21 research outputs found

    Lessons learned on research uptake by next users

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    CIAT is the leader of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and much of CIAT’s work contributes directly to this global effort. The strength of CIAT’s climate change research is its focus on disseminating solid research results through partnerships. In order to understand the key elements of success of this participatory and user-oriented approach, CIAT is implementing a simple but effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system. This includes monitoring results and conducting external validation studies. Based on this M&E system, 3 main lessons have been learned during the past year and a half, which are relevant to policy makers and investors

    The effectiveness of knowledge sharing: the case of ProMusa

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    This brief is based on a report by Genowefa Blundo-Canto and Elisabetta Gotor ‘Evaluation of Bioversity International’s ProMusa networkIn 2013, a study was undertaken to assess the nature and effectiveness of ProMusa from the point of view of its members and subscribers, what outputs are produced and how these are translated into outcomes and disseminated outside the network. The network provides the type and quality of services that its members expect: InfoMus@ and the mailing lists are the most successful service. An efficient and timely service on disease outbreaks and other breaking news is also a fundamental tool for ProMusa’s members and subscribers, and it should be a priority

    Monitoring the composition and evolution of the research networks of the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB)

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    Several tools have been developed in the last three decades to manage not-for-profit research activities. Most of these tools have focused on research outputs or outcomes, while few have analysed the processes of research and innovation to identify emerging problems and opportunities during the course of a project. This brief presents a cost-effective methodology that can be used to monitor changes in research networks. Since these networks change as the research projects mature (Kratzer, Gemuenden and Lettl, 2008), tracking the network structure provides information on the nature and evolution of research activities

    CIAT research on improving livelihoods of smallholder coffee producers in Nicaragua

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    The results of CIAT’s studies have provided the scientific basis for the collaborative design and implementation of a series of CRS-led projects, also providing recommendations and lessons learned from each project into the proposal and implementation of the next. In this study, we specifically evaluate the short-term impacts of a project for the improvement of smallholder coffee producers’ livelihoods carried out in Nicaragua by CRS with collaboration from CIAT between 2011 and 2014. The project, called “BRIDGES: Bridges from Scarcity to Sufficiency’’ was the latest in a chain of interventions in Nicaragua led by CRS, and to which CIAT has contributed since 2009. Based on data collected in 2014 to help design and to assign treatment and control groups for a new CRS project (Resilience to Rust), which include information on BRIDGES participants, our findings show that participation in the BRIDGES project has increased months of adequate food provision (MAHFP) for project beneficiaries by 0.3 months, by increasing economic access to food via increased production. Participation in BRIDGES appears associated with an increase in bean yields, of about 230 kg per hectare, and in an increase of almost one income source, however these results are sensitive to different model specifications. Finally, participations in BRIDGES appears associated with a 6% reduction in household dependency from coffee income

    Estado del arte de los productos de información climática en Colombia

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    Este trabajo presenta el inventario del estado del arte de los productos de información climática en Colombia. Se espera que este documento se convierta en una guía, para conocer la oferta de información climática disponible en internet, que es relevante en la toma de decisiones agrícolas, identificando cuáles son sus principales usuarios y cuáles son los mecanismos de flujo de información utilizados. La metodología que orienta este documento se basa en el informe técnico, realizado por CATIE, sobre el estado del arte de los productos de información agroclimática en América Central (CATIE, 2015). Con este enfoque, La información fue colectada a través de búsquedas sistemáticas en el buscador web de Google con palabras clave. Adicionalmente, se realizó la revisión de las páginas Web de organismos como el servicio meteorológico y Ministerios de agricultura y de ambiente, y del sector publico/privado como: gremios, corporaciones y centro de investigación. Los resultados muestran aproximadamente 17 instituciones generando información climática, agroclimática y de seguridad alimentaria para Colombia. La mayoría de publicaciones con información agroclimática de forma periódica proviene de instituciones como IDEAM, CENICAFÉ, CENICAÑA y CIAT-CCAFS vinculadas a los cultivos de interés y difundida por AGRONET, páginas web de cada institución y redes sociales. Se recomienda tener un sistema unificado de consulta (metadato y mapa) sobre información de todas las estaciones meteorológicas activas en el territorio nacional, dada la dificultad para encontrar la información. El ámbito geográfico de las publicaciones abarca en muchos casos la escala nacional, pero se encuentra distintas publicaciones para las principales ciudades, enfoque en departamentos específicos. El tipo de usuarios a los cuales se dirige la información son, en su mayoría para técnicos o servicios de extensión, pero se encuentran algunas publicaciones enfocadas para agricultores a través de boletines en formato físico y medios audiovisuales. Se encontraron varias publicaciones con recomendaciones para apoyar la toma de decisiones en el sector agropecuario, ya sea por cultivos o por región productiva. La periodicidad de las publicaciones varía desde información en tiempo real, corto plazo (días), análisis decadales e información mensual. Se percibe en reuniones con diferentes usuarios de información climática un alto nivel de desconocimiento sobre toda la oferta y utilidad de dicha información para la toma de decisiones en el sector agropecuario

