87 research outputs found

    Presentation of Social Stories with Tablet Computers in Social Skill Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an advanced and complex developmental disability. Furthermore, it is described as a disorder that occurs during the early developmental stages, characterized by limited, repetitive behavioral patterns and interests or activities, problems in various forms of social communication and interaction that persist throughout life. The problems that children with ASD experience in social communication and interaction skills also lead to problems in acquisition of social skills. Children with ASD experience mutual social communication difficulties, as well problems in non-verbal social behavior and establishing social relationships. Social stories are written with a perspective of a child in a special format to explain social situations to children with ASD, to instruct social skills and allow them to cope with difficulties in social situations. In the present study, the effectiveness of social story tablet computer software on the acquisition of social skills by children with ASD was analyzed. Two male and 1 female 5-7 years old students who were diagnosed with ASD were included in the study. The social stories developed by the authors before the instruction were adapted to tablet computer environment. The teachers employed in the institution and were the instructors of the students in the study group were informed about the presentation of these stories to the children with ASD and the application. The “sharing” behavior was selected among the social stories that were developed based on the course requirements. In the first two study sessions, the authors provided feedback for the teachers who conducted the study. The study was conducted with a single-subject design with multiple probe model with probe conditions across participants design. The study findings demonstrated that social story tablet computer program was effective on the acquisition of social skills by children with ASD. An increase in the sharing behavior of all three participants was observed. Furthermore, three participating teachers expressed positive views on the social story tablet computer software

    Severe head trauma in children: Analysis of 68 cases in light of current guidelines

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    Aim: To assess the characteristics of severe head trauma in the pediatric age group and to analyze its results under the currentguideline.Material and Methods: Eighty pediatric patients (<18 years) admitted to our hospital with the diagnosis of severe head trauma andtreated by neurosurgery and the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) between 2014 and 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. Of these,68 patients who met the study criteria were selected. Besides the demographic data of the patients, the presenting neurologic, clinic,radiologic and laboratory findings were recorded. Then the association between these variables and 1-year Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS) scores was analyzed.Results: There is a correlation between the presenting GCS scores and 1-year GOS scores of the patients when grouped as favorable(4-5) and unfavorable (1-3). Regarding the other admission findings, the patients with hypothermia, the patients with hyperglycemia,the patients to whom CPR was applied, the patients with pupillary areflexia, the patients with hypoxia and the patients with neurologicaldeterioration have lower 1-year GOS scores. There was no difference between the gender, age, type of injury, type of trauma (isolatedhead trauma or multiple trauma), presence of shock on admission, having hematoma surgery, having decompressive craniectomy,treatment with ICP monitoring and 1-year GOS scores. The overall mortality rate was 29.4% (20 patients), and the rate of poorprognosis (GOS 1-3) was 48.5% (33 patients).Conclusion: Children with severe head trauma should be treated at centers that are experienced in the field per updated guidelines.Since the morbidity and mortality rates of severe head trauma are still high, efforts toward improving preventive measures shouldalso be considered

    Evaluation of quality of life and physical activity in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract Objective: The aim of the study is to compare the quality of life, physical activity, anxiety, depression, fear of hypoglycemia, loneliness perception in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and controls. Subjects and methods: Forty-four patients and 63 controls were included in this cross-sectional study. Quality of life (Short Form 36-SF-36), physical activity level (International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short form), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), fear of hypoglycemia (Hypoglycemia Fear Survey), loneliness perception (UCLA Loneliness Scale) were evaluated. Results: Physical role limitations and general health perception subscale scores of SF-36 questionnaire in patients were significantly lower than the controls (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Role limitations due to physical problems and fear of hypoglycemia are increased, and general health perception is impaired in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Physical inactivity is an important symptom in individuals in the pandemic period. In this regard, telerehabilitation approaches will be beneficial for all individuals in increasing physical activity, improving quality of life, and decreasing anxiety, depression and loneliness perception during the pandemic period for all individuals. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach in diabetes management and dealing with problems should be considered in pandemic

    Kur'ân meallerindeki hataların sebepleri (seçme mealler çerçevesinde)

