2,844 research outputs found

    Pleading Panic: Pure Emotional Damages as Sickness or Disease for Bodily Injury Claims

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    On the surface, Derousse v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance. Co. may be a relatively minor matter of statutory interpretation: Does Missouri insurance law require coverage for pure emotional distress caused by uninsured motorists? In answering the question, however, the court\u27s generous rules of interpretation signal its recent willingness to expand recovery for emotional distress claims. Traditionally, Missouri took a conservative approach to allowing emotional damages in tort claims. Derousse is a stark example that the old regime is a relic

    Anharmonicity and self-energy effects of the E2g phonon in MgB2

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    We present a Raman scattering study of the E2g phonon anharmonicity and of superconductivity induced self-energy effects in MgB2 single crystals. We show that anharmonic two phonon decay is mainly responsible for the unusually large linewidth of the E2g mode. We observe ~ 2.5 % hardening of the E2g phonon frequency upon cooling into the superconducting state and estimate the electron-phonon coupling strength associated with this renormalization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted to PR

    Methods for heat transfer and temperature field analysis of the insulated diesel phase 2 progress report

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    This report describes work done during Phase 2 of a 3 year program aimed at developing a comprehensive heat transfer and thermal analysis methodology for design analysis of insulated diesel engines. The overall program addresses all the key heat transfer issues: (1) spatially and time-resolved convective and radiative in-cylinder heat transfer, (2) steady-state conduction in the overall structure, and (3) cyclical and load/speed temperature transients in the engine structure. During Phase 2, radiation heat transfer model was developed, which accounts for soot formation and burn up. A methodology was developed for carrying out the multi-dimensional finite-element heat conduction calculations within the framework of thermodynamic cycle codes. Studies were carried out using the integrated methodology to address key issues in low heat rejection engines. A wide ranging design analysis matrix was covered, including a variety of insulation strategies, recovery devices and base engine configurations. A single cylinder Cummins engine was installed at Purdue University, and it was brought to a full operational status. The development of instrumentation was continued, concentrating on radiation heat flux detector, total heat flux probe, and accurate pressure-crank angle data acquisition

    Methods for heat transfer and temperature field analysis of the insulated diesel

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    Work done during phase 1 of a three-year program aimed at developing a comprehensive heat transfer and thermal analysis methodology oriented specifically to the design requirements of insulated diesel engines is reported. The technology developed in this program makes possible a quantitative analysis of the low heat rejection concept. The program is comprehensive in that it addresses all the heat transfer issues that are critical to the successful development of the low heat rejection diesel engine: (1) in-cylinder convective and radiative heat transfer; (2) cyclic transient heat transfer in thin solid layers at component surfaces adjacent to the combustion chamber; and (3) steady-state heat conduction in the overall engine structure. The Integral Technologies, Inc. (ITI) program is comprised of a set of integrated analytical and experimental tasks. A detailed review of the ITI program approach is provided, including the technical issues which underlie it and a summay of the methods that were developed

    Sliding Density-Wave in Sr_{14}Cu_{24}O_{41} Ladder Compounds

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    We used transport and Raman scattering measurements to identify the insulating state of self-doped spin 1/2 two-leg ladders of Sr_{14}Cu_{24}O_{41} as a weakly pinned, sliding density wave with non-linear conductivity and a giant dielectric response that persists to remarkably high temperatures

    Observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2 superconductor

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    We report observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2 superconductor with T_c=39K arising from the fluctuations in the relative phase between two superconducting condensates. The novel mode is observed by Raman spectroscopy at 9.4 meV in the fully symmetric scattering channel. The observed mode frequency is consistent with theoretical considerations based on the first principle computations.Comment: Accepted for PR

    Methods for heat transfer and temperature field analysis of the insulated diesel, phase 3

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    Work during Phase 3 of a program aimed at developing a comprehensive heat transfer and thermal analysis methodology for design analysis of insulated diesel engines is described. The overall program addresses all the key heat transfer issues: (1) spatially and time-resolved convective and radiative in-cylinder heat transfer, (2) steady-state conduction in the overall structure, and (3) cyclical and load/speed temperature transients in the engine structure. These are all accounted for in a coupled way together with cycle thermodynamics. This methodology was developed during Phases 1 and 2. During Phase 3, an experimental program was carried out to obtain data on heat transfer under cooled and insulated engine conditions and also to generate a database to validate the developed methodology. A single cylinder Cummins diesel engine was instrumented for instantaneous total heat flux and heat radiation measurements. Data were acquired over a wide range of operating conditions in two engine configurations. One was a cooled baseline. The other included ceramic coated components (0.050 inches plasma sprayed zirconia)-piston, head and valves. The experiments showed that the insulated engine has a smaller heat flux than the cooled one. The model predictions were found to be in very good agreement with the data