very thin layer, of covering deposits, large amounts of precipitations, high groundwater velocities, very deep groundwater flow with a lot of faults and fault zones, pits to groundwater, concentrated sinking and large karst springs, making them extremely vulnerable to all anthropogenic influences, which are very quickly transmitted to the aquifer. Numerous multiparameter methods have been developed in the last 20 years to determine the level of vulnerability of aquifers. Each of them has its own specifics and is well adapted to the climate and region for which it was developed. The Karst Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment (KAVA) method was developed in accordance with all the characteristics of the deep karst aquifers of the Dinaric karst and tested on several basins in the area. It was developed as a part of the Global Environment Facility United Nations Environmental Programme – the Mediterranean Action Plan Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (GEF UNEP/MAP MedPartnership Project). This paper presents the KAVA method and its application to two characteristic karst basins of the Dinaric karst: the Novljanska Žrnovnica spring catchment area and the Bakar Bay catchment area

    Transbouundary aquifers between Slovenia and Croatia - The area bewtween Gulf of Kvarner and Gulf of Trieste

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    Directive 2000/60/EC is defining body of groundwater as a distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers. Every member state has to identify all groundwater bodies where the water is in the certain amount abstracted or where is intent to abstractfor water supply. Special significance should be given to those bodies of groundwater that extent across the state borders, i.e. groundwater that has underground flow from one to another side of the state border. In 2000/2001 there was common Slovene-Croatian researchproject effectuated on the area between Gulf of Kvarner and Gulf of Trieste. In this frame transboundary aquifer systems on this area were identified, the standardized hydrogeological map was produced, tansboundary water divides and theirs uncertainties were identified, common GIS and representative monitoring system were established,additional tracer test was done in Buje anticline area.Transboundary aquifer system in the area between Gulf of Kvarner and Gulf of Trieste are of extreme importance for water supply of cities like Reka (Croatia) and Koper (Slovenia). Future conservation and optimal abstraction of these aquifers where the rechargearea is at least partly in one state and abstraction point in the other state mutual research activities are indispensable

    Koncert ansambla ASMANGU (Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, 27. 5. 2022.)

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    Prvi dio snimke koncerta održanog na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 27. 5. 2022. Izvođači: Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, Petra Akrap (klavir), Petar Krokar (klavir), Nadir Hošić (klavir), Maria Garcia Vera (klavir), Maja Primorac (klavir), Maria Babić (klavir), Božidar Vlašić (klavir), Katarina Nera Biondić (klavir). Dirigent: red. prof. art. Berislav Šipuš. Program: 1. Sara Jakopović: Impromptu (izvođač: Petra Akrap); 2. Vigo Kovačić: I. River Breeze, II. Baby Spiders’Night Out (izvođač: Petar Krokar); 3. Claude Debussy: Le Prélude à l’Après-midi d’un faune (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 4. Tin Ujević: Klavir-19 (izvođač: Nadir Hošić); 5. Pierre Boulez: Dérive 1, za šest instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 6. Sara Jakopović: Sedam klavirskih preludija (izvođači: Maria Garcia Vera, Maja Primorac); 7. Danijela Bošnjak: Veni Creator Spiritus (izvođač: Maria Babić); 8. Olivier Messiaen: Pièce pour piano et quatuor à cordes (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 9. Tomislav Krobot: Klavirske minijature (izvođač: Božidar Vlašić); 10. Vigo Kovačić: Za lijeve ruke (Mono Mano) (izvođači: Nadir Hošić, Petar Krokar, Katarina Nera Biondić, Maja Primorac, Maria Garcia Vera); 11. Iannis Xenakis: O-mega, za solo udaraljke i 13 instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU)

    Koncert ansambla ASMANGU (Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, 27. 5. 2022.)

