80 research outputs found
Assessment of body posture of boys aged 7-15 in relation to the body mass index – BMI
Łubkowska Wioletta, Mroczek Bożena. Assessment of body posture of boys aged 7-15 in relation to the body mass index – BMI. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):371-380. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.344520
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017).
1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7
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Received: 12.02.2017. Revised 23.02.2017. Accepted: 28.02.2017.
Wioletta Łubkowska¹, Bożena Mroczek²
¹Faculty of Physical Education and Health Promotion, University of Szczecin, Poland [email protected]
²Department of Humanities in Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland [email protected]
Introduction. The problem of growing incidence of bad posture in children and adolescents is so significant that it has become an important social problem. One of reasons behind higher incidence of abnormal posture may be underweight, overweight or obesity. Objectives. Evaluation of incidence of bad posture in boys aged 7-15, including the Body Mass Index (BMI). Material and methods. The study included 511 boys aged 7-15 from Szczecin. Each age group consisted of approx. 50-70 children. Posture was assessed with the spherosomatometric method. Physiological curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane were determined. Next, normative values for anterior-posterior spinal curvatures were used to determine the incidence of bad posture. Based on logistic regression, the parameters of the logit model were assessed, taking into account subjects’ age and BMI. Results. In the entire population, bad posture was identified in 32.48% of subjects. Age did not differentiate the incidence of bad posture in terms of statistical significance. Boys with incorrect BMI amounted to 28.37% of all subjects. Underweight was observed in 6.96% of subjects. 7.54% of subjects were overweight and 2.03% obese, which gave a total of 9.57% of the researched population. The increase in BMI correlated with higher chances of bad posture by almost 25%, while age was a variable which reduced the risk of bad posture by almost 15%. Conclusions. Incorrect BMI predisposed subjects to bad posture. High proportion of children with bad posture justify the need to promote preventive and corrective measures. The increasing proportion of overweight and obese children should serve as a motivator to shape healthy behaviors of students and parents, as well as schools and the medical environment.
Key words: body posture, bad posture, BMI, children and adolescent
Ocena zakresu ruchomości stawu kolanowego i skokowego kończyny niedowładnej u chorych z niedowładem połowicznym po incydentach mózgowo-naczyniowych
B a c k g r o u n d. Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) is one of the most serious health problems in the developed countries. Patients who conclude early stroke rehabilitation (i.e. 2-3 months after the stroke) should be able to walk unassisted or with little help.O b j e c t i v e. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of early specialized stroke rehabilitation by means of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), based on the analysis of mobility ranges of knee and ankle joints of the affected limbs in patients after CVA.M a t e r i a l a n d m e t h o d s. The study encompassed 30 subjects who had suffered from stroke and participated in PNF rehabilitation at the hospital stroke ward. Among subjects, there were 13 men and 17 women, aged ± 66.1. On average, patients spent 28 days at the ward. The first exam was carried out prior to rehabilitation , on the admission day, while the follow-up exam was conducted on the day the patient left the ward.R e s u l t s. Noticeable reduction of deficits in knee and ankle joint motion of the affected limb was observed. The second exam proved significant increase in bending ranges of the affected limb. Range of limb strengthening did not change. Subjects with left-sided hemiparesis displayed greater mobility deficits in motion ranges of knee and ankle joints, compared to right-sided hemiparesis patients.C o n c l u s i o n s. Using PNF in early rehabilitation noticeably improved mobility of the affected limbs