24 research outputs found

    Średniowieczna inskrypcja z murowanej przegrody w prezbiterium kościoła poklasztornego w Gościkowie-Paradyżu

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    In the church of the Cistercian abbey in Gościkowo-Paradyż (Paradisus Sanctae Mariae) in the Lubuskie Voivodeship, a polychrome from the second half of the 15th century was discovered during conservation works carried out in 2010-2017. It decorates one of the arcades of the last span of the presbytery, walled up in the Baroque period. The opening is half-covered with an openwork brick balustrade with an inscription - a quote from St. Bernard of Clairvaux. However, upon closer examination, it turned out that the attribution is not certain. The inscription is a quote from an anonymous sermon kept in the library of the Franciscan monastery in Reekhem, the Netherlands.W kościele opactwa cystersów w Gościkowie-Paradyz˙u (Paradisus Sanctae Mariae) w woj. lubuskim podczas prac konserwatorskich prowadzonych w latach 2010–2017 natrafiono na polichromię z drugiej połowy XV wieku. Zdobi jedną z arkad ostatniego przęsła prezbiterium, które zamurowano w epoce baroku. Otwór jest przesłonięty do połowy ażurową, murowaną balustradą z napisem określonym jako cytat ze św. Bernarda z Clairvaux. Po bliższej analizie okazało się, że przypisane w średniowieczu autorstwo tekstu nie jest pewne. Inskrypcja jest cytatem z medytacji nieznanego autora, której jedyny znany odpis przechowywany jest w bibliotece klasztoru Franciszkanów w Reekhem w Holandii

    Ocena postaw prozdrowotnych konsumentów nabywających żywność w sklepach specjalistycznych

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    Celem pracy była ocena postaw prozdrowotnych konsumentów nabywających żywność w sklepach specjalistycznych. Określono rodzaj i częstotliwość zakupu żywności oraz dokonano klasyfikacji respondentów ze względu na prezentowane postawy prozdrowotne. Badania zrealizowano metodą pomiaru sondażowego, techniką bezpośrednią. Ogółem przeprowadzono 190 wywiadów. Wyniki badań wskazują, iż dla klientów sklepów specjalistycznych zdrowotność spożywanej żywności ma duże znaczenie. Zwracają uwagę na jej skład kupując produkty naturalne z jak najmniejszą ilością konserwantów, jak najmniej przetworzone. Konsumenci ci są skłonni zapłacić więcej za produkty gwarantowanej jakości. Wyodrębniono trzy skupienia zróżnicowane pod względem postaw prozdrowotnych reprezentujące odpowiednio: 22, 18 i 60% badanej populacji. Skupienie 1 reprezentowane było w większości przez mężczyzn nie dbających o ilość zjadanych kalorii oraz nie zgłębiających wiedzy na temat zdrowego odżywiania, z kolei zwracających uwagę na jakość kupowanej żywności, gotowych zapłacić więcej za produkty gwarantowanej jakości. Natomiast skupienie 2 skupiało głównie mężczyzn o umiarkowanych postawach prozdrowotnych, niezainteresowanych tematyką zdrowego odżywiania. Najliczniej reprezentowane skupienie 3 w przewadze stanowiły kobiety cechujące się silnymi postawami prozdrowotnymi, dbające o ilość spożywanych kalorii, poszukujące i zgłębiające informacje dotyczące zdrowego odżywiania

    Physicochemical Investigations of Hydrogels Containing Gold Nanoparticles Designed for Biomedical Use

