7 research outputs found


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    Struktura proizvoda u nautičkom turizmu čini ovaj oblik turizma sezonski manje osjetljivim. Ipak, 50% nautičara u Hrvatskoj boravi na svojim plovilima tijekom srpnja i kolovoza čime se pokazuje snažna sezonalnost ovog oblika turizma. Jedna od mogućnosti za smanjenje sezonalnosti predstavlja uključivanje različitih komplementarnih oblika turizma u nautički turizam. U ovom se radu razmatra upravo komplementarnost nautičkog i drugih oblika turizma s ciljem utvrđivanja učinaka koje luke nautičkog turizma ostvaruju uključivanjem ponude drugih specifičnih oblika turizam u svoju ponudu.The structure of products in nautical tourism makes this form of tourism less seasonally sensitive. However, 50% of boaters in Croatia vacation on their vessels during July and August, which still proves a strong seasonality character of this form of tourism. One of the possibilities for reducing the seasonality relates to inclusion of various complementary forms of tourism in nautical tourism. This paper explores the complementarity of nautical and other forms of tourism aiming to establish the effects of including other specifi c forms of tourism in the nautical tourism ports offer


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    U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja ostvarene marketinÅ”ke komunikacije između marine (nautičke ponude) i nautičara (nautičke potražnje). Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku marina u Republici Hrvatskoj, a dobiveni podaci su analizirani različitim statističkim metodama. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da marine ne koriste u dovoljnoj mjeri promotivne aktivnosti kako za ostvarivanje tako i za očuvanje odnosa s nautičkom potražnjom. Dokazano je postojanje pozitivne korelacijske veze između koriÅ”tenja promotivne aktivnosti i učinaka koje marine ostvaruju i u fizičkim i vrijednosnim pokazateljima uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja.This paper reports on the results of a research on the realized marketing communication between marina (nautical supply) and nautical tourists (nautical demand). The research is conducted on a representative sample of marinas in the Republic of Croatia and the obtained data is then analysed by different statistical methods. The obtained results have shown that marinas donā€™t use promotional activities sufficiently to create as well as to sustain the relationship with the nautical demand. The existence of a positive correlative connection between the use of promotional activities and the realized effects in physical and value business performance indicators of the marinas has also been proven


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    Struktura proizvoda u nautičkom turizmu čini ovaj oblik turizma sezonski manje osjetljivim. Ipak, 50% nautičara u Hrvatskoj boravi na svojim plovilima tijekom srpnja i kolovoza čime se pokazuje snažna sezonalnost ovog oblika turizma. Jedna od mogućnosti za smanjenje sezonalnosti predstavlja uključivanje različitih komplementarnih oblika turizma u nautički turizam. U ovom se radu razmatra upravo komplementarnost nautičkog i drugih oblika turizma s ciljem utvrđivanja učinaka koje luke nautičkog turizma ostvaruju uključivanjem ponude drugih specifičnih oblika turizam u svoju ponudu.The structure of products in nautical tourism makes this form of tourism less seasonally sensitive. However, 50% of boaters in Croatia vacation on their vessels during July and August, which still proves a strong seasonality character of this form of tourism. One of the possibilities for reducing the seasonality relates to inclusion of various complementary forms of tourism in nautical tourism. This paper explores the complementarity of nautical and other forms of tourism aiming to establish the effects of including other specifi c forms of tourism in the nautical tourism ports offer

    Management of sustainable tourism destination through stakeholder cooperation

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    Destination presents a set of different organizations and individuals who can work towards realising the same objectives or their objectives can be diametrically opposed. Harmonisation of such objectives in a unique strategic development of the entire destination is usually taken over by destination management organization (DMO) established to accomplish the mentioned objective. The opposed interests in such a system as complex as tourism result in the degradation of space and society in which tourism takes place. Therefore sustainable development in tourism represents a primary concept of development today. Tourism is a fast growing phenomenon and its sustainable development represents a necessity. Besides the positive economic outputs of tourism, we should also mention its negative impact on the particular destination, the environmental degradation to some extent, as well as socio-economic elements of local community. Accordingly, multi-stakeholder concept in destination management should include all interest and influential groups in tourism development planning. Such integrated destination management connects all stakeholders independent from influence or interest powers to participate directly or indirectly in creating and implementing the quality tourism development. This conceptā€™s basic function is connecting and coordinating stakeholders with different interests within a tourism destination, in order to create quality product and a recognizable destination image, and to achieve a long-term sustainable competitiveness on the market. However, based on the stakeholder approach, the most emphasized issue in sustainable tourism development concept is the government that holds a key role in socio-economic development. In this paper, we analysed current involvement of stakeholders in Zadar County tourism development and examined their interest in future involvement in sustainable destination development. Based on the analysis of focus group research results, that included 87 interested stakeholders from all segments of tourist industry, public services, local administration and self-government, and in comparison with the results of tourism demand research on the non-random sample of 1,697 tourists, we draw conclusions on the level of stakeholder involvement and cooperation in creating the sustainable destination. The aim of this paper is to offer recommendations for harmonizing development directions of the sustainable destination in order to reduce differences among stakeholders