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    Ülkemizde Arapça bilmeyenler için Kur’ân’ı anlama noktasında Kur’ân mealleri ehemmiyet taşımaktadır. Fakat bu eserler çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı hatalar barındırmaktadır. Hem çeviri, hem çeviren hem de çevresel etmenlerden oluşan bu sebeplerin incelenmesi, meallerdeki hataların en aza indirilerek okurlar için daha iyi bir meal hazırlayabilmek adına önem arz etmektedir. Ayrıca bu hatalar rağbet gören ve yetkin kişiler tarafından yazılmış meallerde de bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle sadece hataların sebeplerini sıralamak yeterli değildir. Bu çalışma ile bahsedilen bu hataların örnekleri ve onları hazırlayan iç ve dış etmenler ele alınmıştır. Bunun için öncelikle Kur’ân mealleri açısından önemli olan kavramlar incelenmiş, bu kavramları ortaya çıkaran ve etkileyen hususlara değinilmiştir. Çalışma için seçilen metinlerin yazarları ve meallerinin mukaddimeleri incelenerek bu eserlerden seçilen hata örnekleri değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada meal alanı ile ilgilenen diğer mütercimlerin eğitim bilgileri de tablo halinde listelerle verilip yorumlanmıştır. Kur’ân meallerindeki hataların sebepleri çoğunlukla çeviri ile ilgili olmakla birlikte, bazı çevresel etmenler de mealleri dolaylı olarak etkilemiş, bu eserlerde hata oluşmasına yol açmıştır.--------------------For those who do not speak Arabic in our country, the translations of the Quran are important in understanding the Quran. However, these works contain errors for various reasons. Examination of these reasons, consisting of both translation, translator and environmental factors is important in order to prepare a better translation for the readers by minimizing the errors in the translations. In addition, these errors are also found in the translations written by popular and specialist authors. For this reason, it is not enough just to list the causes of the errors. In this study, examples of these errors and the internal and external factors that prepared them were discussed. For this, first of all, the concepts that are important for the translations of the Quran have been examined, and the issues that reveal and affect these concepts are mentioned. The authors of the texts selected for the study and their translations were examined and the error examples selected from these works were evaluated. In the study, educational information of other translators who are interested in the field of translation are given in tabular lists and interpreted. Although the reasons for the errors in the translations of the Quran are mostly related to translation, some environmental factors have also indirectly affected the translations and caused errors in these works

    Leke, Işık Ve Dokunun Plastik Değer Olarak Resimde İrdelenmesi

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1994Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1994Sanat eserinin incelenmesi, hem genişliğine, hem derinliğine bir araştırma gerektirmektedir. Bu genişlik dünyanın bütün yüzeyi, derinliğide tarihin geçmiş yüzyıllarıdır. Onun içindirki, dünya Plastik Sanatların (Resim- Heykel-Mimari) irdelenmesine yönelme, sanat kültürünün tanınmasında tek yoldur. Bunu yapmadan yöresel değerlendirmelere gitmek, kimi iddialar çerçevesi içinde kalmak durumunu ortaya çıkarır. Bu çalışmanın amacı da yapıtlarındaki somut ve soyut nesnelerin plastik olarak zihinsel duyumlama yeteneğimizde bambaşka etkiler uyandırmak amacını gütmesidir. Bu bağlamda dünya sanatında, resmin dilini oluşturan öğelerin yapıtlarımda da irdelenmesi problem olarak ortaya konulan sorunlara çözüm getirmiştir. Plastik Sanat'ın en belirgin özelliği ve onu bilimden ayıran nitelikler den biri aynı amaç içinde değişik -zaman zaman apayrı çözümler verebilmesi- bu durumdan ötürü de çağlan, toplumları, kişileri birbirinden ayıran değişik estetik tercihlerin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamasıdır. Fonksiyonu belirli ve sınırlı bir öge için dahi, görsel açıdan farklı, hatta bambaşka etkiler uyandırabilecek algılama söz konusu olabilmektedir. Bu olgu Sanat'ın niteliği ve gücü hakkında basit fakat ilginç, aynı zamanda kesin bir yargı olarak ifade edilebilir. Resim düzlemindeki görsel elemanlar, plastik bir düzen oluşturacak şekilde kullanılması biçimi oluşturmaktadır. Resimde biçimi oluşturan öğeler çizgi ve renk olarak karşımıza çıksada leke çizgiden ve renkten daha etlilidir. Birinci bölümde homojen bir yüzeyle zıtlaşan alan olarak tanımlanan lekenin çizgiden ve renkten etkili olduğu irdelenmekte; ikinci ve üçüncü bölümlerde ışığın ve dokunun resimdeki yerleri saptanmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde Görsel etkileri bilinç düzeyinde belli bir süreçten geçirmek için, sözlü olarak tanımlamak, irdelemek vasıflandırmak kuram sal içeriğe dönüştürmek amacı güdülmüştür. Bu amaçla Geştalt teorileri kapsamında var olan tüm ilkeler ve etmenler göz önüne alınarak komposizyon bütünlüğü aranmaya çalışılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde örnek olarak önerileni yapıtlarındaki Leke-doku ve ışığın bütüne anlam kazandıran, onu oluşturan parçalar olarak değil; bu par çaların ne şekilde biraraya geldikleri ve parçalar arasındaki ilişki açıklan maya çalışılmıştır. Bunun için biçimsel organizasyon, alan kuvvetleri ve izomorfizim kavramları ile görsel etkinlik irdelenmiştir.Examining an art object reguires to make research bath on the cultural and historical context of it. Therefore, analysing the " Visiual Arts" -paintings, sculpture and architecture is the only way of getting know the culture through the art. Without this research method, referring to the regional evaluations cause corruptions by narrow-minded theories. Purpose of my work is to create different visual impressions through various visiualization of figurative and non-figurative patterus. In that context, there is a solution brought to the problem of pattern element, which is an existing problem in the painting world. The most characteristic feature of visual arts, and what makes it different than a science is the different solutions and aesthetic preferences throughout the ages under same circumstances. Even a little object, having a certain function and a limited form can cause totally different visual impressions. This can be a very simple, sharp and charming expression of "power of the art". The placing of the visual elements in a plastic order on the painting surface is making the pattern. The elements making the pattern are the drawings and the colors, but the shade-which can be commented as another element-is more efficent. In the first chapter, shade, described as an opposing area to a homogenous surface, is discussed as a more efficient element compared with drawings and color. In the second and the third chapters importance of texture and light is discussed. In the fourth chapter, due to the necessity of solidifeing the visual effects, to describe it, to analyse and classify it and finally making a theory of it, we refer to Geştalt theory and its components. In the fifth chapter the painting elements shade, texture and light in my VIII sample works are tried to be explained not as painting elements making it a whole, but through the relations between them. Therefore pattern organisations, areal forces and isomorphism concepts and visual efficency is discussed.Yüksek LisansM.A

