100 research outputs found

    Exploring European Union Funding Programs for Environmental Chemistry Research: What You Need to Know

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    Istraživanja u oblasti Hemije životne sredine (HŽS) igraju ključnu ulogu u unapređenju našeg razumevanja kako ljudske aktivnosti utiču na svet prirode. Ipak, i pored važnosti i aktuelnosti ove naučne oblasti, obezbeđivanje sredstava za istraživačke projekte u oblasti HŽS može biti izazovno. Srećom, postoje brojne mogućnosti finansiranja koje su dostupne u okviru programa Evropske unije za istraživače iz ove oblasti. Cilj prezentacije je da pruži uvid u programe finansiranja dostupne za istraživačke projekte u oblasti HŽS, da ponudi savete kako da pronađete moguća finansiranja i kako da se krećete kroz proces prijav

    Oxidative stress

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    The unceasing need for oxygen is in contradiction to the fact that it is in fact toxic to mammals. Namely, its monovalent reduction can have as a consequence the production of short-living, chemically very active free radicals and certain non-radical agents (nitrogen-oxide, superoxide-anion-radicals, hydroxyl radicals, peroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, peroxynitrite, hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid, and others). There is no doubt that they have numerous positive roles, but when their production is stepped up to such an extent that the organism cannot eliminate them with its antioxidants (superoxide-dismutase, glutathione-peroxidase, catalase, transferrin, ceruloplasmin, reduced glutathion, and others), a series of disorders is developed that are jointly called „oxidative stress.“ The reactive oxygen species which characterize oxidative stress are capable of attacking all main classes of biological macromolecules, actually proteins, DNA and RNA molecules, and in particular lipids. The free radicals influence lipid peroxidation in cellular membranes, oxidative damage to DNA and RNA molecules, the development of genetic mutations, fragmentation, and the altered function of various protein molecules. All of this results in the following consequences: disrupted permeability of cellular membranes, disrupted cellular signalization and ion homeostasis, reduced or loss of function of damaged proteins, and similar. That is why the free radicals that are released during oxidative stress are considered pathogenic agents of numerous diseases and ageing. The type of damage that will occur, and when it will take place, depends on the nature of the free radicals, their site of action and their source. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173034, br. 175061 i br. 31085

    Hemijske modifikacije β-laktoglobulina hinonima

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    The avarone/avarol quinone/hydroquinone couple. as well as their derivatives show considerable antitumor activity. In this work, covalent modifications of beta-lactogglobulin. isolated from cow milk by avarone, its model compound 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone. and several of their alkylthio derivatives were studied. The techniques applied for as-saying the modifications were: UV/VIS spectrophotometry, SDS PAGE and isoelectrofocusing. The results of the SDS PAGE suggest that polymerisation of the protein occurs. The shift of the pI of the protein upon modification toward lower values indicates that lysine amino groups are the principal site of die reaction of beta-lactoglobulin with the quinones.Hinonsko/hidrohinonski par avaron/avarol i njihovi derivati pokazuju značajnu antitumorsku aktivnost. U ovom radu proučavane su kovalentne modifikacije β-laktoglobulina, izolovanog iz kravljeg mleka, avaronom, njegovim model-jedinjenjem 2-tert-butil-1,4-benzohinonom i njihovim alkiltio-derivatima. Za ispitivanje modifikacija korišćene su UV/VIS spektrofotometrija, SDS PAGE i izoelektrofokusiranje. Rezultat SDS PAGE ukazuje da se protein polimerizuje. Pomeranje pI vrednosti proteina nakon modifikacije ka nižim vrednostima pokazuje da su amino grupe lizina glavna mesta reakcije β-laktoglobulina sa hinonima

    D4.2 Report on the recruitment procedure for hiring additional personnel for the GO of UBFC

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    This report provides an overview of the recruitment procedure conducted for hiring additional personnel for the International Cooperation and Project Management Office at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry within WP4 of PFAStwin project. The purpose of the recruitment process was to identify and select highly qualified candidates who possess the necessary skills and experience to contribute effectively to the office's operations and objectives