in patients after CVA.Wstęp. Udar mózgu jest jednym z najpoważniejszych problemów zdrowotnych społeczeństw z krajów uprzemysłowionych. Chory kończący wczesną rehabilitację poudarową, czyli 2-3 miesiące od udaru powinien chodzić samodzielnie lub z niewielką pomocą.C e l e m p r a c y była analiza skuteczności wczesnej specjalistycznej rehabilitacji poudarowej, realizowanej metodą PNF, w oparciu o analizę zakresu ruchomości stawu kolanowego i skokowego kończyny niedowładnej u osób po mózgowym incydencie naczyniowym.M a t e r i a ł i m e t o d y. Badaniem objęto 30 osób po mózgowym incydencie naczyniowym poddanych wczesnej rehabilitacji metodą PNF na pododdziale udarowym. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 13 mężczyzn i 17 kobiet, o średniej wieku ± 66,1. Czas przebywania chorego na oddziale wynosił średnio 28 dni. Pierwsze badanie wykonano przed rozpoczęciem usprawniania w dniu przyjęcia chorego, a kontrolne w dniu wypisu z oddziału udarowego.W y n i k i. Stwierdzono wyraźną redukcję deficytów w stawie kolanowym i skokowym kończyny niedowładnej. W badaniu drugim wykazano znaczny wzrost zakresu ruchu zginania w kończynie niedowładnej. Wartość ruchu wyprostu pozostała bez zmian. Grupa chorych z niedowładem lewostronnym charakteryzowała się znacznie większymi ograniczeniami zakresów poszczególnych ruchów czynnych stawu kolanowego oraz skokowego górnego i dolnego niż grupa chorych z niedowładem prawostronnym.W n i o s k i. Stosowanie metody PNF we wczesnej rehabilitacji wyraźnie usprawniło funkcjonowanie kończyny niedowładnej chorych po przebytym mózgowym incydencie naczyniowym
Assessment of Impact of Early Stroke Rehabilitation on Hip Joint Mobility of the Affected Leg in Patients after Cerebrovascular Accidents
One of the main priorities of stroke rehabilitation is regaining patients’ independence in basic everyday activities. This paper is aimed at assessing impact of early stroke rehabilitation on hip joint mobility of the affected leg in patients after cerebrovascular accidents. The study included 30 subjects (13 men and 17 women) aged on average ±66.1, with hemiparesis, who were treated at the stroke unit and participated in a 4-week rehabilitation program. Measurements of passive and active motion ranges were conducted with a goniometer in both limbs: healthy and affected ones by stroke. There were statistically significant differences in motion ranges between healthy and affected limbs. Examination I revealed that affected limbs amounted to only 40% of physiological range, while in Examination II, the result reached 73%. The most significant motion limitations were noted in terms of bending, adduction and internal rotation, while the least significant in terms of external rotation and abduction. Exercises used during early stroke rehabilitation of hemiparesis patients considerably increased active motion ranges and maintained passive motion ranges in the hip joint of the affected limb. Patients with right-sided hemiparesis experienced much better improvement in hip joint motion of the affected limb. The 4-week period was insufficient to mobilize patients and help them regain full active mobility in the hip joint of the affected limb. These patients required further physiotherapy, until they fully regained functionality
Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema - case report and literature review
Przedstawiamy przypadek 61-letniego mężczyzny, u którego poszukiwanie przyczyny przewlekłej niewydolności oddechowej,
ciężkiego nadciśnienia płucnego i wtórnej erytrocytozy doprowadziło do rozpoznania włóknienia i rozedmy płuc (CPFE). CPFE to
rzadko opisywane schorzenie, charakteryzujące się współistnieniem włóknienia dolnych i rozedmy górnych płatów płuc.
Przyczyna choroby jest nieznana, jednak jednym z zasadniczych czynników ryzyka pozostaje palenie papierosów - w opisanym
przypadku chory palił przez ponad 40 lat paczkę papierosów dziennie. Pacjent skarżył się na postępującą duszność i kaszel.
W badaniu fizykalnym stwierdzono trzeszczenia u podstawy płuc i sinicę. Wykazano znacznie obniżoną pojemność dyfuzyjną
płuc dla tlenku węgla (27% wartości należnej) przy niewielkich odchyleniach w badaniu spirometrycznym: FEV1/FVC 66%, FEV1 2,95 l (100% w.n.), FVC 4,41 l (118%). Gazometria ujawniła hipoksemię (pO2 37 mm Hg), hipokapnię i alkalozę oddechową.
