831 research outputs found

    Livonian language texts in the Estonian Literary Museum 175th or Oskar Loorits fund

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    The article considers written Livonian language sources located in the Estonian Cultural History Archives of the Estonian Literary Museum and which linguists can use in their studies. The most extensive collection of Livonian language sources – around 1200 pages of unpublished texts – are located in the Oskar Loorits 175th fund. Estonian folklore researcher Oskar Loorits (1900–1961) visited Livonians for scientific purposes several times in the 1920s and 1930s and helped Livonians in their cultural efforts as well. Since most of his communication with Livonians consisted of letters, Loorits’ archive is a valuable information source not only about Livonian social and cultural life, but also about the Livonian language. There are lots of original Livonian poems and translations into Livonian in the 175th fund, too.Kokkuvõte. Renāte Blumberga: Liivi keele tekstid Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi 175. ehk Oskar Looritsa fondis. Artikkel käsitleb Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi kultuuriloolises arhiivis talletatud liivi keele kirjalikke allikaid, mida keeleteadlased saavad kasutada oma uurimustes. Kõige suurem liivi keeleallikate kogu, mis sisaldab umbes 1200 lehekülge publitseerimata tekste, on 175. ehk Oskar Looritsa fond. Eesti rahvaluuleuurija Oskar Loorits (1900–1961) külastas liivlasi mitmeid kordi teaduslikel eesmärkidel 1920. ja 1930. aastatel ning aitas samuti liivlasi nende kultuurilistes ettevõtmistes. Kuna tema suhtlemine liivlastega toimus ikkagi põhiliselt kirja teel, on Oskar Looritsa arhiiv väärtuslik infoallikas mitte ainult liivi ühiskondliku ja kultuurielu kohta, vaid ka liivi keele uurimiseks. Selles 175. fondis on ka rohkelt algupärast liivi luulet ja tõlkeid liivi keelde.Märksõnad: liivi keel, liivi murded, liivi keele kirjalikud allikad, liivi kirjanduse ajalugu, liivi kultuuriajalugu, Eesti arhiividKubbõvõttõks. Renāte Blumberga: Līvõ kīel tekstõd Ēsti Literatūrmuzēj 175. agā Oskar Loorits fondõs. Kēra um iļ līvõ kīel kēratõd ovātõd, mis ātõ Ēsti Literatrmuzējsõ kultūristōrij arhīvõs ja midā kēļnikād sōbõd kȭlbatõ eņtš tuņšlõkšis. Amā sūŗimi līvõ kīelovātõd kub, kus ātõ immõr 1200 līedpūoldõ ulzandõmõt tekstidi, um 175. fond agā Oskar Loorits fond. Ēsti folklōr tuņšliji Oskar Loorits (1900–1961) kei līvlizt jūsõ tieudlizt võttõkstõks setmiņ kõrdõ 1920. ja 1930. āigastis ja äbțiz ka līvliztõn nänt kultūrtīesõ. Ku Oskar Loorits kubbõpūtimi līvliztõks vȯļ pǟažālistõz kērakouţi, sīesõt um Oskar Loorits arhīv vǟrtli tīetovāt äb set iļ līvõ ītkub ja kultūr, bet ka līvõ kīel tuņšlimiz pierāst. Sīes 175. fonds um ka pǟgiņ irgizt līvõ lūolõ ja tulkõmidi līvõ kīelõ

    University Professors' Epistemic Authority Assessment in Actual and Time-Remote Interaction