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    Currently, many investigations are being performed to develop dressing materials with a positive effect on the wound healingprocess. In general, innovative dressings should ensure wound exudate absorption, constitute an external barrier limiting thepossibility of wound contamination and, importantly, also provide therapeutic properties. This work is focused on obtainingmaterials with potential use as dressings for treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds. The synthesis methodology of acrylic hydrogelsmodified with selected modifiers, i.e. arabic gum, nanogold, bee pollen and chamomile extract, was developed. Next, thesorption properties of the materials were determined as well as their behavior during the incubation in fluids imitating theenvironment of the human body. Additionally, the impact of such an incubation on their structure was evaluated by FT-IR spectroscopy.It was proved that the modifiers affected the sorption properties of hydrogels, i.e. samples with additives showed evenapprox. 2.5-fold lower swelling ability. In turn, incubation of hydrogels in simulated body fluids did not cause any rapid changesin pH, which may indicate the biocompatibility of the tested materials with the tested fluids. Thus, it may be concluded that thedeveloped materials show great application potential for biomedical purposes and may be subjected to more advanced studiessuch as cytotoxicity assessments towards selected cell lines

    Atrybucja obrazów z kościoła opackiego w Starym Dworku

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    The works of Szymon Czechowicz (there are hundreds of them) are not fully recognized and in many cases, it is only possible to attribute them to him through the analysis of his existing works or fragmentary source information. One of such paintings is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the high altar in the post-Cistercian church in Obra. The attribution of the painting mentioned above was established thanks to the published note written by Piotr Widawski SOC, the last prior of the monastery in Bledzew. According to Widawski, the painting was done in 1759, and it was commissioned by the Obra Abbot Józef Michał Loka, who in the same year, was elected to be the abbot of the monastery in Bledzew, the position he had striven for since 1742. During a few years of his staying in Bledzew, Abbot Loka commenced building monastery wings and completed the church (Marian sanctuary) in Rokitno, as well as building and decorating the church in Nowa Wieś. He also, as the contemporary note says, ‘prepared the material for the construction of a residence in Stary Dworek’ and thanks to him and his financial support ‘all building materials for the construction of the church in Stary Dworek were prepared and delivered’. Three easel paintings of high artistic value in moulded frames are parts of the altars in the church devoted to St Joseph, the patron of Abbot Loka, in Stary Dwór. Two of them, the large format canvases, one of which depicts The Vision of St Bernard of Clairvaux and the other The Adoration of the Cross by St John of Nepomuk, display features characteristic of the oeuvre of Szymon Czechowicz. The third of the paintings in the church in Stary Dwór, presenting St Joseph with the Baby Jesus, is heavily over-painted, which makes Czechowicz’s painting features more difficult to perceive; the painting, however, remains in the convention of the painter’s style. The article does not settle the question of the canvases’ attribution; it only aims to draw attention to these forgotten works of art, whose condition can result in their destruction, which would be a serious loss to the art of this region

    Peregrynacja Matki Bożej Rokitniańskiej na dwór królewski w Warszawie, przyczynek do dziejów obrazu

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    The image of Our Lady displayed in the church in Rokitno – formerly owned by Kazimierz Jan Opalinski (1636-1693), the abbot of Bledzew and the bishop of Chełmno – was studied by the special diocesan commission due to the fact that the faithful received graces after praying for intercession in front of this image. The commission, established by Bishop Stefan Wierzbicki to assess sanctity of the image, debated in the years 1669-1671. It was composed of Rev. Kazimierz Jan Steczewicz, the dean of Zbąszyń, who prepared and published a report on the circumstances accompanying the work of the curial team of experts. Steczewicz also stated that the image itself was not present in Rokitno during the research because it had been taken to the royal court in Warsaw by King Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki. This article describes the circumstances (well-known from historical studies) of the peregrination of the image to Warsaw and Lublin and briefly presents the person of the bishop of Poznań, Stefan Wierzbicki, who contributed to making the Marian image of Rokitno famous

    “Iam seges est ubi Troia fuit”. Inscriptions from the no longer existing hall of the Cistercian monastery in Bledzew

