127 research outputs found

    Comment on "Novel Convective Instabilities in a Magnetic Fluid"

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    Comment on the paper "Novel Convective Instabilities in a Magnetic Fluid" by W. Luo, T. Du, and J. Huang, Phys. Rev. Lett., v.82, p.4134 (1999).Comment: 1 page, 1 figure, To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2001

    Magnetization of rotating ferrofluids: the effect of polydispersity

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    The influence of polydispersity on the magnetization is analyzed in a nonequilibrium situation where a cylindrical ferrofluid column is enforced to rotate with constant frequency like a rigid body in a homogeneous magnetic field that is applied perpendicular to the cylinder axis. Then, the magnetization and the internal magnetic field are not longer parallel to each other and their directions differ from that of the applied magnetic field. Experimental results on the transverse magnetization component perpendicular to the applied field are compared and analyzed as functions of rotation frequency and field strength with different polydisperse Debye models that take into account the polydispersity in different ways and to a varying degree.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics

    Magnetic Soret effect: Application of the ferrofluid dynamics theory

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    The ferrofluid dynamics theory is applied to thermodiffusive problems in magnetic fluids in the presence of magnetic fields. The analytical form for the magnetic part of the chemical potential and the most general expression of the mass flux are given. By employing these results to experiments, global Soret coefficients in agreement with measurements are determined. Also an estimate for a hitherto unknown transport coefficient is made.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a ferrofluid

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    We report the first observation of axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a cylindrical magnetic fluid layer surrounding a current-carrying metallic tube. According to the ratio between the magnetic and capillary forces, both elevation and depression solitary waves are observed with profiles in good agreement with theoretical predictions based on the magnetic analogue of the Korteweg-deVries equation. We also report the first measurements of the velocity and the dispersion relation of axisymmetric linear waves propagating on the cylindrical ferrofluid layer that are found in good agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Transport properties of an ionic magnetic colloid: experimental study of increasing the ionic strength

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    Abstract The phase separation of an ionic magnetic colloid in zero magnetic field by increasing the ionic strength is well known [Universite Paris VI, France, 1987; J. Colloid Interface Sci. 132 (1989) 1]. The present work deals with investigation of an ionic ferrofluid by increasing the ionic strength in the range of 0-0.14 mol/l, being safely below the threshold value at which the effect of phase separation occurs. By the optical grid setup [Fourth International conference PAMIR, France, 2000], the main transport properties of a ferrofluid, i.e. translational mass diffusion and thermal diffusion (Soret) coefficients, are measured. The obtained results show a strong dependence of mass diffusion coefficient and no dependence of the Soret coefficient upon increasing the ionic strength. It is possible to explain both these effects theoretically; nevertheless, there is the lack of an exact theoretical model due to its complexity.

    Invalidation of the Kelvin Force in Ferrofluids

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    Direct and unambiguous experimental evidence for the magnetic force density being of the form MBM\nabla B in a certain geometry - rather than being the Kelvin force MHM\nabla H - is provided for the first time. (M is the magnetization, H the field, and B the flux density.)Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid submitted to a magnetic field

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    We report the observation of wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid mechanically forced and submitted to a static normal magnetic field. We show that magnetic surface waves arise only above a critical field. The power spectrum of their amplitudes displays a frequency-power law leading to the observation of a magnetic wave turbulence regime which is experimentally shown to involve a 4-wave interaction process. The existence of the regimes of gravity, magnetic and capillary wave turbulence is reported in the phase space parameters as well as a triple point of coexistence of these three regimes. Most of these features are understood using dimensional analysis or the dispersion relation of the ferrohydrodynamics surface waves

    Ferrohydrodynamics: testing a new magnetization equation

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    A new magnetization equation recently derived from irreversible thermodynamics is employed to the calculation of an increase of ferrofluid viscosity in a magnetic field. Results of the calculations are compared with those obtained on the basis of two well-known magnetization equations. One of the two was obtained phenomenologically, another one was derived microscopically from the Fokker-Planck equation. It is shown that the new magnetization equation yields a quite satisfactory description of magnetiviscosity in the entire region of magnetic field strength and the flow vorticity. This equation turns out to be valid -- like the microscopically derived equation but unlike the former phenomenological equation -- even far from equilibrium, and so it should be recommended for further applications.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Instability of the origami of a ferrofluid drop in a magnetic field

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    Capillary origami is the wrapping of an usual fluid drop by a planar elastic membrane due to the interplay between capillary and elastic forces. Here, we use a drop of magnetic fluid whose shape is known to strongly depend on an applied magnetic field. We study the quasi-static and dynamical behaviors of such a magnetic capillary origami. We report the observation of an overturning instability that the origami undergoes at a critical magnetic field. This instability is triggered by an interplay between magnetic and gravitational energies in agreement with the theory presented here. Additional effects of elasticity and capillarity on this instability are also discussed.Comment: in press in PRL (2011