32 research outputs found

    Surface free energy of polyurethane coatings with improved hydrophobicity

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    The polarity of polyurethane coats was studied on the basis of the goniometric method for determination of wetting angle values, on the basis of calculated surface free energy (SFE) values by the van Oss–Good and Owens–Wendt methods, and on the basis of polarity measurements with the use of the 1H NMR spectra. Test polyurethanes were synthesised in the reaction of methylene diphenyl 4,4′-diisocyanate (MDI) or 3-izocyanatomethyl –3,5,5- trimethylcyclohexyl isocyanate (IPDI) and polyoxyethylene glycols or polyesters poly(ε-caprolactone) diols and poly(ethyleneadipate) diol with different molecular weights, and some diols as chain extenders, in dioxane. The type of raw material was found to significantly affect the phase structure of the obtained polyurethane elastomers and to control physical interactions within those structures, thus influencing the SFE values. Fundamental reduction in the SFE value of a coating below 28 mJ/m2 was achieved by the use of 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1,4-butanediol as the urethane prepolymer chain extender

    Comparison of phase structures and surface free energy values for the coatings synthesised from linear polyurethanes and from waterborne polyurethane cationomers

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    WAXS, DSC and AFM methods were employed to compare phase structures of the coatings obtained from waterborne polyurethane cationomers which had been synthesised in the reaction of some diisocyanates (MDI, IPDI, TDI and HDI) with polyoxyethylene glycols (M = 600 and 2,000) and butane1,4-diol or N-methyl- or N-butyldiethanolamine and 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1,4-butanediol. The structures were also analysed of the coatings derived from linear polyurethanes which had been synthesised on the basis of similar raw materials. Better rigidity was found for generally amorphous cationomer coats. Changes were discussed in the surface free energy (SFE) values and in their components, as calculated independently with the use of the van Oss–Good and Owens–Wendt methods. Polyurethane coats turned out more hydrophobic as compared to cationomer ones. In both coat types, fluorine incorporated into cationomers contributed to lower SFE values: from 50 down to about 30 mJ/m2

    The Morphometric Analysis of the Human Thyroid of the Endemic Region of Ukraine

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    Introduction. Since the thyroid gland (TG), like the rest of the human body, is characterised by wide variety in shape and size, the evaluation of its linear and volumetric parameters by ultrasound images is one of the most important and objective ways of quantitative characteristics of the organ. There are scarce studies into TG morphometry by ultrasound in the Precarpathian region, which is one of the oldest endemic places in Europe. Objective. The aim of the current research study is to conduct the morphometric analysis of TG in adolescents of different sex and constitution who are indigenous inhabitants of the Precarpathian regionMaterials and methods. Therefore, the morphometric analysis of TG linear and morphometric parameters has been conducted in 179 adolescents inhabiting the territory. Ultrasonography has been carried out in Lviv Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital by means of “CHISON” sonograph. Three longitudinal and three anteroposterior dimensions of TG right and left lobes at different levels were measured based on the sonograms taken UDC: 611. 641 ̶ 018.1:6at the angle of 20 - 30° to the median plane. The volume of each TG lateral lobe was measured by the following formula: AxBxCx0.52, where A is the lobe length, B is the lobe width, C is the lobe thickness, and 0.52 is the coefficient of allowance. Results. The ratio between the linear parameters of the lobes has been revealed to be determined rather by constitutional than by sex peculiarities of those under study. It is statistically probable that longitudinal dimensions of both lobes in dolichomorphic people of both sexes exceed the analogous ones in mesomorphs and brachymorphs of both sexes. TG lobes in brachymorphs, in particular, are wider compared with those in both mesomorphs and dolichomorphs, irrespective of sex. The analysis of TG volumetric parameters in different body types of both sexes has indicated that TG volume in brachymorphs dominates in volume over mesomorphs and dolichomorphs, irrespective of sex. Moreover, the volume of the right lobe is larger than the volume of the left one by 0.5 -1.0 cm3 in all of the body types of both sexes. The difference is especially marked in males of the brachymorphic body type. Although there is no statistically probable difference in male and female TG volumes of mesomorphs and dolichomorphs. TG volumes in male brachymorphs are markedly larger than in female ones. As for volume variations they are quite extensive from a minimal male TG volume of 4.85 cm3 to a maximal one of 17.52 cm3, and from a minimal female TG volume of 3.09 cm3 to a maximal one of 14.51 cm3. Conclusions. Thuse the results of TG morphometry by ultrasound demonstrate that there is a direct correlation between TG linear, volumetric parameters and sex or body types, which should be taken into consideration while making a diagnosis in order to avoid incorrect positive diagnoses of TG hypo- or hyperplasia

    Synthesis and characterisation of coating polyurethane cationomers containing fluorine built-in hard urethane segments

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    Polyurethane cationomers were synthesised in the reaction of 4,4’-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) with polyoxyethylene glycol (M = 2,000) or poly(tetrafluoroethyleneoxide-co-difluoromethylene oxide) α,ω-diisocyanate and N-methyl diethanolamine. Amine segments were built-in to the urethane-isocyanate prepolymer in the reaction with 1-bromobutane or formic acid, and then they were converted to alkylammonium cations. The obtained isocyanate prepolymers were then extended in the aqueous medium that yielded stable aqueous dispersions which were applied on the surfaces of test poly(tetrafluoroethylene) plates. After evaporation of water, the dispersions formed thin polymer coatings. 1H, 13C NMR and IR spectral methods were employed to confirm chemical structures of synthesised cationomers. Based on 1H NMR and IR spectra, the factors κ and α were calculated, which represented the polarity level of the obtained cationomers. The DSC, wide angle X-ray scattering and atom force microscopy methods were employed for the microstructural assessment of the obtained materials. Changes were discussed in the surface free energy and its components, as calculated independently according to the method suggested by van Oss–Good, in relation to chemical and physical structures of cationomers as well as morphology of coating surfaces obtained from those cationomers. Fluorine incorporated into cationomers (about 30%) contributed to lower surface free energy values, down to about 15 mJ/m2. That was caused by gradual weakening of long-range interactions within which the highest share is taken by dispersion interactions