    Hyponatremia in a child with tuberculous meningitis in PICU: Cerebral salt wasting syndrome

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    Cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSW) has been reported in cases with subarachnoid haemorrhage, infections, head injury, brain tumours, trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery, and neurosurgery. It is characterized by extracellular fluid depletion and hyponatraemia caused by progressive natriuresis with concomitant diuresis.The relationship between tuberculous menengitis and CSW in children has been desciribed rarely. We describe a case of CSW in an eight years old child with tuberculous meningitis in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) whose main biochemical findings were low serum sodium, excessive urine sodium loss and clinical evidence of a contracted extracellular fluid volume.It is essential that in any child with hyponatremia and meningitis in PICU, an evaluation to be undertaken to differentiate between syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and CSW. A wrong diagnosis might lead to inappropriate fluid restriction and worsen the hypovolemia in children with CSW. Supplements of sodium chloride and mineralocorticoids may be useful in managing children with CSW. PICU professionals must be aware of the clinical and laboratory features that distinguish CSW from SIADH

    İlk altı asır tefsirlerinde yedi gök ifadesi

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    TEZ 297.1227/BOŞiKaynakça: 133-139 ss.[Özet Yok

    Erken devir İslâm literatüründe Ebu Hanife ve Kelam ilmiyle ilişkisi

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    ÖZETEbû Hanîfe İslâm düşüncesinin oluşum döneminde yetişmiş önemli bir şahsiyettir. Onun fikirleri İslâm coğrafyasının büyük bir bölümünde kabul görmüştür. Ancak bazı konularda Ebû Hanîfe'nin görüşleri üzerinde kitlesel tartışmalar cereyan etmiştir. Bu tartışmaların bir kısmı günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Tartışılan konular genel olarak Ebû Hanîfe'nin Mürcie ile ilişkisi ve halku'l-Kur'an konusundaki tutumudur. Ebû Hanîfe'nin düşünceleri üzerindeki tartışmalar karşılıklı spekülasyonlar şeklinde devam etmektedir. Kimi zaman aynı argümanı karşıt iki grup kullanabilmektedir. Bu durum Ebû Hanîfe'nin erken devir kaynaklarında nasıl tasvir edildiği sorusunu ister istemez akla getirmektedir. Ayrıca Ebû Hanîfe'nin İslâm alemi için ne denli önemli bir âlim olduğu göz önüne alındığında, onun gibi birinin yeterince araştırılmamış ve fikirlerinin belirlenmemiş olmasının İslâm düşüncesi açısından bir eksiklik olacağı açıkça ortadadır."Erken devir İslâm Literatüründe Ebû Hanîfe ve Kelâm İlmiyle İlişkisi" başlıklı bu tezde erken dönemden başlayarak İslâm litartüründe Ebû Hanîfe'ye nispet edilen görüşleri ana kaynaklarından hareketle belirleme amacı güdülmüştür. Tezde bir yandan erken dönem kaynaklarında Ebû Hanîfe'ye nispet edilen görüşler aktarılırken diğer yandan bu eserlerde aktarılan bilgileri teyit eden veya tenkit eden doğrudan veya dolaylı veriler de mercek altına alınacaktır. Ayrıca modern çalışmalara da başvurulmuş; bu sayede erken devir kaynaklarında aktarılan iddiaların bu günün gözüyle incelenmesi verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca konular tartışma merkezli ele alınmış, iddialar ve analizleri sıralanarak sonuca varılmaya çalışılmıştır.ABSTRACTAbu Hanifah is an important figure who has grown in the formation period of Islamic thought. His opinions gained acceptance in a large part of the geography of the Islamic world. However, some massive discussions on the opinions of Abu Hanifah took place. Some of these discussions came until today. Objects at the issue are generally relation of Abu Hanifah to Murji'ah and his attitude towards the discussion of Khalq al-Quran (Creation of the Quran). Discussions on the opinions of Abu Hanifah continue in the form of mutual speculations. Two opponent groups occasionally use the same argument. This situation brings the question of how Abu Hanifah were pictured in the early