Rozpoznanie ustalono na podstawie tomografii komputerowej (TK) klatki piersiowej, dzięki której stwierdzono rozedmę
górnych płatów płuc pod postacią mlecznej szyby z niewielkimi obszarami plastra miodu w płatach dolnych. Na podstawie
badania echokardiograficznego, a następnie cewnikowania serca zdiagnozowano ciężkie nadciśnienie płucne (SPAP 80 mm Hg).
W terapii stosowano glikokortykosteroid wziewny, domową tlenoterapię i bloker kanału wapniowego.We describe the case of a 61-year-old male patient, in which the search for the cause of chronic respiratory failure, severe
pulmonary hypertension and secondary erythrocytosis resulted in a diagnosis of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema
(CPFE). This is a unique, recently characterised syndrome with upper-lobe emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis of the
lower lungs. The cause is unknown, but one of the main risk factor remains smoking. The patient was a heavy smoker (over
40 pack-years). He complained of dyspnoea on exertion and cough. Physical examination revealed basal crackles and
cyanosis. The patient had severe reduction in diffusing capacity, out of proportion to his lung volumes (DLCO 27% of
predicted value, FEV1 2.95 l (100%), FVC 4.41 l (118%), FEV1/FVC (66%). The blood gas showed hypoxemia (pO2 37 mm Hg),
hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis. Diagnosis was based on chest computer tomography, which revealed upper lobe
emphysema and lower lobe ground glass changes and honeycombing. Severe pulmonary hypertension (SPAP 80 mm Hg)
was confirmed by echocardiography and right cardiac catherisation. The patient received long-term oxygen therapy, inhaled
corticosteroid and Ca-blocker
Social competence of physicians and medical students – a preliminary report
Background . Efficient functioning at work and in the environment depends on social and emotional competence, understood as complex skills that determine the effectiveness of behaviors in various professional and social situations.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine the social competence of physicians and medical students with regard to the sociodemographic contributors which shape social competence.
Material and methods . The study was conducted in 2015 and 2016 and it involved 90 physicians, including 25 GPs (27.8%) and 53 medical students of PMU in Szczecin. The median age of the physicians and the students was 32 and 25, respectively. The Social Competencies Questionnaire (SC Q) by Anna Matczak and a self-developed survey questionnaire were employed.
Results. The ability of physicians to achieve medium and high levels of social competence increases by 8.5% with every year of seniority. Membership in scientific societies increases the odds of a high level of social competence fivefold in the ES scale and fourfold in the A scale. Physicians involved in the education of medical students were less likely to obtain medium and high scores (5 stens) in the A scale. An increase in seniority in the last workplace is accompanied by a 0.93 times lower probability of obtaining a high competence score in the A scale. Similarly, third cycle degree studies increase the odds of achieving high competence level by 7.48 times in the A scale.
Conclusions . Low levels of competence can be expected from physicians with less seniority, not belonging to scientific societies, not involved in students’ education, working in only one place, and not participating in third cycle degree studies. This group should be provided with social competence training
Stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym
Introduction: Demographic facts and forecasts about lengthening life expectancy motivate to systematize the knowledge of health problems experienced by women at the age of 50 and older. It refers to the whole health policy including health economics. Longer female life spans cause that an increasing number of women suffer from health problems associated with the perimenopausal period, and become health care recipients. Also a shift of retirement age is the reason to take interdisciplinary actions for women’s health and quality of life. This study describes a decline in the levels of many bioelements in hair, urine and blood serum, which progresses with age. It not only correlates with a decrease in the synthesis and secretion of estrogen, but also environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and the use of substances.
Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women and such variables as the use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol) and menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). Material and method: The study was conducted among 152 healthy women being 1-16 years after menopause. The women were divided into study group (MHT users) and control group (MHT non-users). A sub-division criterionwas the use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol). Serum zinc levels were determined in all women. Results: The use of substances significantly contributed to the lowering of serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women. MHT users had statistically higher average zinc levels in blood serum, which referred both to smokers and consumers of alcohol and those who did not use these substances. Conclusions: 1. The use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol) contributes to the lowering of zinc levels in blood serum. 2. MHT positively affects serum zinc levels in postmenopausal women regardless of whether they use substances (cigarettes, alcohol) or not.Wstęp: Fakty i prognozy demograficzne dotyczące stałego trendu wydłużania się średniej długości życia, stają się pilnym postulatem do opracowywania oraz usystematyzowania problemów zdrowotnych kobiet w wieku 50+. Dotyczy to całokształtu polityki zdrowotnej, także w aspekcie ekonomiki zdrowia. Wydłużanie czasu życia kobiet sprawia, że coraz liczniejsza ich populacja doświadcza problemów zdrowotnych związanych ze zjawiskami okresu około-menopauzalnego, co odzwierciedla się dynamiką wzrostu korzystania z opieki zdrowotnej. Opisywane przez Autorów procesy obniżania się stężenia wielu biopierwiastków we włosach, moczu i w surowicy krwi postępują wraz z wiekiem. Zmiany te korelują nie tylko z obniżeniem syntezy i sekrecji estrogenu, ale także zatruciem środowiska oraz niewłaściwym stylem życia, w którym pierwszoplanowym problemem jest rozpowszechnienie stosowania używek.
Cel pracy: Określenie zależności pomiędzy stosowaniem używek (papierosy, alkohol) a stężeniem cynku w surowicy krwi u kobiet po menopauzie, oraz wpływu menopauzalnej terapii hormonalnej (MTH) na to stężenie. Materiał i metoda: Badanie przeprowadzone zostało wśród 152 zdrowych kobiet w wieku od 1 roku do 16 lat po
menopauzie. Badane podzielono w zależności od tego czy paliły papierosy lub/i spożywały alkohol. U wszystkich oznaczono stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi. Kryterium podziału stanowiło także stosowanie, bądź nie MTH. Wyniki: Stosowanie używek wpływało istotnie na obniżenie stężenia cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet po menopauzie. Kobiety stosujące MTH miały statystycznie wyższe średnie stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi, zarówno te, które paliły
papierosy i piły alkohol jak i te, które nie stosowały tych używek. Wnioski: 1. Intensyfikacja edukacji zdrowotnej, mającej na celu zaniechanie stosowania używek może wpłynąć
korzystnie na stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym, co za tym idzie poprawę ich stanu zdrowia. 2. Upowszechnienie stosowania MHT wpływać może korzystnie na stężenie cynku w surowicy krwi u kobiet po menopauzie zarówno u kobiet stosujących jak i nie stosujących używki (papierosy, alkohol)
Evaluation of Quality of Life of Those Living near a Wind Farm
Objectives: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) can serve as a multidimensional means of evaluating the relationship between the presence of wind turbines in residential areas and their consequence for health. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between the presence of wind farms at different stages of development and the HRQoL of people living in their vicinity in Poland. Method: The instruments employed in this study were the SF-36v2, a questionnaire measuring self-reported health problems, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The study involved 1277 people who lived within 2 km from a wind turbine. Results: The highest overall QoL scores were obtained by respondents living the closest to wind turbines. The mental health, role emotional, and social functioning scores were significantly higher among respondents living near wind farms and wind-farm construction sites than among those living close to locations where wind farms were planned but where construction had not yet begun. Positive correlations were found between physical and mental component scores and reactions to the news of plans to construct a wind farm. Significant differences in physical and mental component scores were observed between residents who reacted calmly and those who responded with apprehension. Residents who expected the improvement of their financial standing as a result of the wind farm assessed their general health higher than those who did not expect to receive any economic benefits. The lowest QoL scores corresponded to frequent headaches, stomach aches, and back pain over the previous three months, as well as recurrent problems with falling asleep, anxiety, and a lack of acceptance of the project. Conclusion: The lowest overall QoL and general health scores were noted among residents of places where wind-farm developments were either at the stage of planning or under construction. In order to find ways of reducing environmental stress and its adverse effects on health, it is necessary to conduct research on residents of places where a wind farm is either planned or under construction, or has just been completed
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