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    The epistemological aspect of knowledge is described as a subject of psychology and pedagogy studies, students’ views about learning or acquisition of knowledge and learning skills, role of experience in which knowledge is construed. Epistemic authority is related to the social context, interaction within this context in which transmission and exchange of knowledge take place and which is studied in the concept of social epistemology. Studies into epistemological views of students reveal the specifics of academic areas: students may have views about knowledge in general, this influences their behaviour, but they may differ in academic areas. Epistemic authority was explained as an essential factor in the process of acquisition of knowledge in schools and universities. An empirical study consisting of two stages was conducted to investigate student-perceived epistemic authority of university professors. Research target is to find out the level of assessment of perceived epistemic authority of university professors in the student and graduate samples and in study area groups. Author use epistemic authority research methodology, which include survey - Epistemic Authority Scale. A comparison of the results on the level of the sample shows that the results of study one  and two are similar to the results obtained in the original study, and this, in general, suggests similar tendencies in assessment of professors’ epistemic authority regardless of cultural environment and the time distance when the measurements were made

    Delights and distractions: descriptions and vocabulary in the 1927 and 1928 Livonian ethnographic expedition materials of Ferdinand Linnus

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    Estonian researcher Ferdinand Linnus (1895–1942) was the first professional ethnologist to work with the Livonians. During three expeditions in 1927 and 1928, he spent seven months in the Livonian villages and recorded his observations and consultant accounts in nine notebooks, which he titled “Liivi etnograafia” (Livonian Ethnography). This is a unique, though underutilised, resource. The goal of this article is to publish a selection of F. Linnus’s notes and to acquaint researchers with this resource, which provides information on Livonian traditional culture and its related terminology in Livonian. This article provides accounts of delights and distractions – enjoyments and pastimes – from consultants representing every Courland Livonian dialect. Without altering their content, the accounts have been supplemented and arranged so they form fluid texts understandable to the reader. The content in Livonian is left in its original spelling with the corresponding form in the modern Livonian orthography given in brackets.Kokkuvõte. Renāte Blumberga: Rõõmud ja takistused: Ferdinand Linnuse 1927. ja 1928. aasta liivi etnograafiliste ekspeditsioonide materjalide kirjeldused ja sõnavara. Eestlane Ferdinand Linnus (1895–1942) oli esimene elukutseline etnoloog, kes töötas liivlaste juures. Kolme ekspeditsiooni käigus 1927. ja 1928. aastal viibis ta liivi külades kokku seitse kuud ning kirjutas keelejuhtide jutustusi üles üheksas vihikus, millele andis pealkirja “Liivi etnograafia”. See on ainulaadne allikate kogum, mida seni pole uurimustes peaaegu üldse kasutatud. Käesoleva artikli eesmärgiks on avaldada väike osa Ferdinand Linnuse üleskirjutustest ning tutvustada uurijatele seda allikat, mis pakub teavet liivi rahvuskultuurist ja sellega seonduvast terminoloogiast liivi keeles. Käesolevasse publikatsiooni on valikuliselt koondatud liivlaste jutustusi naudingute ja meelelahutuste kohta. Keelejuhid esindavad kõiki Kuramaa liivi keele murdeid. Jutustusi on nende algset sisu muutmata täiendatud ja korrastatud nii, et kujuneks ladus ja lugeja jaoks arusaadav tekst. Liivi keeles üles kirjutatud tekst on avaldatud vastavalt originaalile, aga nurksulgudes on esitatud tänapäeva liivi kirjakeele vaste.Märksõnad: etnograafia, leksika, keelekontakt, kultuurikontakt, liivi keel, liivi kultuurKubbõvõttõks. Renāte Blumberga: Virtimi ja mīel lagtimi: kērad ja sõnāvīļa Ferdinand Linnus 1927. ja 1928. āigast līvõd etnogrāflizt ekspedītsijd materiāliš. Ēstli Ferdinand Linnus (1895–1942) vȯļ ežmi profesionāli etnolog, kis vȯļ kilās līvlizt jūs. Kuolm ekspedītsij āigal 1927. ja 1928. āigasts ta jelīz līvõd kilīs īdskubs seis kūdõ ja kēratiz ilzõ eņtš tǟdõl pandõd ažād ja kīeljūodijizt nīžõd īdõks rōntõ sil, näntõn īdskubs ta āndiz nim “Līvõd etnogrāfij”. Se um īdkȭrdali kub, mis seņtš pigātagā äb ūo tuņšlimižis kȭlbatõd. Sīepierāst sīe kēra ilzandõks um ulzõ andõ īd piškīz jag F. Linnus ilzkēratõkšist, las tuņšlijizt sōgõd tundtõbõks sīe materiālõks, mis tarmõb tieutidi iļ līvõd irdiz kultūr ja sīesõ kȭlbatõd sõnāvīļa. Kērast āt lieudtõb līvõd nīžõd iļ virtimiz ja mīel lagtimiz, ja kīeljūodijid ātõ perīņ jegāst Kurmō līvõd kīelmurdst. Nīžõd, mõitiņtõmõt nänt sižāliz, āt pandõd kõrdõl ja sǟdõd nei, laz suggõg jõvīst jūokšiji ja luggijiz pierāst arū sodõb tekst. Līvõ kīelkõks ilzõ kēratõd tekst um ulzõ andtõd nemē se um kēratõd origināls, bet kvadrātklāmbaŗis se um nägțõd tämpizõs līvõ kērakīels

