6,032 research outputs found

    A study of real-time computer graphic display technology for aeronautical applications

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    Hardware, algorithms and software for real-time raster graphics were designed and implemented

    Pseudo-potential treatment of two aligned dipoles under external harmonic confinement

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    Dipolar Bose and Fermi gases, which are currently being studied extensively experimentally and theoretically, interact through anisotropic, long-range potentials. Here, we replace the long-range potential by a zero-range pseudo-potential that simplifies the theoretical treatment of two dipolar particles in a harmonic trap. Our zero-range pseudo-potential description reproduces the energy spectrum of two dipoles interacting through a shape-dependent potential under external confinement very well, provided that sufficiently many partial waves are included, and readily leads to a classification scheme of the energy spectrum in terms of approximate angular momentum quantum numbers. The results may be directly relevant to the physics of dipolar gases loaded into optical lattices.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    PHENIX and the Reaction Plane: Recent Results

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    During the past several years, experiments at RHIC have established that a dense partonic medium is produced in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV. Subsequently, a primary goal of analysis has been to understand and characterize the dynamics underlying this new form of matter. Among the many probes available, the measurements with respect to the reaction plane has proven to be crucial to our understanding of a wide range of topics, from the hydrodynamics of the initial expansion of the collision region to high-pt jet quenching phenomena. Few tools have the ability to shed light on such a wide variety of observables as the reacion plane. In this article, we discuss recent PHENIX measurements with respect to the reaction plane, and the implications for understanding the underlying physics of RHIC collisions.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, Submitted for proceedings to the Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics 2010, Ocho Rios, Jamaic

    Global culture: A noise induced transition in finite systems

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    We analyze the effect of cultural drift, modeled as noise, in Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. The disordered multicultural configurations are found to be metastable. This general result is proven rigorously in d=1, where the dynamics is described in terms of a Lyapunov potential. In d=2, the dynamics is governed by the average relaxation time T of perturbations. Noise at a rate r 1/T sustains disorder. In the thermodynamic limit, the relaxation time diverges and global polarization persists in spite of a dynamics of local convergence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. For related material visit http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept

    Characteristic Angles in the Wetting of an Angular Region: Deposit Growth

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    As was shown in an earlier paper [1], solids dispersed in a drying drop migrate to the (pinned) contact line. This migration is caused by outward flows driven by the loss of the solvent due to evaporation and by geometrical constraint that the drop maintains an equilibrium surface shape with a fixed boundary. Here, in continuation of our earlier paper [2], we theoretically investigate the evaporation rate, the flow field and the rate of growth of the deposit patterns in a drop over an angular sector on a plane substrate. Asymptotic power laws near the vertex (as distance to the vertex goes to zero) are obtained. A hydrodynamic model of fluid flow near the singularity of the vertex is developed and the velocity field is obtained. The rate of the deposit growth near the contact line is found in two time regimes. The deposited mass falls off as a weak power Gamma of distance close to the vertex and as a stronger power Beta of distance further from the vertex. The power Gamma depends only slightly on the opening angle Alpha and stays between roughly -1/3 and 0. The power Beta varies from -1 to 0 as the opening angle increases from 0 to 180 degrees. At a given distance from the vertex, the deposited mass grows faster and faster with time, with the greatest increase in the growth rate occurring at the early stages of the drying process.Comment: v1: 36 pages, 21 figures, LaTeX; submitted to Physical Review E; v2: minor additions to Abstract and Introductio

    System Size Dependence of Particle Production at the SPS

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    Recent results on the system size dependence of net-baryon and hyperon production as measured at the CERN SPS are discussed. The observed Npart dependences of yields, but also of dynamical properties, such as average transverse momenta, can be described in the context of the core corona approach. Other observables, such as antiproton yields and net-protons at forward rapidities, do not follow the predictions of this model. Possible implications for a search for a critical point in the QCD phase diagram are discussed. Event-by-event fluctuations of the relative core to corona source contributions might influence fluctuation observables (e.g. multiplicity fluctuations). The magnitude of this effect is investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figurs. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement in Dubna, Aug. 201