literature. Moreover, in view of importance of Abu Hanifah for the Islamic world, it is a clear deficiency in the Islamic thought that somebody like him was not studied enough and his opinions were not sufficiently identified. In this thesis which is titled "Abu Hanifah in The Early Islamic Literature and His Relation to The Science of Kalam", it is aimed to identify the opinions attributed to Abu Hanifah in the Islamic literature beginning from the early period, with reference to the main sources. In the thesis, the opinions attributed to Abu Hanifa in the early Islamic sources will be cited and also direct or indirect data conforming this information or criticizing them will be put under the microscope. Moreover, the modern studies are referred; by this means, it is tried to look at the claims given in the early sources with today's eyes. Besides, the subjects are taken in a discussion-based way and a conclusion is to be drawn by listing the claims and their analyzes

    Depression Status in Children’s Parents During Hospitalization in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

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    Aim: The purpose of this research was to determine depression levels in parents of children hospitalized in the intensive care unit and to identify any variation between maternal and paternal depression levels. Method: The study was performed with 25 mothers and fathers of patients hospitalized between February and April 2015 in the Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The Beck Depression Inventory was used to evaluate the parents’ depression levels. Results: The mothers and fathers of 25 patients were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 61.2 ± 53.8 months (range, 3-172 months). Nineteen (76%) of patients had poor socioeconomic status, 4 (16%) had average socioeconomic status, and 2 (8%) had good status. The mean Beck Depression Inventory score was 17.9 ± 11.1 among mothers and 17.1±9.95 among fathers. No correlation was determined between socioeconomic status and maternal or paternal depression level (p= 0.64 and p= 0.77, respectively). Similarly, there was no correlation between education level and maternal or paternal levels of depression (p= 0.37 and p= 0.77). Conclusion: Depression levels in both mothers and fathers of children hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit are significantly higher than those of the normal population. This study might now be repeated with wider patient groups. This study reveals the need for mothers and fathers of patients to be given psychological counseling and psychiatric support

    Türk Gemiadamlarının Beslenmesi Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

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    Diğer meslek gruplarına göre gemi adamlarının çalışma şartları daha ağırdır. Özellikle 7/24 ve belirli periyotlarda (genellikle 3/6/10 ay) gemi üzerinde çalışan ve yaşayan gemi adamlarının temel gereksinimlerinin (barınma ve beslenme şartları) karşılanması önem arz eder. Doğru beslenme adına yapılması gereken her şey sırasıyla belirtilmiş, sağlıklı olmak ve sağlıklı yaşamak için önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Bu sebepten Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) tarafından Gemiadamlarının Sağlık Rehberi yayınlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı Türk Gemiadamlarının gemide beslenme alışkanlıklarının belirlenmesidir. Böylece uluslararası standartlara uygun olup-olmadığı ve gemide beslenme şartlarının iyileştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu hedefleri gerçekleştirmek üzere anket hazırlanmış ve gemide farklı görev yapan 60 Türk Gemiadamına uygulanmıştır. Anket araştırmasına göre elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde genel olarak Türk Gemiadamlarının sağlıklı beslendikleri yiyecek ve içeceklerine dikkat ettikleri saptanmıştır. Verilerden elde edilen bulgulara göre kendilerine zararlı olabileceklerini düşündükleri yiyecek ve içeceklerden uzak durdukları veya olabildiğince uzak durmaya çalıştıkları görülmüştür