    The Livonian language as used in letters in the 1930s: a view into the correspondence of the editors of “Līvli”

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    Using vocabulary examples from the letters of the only two editors of the 1930s Livonian language newspaper “Līvli”, this article shows that it is possible to find new words in sources which have been little utilized up until now in linguistic studies with which it is possible to supplement the Livonian lexicon. The vocabulary examples show the types of new words and borrowing that the “Līvli” editors put to use in their correspondence and whether these reflect forms found in the 2012 “Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary”, which is the largest project devoted to the Livonian language undertaken in recent times. A brief analysis is provided on the basis of these examples showing whether the spelling of these words and their grouping by declension type is done in a consistent manner or whether changes are necessary in this respect. It is concluded that in the “Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary” there is a considerable diversity in declension types in need of being simplified for the following groups of borrowed words: 1) nouns ending in Latvian with -āris, -ārs and in Livonian with -ār; 2) nouns ending in Latvian with -ors and in Livonian with -or, -ōr; 3) nouns ending in Latvian with -āls, -āle, -ālis and in Livonian with -al, -āl, 4) adjectives ending in Latvian with -āls and in Livonian with -āl. Likewise, it is concluded that in newly formed words, especially borrowed international words, word formation principles are not followed consistently. Additionally, examples of possible new words, which could be added to the dictionary of the Livonian literary language, are provided in this article.Kokkuvõte. Renāte Blumberga: Liivi keel 1930. aastate kirjades: pilk ajakirja “Līvli” toimetajate kirjavahetusele. Artiklis näidatakse 1930. aastatel ilmunud liivikeelse ajakirja “Līvli” mõlema toimetaja Aņdrõks Štāleri ja Kōrli Stalte kirjadest leiduvate sõnavaranäidete abil, et ka seni keeleteaduslikes uurimustes vähe kasutatud allikatest on võimalik leida uusi sõnu liivi keele sõnavara täiendamiseks. Sõnavaranäited annavad ettekujutuse sellest, milliseid uudis- ja võõrsõnu kasutasid “Līvli” toimetajad oma kirjavahetuses ning kas need langevad kokku viimase aja suurimas kirjakeele allikas – 2012. aastal ilmunud “Liivi-eesti-läti sõnaraamatus” – esitatud vormidega. Nende näidete alusel esitatakse ka lühianalüüs selle kohta, kas sõnaraamatu sõnade kirjutusviis ja muutevormistik on reeglipärased ning kas selles osas on vaja muudatusi. Jõutakse järeldusele, et “Liivi-eesti-läti sõnaraamatus” on täheldatav kõikuvus sõnade muutevormides. Seda oleks tarvis ühtlustada järgnevates võõrsõnade rühmades: 1) nimisõnadel, mille lõpp läti keeles on -āris, -ārs ja liivi keeles -ār; 2) nimisõnadel, mille lõpp on läti keeles -ors ja liivi keeles -or, -ōr; 3) nimisõnadel, mille lõpp on läti keeles -āls, -āle, -ālis ja liivi keeles -al, -āl, 4) omadussõnadel, mille lõpp on läti keeles -āls ja liivi keeles -āl. Samuti järeldati, et uudissõnades – eriti puudutab see rahvusvahelisi laene – pole järgitud kindlaid sõnaloome põhimõtteid. Artiklis on esitatud ka näiteid võõrsõnadest, mille abil saaks liivi kirjakeele sõnaraamatut täiendada.Märksõnad: liivi keel, liivi keele allikad, liivi kultuuriajalugu, keelekorraldus, liivi