    Dilute Bose gases interacting via power-law potentials

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    Neutral atoms interact through a van der Waals potential which asymptotically falls off as r^{-6}. In ultracold gases, this interaction can be described to a good approximation by the atom-atom scattering length. However, corrections arise that depend on the characteristic length of the van der Waals potential. We parameterize these corrections by analyzing the energies of two- and few-atom systems under external harmonic confinement, obtained by numerically and analytically solving the Schrodinger equation. We generalize our results to particles interacting through a longer-ranged potential which asymptotically falls off as r^{-4}.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases

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    We study the behavior of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1d) Bose gases by Monte Carlo techniques, i.e., by the variational Monte Carlo, the diffusion Monte Carlo, and the fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo technique. Our calculations confirm and extend our results of an earlier study [Astrakharchik et al., cond-mat/0308585]. We find that a quasi-1d Bose gas i) is well described by a 1d model Hamiltonian with contact interactions and renormalized coupling constant; ii) reaches the Tonks-Girardeau regime for a critical value of the 3d scattering length a_3d; iii) enters a unitary regime for |a_3d| -> infinity, where the properties of the gas are independent of a_3d and are similar to those of a 1d gas of hard-rods; and iv) becomes unstable against cluster formation for a critical value of the 1d gas parameter. The accuracy and implications of our results are discussed in detail.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Complementarity Endures: No Firewall for an Infalling Observer

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    We argue that the complementarity picture, as interpreted as a reference frame change represented in quantum gravitational Hilbert space, does not suffer from the "firewall paradox" recently discussed by Almheiri, Marolf, Polchinski, and Sully. A quantum state described by a distant observer evolves unitarily, with the evolution law well approximated by semi-classical field equations in the region away from the (stretched) horizon. And yet, a classical infalling observer does not see a violation of the equivalence principle, and thus a firewall, at the horizon. The resolution of the paradox lies in careful considerations on how a (semi-)classical world arises in unitary quantum mechanics describing the whole universe/multiverse.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; clarifications and minor revisions; v3: a small calculation added for clarification; v4: some corrections, conclusion unchange

    Few-body resonances of unequal-mass systems with infinite interspecies two-body s-wave scattering length

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    Two-component Fermi and Bose gases with infinitely large interspecies s-wave scattering length asa_s exhibit a variety of intriguing properties. Among these are the scale invariance of two-component Fermi gases with equal masses, and the favorable scaling of Efimov features for two-component Bose gases and Bose-Fermi mixtures with unequal masses. This paper builds on our earlier work [D. Blume and K. M. Daily, arXiv:1006.5002] and presents a detailed discussion of our studies of small unequal-mass two-component systems with infinite asa_s in the regime where three-body Efimov physics is absent. We report on non-universal few-body resonances. Just like with two-body systems on resonance, few-body systems have a zero-energy bound state in free space and a diverging generalized scattering length. Our calculations are performed within a non-perturbative microscopic framework and investigate the energetics and structural properties of small unequal-mass two-component systems as functions of the mass ratio Îș\kappa, and the numbers N1N_{1} and N2N_2 of heavy and light atoms. For purely attractive Gaussian two-body interactions, we find that the (N1,N2)=(2,1)(N_1,N_2)=(2,1) and (3,1)(3,1) systems exhibit three-body and four-body resonances at mass ratios Îș=12.314(2)\kappa = 12.314(2) and 10.4(2), respectively. The three- and four-particle systems on resonance are found to be large. This suggests that the corresponding wave function has relatively small overlap with deeply-bound dimers, trimers or larger clusters and that the three- and four-body systems on resonance have a comparatively long lifetime. Thus, it seems feasible that the features discussed in this paper can be probed experimentally with present-day technology.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figure