    D6.1. Report on kick-off meeting

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    A report on the kick-off meeting has been developed within Work Package 6 Management of the PFAStwin. This report describes the first consortium meeting and all the decisions made to achieve the PFAStwin project's goals through effective management and networking

    Peripartal leukogram in cows with and without retained placenta

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether prepartal leukogram in cows with retained placenta could indicate the presence of subclinical systemic inflammatory response before the onset of disease. After calving, sixteen highly pregnant Holstein cows, aged 3 to 9 years, without clinical signs of the disease prior to calving were divided into two groups: the first group (n=9) were animals without retained placenta, or any visible inflammation after birth; the second group (n=7) were cows with retained placenta. Blood was sampled three times before parturition, at intervals of one week, and once 24 hours after birth. The number of total leukocytes, segmented and non segmented neutrophilic granulocytes (NG), lymphocytes and monocytes were determined by standard laboratory techniques. The results have shown that in the group of cows with retained placenta the number of mature neutrophils was slightly elevated in the third, second and last week before calving, and equal number of non segmented neutrophils in regard to the group with no retention. The results have also shown that, in both groups of cows, 24 hours after calving, the number of total leukocytes and the number of segmented neutrophils decreased, but the number of the non segmented neutrophils increased. Based on this, we can conclude that cows with retained placenta had no systemic inflammatory response during three weeks prepartal period, but 24 hours after calving, systemic inflammatory response was documented in all the cows. Moreover, the intensity of inflammatory response in cows with retained placenta was not more pronounced in comparison to cows without retained placenta. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175061

    Chemical composition and in vitro herbicidal activity of five essential oils on Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense [L.] Pers.)

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    The evaluation of the inhibition effect achieved by essential oils of dill (Anethum graveolens L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and winter savory (Satureja montana L.) on seed germination and shoot growth of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense L.) was tested in laboratory. The chemical composition of essential oils was analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major constituents were carvon (40.5%) and limonene (32.2%) for A. graveolens essential oil, carvacrol (73.7%) for O. vulgare essential oil, α-pinene (43.5%) for J. communis essential oil, b-thujone (32.7%) and camphor (17.2%) for S. officinalis essential oil, thymol (44.6%) and p-cimene (13.4%) for S. montana essential oil. The in vitro study on herbicidal activity was carried out on seed germination and shoots length of S. halepense; A. graveolens, O. vulgare, S. montana essential oils significantly inhibited the germination and shoot length and their herbicidal activity could be attributed mainly to their high content of carvone, carvacrol and thymol. A. graveolens, O. vulgare and S. montana essential oils reduced seed germination by 61.5%, 52.7% and 47.3%, respectively, while J. communis and S. officinalis essential oils stimulated germination (7.7% and 2.2%, respectively). The shoot growth reduction for almost all essential oils, except J. communis essential oil, was more than 30%. The solution of A. graveolens, O. vulgare and S. montana essential oils exhibited more powerful bio-herbicidal effect compared to J. communis and S. officinalis essential oils on the germination and shoot growth of S. halepense.

    D4.1 Report with the Action plan on the reorganization of the work force in the UBFC

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    Report with the action plan on the reorganization of the work force in the UBFC was developed within WP4 of the PFAStwin project. The aim is to devise a plan for better GO performance, which will be accepted by the governing body of the UBFC and put into force

    Odnos između totalnog kapaciteta za vezivanje gvožđa i koncentracije transferina kod novorođene prasadi tretirane gvožđe-dekstranom