ortograafia, laenud, sõnavara täiendamineKubbõvõttõks. Renāte Blumberga: Līvõ kēļ 1930. āigastõd kēris: pilk āigakēra “Līvli” tuoimijid kēravaitõksõ. Kēra nägțõb 1930-dis āigastis ulzõ tund āigakēra “Līvli” mȯlmõd tuoimijid Aņdrõks Štāler ja Kǭrli Stalte kēris lieudõbõd sõnāvīļa nägțõbõd abkõks, ku īž siedaig sǭņõ kīeltieudližis tuņšlõksis veitõ kȭlbatõd ovātis või lieudõ ūži sõņḑi līvõ kīel sõnāvīļa täutõntõmiz pierāst. Sõnāvīļa nägțõbõd āndabõd jeddõnägțõks sīestõ, mingiži ūdõks- ja vȭrsõņḑi kȭlbatizt “Līvliz” tuoimijid eņtš kēravatõksõs ja või ne sadābõd kubbõ perīz āiga sūrimõs kērakīel ovātõs – 2012. āigastõn ulzõ tund “Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārǭntõs” – nägțõd formõdõks. Nänt nägțõkst pūoj pǟl sǭb andtõd līti anālīz sīestõ, või sõnārǭntõs sõnād kēratimi ja nõtkijid formõd ātõ pandõkspierrizt agā nēši um vajāg mȭitõkši. Um pierāldõd, ku “Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārǭntõs” um nǟdõb äbīdlit sõnād mȭitantimiz tīpis. Siedā vȯlks īdlistõmõst nēši vȭrsõnād tīpis: 1) ažāsõnād, kus lețkīels tutkāmõl um -āris, -ārs ja līvõ kīels -ār; 2) ažāsõnād, kus lețkīels tutkāmõl um -ors ja līvõ kīels -or, -ōr; 3) ažāsõnād, kus lețkīels tutkāmõl um -āls ja līvõ kīels -al, -āl. Vel um pierāldõd, ku ūdõkssõņši – īžkiz rovdvailižis täpīņtõd sõņši – äb ūot piddõt viššõd sõnāvīțimiz pūojmõtkõd. Kēras ātõ tūodõd ka nägțõkst vȭrsõņšti, missõks sǭb līvõ kērakīel sõnārōntõzt täutõntõ

    Hybrid System with Biomethanation for Wind Energy Accumulation in the Baltic Countries

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    AbstractRenewable electrical energy use has great advantages, especially in case of solar and wind energy. Among these – resource sustainability is the biggest advantage. Some renewable energy resources are related to the irregularity of the energy source. One of the most promising technologies is biogas biomethanation with hydrogen, the model of which is analyzed in this article. The methodology developed allows one to analyze the broad spectrum of hybrid systems with biomethanation for wind energy accumulation where the accumulation of wind energy potential, on the one side, meets the interests of the biogas station which can utilize this energy

    Using of Indicators for Environmental Impact Assessment in Latvia and Necessity for Indicators Validation

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    The EIA procedure in Latvia as it`s known today was implemented by the law „On environmental impact assessment” in 1998. The quantity assessment of expected environmental impact is provided by indicators giving the highest impartiality in this process. The choice of indicators and their approval in EIA projects in Latvia have not received the right attention, the issue is left upon the EIA performers. The problematic issues on necessity of indicator selection and validation are dealt with in the article. 39 environmental indicators were selected for EIA of motor road projects, with the evaluation of their significance and essence, as well as the analysis f application of these indicators in 14 reports concerning EIA of motor road projects. The results revealed the existing problems of indicator application and proved the assumption that there is no common indicator system for the assessment of impact of similar economic projects, proving the necessity of indicator validation to ensure good quality of assessment