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    Tekst opisuje dokument znajdujący się w zbiorach Archiwum Państwowego w Poznaniu. Jest to odpowiedź przeora bledzewskiego O. Jana Nepomucena Kalacińskiego i trzech innych profesów na ankietę przesłaną przez Konsystorza Poznańskiego z dnia 3 lipca 1828 r. z pytaniami o ilość mszy i innych nabożeństw sprawowanych w parafiach obsługiwanych przez cystersów, a także o treść znajdujących się w budynkach kościel-nych inskrypcji. Udzielony respons zawiera opis jednej z sal klasztornych, zdobionej malowidłami i napisami. Z ich treści wynika, iż wykonano je w następstwie obchodów jubileuszu 600-lecia ustanowienia reguły cystersów, który był obchodzony uroczyście w całym zakonie w 1699 roku. Malowidła musiały powstać po 1776 r., możliwe, że ich autorem był malarz Jan Seifrit (Szyfert), którego nazwisko zostało odnotowane w księdze wydatków klasztoru bledzewskiego. Znalezisko jest tym cenniejsze, iż sam klasztor w Bledzewie nie zachował się. Został rozebrany w 1843 r. i nie wiadomo jak wyglądało jego wnętrze. Opisany rękopis informuje o fazach budowy klasztoru, osobach, które przyczyniły się do jego powstania a także podaje wygląd jednej z najważniejszych sal klasztornych.The article presents a document from the collection of the State Archive in Poznan. It is a response of the Prior of Bledzew, Fr. Jan Nepomucen Kalaciński and three other professors to a questionnaire sent by the Consistory of Poznan on July 3rd, 1828 with questions about the number of holy masses and other services conducted in the Cistercian parishes as well as about the contents of inscriptions in church buildings. The response contains a description of one of the monastery halls decorated with paintings and inscriptions. From the contents of the inscriptions it follows that they were made in consequence of ceremonious celebrations of the 600th anniversary of founding the Cistercian rule in 1699. The paintings were supposedly made after 1776, probably by painter Jan Seifrit (Szyfert), whose name was recorded in the account book of the monastery. The finding is all the more valuable that the monastery in Bledzew no longer exists. It was dismantled in 1843 and there is no information about its interior design. The described manuscript informs about the stages of the monastery’s construction, people who contributed to its erection and describes one of its most important halls

    Obraz Serca Jezusowego w kościele w Pyrzanach, replika obrazu Serca Jezusowego z krakowskich Łagiewnik

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    In the parish church in Pyrzany (the district of Witnica) is a painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, brought from the Kozaki-Zazule in 1945. The painting was funded by the Archbishop Karol Hryniewiecki, the bishop of Vilnius and the titular bishop of Perge, in the years 1890-1904. Jan Bąkowski, a Krakow painter, is most likely its author and the painting is a replica of the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of 1896 from the Church of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy in Łagiewniki near Krakow. Sister Faustina Kowalska prayed before this painting and had numerous visions there in the years 1926-1928, 1933 and 1936-1938

    Time perspective, future anxiety, and hope for success in individuals awaiting bariatric surgery

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    Background - The paper focuses on the problems of temporal functioning of obese individuals and of individuals prepared for bariatric treatment. The experience of time heavily weighs on many areas of human functioning, everyday activity, planning and achieving goals, engaging in pro-health behaviours, and in consequence on the quality of life and on physical health. Contingent on numerous factors, obesity may be related to focusing on particular aspects of time perspective. The aim of the study was to determine the specificity of particular temporal dispositions in individuals prepared for bariatric surgery, and thus to devise suitable post-op psychological interventions. Participants and procedure - The study sample comprised 28 individuals (60.7% women, mean age M = 43.82 years, SD = 10.01, mean BMI M = 44.83 kg/m2, SD = 6.51) awaiting bariatric surgery. The data were collected individually with the following pen-and-paper questionnaires: the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, the Dark Future Scale, and the Polish adaptation of Snyder’s Adult Hope Scale, which is named the Hope for Success Questionnaire. Results - The results showed the prevalence of present hedonistic time perspective in the obese. With regard to future anxiety or the hope for success, no significant deviations from the general population were observed. Conclusions - The results indicate that this group is in need of temporal psychotherapy aimed at balancing the time perspective. The results may also be interpreted through the lens of contextual determinants connected with task orientation preceding the surgery

    Powikłania kardiologiczne w terapii onkologicznej

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