    Cognitaā€™s LMS and its Application in the University of Zadar Studentsā€™ Education

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    The application of new educational technologies in the education of students and pupils as well as all persons involved in the education system, nowadays becomes an imperative. Cognitaā€™s LMS is a programming tool for the creation of electronic educational materials used in distance learning, as well as a supplement to the traditional mode of education. This paper describes the use of Cognitaā€™s LMS as a system for distance learning in studentsā€™ education. Testing was conducted on a sample of one hundred students of the University of Zadar who have had the opportunity to use the learning system of Cognita. By means of questionnaire and after using the distance learning system, the students evaluated syllabuses, online tests, the functionality of the system, and communication within the system. This paper examined the quality of educational content created and usefulness of information in this kind of studentsā€™ education, as well as advantages and disadvantages of this form of education compared to traditional teaching. At the same time, the way students use educational technology was also investigated. The research data were analyzed by methods of descriptive statistics using the software package of Statistica. The informatization of education is becoming part of society education and a fundamental prerequisite to better quality education of young people


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    Zadovoljstvo turista, spremnost na davanje preporuke i povratak u destinaciju predstavljaju temeljne ciljeve turističke destinacije. PoboljÅ”anju dostupnosti destinacije pridonijeli su i niskobudžetni zračni prijevoznici koji svojim poslovnim modelom dovode do snižavanja cijene i privlače nove segmente turista. Njihov koncept uključuje odabire manjih zračnih luka kako bi osigurali visok stupanj iskoristivosti zrakoplova smanjenjem vremena čekanja zrakoplova i smanjenjem vlastitih troÅ”kova. Zračna luka Zadar na razini Hrvatske zadovoljava sve zahtjeve ovog segmenta zračnog prometa, a vođeni željom za osvajanjem udaljenijih europskih tržiÅ”ta Velike Britanije i Skandinavskih zemalja, Zadarska županija odlučila je privući najvećeg niskobudžetnog prijevoznika Ryanair. Cilj je ovog rada analizirati zadovoljstvo korisnika niskobudžetnih zračnih prijevoznika Zadarskom županijom analizom zadovoljstva pojedinačnim elementima turističke ponude Zadarske županije i ukupnog zadovoljstva destinacijom te utvrditi koliko zadovoljstvo korisnika utječe na želju za preporukom destinacije i povratkom u istu.Tourist satisfaction, their willingness to recommend and to return to a destination represent the basic goals of a tourist destination. Low cost carriers contributed to improved accessibility of destinations, and their business model has led to lowering the prices and attracted new tourist segments. Their concept involves choosing smaller airports to ensure a high degree of aircraft utilization through reduction of the flight waiting time and cutting their own costs. Zadar Airport meets all the requirements of this air transport segment in Croatia. Impelled by aspirations to conquer more remote European markets, specifically Great Britain and Scandinavian countries, the Zadar County has decided to attract the largest low cost carrier Ryanair. This paper aims to analyse the low cost carrier usersā€™ satisfaction with the Zadar County by analysing the satisfaction with the individual elements of the tourist offer in the Zadar County and the overall satisfaction with the destination, as well as to establish how user satisfaction affects the motivation to recommend a destination and to return to it

    Management of sustainable tourism destination through stakeholder cooperation

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    Destination presents a set of different organizations and individuals who can work towards realising the same objectives or their objectives can be diametrically opposed. Harmonisation of such objectives in a unique strategic development of the entire destination is usually taken over by destination management organization (DMO) established to accomplish the mentioned objective. The opposed interests in such a system as complex as tourism result in the degradation of space and society in which tourism takes place. Therefore sustainable development in tourism represents a primary concept of development today. Tourism is a fast growing phenomenon and its sustainable development represents a necessity. Besides the positive economic outputs of tourism, we should also mention its negative impact on the particular destination, the environmental degradation to some extent, as well as socio-economic elements of local community. Accordingly, multi-stakeholder concept in destination management should include all interest and influential groups in tourism development planning. Such integrated destination management connects all stakeholders independent from influence or interest powers to participate directly or indirectly in creating and implementing the quality tourism development. This conceptā€™s basic function is connecting and coordinating stakeholders with different interests within a tourism destination, in order to create quality product and a recognizable destination image, and to achieve a long-term sustainable competitiveness on the market. However, based on the stakeholder approach, the most emphasized issue in sustainable tourism development concept is the government that holds a key role in socio-economic development. In this paper, we analysed current involvement of stakeholders in Zadar County tourism development and examined their interest in future involvement in sustainable destination development. Based on the analysis of focus group research results, that included 87 interested stakeholders from all segments of tourist industry, public services, local administration and self-government, and in comparison with the results of tourism demand research on the non-random sample of 1,697 tourists, we draw conclusions on the level of stakeholder involvement and cooperation in creating the sustainable destination. The aim of this paper is to offer recommendations for harmonizing development directions of the sustainable destination in order to reduce differences among stakeholders