    Prognostic value of selected risk scales in patients with end-stage heart failure

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    Background: Due to the increasing number of patients placed on waiting lists for orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT), the selection of patients with the highest risk of death has become paramount.Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the predictive value of the Model for End-stage Liver Disease eXcluding INR (MELD-XI) and Meta-Analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC) scales in ambulatory patients awaiting OHT and compare them to the Heart Failure Survival Score (HFSS).Methods: The study was a retrospective review of 370 adult ambulatory patients with end-stage heart failure, who were added to the OHT waiting list at our institution between 2012 and 2016.Results: The median age of the patients was 54.0 (46.0–60.0) years, and 324 (87.6%) of them were male. The overall one-year mortality was 27.6%. The areas under the curve (AUCs) for the MAGGIC and HFSS scales were comparable: 0.771 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.720–0.823); sensitivity 77%, specificity 68% vs. 0.781 (95% CI 0.732–0.829); sensitivity 90%, specificity 58%, respectively. The AUC for the MELD-XI scale was higher than that for the HFSS scale: 0.812 (95% CI 0.769–0.856); sensitivity 91%, specificity 63% vs. 0.781 (95% CI 0.732–0.829) sensitivity 90%, specificity 58%, respectively.Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that elevated MELD-XI and MAGGIC scores and lowered HFSS scores were associated with an increased risk of death during one-year follow-up. The prognostic utility of the MELD-XI scoring system was better than that of the HFSS scale, while the MAGGIC scale was comparable to the HFSS

    Small cell carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation of subglottic larynx- a case report

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    Small cell cancer (SCC) is a neuroendocrine neoplasm, which is most frequently found in the lungs. Extrapulmonary location of SCC is rare and may involve 2.5-5% of SCCs. We present a case of a 31-year-old male patient with an extremely uncommon subglottic SCC. The patient was qualified for a radical sequential chemoradiotherapy. After treatment, patient’s condition suggested complete remission. Recurrence was detected one year later, and the disease rapidly progressed, despite a second line chemotherapy. The patient died 29 months after initial diagnosis. This case aims to raise awareness on the aggressive laryngeal SCC and its good response to first line chemotherapy composed of cisplatin and etoposide, followed by radiotherapy

    Comparison of reorganized versus unaltered cardiology departments during the COVID-19 era: a subanalysis of the COV-HF-SIRIO 6 study

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    Background: Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, numerous cardiology departments were reorganized to provide care for COVID-19 patients. We aimed to compare the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admissions and in-hospital mortality in reorganized vs. unaltered cardiology departments. Methods: The present subanalysis is a multicenter retrospective COV-HF-SIRIO 6 study that includes all patients (n = 101,433) hospitalized in 24 cardiology departments in Poland between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020, with a focus on patients with acute heart failure (AHF). Results: Reduction of all-cause hospitalizations was 50.6% vs. 21.3% for reorganized vs. unaltered cardiology departments in 2020 vs. 2019, respectively (p < 0.0001). Considering AHF alone respective reductions by 46.5% and 15.2% were registered (p < 0.0001). A higher percentage of patients was brought in by ambulance to reorganized vs. unaltered cardiology departments (51.7% vs. 34.6%; p < 0.0001) alongside with a lower rate of self-referrals (45.7% vs. 58.4%; p < 0.0001). The rate of all-cause in-hospital mortality in AHF patients was higher in reorganized than unaltered cardiology departments (10.9% vs. 6.4%; p < 0.0001). After the exclusion of patients with concomitant COVID-19, the mortality rates did not differ significantly (6.9% vs. 6.4%; p = 0.55). Conclusions: In cardiology departments reorganized to provide care for COVID-19 patients vs. unaltered ones, observed: i) a greater reduction in hospital admissions in 2020 vs. 2019; ii) higher rates of patients brought by ambulance and lower rates of self-referrals; and iii) higher all-cause in-hospital mortality for AHF due to COVID-19 related deaths

    Interaktywna prezentacja zagadnień środowiskowych za pomocą Google Fusion Tables na przykładzie zdjęć fitosocjologicznych wybranych okolic Tenczynka

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    W ostatnich latach zaobserwować można dynamiczny rozwój interaktywnych form przekazu, w tym kartografii internetowej i geowizualizacji. Celem pracy jest charakterystyka i ocena wybranych technik i narzędzi komputerowych wykorzystanych do utworzenia interaktywnej mapy zjawisk przestrzennych prezentującej wyniki obserwacji florystycznych przeprowadzonych w sołectwie Tenczynek (woj. małopolskie). Na badanym obszarze zidentyfikowano dwa szczególnie cenne przyrodniczo gatunki: kłokoczki południowej (Staphylea pinnata L.), krzewu spotykanego jedynie w południowej części Polski, w żyznych lasach liściastych oraz przylaszczki pospolitej (Hepatica nobilis Schreb.), gatunku wskaźnikowego klasy Querco-Fagetea obszarów najcieplejszych. W konkluzji wykazano, że narzędzie Fusion Tables jest użyteczne i stosunkowo proste w obsłudze przy relatywnie niewielkich nakładach pracy pozwala utworzyć interaktywną mapę dowolnego zjawiska o charakterze przestrzennym. Zwrócono również uwagę, że aplikacje internetowe mogą pełnić funkcję informacyjno-edukacyjną poprzez ukierunkowany i odpowiednio zredagowany przekaz