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    Drugi dio snimke koncerta održanog na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 27. 5. 2022. Izvođači: Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, Petra Akrap (klavir), Petar Krokar (klavir), Nadir Hošić (klavir), Maria Garcia Vera (klavir), Maja Primorac (klavir), Maria Babić (klavir), Božidar Vlašić (klavir), Katarina Nera Biondić (klavir). Dirigent: red. prof. art. Berislav Šipuš. Program: 1. Sara Jakopović: Impromptu (izvođač: Petra Akrap); 2. Vigo Kovačić: I. River Breeze, II. Baby Spiders’Night Out (izvođač: Petar Krokar); 3. Claude Debussy: Le Prélude à l’Après-midi d’un faune (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 4. Tin Ujević: Klavir-19 (izvođač: Nadir Hošić); 5. Pierre Boulez: Dérive 1, za šest instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 6. Sara Jakopović: Sedam klavirskih preludija (izvođači: Maria Garcia Vera, Maja Primorac); 7. Danijela Bošnjak: Veni Creator Spiritus (izvođač: Maria Babić); 8. Olivier Messiaen: Pièce pour piano et quatuor à cordes (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 9. Tomislav Krobot: Klavirske minijature (izvođač: Božidar Vlašić); 10. Vigo Kovačić: Za lijeve ruke (Mono Mano) (izvođači: Nadir Hošić, Petar Krokar, Katarina Nera Biondić, Maja Primorac, Maria Garcia Vera); 11. Iannis Xenakis: O-mega, za solo udaraljke i 13 instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU)

    Koncert ansambla ASMANGU (Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, 27. 5. 2022.)

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    Prvi dio snimke koncerta održanog na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 27. 5. 2022. Izvođači: Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, Petra Akrap (klavir), Petar Krokar (klavir), Nadir Hošić (klavir), Maria Garcia Vera (klavir), Maja Primorac (klavir), Maria Babić (klavir), Božidar Vlašić (klavir), Katarina Nera Biondić (klavir). Dirigent: red. prof. art. Berislav Šipuš. Program: 1. Sara Jakopović: Impromptu (izvođač: Petra Akrap); 2. Vigo Kovačić: I. River Breeze, II. Baby Spiders’Night Out (izvođač: Petar Krokar); 3. Claude Debussy: Le Prélude à l’Après-midi d’un faune (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 4. Tin Ujević: Klavir-19 (izvođač: Nadir Hošić); 5. Pierre Boulez: Dérive 1, za šest instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 6. Sara Jakopović: Sedam klavirskih preludija (izvođači: Maria Garcia Vera, Maja Primorac); 7. Danijela Bošnjak: Veni Creator Spiritus (izvođač: Maria Babić); 8. Olivier Messiaen: Pièce pour piano et quatuor à cordes (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 9. Tomislav Krobot: Klavirske minijature (izvođač: Božidar Vlašić); 10. Vigo Kovačić: Za lijeve ruke (Mono Mano) (izvođači: Nadir Hošić, Petar Krokar, Katarina Nera Biondić, Maja Primorac, Maria Garcia Vera); 11. Iannis Xenakis: O-mega, za solo udaraljke i 13 instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU)

    Koncert ansambla ASMANGU (Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, 27. 5. 2022.)

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    Drugi dio snimke koncerta održanog na Muzičkoj akademiji u Koncertnoj dvorani "Blagoje Bersa" 27. 5. 2022. Izvođači: Ansambl studenata Muzičke akademije za novu glazbu, Petra Akrap (klavir), Petar Krokar (klavir), Nadir Hošić (klavir), Maria Garcia Vera (klavir), Maja Primorac (klavir), Maria Babić (klavir), Božidar Vlašić (klavir), Katarina Nera Biondić (klavir). Dirigent: red. prof. art. Berislav Šipuš. Program: 1. Sara Jakopović: Impromptu (izvođač: Petra Akrap); 2. Vigo Kovačić: I. River Breeze, II. Baby Spiders’Night Out (izvođač: Petar Krokar); 3. Claude Debussy: Le Prélude à l’Après-midi d’un faune (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 4. Tin Ujević: Klavir-19 (izvođač: Nadir Hošić); 5. Pierre Boulez: Dérive 1, za šest instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 6. Sara Jakopović: Sedam klavirskih preludija (izvođači: Maria Garcia Vera, Maja Primorac); 7. Danijela Bošnjak: Veni Creator Spiritus (izvođač: Maria Babić); 8. Olivier Messiaen: Pièce pour piano et quatuor à cordes (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU); 9. Tomislav Krobot: Klavirske minijature (izvođač: Božidar Vlašić); 10. Vigo Kovačić: Za lijeve ruke (Mono Mano) (izvođači: Nadir Hošić, Petar Krokar, Katarina Nera Biondić, Maja Primorac, Maria Garcia Vera); 11. Iannis Xenakis: O-mega, za solo udaraljke i 13 instrumenata (izvođač: ansambl ASMANGU)