    Mapeo de Actores y Necesidades de Información Agroclimática en los Cultivos de Maíz y Frijol en sitios piloto - Colombia

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados del mapeo de actores y necesidades de información agroclimática en los cultivos transitorios de seguridad alimentaria: maíz y frijol arbustivo en sitios piloto en Colombia. A través del mapeo de los actores que transmiten información a los agricultores, la confianza en la información proporcionada, y las necesidades de información para la toma de decisiones, logramos entender el ancho espectro de problemas y prioridades a tomar en cuenta en la producción de estos cultivos, y proponer soluciones útiles, relevantes, confiables, sostenibles y aplicables. Con este enfoque, se llevaron a cabo 27 entrevistas semi-estructuradas con informantes clave y 12 grupos focales con un total de 151 agricultores en los departamentos de Córdoba y Santander. Los resultados evidencian que una de las prioridades de los agricultores es recibir información agroclimática confiable a escala local, que permita tomar mejores decisiones de siembra, variedades, insumos y manejo de suelos y cultivos ante eventos de variabilidad climática. Se evidencia una desconfianza en las instituciones oficiales que transmiten información climática y un sentimiento difuso de falta de interés de las instituciones hacia los pequeños agricultores. Los agricultores se endeudan para lograr producir fríjol arbustivo y maíz o subsidian la producción por otros cultivos, mientras el acceso a un seguro agrícola es limitado. El formato preferido para recibir información climática es a través de mensajes de texto (celular) y mensajes en la radio local. Grupos de interacción presencial o virtual entre agricultores y expertos parecen una alternativa útil y confiable para recibir y compartir información en tiempo real. Sin embargo, los agricultores están interesados en adoptar el manejo agrícola tras un pronóstico si: a) la información es local, b) proviene de una fuente considerada confiable como expertos u otros agricultores, c) se transmite en el momento adecuado para la toma de decisiones y d) si sus efectos son medibles, verificables y validados, por ejemplo, a través de resultados de pilotos o parcelas experimentales en dos años consecutivos. ENGLISH This working paper presents the results of the mapping of actors and of agroclimatic information needs in pilot sites in Colombia for two annual crops, fundamental for food security: maize and bush beans. The mapping of the actors that transmit information to farmers, the confidence the latter have in the information provided, and their information needs for decision-making, allows us to understand the broad spectrum of issues and priorities to be taken into account in the production of these crops, and suggest solutions that are useful, relevant, reliable, sustainable and applicable. Under this assumption, we conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with key informants and 12 focus groups with a total of 151 farmers in the departments of Córdoba and Santander. Results show that one of the priorities of farmers is to receive reliable local agroclimatic information that enables them to take decisions on planting, varieties, inputs, soil and crop management, that address climate variability. We find a generalized distrust of official institutions that transmit weather information, and a feeling that institutions are not interested in smallholders. Farmers resort to indebtedness to produce beans and maize, or subsidize production with cash crops, while access to agricultural insurance is limited. The format preferred to receive weather information is text messages (phone) and information through the local radio. The creation of groups of farmers and experts who interact in person or virtually seem a useful and reliable alternative to receive and share information in real time. However, farmers are only interested in adopting farm management changes after a forecast if: a) the information is local, b) the information is given by a trusted source such as experts or other farmers, c) the information is transmitted at the right time for decision-making d) the effects of taking these decisions are measurable, verifiable and validated, for example, through pilots or results from experimental plots in two consecutive years

    Local, reliable and timely agro-climatic information: a requirement of Colombian farmers

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    Awareness of climatic information relevant for future decisions through climatic forecasts is not enough to support farmer’s decision-making. It is necessary to look for agricultural management alternatives that allow farmers to adapt to climatic conditions and implement efficient and sustainable management systems, within a framework of effective communication with farmers (Jones, 2003; Pulwarty et al., 2003). In Latin America are very few the initiatives related to climatic forecasts. The Project “Agroclimatic services and food security information for improved decision-making – AgroClimas” aims to support private and public sector actors in Colombia, Guatemala and Honduras to implement and use agro-climatic risk management tools, validated and adjusted to the needs of final users. This info note presents results from a mapping of actors and agro-climatic information needs in crops important for food security (maize and bush beans), in pilot sites of the project in Colombia. The hypothesis underlying the study is that through mapping actors who transmit information (climatic, prices, technical and financial) to farmers, knowing if this information is considered reliable, identifying unattended information needs and preferred formats to receive it that would support production decisions, one can devise useful, relevant, reliable, sustainable applicable solutions