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    Serum iron concentration and iron saturation of transferrin (Trf) are measures of body iron stores after administration of iron supplements. In clinical and experimental research, the complex determination of Trf was replaced by the simple determination of total iron binding capacity (TIBC). The objective of this work was to define if TIBC could be an adequate measure for Trf in neonatal piglets after i.m. iron administration. Treated piglets received 150 mg of iron-dextran i.m. the first day of life, and were compared to the untreated control group. Prior to iron administration, as well as on days 2, 8 and 12 after iron administration, serum iron and TIBC concentration were analyzed by an automatized chemical analyzer and Trf was determined by densitometry of electrophoretic strips. Our results show that regardless of iron treatment, TIBC is not a measure of Trf concentration in neonatal piglets two days after birth. At day 8 of their life a high correlation coefficient of these two parameters was established in non-treated animals, while in iron-treated piglets the same correlation was established 12 days after iron treatment. Thus, we suggest that in neonatal piglets, TIBC could be used as a measure of Trf concentration only 12 days after i.m. iron treatment.Određivanje statusa gvožđa u organizmu jedinke posle primene određenog preparata ovog mikroelementa moguće je utvrditi određivanjem njegove koncentracije u serumu i zasićenja transferina (Trf) gvožđem. U kliničkoj i eksperimentalnoj praksi složeno određivanje koncentracije Trf zamenjeno je jednostavnim određ ivanjem ukupnog serumskog kapaciteta za vezivanje gvožđa (TIBC). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se na modelu porasta serumskog Fe po i.m. aplikaciji Fe-dextrana novorođenoj prasadi, utvrdi odnos TIBC i Trf po aplikaciji ovog mikroelementa, kako bi se utvrdilo da li visoke doze gvožđa u serumu utiču na vrednost TIBC kao mere za određivanje koncentracije Trf. Vrednosti za serumsko Fe, TIBC i Trf poređene su između grupe životinja koja je odmah po rođenju dobila 150 mg Fe-dextrana i kontrolne grupe u kojoj životoinje nisu tretirane Fe-dextranom. Krv je uzorkovana pre aplikacije Fe-dextrana, drugog, osmog i dvanaestog dana po aplikaciji preparata gvožđa. Koncentracija gvožđa u serumu i TIBC su određivani standarnim kliničkim biohemijskim analizama, dok je koncenracija Trf određena denzitometrijom elektroforetskih traka. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da bez obzira na primenu preparata Fe, TIBC nije adekvatna mera za Trf kod novorođene prasadi u prva tri dana po rođenju. Osmog dana života prasadi, utvrđen je visoki stepen korelacije ova dva parametra kod životinja koje nisu bile tretirane, dok je kod tretiranih jedinki taj stepen korelacije postignut dvanaestog dana. Na osnovu izloženih rezultata se može zaključiti da se kod novorođene prasadi TIBC može koristiti kao mera za Trf tek 12 dana nakon i.m. tretmana Fe-dextranom

    Kovalentne modifikacije proteina biološki aktivnim hinonima

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    The avarone/avarol quinone/hydroquinone couple shows considerable antitumor activity. In this work, covalent modification of beta-lactoglobulin by avarone and its derivatives as well as by the synthetic steroidal quinone 2,5(10)-estradiene-1,4,17-trione and its derivatives were studied. The techniques for studying chemical modification of beta-lactoglobulin by quinones were: UV/Vis spectrophotometry, SDS PAGE and isoelectrofocusing. SDS PAGE results suggest that polymerization of the protein Occurs. It Could be seen that the protein of 18 kD gives the bands of 20 kD, 36 kD, 40 kD, 45 kD, 64 kD and 128 kD depending on modification agent. The shift of the pl of the protein (5.4) upon modification toward lower values (from pl 5.0 to 5.3) indicated that lysine amino groups are the principal site of the reaction of beta-lactoglobulin with the quinones.Hinonsko/hidrohinonski par avaron/avarol pokazuje značajnu antitumorsku aktivnost. U ovom radu proučavane su kovalentne modifikacije β-laktoglobulina avaronom, sintetičkim steroidnim hinonom 2,5(10)-estradien-1,4,17-trionom i njihovim derivatima. Tehnike za praćenje hemijske modifikacije bile su: UV/Vis spektrofotometrija, SDS PAGE i izoelektrofokusiranje. Rezultati SDS PAGE ukazuju da se dešava polimerizacija proteina.Može se videti da protein od 18 kD daje trake od 20 kD, 36 kD, 40 kD, 45 kD, 64 kD i 128 kD u zavisnosti od agensa za modifikaciju. Pomeranje pI vrednosti proteina (5,4) nakon modifikacije ka nižim vrednostima (od pI 5,0 do 5,3) pokazuje da su amino-grupe lizina glavna mesta reakcije β-laktoglobulina sa hinonima