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    The top priority of medical institutions is to provide quality patient care services. Considering that healthcare personnel are to work with colleagues from various cultures, important are medical personnel training, in-service training, improvement of professional knowledge and skills, ability to adapt to working in a diverse team. The planning of employee training and in-service training is based on the strategic targets and personnel training needs of each institution. Qualification support programmes are organised for medical personnel to improve their professional knowledge and the knowledge and skills of medical nurses in the areas primarily related to patient care, but there is lack of training in stress management and development of stress resistance, as well as facilitation of collaboration with individuals of various cultures. The aim of the research study is to assess the work stress levels of healthcare personnel, the applied work stress management strategies, the levels of social and psychological adaptation of personnel, the ability to adapt to cultural diversity, and their mutual correlations. Research questions: What are the levels of work stress of healthcare personnel? What are the work stress management strategies applied by healthcare personnel? What are the levels of social and psychological adaption of healthcare personnel? What is the ability of healthcare personnel to adapt to cultural diversity? Are there statistically significant correlations between personnel work stress, the applied work stress management strategies, the levels of social and psychological adaptation, the ability to adapt to cultural diversity of the personnel? What exactly should be included in the personnel training plan while preparing the personnel for work in a multicultural environment? The respondents in the research study are healthcare personnel carrying out their duties in Latvia and Scandinavia simultaneously. The following surveys were used for data collection: A Work Stress Scale, a Stress Management Survey, a survey regarding social and psychological adaptation and a Cultural Diversity Self-evaluation Survey. The results of the research study suggest that most of the respondents have low levels of work stress, the active and pro-social management strategies are most frequently used to manage stress, the social and psychological adaptation score corresponds to a medium level. As a result of the research study, the authors prepared recommendations for the Human Resources Department regarding the organisation of training in stress management and development of stress resistance, as well as in the fundamentals of collaboration with individuals of various cultures in order to improve their professional and personal competences


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    The authors provides reasons for the significance of assessment of epistemic authority of university professors, explicates the concept of epistemic authority and the issues related to research into this concept. In English, epistemic or epistemological means “of, relating to, or involving knowledge; cognitive”. An epistemic authority is a source of information who has a determining role in the process knowledge formation (Kruglanski, 1989). Authors analysed conceptual approaches to problems related to assessment of epistemic authority of university professors and to expand on the explanations to the problems in view of the results of the research study on student-perceived epistemic authority of university professors. The article includes the results of students (N=152) and graduates (N=210) of institutions of higher education located in Riga (Latvia).

    Index Decomposition Analysis for Energy Sectors in Latvia

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    AbstractThis study explores the causes of changes in energy intensity in Latvia by applying logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition analysis for energy sectors. Analysis on the latest data (2008-2012) reveals if any technological or structural changes have occurred during and after economic downturn in Latvia. The results show that the reduction in energy intensity before the year 2008 can be largely attributed to decline in energy intensities within sectors, but the increase in energy intensity after the year 2008 is regarded to expansion of energy demanding sectors

    Forecast of Waste Generation Dynamics in Latvia

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    AbstractPlausible data that illustrates future trends of waste production dynamics is essential for waste management system development. Optimal decisions regarding technological solutions for waste management or policy instrument application can be made if correct figures regarding the amounts of waste produced are available. This paper presents a study on the elaboration of estimations of municipal waste generation. The study covers the elaboration of a research algorithm, analysis of characteristics of factors that influence dynamics of waste amounts produced, and the elaboration and analysis of potential scenarios. As a result of this research, a prognosis of the waste amounts to be generated in for Latvia for the 2015 – 2020 period is elaborated